Пример #1
        static void drawGizmosNode(AtalsAreaNode r)
            Vector3 extents = new Vector3(r.nodeAreaRect.w, r.nodeAreaRect.h, 0);
            Vector3 pos     = new Vector3(r.nodeAreaRect.x + extents.x / 2, -r.nodeAreaRect.y - extents.y / 2, 0f);

            Gizmos.color = Color.yellow;
            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(pos, extents);
            if (r.img != null)
                Gizmos.color = new Color(UnityEngine.Random.value, UnityEngine.Random.value, UnityEngine.Random.value);
                extents      = new Vector3(r.img.w, r.img.h, 0);
                pos          = new Vector3(r.nodeAreaRect.x + extents.x / 2, -r.nodeAreaRect.y - extents.y / 2, 0f);
                Gizmos.DrawCube(pos, extents);
            if (r.child[0] != null)
                Gizmos.color = Color.red;
            if (r.child[1] != null)
                Gizmos.color = Color.green;
Пример #2
 public void Set(int ww, int hh, int outw, int outh, AtalsAreaNode r, bool fits, float e, float sq)
     w    = ww;
     h    = hh;
     outW = outw;
     outH = outh;
     root = r;
     largerOrEqualToMaxDim = fits;
     efficiency            = e;
     squareness            = sq;
Пример #3
 static void printTree(AtalsAreaNode r, string spc)
     Debug.Log(spc + "Nd img=" + (r.img != null) + " r=" + r.nodeAreaRect);
     if (r.child[0] != null)
         printTree(r.child[0], spc + "      ");
     if (r.child[1] != null)
         printTree(r.child[1], spc + "      ");
Пример #4
        ////public int atlasY;

        /// <summary>
        /// 展开图集区域树,将图片区域保存在 putHere 列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="putHere"></param>
        static void flattenTree(AtalsAreaNode r, List <ImageAreaInAtlas> putHere)
            if (r.img != null)
                r.img.x = r.nodeAreaRect.x;
                r.img.y = r.nodeAreaRect.y;
            if (r.child[0] != null)
                flattenTree(r.child[0], putHere);
            if (r.child[1] != null)
                flattenTree(r.child[1], putHere);
Пример #5
 internal void GetExtent(AtalsAreaNode r, ref int x, ref int y)
     if (r.img != null)
         if (r.nodeAreaRect.x + r.img.w > x)
             x = r.nodeAreaRect.x + r.img.w;
         if (r.nodeAreaRect.y + r.img.h > y)
             y = r.nodeAreaRect.y + r.img.h;
     if (r.child[0] != null)
         GetExtent(r.child[0], ref x, ref y);
     if (r.child[1] != null)
         GetExtent(r.child[1], ref x, ref y);
Пример #6
        bool ProbeMultiAtlas(ImageAreaInAtlas[] imgsToAdd, int idealAtlasW, int idealAtlasH, float imgArea, int maxAtlasDimX, int maxAtlasDimY, ProbeResult pr)
            int           numAtlases = 0;
            AtalsAreaNode root       = new AtalsAreaNode(NodeType.maxDim);

            root.nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(0, 0, idealAtlasW, idealAtlasH);
            for (int i = 0; i < imgsToAdd.Length; i++)
                AtalsAreaNode n = root.Insert(imgsToAdd[i], false);
                if (n == null)
                    if (imgsToAdd[i].x > idealAtlasW && imgsToAdd[i].y > idealAtlasH)
                        // create a new root node wider than previous atlas
                        AtalsAreaNode newRoot = new AtalsAreaNode(NodeType.Container);
                        newRoot.nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(0, 0, root.nodeAreaRect.w + idealAtlasW, idealAtlasH);
                        // create a new right child
                        AtalsAreaNode newRight = new AtalsAreaNode(NodeType.maxDim);
                        newRight.nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(root.nodeAreaRect.w, 0, idealAtlasW, idealAtlasH);
                        newRoot.child[1]      = newRight;
                        // insert root as a new left child
                        newRoot.child[0] = root;
                        root             = newRoot;
                        n = root.Insert(imgsToAdd[i], false);
            pr.numAtlases = numAtlases;
            pr.root       = root;
            //todo atlas may not be maxDim * maxDim. Do some checking to see what actual needed sizes are and update pr.totalArea
            pr.totalAtlasArea = numAtlases * maxAtlasDimX * maxAtlasDimY;
            Debug.Log("Probe success efficiency numAtlases=" + numAtlases + " totalArea=" + pr.totalAtlasArea);
Пример #7
            internal AtalsAreaNode Insert(ImageAreaInAtlas im, bool handed)
                int a, b;

                if (handed)
                    a = 0;
                    b = 1;
                    a = 1;
                    b = 0;
                if (!isLeaf())
                {   //不是叶
                    //try insert into first child
                    AtalsAreaNode newNode = child[a].Insert(im, handed);
                    if (newNode != null)
                    //no room insert into second
                    return(child[b].Insert(im, handed));
                    //(if there's already a img here, return)
                    if (img != null)

                    //(if space too small, return)
                    if (nodeAreaRect.w < im.w || nodeAreaRect.h < im.h)

                    //(if space just right, accept)
                    if (nodeAreaRect.w == im.w && nodeAreaRect.h == im.h)
                        img = im;

                    child[a] = new AtalsAreaNode(NodeType.regular);
                    child[b] = new AtalsAreaNode(NodeType.regular);

                    //(decide which way to split)
                    int dw = nodeAreaRect.w - im.w;
                    int dh = nodeAreaRect.h - im.h;

                    if (dw > dh)
                        child[a].nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(nodeAreaRect.x, nodeAreaRect.y, im.w, nodeAreaRect.h);
                        child[b].nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(nodeAreaRect.x + im.w, nodeAreaRect.y, nodeAreaRect.w - im.w, nodeAreaRect.h);
                        child[a].nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(nodeAreaRect.x, nodeAreaRect.y, nodeAreaRect.w, im.h);
                        child[b].nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(nodeAreaRect.x, nodeAreaRect.y + im.h, nodeAreaRect.w, nodeAreaRect.h - im.h);
                    return(child[a].Insert(im, handed));
Пример #8
        //----------------- Algorithm for fitting everything into multiple Atlases
        // for images being added calc area, maxW, maxH. A perfectly packed atlas will match area exactly. atlas must be at least maxH and maxW in size.
        // Sort images from big to small using either height, width or area comparer
        // If an image is bigger than maxDim, then shrink it to max size on the largest dimension
        // distribute images using the new algorithm, should never have to expand the atlas instead create new atlases as needed
        // should not need to scale atlases
        AtlasPackingResult[] _GetRectsMultiAtlas(List <Vector2> imgWidthHeights, List <AtlasPadding> paddings, int maxDimensionPassedX, int maxDimensionPassedY, int minImageSizeX, int minImageSizeY, int masterImageSizeX, int masterImageSizeY)
            Debug.Log(String.Format("_GetRects numImages={0}, maxDimensionX={1}, maxDimensionY={2} minImageSizeX={3}, minImageSizeY={4}, masterImageSizeX={5}, masterImageSizeY={6}",
                                    imgWidthHeights.Count, maxDimensionPassedX, maxDimensionPassedY, minImageSizeX, minImageSizeY, masterImageSizeX, masterImageSizeY));
            float area = 0;
            int   maxW = 0;
            int   maxH = 0;

            ImageAreaInAtlas[] imgsToAdd = new ImageAreaInAtlas[imgWidthHeights.Count];
            int maxDimensionX            = maxDimensionPassedX;
            int maxDimensionY            = maxDimensionPassedY;

            if (atlasMustBePowerOfTwo)
                maxDimensionX = RoundToNearestPositivePowerOfTwo(maxDimensionX);
                maxDimensionY = RoundToNearestPositivePowerOfTwo(maxDimensionY);
            for (int i = 0; i < imgsToAdd.Length; i++)
                int iw = (int)imgWidthHeights[i].x;
                int ih = (int)imgWidthHeights[i].y;

                //shrink the image so that it fits in maxDimenion if it is larger than maxDimension if atlas exceeds maxDim x maxDim then new alas will be created
                iw = Mathf.Min(iw, maxDimensionX - paddings[i].leftRight * 2);
                ih = Mathf.Min(ih, maxDimensionY - paddings[i].topBottom * 2);

                ImageAreaInAtlas im = imgsToAdd[i] = new ImageAreaInAtlas(i, iw, ih, paddings[i], minImageSizeX, minImageSizeY);
                area += im.w * im.h;
                maxW  = Mathf.Max(maxW, im.w);
                maxH  = Mathf.Max(maxH, im.h);

            //explore the space to find a resonably efficient packing
            //int sqrtArea = (int)Mathf.Sqrt(area);
            int idealAtlasW;
            int idealAtlasH;

            if (atlasMustBePowerOfTwo)
                idealAtlasH = RoundToNearestPositivePowerOfTwo(maxDimensionY);
                idealAtlasW = RoundToNearestPositivePowerOfTwo(maxDimensionX);
                idealAtlasH = maxDimensionY;
                idealAtlasW = maxDimensionX;

            if (idealAtlasW == 0)
                idealAtlasW = 4;
            if (idealAtlasH == 0)
                idealAtlasH = 4;

            ProbeResult pr = new ProbeResult();

            Array.Sort(imgsToAdd, new ImageHeightComparer());
            if (ProbeMultiAtlas(imgsToAdd, idealAtlasW, idealAtlasH, area, maxDimensionX, maxDimensionY, pr))
                bestRoot = pr;
            Array.Sort(imgsToAdd, new ImageWidthComparer());
            if (ProbeMultiAtlas(imgsToAdd, idealAtlasW, idealAtlasH, area, maxDimensionX, maxDimensionY, pr))
                if (pr.totalAtlasArea < bestRoot.totalAtlasArea)
                    bestRoot = pr;
            Array.Sort(imgsToAdd, new ImageAreaComparer());
            if (ProbeMultiAtlas(imgsToAdd, idealAtlasW, idealAtlasH, area, maxDimensionX, maxDimensionY, pr))
                if (pr.totalAtlasArea < bestRoot.totalAtlasArea)
                    bestRoot = pr;

            if (bestRoot == null)
            Debug.Log("Best fit found: w=" + bestRoot.w + " h=" + bestRoot.h + " efficiency=" + bestRoot.efficiency + " squareness=" + bestRoot.squareness + " fits in max dimension=" + bestRoot.largerOrEqualToMaxDim);

            //the atlas can be larger than the max dimension scale it if this is the case
            //int newMinSizeX = minImageSizeX;
            //int newMinSizeY = minImageSizeY;
            List <AtlasPackingResult> rs = new List <AtlasPackingResult>();

            // find all Nodes that are an individual atlas
            List <AtalsAreaNode>  atlasNodes = new List <AtalsAreaNode>();
            Stack <AtalsAreaNode> stack      = new Stack <AtalsAreaNode>();
            AtalsAreaNode         node       = bestRoot.root;

            while (node != null)
                node = node.child[0];

            // traverse the tree collecting atlasNodes
            while (stack.Count > 0)
                node = stack.Pop();
                if (node.isFullAtlas == NodeType.maxDim)
                if (node.child[1] != null)
                    node = node.child[1];
                    while (node != null)
                        node = node.child[0];

            //pack atlases so they all fit
            for (int i = 0; i < atlasNodes.Count; i++)
                List <ImageAreaInAtlas> images = new List <ImageAreaInAtlas>();
                flattenTree(atlasNodes[i], images);
                Rect[] rss       = new Rect[images.Count];
                int[]  srcImgIdx = new int[images.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < images.Count; j++)
                    rss[j]       = (new Rect(images[j].x - atlasNodes[i].nodeAreaRect.x, images[j].y, images[j].w, images[j].h));
                    srcImgIdx[j] = images[j].imgId;
                AtlasPackingResult res = new AtlasPackingResult(paddings.ToArray());
                GetExtent(atlasNodes[i], ref res.usedW, ref res.usedH);
                res.usedW -= atlasNodes[i].nodeAreaRect.x;
                int outW = atlasNodes[i].nodeAreaRect.w;
                int outH = atlasNodes[i].nodeAreaRect.h;
                if (atlasMustBePowerOfTwo)
                    outW = Mathf.Min(CeilToNearestPowerOfTwo(res.usedW), atlasNodes[i].nodeAreaRect.w);
                    outH = Mathf.Min(CeilToNearestPowerOfTwo(res.usedH), atlasNodes[i].nodeAreaRect.h);
                    if (outH < outW / 2)
                        outH = outW / 2;                  //smaller dim can't be less than half larger
                    if (outW < outH / 2)
                        outW = outH / 2;
                    outW = res.usedW;
                    outH = res.usedH;

                res.atlasY = outH;
                res.atlasX = outW;

                res.rects      = rss;
                res.srcImgIdxs = srcImgIdx;
                normalizeRects(res, paddings[i]);
                Debug.Log(String.Format("Done GetRects "));

Пример #9
        bool ProbeSingleAtlas(ImageAreaInAtlas[] imgsToAdd, int idealAtlasW, int idealAtlasH, float imgArea, int maxAtlasDimX, int maxAtlasDimY, ProbeResult pr)
            AtalsAreaNode root = new AtalsAreaNode(NodeType.maxDim);

            root.nodeAreaRect = new AtalsAreaPixRect(0, 0, idealAtlasW, idealAtlasH);
            for (int i = 0; i < imgsToAdd.Length; i++)
                AtalsAreaNode n = root.Insert(imgsToAdd[i], false);
                if (n == null)
                else if (i == imgsToAdd.Length - 1)
                    int usedW = 0;
                    int usedH = 0;
                    GetExtent(root, ref usedW, ref usedH);
                    float efficiency, squareness;
                    bool  fitsInMaxDim;
                    int   atlasW = usedW;
                    int   atlasH = usedH;
                    if (atlasMustBePowerOfTwo)
                        atlasW = Mathf.Min(CeilToNearestPowerOfTwo(usedW), maxAtlasDimX);
                        atlasH = Mathf.Min(CeilToNearestPowerOfTwo(usedH), maxAtlasDimY);
                        if (atlasH < atlasW / 2)
                            atlasH = atlasW / 2;
                        if (atlasW < atlasH / 2)
                            atlasW = atlasH / 2;
                        fitsInMaxDim = usedW <= maxAtlasDimX && usedH <= maxAtlasDimY;
                        float scaleW    = Mathf.Max(1f, ((float)usedW) / maxAtlasDimX);
                        float scaleH    = Mathf.Max(1f, ((float)usedH) / maxAtlasDimY);
                        float atlasArea = atlasW * scaleW * atlasH * scaleH; //area if we scaled it up to something large enough to contain images
                        efficiency = 1f - (atlasArea - imgArea) / atlasArea;
                        squareness = 1f;                                     //don't care about squareness in power of two case
                        efficiency = 1f - (usedW * usedH - imgArea) / (usedW * usedH);
                        if (usedW < usedH)
                            squareness = (float)usedW / (float)usedH;
                            squareness = (float)usedH / (float)usedW;
                        fitsInMaxDim = usedW <= maxAtlasDimX && usedH <= maxAtlasDimY;
                    pr.Set(usedW, usedH, atlasW, atlasH, root, fitsInMaxDim, efficiency, squareness);
                    Debug.Log("Probe success efficiency w=" + usedW + " h=" + usedH + " e=" + efficiency + " sq=" + squareness + " fits=" + fitsInMaxDim);
            Debug.LogError("Should never get here.");