public ActionResult Index() { AtlData2Model<Plan> s = new AtlData2Model<Plan>(); List<Plan> planlist = new List<Plan>(); object o = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetSection("log4net"); log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(o as System.Xml.XmlElement); log4net.ILog logger = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger("WebLogger"); logger.Info("读取计划"); string condition = "replace(ep.etd1,'后告','00:00:00')>='1900-01-01 00:00:00' and replace(ep.etd1,'后告','00:00:00')<='"+DateTime.Now.ToString()+" 23:59:59' and loc.loc_name not in ( '改航', '离港') "; ATLDATALib.IDBDataAtl rs = SM.RPC.ProcessControl.GetShipList1("condition", condition, "type", "five"); logger.Info("转换 atldata2model"); if (rs.IsOK()){ planlist = s.ConvertList(rs); }else { ViewBag.ErrorInfo = rs.GetErrorinfo(); } //planlist = planlist.Take(10).ToList(); logger.Info("返回"); return View(planlist); }
//[UserAuthorize] public ActionResult Index() { //新闻 AtlData2Model<News> a2m = new AtlData2Model<News>(); List<News> newslist = new List<News>(); ATLDATALib.IDBDataAtl rs = SM.RPC.ShipBoxPriceControl.GetNewsList("ntype", ""); if (rs.IsOK()) { newslist = a2m.ConvertList(rs); } else { ViewBag.ErrorInfo = rs.GetErrorinfo(); } newslist = newslist.Take(10).ToList(); ViewBag.newslist = newslist; //客户列表 AtlData2Model<Customer> c_a2m = new AtlData2Model<Customer>(); List<Customer> customerlist = new List<Customer>(); ATLDATALib.IDBDataAtl c_rs = SM.RPC.ShipBoxPriceControl.GetShipMemo("ntype", ""); if (rs.IsOK()) { customerlist = c_a2m.ConvertList(c_rs); } else { ViewBag.ErrorInfo = rs.GetErrorinfo(); } ViewBag.customerlist = customerlist; return View(); }
// // GET: /News/ public ActionResult Index() { AtlData2Model<News> a2m = new AtlData2Model<News>(); List<News> newslist = new List<News>(); ATLDATALib.IDBDataAtl rs = SM.RPC.ShipBoxPriceControl.GetNewsList("ntype", ""); if (rs.IsOK()){ newslist = a2m.ConvertList(rs); }else{ ViewBag.ErrorInfo = rs.GetErrorinfo(); } return View(newslist); }
//我的订舱 public ActionResult Orders(int? id) { if (id == null) id = 1; AtlData2Model<UserOrder> a2m = new AtlData2Model<UserOrder>(); List<UserOrder> orderlist = new List<UserOrder>(); ATLDATALib.IDBDataAtl rs = SM.UserRPC.ShipBoxPriceControl.GetSailBoxList( "emp_id", Session["user_id"], "type", "2", "pagnum", id, "pagcount", 10 ); string pageCount = "0"; if (rs.IsOK()) { orderlist = a2m.ConvertList(rs); pageCount = orderlist.FirstOrDefault().totalpag; } else { ViewBag.ErrorInfo = rs.GetErrorinfo(); } ViewBag.pageCount = pageCount; = id; return View(orderlist); }
public ActionResult Five(string id) { GetCustome(); AtlData2Model<Plan> a2m = new AtlData2Model<Plan>(); List<Plan> planlist = new List<Plan>(); string etd_start = "1901-01-01"; string etd_end = DateTime.Now.ToString(); String condition = "replace(ep.etd1,'后告','00:00:00')>='" + etd_start + " 00:00:00' and replace(ep.etd1,'后告','00:00:00')<='" + etd_end + " 23:59:59' and loc.loc_name not in ( '改航') and give_trust = '" + Gcustomer.customer_id + "'"; ATLDATALib.IDBDataAtl rs = SM.UserRPC.ProcessControl.GetShipList1("condition", condition, "type", "five"); if (rs.IsOK()) { planlist = a2m.ConvertList(rs); } else { ViewBag.ErrorInfo = rs.GetErrorinfo(); } //planlist = planlist.Take(10).ToList(); return View(planlist); }