public static void SetComponentEnabledStateForModeUI(Component component, bool isDesired) { if (component is ToolStripMenuItem item) { item.Visible = isDesired; return; } if (component is TabPage tabPage) { var parent = tabPage.Parent as TabControl; if (parent != null) { if (!isDesired) { parent.TabPages.Remove(tabPage); } return; } } if (component is Control ctrl) { ctrl.Visible = isDesired; return; } Assume.Fail(); }
public static SpectrumPeakAnnotation Create(SmallMoleculeLibraryAttributes mol, Adduct adduct, string comment, double?mzTheoretical) { double?massTheoretical = mzTheoretical.HasValue ? adduct.MassFromMz(mzTheoretical.Value, MassType.Monoisotopic).Value : (double?)null; var ion = new CustomIon(mol, adduct, massTheoretical); if ((mzTheoretical ?? 0.0) > 0) { if (Equals(ion.MonoisotopicMassMz, 0.0)) { // We didn't have enough info to calculate mz, use the provided theoretical value var massMono = adduct.MassFromMz(mzTheoretical.Value, MassType.Monoisotopic); var massAverage = adduct.MassFromMz(mzTheoretical.Value, MassType.Average); ion = new CustomIon(ion.GetSmallMoleculeLibraryAttributes(), ion.Adduct, massMono, massAverage); } else { // Check our calculated value against provided theoretical value, allowing quite a lot of wiggle (not everybody is using the same precision out there) var delta = .5; // Generous error for sanity check if (Math.Abs(ion.MonoisotopicMassMz - mzTheoretical.Value) > delta) { Assume.Fail(string.Format(@"SpectrumPeakAnnotation: mzTheoretical {0} and mzActual {1} disagree by more than {2} in {3} {4}", mzTheoretical, ion.MonoisotopicMassMz, delta, ion, comment ?? string.Empty)); } } } return(ion.IsEmpty && string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) ? EMPTY : new SpectrumPeakAnnotation(ion, comment)); }
private void WriteData(Block block, FileStream fileStream) { // Create back link to previous spilled block. var lastFilePosition = new[] { _filePosition }; _filePosition = (int)fileStream.Position; FastWrite.WriteInts(fileStream.SafeFileHandle, lastFilePosition, 0, 1); // Write one data block. if (typeof(TData) == typeof(short)) { FastWrite.WriteShorts(fileStream.SafeFileHandle, (short[])(object)block._data, 0, _blockSize); } else if (typeof(TData) == typeof(int)) { FastWrite.WriteInts(fileStream.SafeFileHandle, (int[])(object)block._data, 0, _blockSize); } else if (typeof(TData) == typeof(float)) { FastWrite.WriteFloats(fileStream.SafeFileHandle, (float[])(object)block._data, 0, _blockSize); } else { Assume.Fail(); } }
public IProgressStatus Complete() { var notFinal = ProgressList.Where(s => !s.IsFinal).ToArray(); if (notFinal.Any()) { Assume.Fail(TextUtil.LineSeparate("Completing with non-final status:", // Not L10N TextUtil.LineSeparate(notFinal.Select(s => string.Format("{0} {1}% - {2}", s.State, s.PercentComplete, s.FilePath))))); // Not L10N } return(ChangeProp(ImClone(this), s => s._complete = true)); }
// For all items in a menu, attempt to take a string like "{0} peptides" and return one like "{0} molecules" if menu item is not purely proteomic // Update keyboard accelerators as needed public static void TranslateMenuItems(ToolStripItemCollection items, SrmDocument.DOCUMENT_TYPE modeUI, ModeUIExtender extender) { var mapper = new PeptideToMoleculeTextMapper(modeUI, extender); if (items != null) { mapper.FindInUseKeyboardAccelerators(items); var activeItems = new List <ToolStripItem>(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { var item = items[i]; ModeUIExtender.MODE_UI_HANDLING_TYPE handlingType; if (!mapper.HandledComponents.TryGetValue(item, out handlingType)) { handlingType =; } bool isActive; switch (modeUI) { case SrmDocument.DOCUMENT_TYPE.proteomic: isActive = handlingType != ModeUIExtender.MODE_UI_HANDLING_TYPE.small_mol && handlingType != ModeUIExtender.MODE_UI_HANDLING_TYPE.small_mol_only && handlingType != ModeUIExtender.MODE_UI_HANDLING_TYPE.mixed_only; break; case SrmDocument.DOCUMENT_TYPE.small_molecules: isActive = handlingType != ModeUIExtender.MODE_UI_HANDLING_TYPE.proteomic && handlingType != ModeUIExtender.MODE_UI_HANDLING_TYPE.mixed_only; break; case SrmDocument.DOCUMENT_TYPE.mixed: isActive = handlingType != ModeUIExtender.MODE_UI_HANDLING_TYPE.small_mol_only; break; default: isActive = false; Assume.Fail(@"unknown UI mode"); break; } if (isActive) { activeItems.Add(item); } item.Visible = isActive; } mapper.Translate(activeItems); // Update the menu items that aren't inherently wrong for current UI mode } }
private XmlReader HandleMassOnlyDeclarations(ref Peptide peptide) { for (var retry = 0; retry < 4; retry++) // Looking for a common mass and set of adducts that all agree { var adjustParentMass = retry < 2; // Do/don't try adjusting the neutral mass as if it had proton gain or loss built in var assumeProtonated = retry % 2 == 0; // Do/don't try [M+H] vs [M+] foreach (var detail in _precursorRawDetails.OrderBy(d => d._declaredHeavy ? 1 : 0, SortOrder.Ascending)) // Look at lights first { var parentMassAdjustment = adjustParentMass ? Adduct.NonProteomicProtonatedFromCharge(detail._declaredCharge).ApplyToMass(TypedMass.ZERO_MONO_MASSH) : TypedMass.ZERO_MONO_MASSH; var parentMonoisotopicMass = ProposedMolecule.MonoisotopicMass - parentMassAdjustment; if (_precursorRawDetails.TrueForAll(d => { var adduct = assumeProtonated ? Adduct.NonProteomicProtonatedFromCharge(d._declaredCharge) : Adduct.FromChargeNoMass(d._declaredCharge); if (d._declaredHeavy) { var unexplainedMass = adduct.MassFromMz(d._declaredMz, MassType.Monoisotopic) - parentMonoisotopicMass; adduct = adduct.ChangeIsotopeLabels(unexplainedMass, _mzDecimalPlaces); } d._proposedAdduct = adduct; return(Math.Abs(d._declaredMz - d._proposedAdduct.MzFromNeutralMass(parentMonoisotopicMass)) <= MzToler); })) { var parentAverageMass = ProposedMolecule.AverageMass - parentMassAdjustment; ProposedMolecule = new CustomMolecule(parentMonoisotopicMass, parentAverageMass, peptide.CustomMolecule.Name); return(UpdatePeptideAndInsertAdductsInXML(ref peptide, _precursorRawDetails.Select(d => d._proposedAdduct))); } } } // Unexplained masses can be expressed as mass labels if (_precursorRawDetails.TrueForAll(d => { var adduct = Adduct.FromChargeNoMass(d._declaredCharge); var unexplainedMass = adduct.MassFromMz(d._declaredMz, MassType.Monoisotopic) - ProposedMolecule.MonoisotopicMass; d._proposedAdduct = adduct.ChangeIsotopeLabels(unexplainedMass, _mzDecimalPlaces); return(Math.Abs(d._declaredMz - d._proposedAdduct.MzFromNeutralMass(ProposedMolecule.MonoisotopicMass)) <= MzToler); })) { return(UpdatePeptideAndInsertAdductsInXML(ref peptide, _precursorRawDetails.Select(d => d._proposedAdduct))); } // Should never arrive here Assume.Fail("Unable to to deduce adducts and common molecule for " + peptide); // Not L10N return(UpdatePeptideAndInsertAdductsInXML(ref peptide, _precursorRawDetails.Select(d => d._nominalAdduct))); }
public TypedMass GetIonMass(IonType ionType, int ionIndex) { switch (ionType) { case IonType.precursor: return(PrecursorMass); case IonType.custom: Assume.Fail(); break; } return(FragmentMasses[ionType, ionIndex]); }
private void CheckRefSpectra(IList <DbRefSpectra> spectra, string name, string formula, string precursorAdduct, double precursorMz, ushort numPeaks, string[] fragmentNames = null, double?ionMobility = null, double?ionMobilityHighEnergyOffset = null) { if (_convertedFromPeptides) { name = RefinementSettings.TestingConvertedFromProteomicPeptideNameDecorator + name; } for (var i = 0; i < spectra.Count; i++) { var spectrum = spectra[i]; if (spectrum.MoleculeName.Equals(name) && spectrum.ChemicalFormula.Equals(formula) && spectrum.PrecursorCharge.Equals(Adduct.FromStringAssumeProtonated(precursorAdduct).AdductCharge) && spectrum.PrecursorAdduct.Equals(precursorAdduct) && Math.Abs(spectrum.PrecursorMZ - precursorMz) < 0.001 && spectrum.NumPeaks.Equals(numPeaks)) { // Found the item - check its fragment info if provided // This demonstrates fix for "Issue 689: File > Export > Spectral Library losing information from small molecule documents", // point 3 "Ion annotations do not preserve the ion names from the document but instead always use 'ion[mass]' for the annotations // when the document gave them names." if (fragmentNames != null) { Assume.AreEqual(fragmentNames.Length, spectrum.PeakAnnotations.Count); foreach (var annotation in spectrum.PeakAnnotations) { Assume.IsTrue(fragmentNames.Contains(annotation.Name)); } } if (ionMobility.HasValue) { AssertEx.AreEqualNullable(spectrum.IonMobility, ionMobility, .00001); if (ionMobilityHighEnergyOffset.HasValue) { AssertEx.AreEqualNullable(spectrum.IonMobilityHighEnergyOffset, ionMobilityHighEnergyOffset, .00001); } } // Item is OK, remove from further searches spectra.RemoveAt(i); return; } } Assume.Fail(string.Format("{0}, {1}, precursor charge {2}, precursor m/z {3}, with {4} peaks not found", name, formula, precursorAdduct, precursorMz, numPeaks)); }
public bool IsReadyForUniquenessFilter(PeptideFilter.PeptideUniquenessConstraint constraint) { switch (constraint) { case PeptideFilter.PeptideUniquenessConstraint.none: case PeptideFilter.PeptideUniquenessConstraint.protein: return(true); case PeptideFilter.PeptideUniquenessConstraint.gene: case PeptideFilter.PeptideUniquenessConstraint.species: return(!NeedsProteinMetadataSearch); default: Assume.Fail(); return(false); // Should never be here } }
public static CustomMolecule FromTSV(string val) { var vals = val.FromEscapedTSV(); var name = vals.Length > 0 ? vals[0] : null; var formula = vals.Length > 1 ? vals[1] : null; // ReSharper disable PossibleNullReferenceException var keysTSV = vals.Length > 2 ? val.Substring(name.Length + formula.Length + 2) : null; // ReSharper restore PossibleNullReferenceException if (formula == null && name != null && name.StartsWith(INVARIANT_NAME_DETAIL)) { // Looks like a mass-only description Regex r = new Regex(massFormatRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant); Match m = r.Match(val); if (m.Success) { try { var massMono = new TypedMass(double.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), MassType.Monoisotopic); var massAvg = new TypedMass(double.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), MassType.Average); return(new CustomMolecule(massMono, massAvg)); } catch { Assume.Fail("unable to read custom molecule information"); // Not L10N } } } else if (formula != null && formula.Contains("/")) // Not L10N { // "formula" is actually mono and average masses try { var values = formula.Split('/'); var massMono = new TypedMass(double.Parse(values[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), MassType.Monoisotopic); var massAvg = new TypedMass(double.Parse(values[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), MassType.Average); return(new CustomMolecule(massMono, massAvg, name, new MoleculeAccessionNumbers(keysTSV))); } catch { Assume.Fail("unable to read custom molecule information"); // Not L10N } } return(new CustomMolecule(formula, null, null, name, new MoleculeAccessionNumbers(keysTSV))); }
private static void CheckRefSpectra(IList <DbRefSpectra> spectra, string name, string formula, string precursorAdduct, double precursorMz, ushort numPeaks) { name = RefinementSettings.TestingConvertedFromProteomicPeptideNameDecorator + name; for (var i = 0; i < spectra.Count; i++) { var spectrum = spectra[i]; if (spectrum.MoleculeName.Equals(name) && spectrum.ChemicalFormula.Equals(formula) && spectrum.PrecursorCharge.Equals(Adduct.FromStringAssumeProtonated(precursorAdduct).AdductCharge) && spectrum.PrecursorAdduct.Equals(precursorAdduct) && Math.Abs(spectrum.PrecursorMZ - precursorMz) < 0.001 && spectrum.NumPeaks.Equals(numPeaks)) { spectra.RemoveAt(i); return; } } Assume.Fail(string.Format("{0}, {1}, precursor charge {2}, precursor m/z {3}, with {4} peaks not found", name, formula, precursorAdduct, precursorMz, numPeaks)); }
/// <summary> /// Reconstitute data from memory and disk. /// </summary> public TData[] ToArray(byte[] bytes) { // Return final cached array. if (_blockIndex < 0) { return(_block._data); } // Allocate final array. int dest = Count; var array = new TData[dest]; if (dest == 0) { return(array); } int length = (_blockIndex > 0) ? _blockIndex : _blockSize; // Copy data from memory blocks. while (_block != null) { dest -= length; Array.Copy(_block._data, 0, array, dest, length); _block = _block._previousBlock; length = _blockSize; } Assume.IsTrue(bytes != null || _blocksOnDisk == 0); // Copy data that was spilled. while (_blocksOnDisk > 0) { dest -= _blockSize; int source = _filePosition; // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute _filePosition = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, source); source += sizeof(int); int dest2 = dest; // Convert byte data. if (typeof(TData) == typeof(short)) { for (int j = 0; j < _blockSize; j++) { // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute array[dest2++] = (TData)(object)BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, source); source += sizeof(short); } } else if (typeof(TData) == typeof(int)) { for (int j = 0; j < _blockSize; j++) { // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute array[dest2++] = (TData)(object)BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, source); source += sizeof(int); } } else if (typeof(TData) == typeof(float)) { for (int j = 0; j < _blockSize; j++) { // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute array[dest2++] = (TData)(object)BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, source); source += sizeof(float); } } else { Assume.Fail(); } _blocksOnDisk--; } // Cache the final array in case this collector is shared (i.e., shared times). _block = new Block(array, null); _blockIndex = -1; return(array); }
public void OkDialog() { var helper = new MessageBoxHelper(this); var charge = 0; if (textCharge.Visible && !helper.ValidateSignedNumberTextBox(textCharge, _minCharge, _maxCharge, out charge)) { return; } var adduct = Adduct.NonProteomicProtonatedFromCharge(charge); if (RetentionTimeWindow.HasValue && !RetentionTime.HasValue) { helper.ShowTextBoxError(textRetentionTimeWindow, Resources .Peptide_ExplicitRetentionTimeWindow_Explicit_retention_time_window_requires_an_explicit_retention_time_value_); return; } if (Adduct.IsEmpty || Adduct.AdductCharge != adduct.AdductCharge) { Adduct = adduct; // Note: order matters here, this settor indirectly updates _formulaBox.MonoMass when formula is empty } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_formulaBox.NeutralFormula)) { // Can the text fields be understood as mz? if (!_formulaBox.ValidateAverageText(helper)) { return; } if (!_formulaBox.ValidateMonoText(helper)) { return; } } var monoMass = new TypedMass(_formulaBox.MonoMass ?? 0, MassType.Monoisotopic); var averageMass = new TypedMass(_formulaBox.AverageMass ?? 0, MassType.Average); if (monoMass < CustomMolecule.MIN_MASS || averageMass < CustomMolecule.MIN_MASS) { _formulaBox.ShowTextBoxErrorFormula(helper, string.Format( Resources .EditCustomMoleculeDlg_OkDialog_Custom_molecules_must_have_a_mass_greater_than_or_equal_to__0__, CustomMolecule.MIN_MASS)); return; } if (monoMass > CustomMolecule.MAX_MASS || averageMass > CustomMolecule.MAX_MASS) { _formulaBox.ShowTextBoxErrorFormula(helper, string.Format( Resources .EditCustomMoleculeDlg_OkDialog_Custom_molecules_must_have_a_mass_less_than_or_equal_to__0__, CustomMolecule.MAX_MASS)); return; } if ((_transitionSettings != null) && (!_transitionSettings.IsMeasurablePrecursor( adduct.MzFromNeutralMass(monoMass, MassType.Monoisotopic)) || !_transitionSettings.IsMeasurablePrecursor(adduct.MzFromNeutralMass(averageMass, MassType.Average)))) { _formulaBox.ShowTextBoxErrorFormula(helper, Resources .SkylineWindow_AddMolecule_The_precursor_m_z_for_this_molecule_is_out_of_range_for_your_instrument_settings_); return; } // Ion mobility value must have ion mobility units if (textIonMobility.Visible && IonMobility.HasValue) { if (IonMobilityUnits == eIonMobilityUnits.none) { helper.ShowTextBoxError(textIonMobility, Resources.EditCustomMoleculeDlg_OkDialog_Please_specify_the_ion_mobility_units_); comboBoxIonMobilityUnits.Focus(); return; } if (IonMobility.Value == 0 || (IonMobility.Value < 0 && !IonMobilityFilter.AcceptNegativeMobilityValues(IonMobilityUnits))) { helper.ShowTextBoxError(textIonMobility, string.Format(Resources.SmallMoleculeTransitionListReader_ReadPrecursorOrProductColumns_Invalid_ion_mobility_value__0_, IonMobility)); textIonMobility.Focus(); return; } } if (_usageMode == UsageMode.precursor) { // Only the adduct should be changing SetResult(_resultCustomMolecule, Adduct); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_formulaBox.NeutralFormula)) { try { var name = textName.Text; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { name = _formulaBox.NeutralFormula; // Clip off any adduct description } SetResult(new CustomMolecule(_formulaBox.NeutralFormula, name), Adduct); } catch (InvalidDataException x) { _formulaBox.ShowTextBoxErrorFormula(helper, x.Message); return; } } else { SetResult(new CustomMolecule(monoMass, averageMass, textName.Text), Adduct); } // Did user change the list of heavy labels? if (_driverLabelType != null) { // This is the only thing the user may have altered var newHeavyMods = _driverLabelType.GetHeavyModifications().ToArray(); if (!ArrayUtil.EqualsDeep(newHeavyMods, _peptideSettings.Modifications.HeavyModifications)) { var labelTypes = _peptideSettings.Modifications.InternalStandardTypes.Where(t => newHeavyMods.Any(m => Equals(m.LabelType, t))).ToArray(); if (labelTypes.Length == 0) { labelTypes = new[] { newHeavyMods.First().LabelType } } ; PeptideModifications modifications = new PeptideModifications( _peptideSettings.Modifications.StaticModifications, _peptideSettings.Modifications.MaxVariableMods, _peptideSettings.Modifications.MaxNeutralLosses, newHeavyMods, labelTypes); var settings = _peptideSettings.ChangeModifications(modifications); SrmSettings newSettings = _parent.DocumentUI.Settings.ChangePeptideSettings(settings); if (!_parent.ChangeSettings(newSettings, true)) { // Not expected, since we checked for a change before calling // Otherwise, this is very confusing. The form just refuses to go away // We would prefer to get an unhandled exception and fix this Assume.Fail(); return; } _peptideSettings = newSettings.PeptideSettings; } } // See if this combination of charge and label would conflict with any existing transition groups if (_existingIds != null && _existingIds.Any(t => { var transitionGroup = t as TransitionGroup; return(transitionGroup != null && Equals(transitionGroup.LabelType, IsotopeLabelType) && Equals(transitionGroup.PrecursorAdduct.AsFormula(), Adduct .AsFormula()) && // Compare AsFormula so proteomic and non-proteomic protonation are seen as same thing !ReferenceEquals(t, _initialId)); })) { helper.ShowTextBoxError(textName, Resources .EditCustomMoleculeDlg_OkDialog_A_precursor_with_that_adduct_and_label_type_already_exists_, textName.Text); return; } // See if this would conflict with any existing transitions if (_existingIds != null && (_existingIds.Any(t => { var transition = t as Transition; return(transition != null && (Equals(transition.Adduct.AsFormula(), Adduct.AsFormula()) && Equals(transition.CustomIon, ResultCustomMolecule)) && !ReferenceEquals(t, _initialId)); }))) { helper.ShowTextBoxError(textName, Resources.EditCustomMoleculeDlg_OkDialog_A_similar_transition_already_exists_, textName.Text); return; } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }