Пример #1
        static void DecompressWorker(string RootPath, ConcurrentQueue <DependencyPack> DecompressQueue, Dictionary <DependencyPack, string> DownloadFileNames, Dictionary <string, List <DependencyBlob> > PackToBlobs, Dictionary <string, List <DependencyFile> > BlobToFiles, AsyncDownloadState State)
            while (State.NumFilesRead < State.NumFiles)
                // Remove the next file from the queue, or wait before polling again
                DependencyPack NextPack;
                if (!DecompressQueue.TryDequeue(out NextPack))

                // Get the filename for the downloaded pack
                string PackFileName = DownloadFileNames[NextPack];

                // Extract all the files from this pack file to their final locations
                foreach (DependencyBlob Blob in PackToBlobs[NextPack.Hash])
                    foreach (DependencyFile File in BlobToFiles[Blob.Hash])
                        string OutputFileName = Path.Combine(RootPath, File.Name);
                            ExtractBlob(PackFileName, Blob, OutputFileName);
                        catch (Exception Ex)
                            Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref State.LastDecompressError, String.Format("Failed to extract '{0}': {1}", OutputFileName, Ex.Message), null);
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref State.NumFilesRead);

                // Delete the pack file now that we're finished with it. Doesn't matter much if it fails.
                try { System.IO.File.Delete(PackFileName); } catch (Exception) { }
Пример #2
        static void DownloadWorker(string RootPath, ConcurrentQueue <DependencyPack> DownloadQueue, ConcurrentQueue <DependencyPack> DecompressQueue, Dictionary <DependencyPack, string> DownloadFileNames, Dictionary <string, List <DependencyBlob> > PackToBlobs, Dictionary <string, List <DependencyFile> > BlobToFiles, AsyncDownloadState State, int MaxRetries, string ProxyUrl)
            int Retries = 0;

            while (State.NumFilesRead < State.NumFiles)
                // Remove the next file from the download queue, or wait before polling again
                DependencyPack NextPack;
                if (!DownloadQueue.TryDequeue(out NextPack))

                // Get the temporary file to download to
                string PackFileName = DownloadFileNames[NextPack];

                // Format the URL for it
                string Url = String.Format("http://cdn.unrealengine.com/dependencies/{0}/{1}", NextPack.RemotePath, NextPack.Hash);

                // Try to download the file
                long RollbackSize = 0;
                    // Download the file and queue it for decompression
                    DownloadFileAndVerifyHash(Url, ProxyUrl, PackFileName, NextPack.Hash, Size => { RollbackSize += Size; Interlocked.Add(ref State.NumBytesRead, Size); });

                    // If we were failing, decrement the number of failing threads
                    if (Retries > MaxRetries)
                        Interlocked.Decrement(ref State.NumFailingDownloads);
                        Retries = 0;
                catch (Exception Ex)
                    // Rollback the byte count and add the file back into the download queue
                    Interlocked.Add(ref State.NumBytesRead, -RollbackSize);

                    // If we've retried enough times already, set the error message.
                    if (Retries++ == MaxRetries)
                        Interlocked.Increment(ref State.NumFailingDownloads);
                        State.LastDownloadError = String.Format("Failed to download '{0}' to '{1}': {2} ({3})", Url, PackFileName, Ex.Message, Ex.GetType().Name);
Пример #3
        static bool DownloadDependencies(string RootPath, IEnumerable <DependencyFile> RequiredFiles, IEnumerable <DependencyBlob> Blobs, IEnumerable <DependencyPack> Packs, int NumThreads, int MaxRetries, string ProxyUrl)
            // Make sure we can actually open the right number of connections
            ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = NumThreads;

            // Build a lookup for the files that need updating from each blob
            Dictionary <string, List <DependencyFile> > BlobToFiles = new Dictionary <string, List <DependencyFile> >();

            foreach (DependencyFile RequiredFile in RequiredFiles)
                List <DependencyFile> FileList;
                if (!BlobToFiles.TryGetValue(RequiredFile.Hash, out FileList))
                    FileList = new List <DependencyFile>();
                    BlobToFiles.Add(RequiredFile.Hash, FileList);

            // Find all the required blobs
            DependencyBlob[] RequiredBlobs = Blobs.Where(x => BlobToFiles.ContainsKey(x.Hash)).ToArray();

            // Build a lookup for the files that need updating from each blob
            Dictionary <string, List <DependencyBlob> > PackToBlobs = new Dictionary <string, List <DependencyBlob> >();

            foreach (DependencyBlob RequiredBlob in RequiredBlobs)
                List <DependencyBlob> BlobList = new List <DependencyBlob>();
                if (!PackToBlobs.TryGetValue(RequiredBlob.PackHash, out BlobList))
                    BlobList = new List <DependencyBlob>();
                    PackToBlobs.Add(RequiredBlob.PackHash, BlobList);

            // Find all the required packs
            DependencyPack[] RequiredPacks = Packs.Where(x => PackToBlobs.ContainsKey(x.Hash)).ToArray();

            // Get temporary filenames for all the files we're going to download
            Dictionary <DependencyPack, string> DownloadFileNames = new Dictionary <DependencyPack, string>();

            foreach (DependencyPack Pack in RequiredPacks)
                DownloadFileNames.Add(Pack, Path.GetTempFileName());

            // Setup the async state
            AsyncDownloadState State = new AsyncDownloadState();

            State.NumFiles = RequiredFiles.Count();
            long NumBytesTotal = RequiredPacks.Sum(x => x.CompressedSize);
            ConcurrentQueue <DependencyPack> DownloadQueue   = new ConcurrentQueue <DependencyPack>(RequiredPacks);
            ConcurrentQueue <DependencyPack> DecompressQueue = new ConcurrentQueue <DependencyPack>();

            // Create all the worker threads
            Thread[] WorkerThreads = new Thread[NumThreads];
            for (int Idx = 0; Idx < NumThreads; Idx++)
                WorkerThreads[Idx] = new Thread(x => DownloadWorker(RootPath, DownloadQueue, DecompressQueue, DownloadFileNames, PackToBlobs, BlobToFiles, State, MaxRetries, ProxyUrl));

            // Create the decompression thread
            Thread DecompressionThread = new Thread(x => DecompressWorker(RootPath, DecompressQueue, DownloadFileNames, PackToBlobs, BlobToFiles, State));


            // Tick the status message until we've finished or ended with an error. Use a circular buffer to average out the speed over time.
            long[] NumBytesReadBuffer = new long[60];
            for (int BufferIdx = 0, NumFilesReportedRead = 0; NumFilesReportedRead < State.NumFiles && State.NumFailingDownloads < NumThreads && State.LastDecompressError == null; BufferIdx = (BufferIdx + 1) % NumBytesReadBuffer.Length)
                const int TickInterval = 100;

                long  NumBytesRead      = Interlocked.Read(ref State.NumBytesRead);
                float NumBytesPerSecond = (float)Math.Max(NumBytesRead - NumBytesReadBuffer[BufferIdx], 0) * 1000.0f / (NumBytesReadBuffer.Length * TickInterval);
                NumFilesReportedRead = State.NumFilesRead;
                Log.WriteStatus("Received {0}/{1} files ({2:0.0}/{3:0.0}mb; {4:0.00}mb/s; {5}%)...", NumFilesReportedRead, State.NumFiles, (NumBytesRead / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) + 0.0999999, (NumBytesTotal / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) + 0.0999999, (NumBytesPerSecond / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) + 0.0099, (NumBytesRead * 100) / NumBytesTotal);
                NumBytesReadBuffer[BufferIdx] = NumBytesRead;


            // If we finished with an error, try to clean up and return
            if (State.NumFilesRead < State.NumFiles)
                foreach (Thread WorkerThread in WorkerThreads)
                Log.WriteError("{0}", (State.LastDecompressError != null)? State.LastDecompressError : State.LastDownloadError);
                foreach (string FileName in DownloadFileNames.Values)
                    try { File.Delete(FileName); } catch (Exception) { }

            // Join all the threads
            foreach (Thread WorkerThread in WorkerThreads)