Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds items to the given menu layout in which each items specifies its own destination directory.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menuLayout">The menu layout to which items are to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationDirectories">The destination directories to contain the added items.</param>
        /// <param name="items">The items to add.</param>
        internal static void AddItems(MenuLayoutViewModel menuLayout, IEnumerable <string> destinationDirectories, IEnumerable <ProgramDescription> items)
            var taskData    = new AddRomsToMenuData(menuLayout, destinationDirectories, items);
            var addRomsTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress(Resources.Strings.AddItems_ProgressTitle, true, false);

            addRomsTask.RunTask(taskData, AddItems, AddItemsComplete);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Add items to a specific destination folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="menuLayout">The menu layout to add items to.</param>
        /// <param name="destination">The folder to which items are to be added.</param>
        /// <param name="items">The items to add.</param>
        /// <param name="insertIndex">The location at which to insert the new items.</param>
        internal static void AddItems(MenuLayoutViewModel menuLayout, IFileContainer destination, IEnumerable <ProgramDescription> items, int insertIndex)
            var taskData    = new AddRomsToMenuData(menuLayout, destination, items, insertIndex);
            var addRomsTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress(Resources.Strings.AddItems_ProgressTitle, true, false);

            addRomsTask.RunTask(taskData, AddItems, AddItemsComplete);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads a ROM to an Intellicart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="intellicart">The Intellicart to load the ROM onto.</param>
        /// <param name="programName">Name of the program being downloaded.</param>
        /// <param name="rom">The ROM to load.</param>
        /// <param name="errorHandler">Error handler function.</param>
        public static void DownloadRom(this IntellicartModel intellicart, string programName, IRom rom, Action <string, Exception> errorHandler)
            var title    = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Strings.DownloadRom_Title_Format, programName);
            var task     = new AsyncTaskWithProgress(title, true, true, 0);
            var taskData = new DownloadTaskData(task, intellicart, programName, rom);

            taskData.ErrorHandler = errorHandler;
            task.RunTask(taskData, DownloadRom, DownloadRomComplete);
Пример #4
        private static void ValidateRoms(object parameter)
            var romListViewModel = parameter as RomListViewModel;

            if (romListViewModel != null)
                var validateRomsTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress("ValidateRoms", false, false);
                var validateRomsTaskData = new ValidateRomsTaskData(validateRomsTask, romListViewModel);
                validateRomsTask.RunTask(validateRomsTaskData, ValidateRoms, ValidateRomsComplete);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an asynchronous task using this data and starts it. A progress bar will appear after the specified amount of time passes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="doWork">The actual work to execute in the asynchronous task.</param>
        /// <param name="allowsCancel">If <c>true</c>, allow the operation to be cancelled.</param>
        /// <param name="progressBarDelayTime">How long to wait (in seconds) before the progress bar appears.</param>
        public void StartTask(Action <AsyncTaskData> doWork, bool allowsCancel, double progressBarDelayTime)
            var taskName           = GetTitleForUpdate();
            var executeCommandTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress(taskName, allowsCancel, true, progressBarDelayTime);

            DoWorkMethodName = doWork.Method.Name;
            DebugOutput(Device.Port.Name + ": DEVICECOMMAND START: " + DoWorkMethodName);
            Stopwatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
            executeCommandTask.RunTask(this, (d) => SyncWithTimerThenExecute(d, doWork), OnComplete);
Пример #6
 private static void OnCheckForUpdates(object parameter)
     if (CanCheckForUpdates(parameter))
         var checkingAtStartup = false;
         if ((parameter != null) && (parameter.GetType() == typeof(bool)))
             checkingAtStartup = (bool)parameter;
         var checkForUpdatesTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress("CheckForUpdates", false, true, !checkingAtStartup, 2);
         var checkForUpdatesTaskData = new CheckForUpdatesTaskData(checkForUpdatesTask, checkingAtStartup);
         checkForUpdatesTask.RunTask(checkForUpdatesTaskData, CheckForUpdates, CheckForUpdatesComplete);
Пример #7
        private void AddPrograms(RomDiscoveryData taskData)
            var cancel = Model.BeginAddRomsFromFiles(taskData.AddingStarterRoms);

            if (!cancel)
                var gatherRomsTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress(taskData.Title, true, true);
                gatherRomsTask.RunTask(taskData, GatherRoms, GatherRomsComplete);

                // EndAddRomsFromFiles is called in GatherRomsComplete().
                Model.EndAddRomsFromFiles(Enumerable.Empty <string>());
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the menu layout to a specific path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The absolute path of the file to save.</param>
        /// <param name="nonDirtying">If <c>true</c>, indicates save was not due to user edits, but some other operation.</param>
        internal void Save(string path, bool nonDirtying)
            SaveMenuLayoutTaskData existingSave;

            if (!_saveTasks.TryGetValue(SaveGeneration, out existingSave))
                var saveMenuTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress("SaveMenuLayout", true); // does not show progress
                var saveTaskData = new SaveMenuLayoutTaskData(saveMenuTask, this, path, nonDirtying);
                DebugMessage("Save BEGIN " + path + " GENERATION " + SaveGeneration);
                _saveTasks[SaveGeneration] = saveTaskData;
                saveMenuTask.RunTask(saveTaskData, Save, SaveComplete);
                DebugMessage("Save ALREADY CREATED for " + path + " GENERATION " + SaveGeneration);
Пример #9
        private static void OnRestoreRomList(object parameter)
            var configuration = INTV.Shared.Model.RomListConfiguration.Instance;
            var message       = Resources.Strings.RestoreRomListCommand_Message;
            var title         = Resources.Strings.RestoreRomListCommand_MessageTitle;
            var doRestore     = OSMessageBox.Show(message, title, OSMessageBoxButton.YesNo, OSMessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            if (doRestore == OSMessageBoxResult.Yes)
                var backupDirectory    = configuration.BackupDataDirectory;
                var backupFileName     = INTV.Shared.Model.RomListConfiguration.Instance.DefaultRomsFileName;
                var selectBackupDialog = SelectBackupDialog.Create(backupDirectory, backupFileName, null, false);
                selectBackupDialog.Title = Resources.Strings.RestoreRomListCommand_SelectBackupTitle;
                var doRestoreResult = selectBackupDialog.ShowDialog();
                if (doRestoreResult == true)
                    var romsConfiguration = INTV.Shared.Model.RomListConfiguration.Instance;
                    var backupRomListFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(selectBackupDialog.SelectedBackupDirectory, romsConfiguration.DefaultRomsFileName);
                    var romsFileExists    = System.IO.File.Exists(backupRomListFile);
                    if (romsFileExists)
                        var restoreRomListTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress("RestoreRomList", false, true, 0);
                        var restoreMenuLayoutTaskData = new RestoreRomListTaskData(restoreRomListTask, backupRomListFile, parameter as RomListViewModel);
                        restoreRomListTask.RunTask(restoreMenuLayoutTaskData, RestoreRomList, RestoreRomListComplete);
                        var errorMessage = new System.Text.StringBuilder(Resources.Strings.RestoreRomListCommand_MissingFileErrorMessage).AppendLine().AppendLine();
                        if (!romsFileExists)
                        message = errorMessage.ToString();
                        title   = Resources.Strings.RestoreRomListCommand_MissingFileErrorTitle;
                        OSMessageBox.Show(message, title, OSMessageBoxButton.OK, OSMessageBoxIcon.Error);
        /// <summary>
        /// Mac-specific error handler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emulator">The emulator instance that was running.</param>
        /// <param name="message">The error message.</param>
        /// <param name="exitCode">The exit code of the emulator.</param>
        /// <param name="exception">The exception that occurred.</param>
        static partial void OSErrorHandler(Emulator emulator, string message, int exitCode, Exception exception)
            if (IsSDLMissingError(exitCode))
                var sdlVersionInfo = IncludedSDLVersion;
                var errorMessage   = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Strings.SDLNotFound_ErrorMessage, sdlVersionInfo.Version);

                // Check to see if we can determine the missing SDL version from the error message.
                // If the missing version is not the same as the included version, we must get the "other" version.
                // Also, check to see if we already have the included SDL installed. If we do, but the failure still indicates
                // that it's missing, then it's possible the version of jzIntv being run requires the "other" version of SDL.
                // Switch over to the 'other' version for reporting the error if such is the case.
                var missingVersion = GetMissingSDLVersionFromErrorMessage(message);
                if ((missingVersion != SDLVersion.Unknown) && (missingVersion != IncludedSDLVersion.Version) ||
                    sdlVersionInfo = sdlVersionInfo.GetOtherSDLVersionInfo();
                    errorMessage   = string.Format(

                var errorTitle = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Strings.SDLNotFound_ErrorTitle, sdlVersionInfo.Version);
                if (OSMessageBox.Show(errorMessage, errorTitle, OSMessageBoxButton.YesNo) == OSMessageBoxResult.Yes)
                    var installSDLTask = new AsyncTaskWithProgress("InstallSDL", allowsCancel: false, isIndeterminate: true, progressDisplayDelay: 0);
                    var installTitle   = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.Strings.SDLInstall_Title, sdlVersionInfo.Version);
                    var installSDLTaskData = new InstallSDLTaskData(installSDLTask, sdlVersionInfo);
                    installSDLTask.RunTask(installSDLTaskData, InstallSDL, InstallSDLComplete);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts the search for devices.
        /// </summary>
        public void Start()
            var task = new AsyncTaskWithProgress(Resources.Strings.DeviceSearch_Task_Title, true, true, 1.0);

            task.RunTask(this, CheckDevices, OnComplete);