public Action <TaskProcessOrganizer <string> .TaskItem> GetAction() { return(new Action <TaskProcessOrganizer <string> .TaskItem>((o) => { var fullFilePath = o.Item; Bitmap bmp = null; StateManager.VoucherItem item = (StateManager.VoucherItem)StateManager.Default.ProcessItem_Begin(true); try { var info = new FileInfo(fullFilePath); if (info.Exists && !info.IsReadOnly(TRIES)) { Global.IgnoreList.Add(fullFilePath); // ".tif" var ext = Path.GetExtension(info.FullName); if (ext.EqualNoCase(".pdf")) { var helper = new PDFFileHelper(); var finfo = helper.Run(info, item); fullFilePath = (finfo != null) ? finfo.FullName : ""; } bmp = ((Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(fullFilePath)); var useCrop = StateSaver.Default.Get <bool>(Strings.CROPIMAGE); if (useCrop) { bmp = bmp.Crop2(); } item.FileInfoList.Add(new FileInfo(fullFilePath)); // Scanned Image item.FullFileName = fullFilePath; StateManager.VoucherItem vitem = (StateManager.VoucherItem)item; #if DRAW_ON_VOUCHER bmp.DrawOnImage((gr) => { var str = string.Format("{0:dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm}", DateTime.Now); ///string user = Program.currentUser.ToString(); var an = StateSaver.Default.Get <AssemblyName>(Strings.VERSION); using (var font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 10f, FontStyle.Regular)) { gr.DrawString(str, font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(10, 10)); gr.DrawString(an.Name, font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(10, 25)); gr.DrawString(an.Version.ToString(), font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(10, 40)); } }); #endif #if COVER_CCD var coverArea = StateSaver.Default.Get <Rectangle>(Strings.VOUCHERCOVERREGION); if (!coverArea.IsEmpty) { var size = StateSaver.Default.Get <int>(Strings.PIXELSIZE, 5); bmp.Pixellate(coverArea); } #endif string site; int location; if (!VPrinting.Common.CommonTools.ParseSiteCode(info.Name, out site, out location)) { throw new Exception("Wrong sitecode"); } var vinfo = ServiceDataAccess.Instance.FindVoucherTRSBySiteCode(site, location); if (vinfo == null || !vinfo.IsValid) { vinfo = ServiceDataAccess.Instance.FindVoucherPRBySiteCode(site, location); if (!vinfo.IsValid) { throw new Exception("Cannot find voucher by sitecode"); } } item.CountryID = vinfo.IsoId; vitem.RetailerID = vinfo.RetailerId; vitem.VoucherID = vinfo.VoucherId; vitem.Barcode = ""; vitem.SiteCode = string.Concat(site, location); if (item.CountryID == 0) { item.CountryID = MainForm.ms_DefaultCountryId; } #if SAVE_VOUCHER if (!ext.EqualNoCase(".tif")) { bmp.Save(fullFilePath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); } #endif if (item.Thumbnail == null) { item.Thumbnail = bmp.GetThumbnailImage(45, 45, () => false, IntPtr.Zero); } if (StateSaver.Default.Get <bool>(Strings.USE_VCOVER)) { using (WaitObject obj = new WaitObject(item.FileInfoList)) { var ptr = StateSaver.Default.Get <IntPtr>(Strings.VCOVER_FUNC); var time = StateSaver.Default.Get <TimeSpan>(Strings.VCOVER_TIMEOUT, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)); var dlg = ptr.GetDelegate <CallVCoverService_ReadDataDelegate>(); dlg.DynamicInvoke(obj); if (!obj.WaitOne(time)) { throw new ApplicationException("VCover timeout"); } if (obj.Err != null) { throw obj.Err; } } } var certificateSigning = StateSaver.Default.Get <bool>(Strings.CERTIFICATE_SIGNING_AVAILABLE); if (certificateSigning) { var crInfo = new PdfCreationInfo() { Title = string.Concat("Voucher ", vitem.VoucherID), Subject = string.Concat("Retailer ", vitem.RetailerID), Author = string.Concat("PTF ", StateSaver.Default.Get <string>(Strings.Certigicate_COUNTRY)), Creator = string.Concat("PTF ", StateSaver.Default.Get <string>(Strings.Certigicate_LOCATION)), }; var signInfo = new PdfSignInfo() { pfxFilePath = StateSaver.Default.Get <string>(Strings.COUNTRY_CERTIFICATE_PATH), pfxKeyPass = StateSaver.Default.Get <string>(Strings.COUNTRY_CERTIFICATE_PASS), DocPass = null, SignImagePath = StateSaver.Default.Get <string>(Strings.PTFLogoFileFullPath), ReasonForSigning = string.Concat("Signing electronic copy of voucher ", vitem.Barcode), Location = StateSaver.Default.Get <string>(Strings.Certigicate_LOCATION) }; var prtGetMetaData = StateSaver.Default.Get <IntPtr>(Strings.Certigicate_METADATA_FUNC); if (prtGetMetaData != IntPtr.Zero) { crInfo.MetaData = signInfo.MetaData = prtGetMetaData.GetDelegate <GetMetaDataDelegate>().DynamicInvoke(this, vinfo.IsoId, 0, vinfo.RetailerId).cast <ArrayList>(); var str = string.Format("{0:dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm}", DateTime.Now); var an = StateSaver.Default.Get <AssemblyName>(Strings.VERSION); crInfo.MetaData.Insert(0, new Tuple <string, string>("", "")); crInfo.MetaData.Insert(0, new Tuple <string, string>("Voucher number", vinfo.VoucherId.ToString())); crInfo.MetaData.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("", "")); crInfo.MetaData.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("Operator", Program.currentUser.Username)); crInfo.MetaData.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("", an.Name)); crInfo.MetaData.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("App.version", an.Version.ToString())); crInfo.MetaData.Add(new Tuple <string, string>("Create at", str)); } var pdfFileName = pdfFileAccess.Instance.CreateSignPdf(bmp, vitem.Barcode, vitem.RetailerID, vitem.VoucherID, crInfo, signInfo); item.FileInfoList.Add(new FileInfo(pdfFileName)); // Signed Image } item.State = StateManager.eState.OK; item.Message = ""; StateManager.Default.CompleteItem(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { item.State = StateManager.eState.Err; item.Message = ex.Message; int count = StateManager.Default.SetItemWithErr(); DelegateHelper.PostShowItemsWithErrCallback(count); DelegateHelper.FireError(this, ex); } finally { bmp.DisposeSf(); DelegateHelper.PostItemScannedCallback(item); try { if (!item.IsSetup) { using (var mngr = new AsyncFormManager <RetailerForm>("Enter voucher details")) { mngr.Result = item; mngr.RunWait(); if (!item.IsSetup) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find barcode."); } item.State = StateManager.eState.OK; } } StateManager.Default.AddNewItem(item); } catch (Exception ex0) { item.State = StateManager.eState.Err; item.Message = ex0.Message; DelegateHelper.FireError(this, ex0); } } })); }
public void ProcessItem_End(Item item) { if (item == null) { return; } lock (this) { try { var vitem = item as VoucherItem; if (vitem == null) { m_ItemCollection.Add(item); m_CurrentItem = item; FireNewItemAdded(item); } else { #region Voucher switch (Mode) { /// No document. No order. /// Everything is going in. /// Must be a barcode. case eMode.Barcode: { #region if (!vitem.IsSetup) { using (var mngr = new AsyncFormManager <RetailerForm>("Enter voucher details")) { mngr.Result = vitem; mngr.RunWait(); if (!vitem.IsSetup) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find barcode."); } } } m_CurrentItem = new VoucherItem(); m_CurrentItem.JobID = 1; if (VoucherMustExist) { var da = ServiceDataAccess.Instance; vitem.SiteCode = da.FindVoucher(vitem.CountryID, vitem.VoucherID, vitem.VoucherIDCD); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(vitem.SiteCode)) { throw new FileInfoApplicationException("Cannot find sitecode.") { Info = vitem.FileInfoList.FirstOrDefault(fi => !fi.Name.Contains("barcode")) }; } } m_ItemCollection.Add(m_CurrentItem); FireNewItemAdded(m_CurrentItem); ((VoucherItem)m_CurrentItem).CopyFromWithBarcode(vitem); break; #endregion } /// There is document. /// They scan. Multi scan TIFF document. /// If there is a barcode the barcode has been validated /// Otherwise it has been inserted by using expected barcode details. case eMode.TransferFile: { #region if (vitem.IsSetup) { var itm = m_ItemCollection.FindFirstOrDefault((ii) => (ii.State == eState.NA && ii.Forsed) || ((ii.State == eState.NA) && ((VoucherItem)ii).Equals(vitem))); if (itm == null) { throw new FileInfoApplicationException( string.Concat("Cannot match voucher.\r\nCountry: ", vitem.CountryID, "\r\nRetailer: ", vitem.RetailerID, "\r\nVoucher: ", vitem.VoucherID, "\r\nState: NA")) { Info = vitem.FileInfoList.FirstOrDefault(fi => !fi.Name.Contains("barcode")) }; } m_CurrentItem = itm; ((VoucherItem)m_CurrentItem).CopyFromWithBarcode(vitem); } else { var itm = m_ItemCollection.FindFirstOrDefault((ii) => (ii.State == eState.NA && !ii.Ignored)); if (itm == null) { throw new ApplicationException("No more vouchers are expected."); } m_CurrentItem = itm; ((VoucherItem)m_CurrentItem).CopyFromNoBarcode(vitem); } break; #endregion } /// No order. /// Barcode is mandatory /// Must be sitecode /// System calls TRS to resolve barcode case eMode.Sitecode: { #region m_CurrentItem = new VoucherItem(); m_CurrentItem.JobID = 1; m_ItemCollection.Add(m_CurrentItem); FireNewItemAdded(m_CurrentItem); ((VoucherItem)m_CurrentItem).CopyFromNoBarcode(vitem); break; #endregion } default: throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion } } finally { if (m_CurrentItem != null) { m_CurrentItem.State = eState.OK; FireCurrentItemCompleted(m_CurrentItem); m_CurrentItem.FireUpdated(); var nextItem = m_ItemCollection.FindFirstOrDefault((ii) => ii.State == eState.NA && !ii.Ignored); FireNextItemExpected(nextItem); } } } }
public Action <TaskProcessOrganizer <string> .TaskItem> GetAction() { return(new Action <TaskProcessOrganizer <string> .TaskItem>((o) => { var fullFilePath = o.Item; Bitmap bmp = null; Bitmap bmpBarcode = null; BarcodeData data = null; string barcode = null; string siteCode = null; StateManager.VoucherItem item = (StateManager.VoucherItem)StateManager.Default.ProcessItem_Begin(true); try { var info = new FileInfo(fullFilePath); if (info.Exists && !info.IsReadOnly(TRIES)) { // ".tif" var ext = Path.GetExtension(info.FullName); bmp = ((Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(info.FullName)).Crop2(); item.FullFileName = fullFilePath; item.FileInfoList.Add(new FileInfo(fullFilePath)); // Scanned Image StateManager.VoucherItem vitem = (StateManager.VoucherItem)item; FileInfo barcFilePath = null; Rectangle rect = Rectangle.Empty; CommonTools.ParseVoucherImage(ref bmp, ref bmpBarcode, out rect, ref barcode, BarcodeTypeEnum.BT_All); vitem.Barcode = barcode; string user = string.Concat("Country: ", Program.currentUser.CountryID, " User: "******"{0:dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm}", DateTime.Now); gr.DrawString(str, font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(10, 10)); gr.DrawString(u.Cast <string>(), font, Brushes.Black, new PointF(10, 25)); } }, user); if (!vitem.HasBarcode) { using (var mngr = new AsyncFormManager <RetailerForm>("Enter voucher details")) { mngr.Result = item; mngr.RunWait(); if (!item.IsSetup) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot find barcode."); } vitem.State = StateManager.eState.OK; } } else { List <BarcodeConfig> barcodeLayouts = StateSaver.Default.Get <List <BarcodeConfig> >(Strings.LIST_OF_BARCODECONFIGS); foreach (var cfg in barcodeLayouts) { if (cfg.ParseBarcode(barcode, ref data)) { break; } } if (data == null) { throw new ApplicationException("Barcode invalid"); } item.CountryID = data.CountryID; vitem.RetailerID = data.RetailerID; vitem.VoucherID = data.VoucherID; vitem.Barcode = barcode; var barcodePath = fullFilePath.ChangeFilePath((name) => name.Replace(".", "_barcode.")); Global.IgnoreList.Add(barcodePath); bmpBarcode.DrawOnImage((gr, s) => { using (var font = new Font(FontFamily.GenericSansSerif, 10f, FontStyle.Regular)) { var str = Convert.ToString(s); gr.DrawString(str, font, Brushes.Red, new PointF(10, 10)); } }, barcode); bmpBarcode.Save(barcodePath, bmp.RawFormat); barcFilePath = new FileInfo(barcodePath); // Scanned Barcode vitem.FileInfoList.Add(barcFilePath); // Scanned Barcode Image } if (item.CountryID == 0) { item.CountryID = MainForm.ms_DefaultCountryId; } if (!ext.EqualNoCase(".tif")) { bmp.Save(fullFilePath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); } if (item.Thumbnail == null) { item.Thumbnail = bmp.GetThumbnailImage(45, 45, () => false, IntPtr.Zero); } var sec = new CertificateSecurity(X509FindType.FindBySerialNumber, Strings.CERTNUMBER, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); if (sec.Loaded) { var signFilePath = new FileInfo(Path.ChangeExtension(fullFilePath, ".sgn")); item.Signature = sec.SignData(bmp.ToArray()); File.WriteAllBytes(signFilePath.FullName, item.Signature); item.FileInfoList.Add(signFilePath); } item.State = StateManager.eState.OK; item.Message = ""; StateManager.Default.CompleteItem(item); } } catch (Exception ex) { item.State = StateManager.eState.Err; item.Message = ex.Message; var scex = new ScanException(ex, data) { SiteCode = siteCode, FilePath = fullFilePath }; int count = StateManager.Default.SetItemWithErr(); DelegateHelper.PostShowItemsWithErrCallback(count); DelegateHelper.FireError(this, ex); } finally { bmp.DisposeSf(); bmpBarcode.DisposeSf(); DelegateHelper.PostItemScannedCallback(item); StateManager.Default.AddNewItem(item); } })); }