public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { if (assignment == null) return null; assignment.Source = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); assignment.Target = this.VisitTargetExpression(assignment.Target); return assignment; }
public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { MemberBinding binding = assignment.Target as MemberBinding; if (binding != null) { Expression target = VisitExpression(binding.TargetObject); Field boundMember = (Field) binding.BoundMember; Expression source = VisitExpression(assignment.Source); if (!boundMember.IsStatic && !boundMember.DeclaringType.IsValueType && boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract != null && boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FramePropertyGetter != null && boundMember != boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FrameField) { Local targetLocal = new Local(boundMember.DeclaringType); Statement evaluateTarget = new AssignmentStatement(targetLocal, target, assignment.SourceContext); Local sourceLocal = new Local(boundMember.Type); Statement evaluateSource = new AssignmentStatement(sourceLocal, source, assignment.SourceContext); Expression guard = new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(targetLocal, boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FramePropertyGetter), null, NodeType.Call, SystemTypes.Guard); Statement check = new ExpressionStatement(new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(guard, SystemTypes.Guard.GetMethod(Identifier.For("CheckIsWriting"))), null, NodeType.Call, SystemTypes.Void)); Statement stfld = new AssignmentStatement(new MemberBinding(targetLocal, boundMember), sourceLocal, assignment.SourceContext); return new Block(new StatementList(new Statement[] {evaluateTarget, evaluateSource, check, stfld})); } else { binding.TargetObject = target; assignment.Source = source; return assignment; } } else { return base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); } }
public object VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement s, object context) { s.Target.AcceptVisitor(this, context); StringBuilder.Append(" = "); s.Value.AcceptVisitor(this, context); StringBuilder.Append(";"); return(null); }
public void GetMemberNames() { string[] expected = new string[] { "a", "b" }; string code = "a.b = 0"; AssignmentStatement statement = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement(code); Assert.AreEqual(expected, PythonControlFieldExpression.GetMemberNames(statement.Left[0] as MemberExpression)); }
public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement node) { if (node.Target is Local && IsResultExpression(node.Source)) { this.exempt_result_local = (Local)node.Target; } base.VisitAssignmentStatement(node); }
public void NoLeftHandSideExpressionsInAssignment() { List <Expression> lhs = new List <Expression>(); AssignmentStatement assign = new AssignmentStatement(lhs.ToArray(), null); PythonComponentWalker walker = new PythonComponentWalker(this); walker.Walk(assign); }
public void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignmentStatement) { _generatedCode .Append(ExpressionCodeGenerator.GenerateExpressionCode(assignmentStatement.Target)) .Append(" = ") .Append(ExpressionCodeGenerator.GenerateExpressionCode(assignmentStatement.Value)) .Append(";\n"); }
//----------------------------------------------------------- private Type Visit(AssignmentStatement node, Table table) { Type leftExpressionType = Visit((dynamic)node[0], table); Type rightExpressionType = Visit((dynamic)node[1], table); if (leftExpressionType != rightExpressionType) { if (!((leftExpressionType == Type.LIST_OF_BOOLEAN || leftExpressionType == Type.LIST_OF_INTEGER || leftExpressionType == Type.LIST_OF_STRING) && rightExpressionType == Type.LIST_OF_ANYTHING)) { throw new SemanticError("Expecting type " + leftExpressionType + " instead of " + rightExpressionType + " in assignment statement", node.AnchorToken); } } if (node[0] is Identifier) { GlobalSymbolTable gstable = table as GlobalSymbolTable; LocalSymbolTable lstable = table as LocalSymbolTable; var symbolName = node[0].AnchorToken.Lexeme; if (table is GlobalSymbolTable) { if (gstable[symbolName].IsConstant) { throw new SemanticError("Cannot perform assignment to constant " + symbolName, node[0].AnchorToken); } } else if (table is LocalSymbolTable) { if (lstable.Contains(symbolName)) { if (lstable[symbolName].Kind == Clasification.CONST) { throw new SemanticError("Cannot perform assignment to constant " + symbolName, node[0].AnchorToken); } } else { if (GSTable.Contains(symbolName) && GSTable[symbolName].IsConstant) { throw new SemanticError("Cannot perform assignment to constant " + symbolName, node[0].AnchorToken); } } } else { throw new TypeAccessException("Expecting either a GlobalSymbolTable or a LocalSymboltable"); } } else if (node[0] is ListIndexExpression) { } else { throw new TypeAccessException("Expecting either a Idenetifier or a ListIndexExpression " + node[0]); } return(Type.VOID); }
public void GetVariableName_Indexer_ReturnsNameOfDeclaringObject() { Method sampleMethod = TestHelper.GetSample <IntrospectionUtility_ClassSample> ("ArrayVariableAndIndexer"); Block sampleBlock = (Block)sampleMethod.Body.Statements[0]; AssignmentStatement sampleAssignment = (AssignmentStatement)sampleBlock.Statements[2]; Expression sample = sampleAssignment.Target; Assert.That(IntrospectionUtility.GetVariableName(sample), Is.EqualTo("local$0")); }
public void InferSafeness_NullSymbolName_ToleratedAndNoExceptionThrown() { Method sample = TestHelper.GetSample <InferSafenessSample>("Foo"); Block targetBlock = (Block)sample.Body.Statements[0]; AssignmentStatement targetAssignment = (AssignmentStatement)targetBlock.Statements[1]; Expression targetExpression = targetAssignment.Target; _symbolTable.InferSafeness(null, targetExpression); }
public override bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { foreach (var lhs in node.Left) { DefineExpr(lhs); } node.Right.Walk(this); return(false); }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); if (IsDefaultValue(assignment.Target.Type, assignment.Source)) { Problems.Add(CreateProblem(assignment)); } }
public override bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { UpdateChildRanges(node); foreach (var nameExpr in node.Left.OfType <NameExpression>()) { _scope.AddVariable(nameExpr.Name, CreateVariableInDeclaredScope(nameExpr)); } return(base.Walk(node)); }
public void IsCompilerGenerated_CompilerGeneratedTypeNode_ReturnsTrue() { Method sampleMethod = TestHelper.GetSample <IntrospectionUtility_ClassSample> ("UsingClosure"); Block sampleBlock = (Block)sampleMethod.Body.Statements[0]; AssignmentStatement sampleAssignment = (AssignmentStatement)sampleBlock.Statements[0]; TypeNode compilerGeneratedTypeNode = sampleAssignment.Source.Type; Assert.That(IntrospectionUtility.IsCompilerGenerated(compilerGeneratedTypeNode), Is.True); }
public override bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { if (node.Right is ErrorExpression) { return(false); } node.Right?.Walk(new ExpressionWalker(this)); return(false); }
public void IsVariable_Indexer_ReturnsTrue() { Method sampleMethod = TestHelper.GetSample <IntrospectionUtility_ClassSample> ("ArrayVariableAndIndexer"); Block sampleBlock = (Block)sampleMethod.Body.Statements[0]; AssignmentStatement sampleAssignment = (AssignmentStatement)sampleBlock.Statements[2]; Expression sample = sampleAssignment.Target; Assert.That(IntrospectionUtility.IsVariable(sample), Is.True); }
public void GetInvalidTwoLevelDeepButtonPropertyDescriptorForSelfReference() { using (Button button = new Button()) { AssignmentStatement statement = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement("self._button1.InvalidProperty.BorderSize = 3"); PythonControlFieldExpression field = PythonControlFieldExpression.Create(statement.Left[0] as MemberExpression); Assert.IsNull(field.GetObjectForMemberName(button)); } }
public AssignmentStatement ParseAssignmentStatement(MemoryLocation destination) { AssignmentStatement result = new AssignmentStatement(destination); Scanner.ConsumeOperatorToken(Token.Types.ASSIGN); result.Expression = ParseExpression(); return result; }
/// <inheritdoc /> void IAstNodeVisitor <TInstruction, object> .Visit(AssignmentStatement <TInstruction> assignmentStatement, object state) { EnterAssignmentStatement(assignmentStatement); assignmentStatement.Expression.Accept(this, state); ExitAssignmentStatement(assignmentStatement); }
public object Visit(AssignmentStatement assignmentStatement) { PrintStart("=", ConsoleColor.Green); Next(assignmentStatement.Assignee); Next(assignmentStatement.Value); _indentationLevel--; return(null !); }
public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { if (assignment.Target is Local && IsResultExpression(assignment.Source)) { exemptResultLocal = (Local)assignment.Target; } base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); }
// AssignStmt public override bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { node.Right.Walk(this); foreach (Expression e in node.Left) { e.Walk(_fdef); } return(false); }
public void LocalVariable() { AssignmentStatement statement = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement("listViewItem1.TooltipText = \"abc\""); PythonControlFieldExpression field = PythonControlFieldExpression.Create(statement.Left[0] as MemberExpression); PythonControlFieldExpression expectedField = new PythonControlFieldExpression("TooltipText", "listViewItem1", String.Empty, "listViewItem1.TooltipText"); Assert.AreEqual(expectedField, field); }
void AssignmentStatement(out Statement stat) { AssignmentStatement ass = new AssignmentStatement(GetPragma(la)); stat = ass; LValue(out ass.lval); Expect(11); Expression(out ass.rval); SetEndPragma(stat); }
public void GetButtonObject() { using (Button button = new Button()) { AssignmentStatement statement = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement("_button1.Size = System.Drawing.Size(10, 10)"); PythonControlFieldExpression field = PythonControlFieldExpression.Create(statement.Left[0] as MemberExpression); Assert.AreEqual(button, field.GetObjectForMemberName(button)); } }
public virtual void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement node) { if (node == null) { return; } VisitTargetExpression(node.Target); VisitExpression(node.Source); }
public override bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { if (currentClass != null) { FindProperty(node); return(false); } return(base.Walk(node)); }
public void GetButtonFlatAppearanceObject() { using (Button button = new Button()) { AssignmentStatement statement = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement("_button1.FlatAppearance.BorderSize = 3"); PythonControlFieldExpression field = PythonControlFieldExpression.Create(statement.Left[0] as MemberExpression); Assert.AreEqual(button.FlatAppearance, field.GetObjectForMemberName(button)); } }
public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { if (assignment == null) { return(null); } assignment.Source = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); assignment.Target = this.VisitTargetExpression(assignment.Target); return(assignment); }
public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { Expression source = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(source != null, "VisitExpression must return non-null if passed non-null"); assignment.Source = source; Expression target = this.VisitTargetExpression(assignment.Target); System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(target != null, "VisitExpression must return non-null if passed non-null"); assignment.Target = target; return assignment; }
public void GetAssignmentStatementReturnsFirstAssignmentStatementInCode() { string code = "i = 10"; AssignmentStatement assignment = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement(code); NameExpression nameExpression = assignment.Left[0] as NameExpression; Assert.AreEqual("i", nameExpression.Name); }
public void PythonControlFieldExpressionEquals() { AssignmentStatement statement = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement("self._textBox1.Name = \"abc\""); PythonControlFieldExpression field1 = PythonControlFieldExpression.Create(statement.Left[0] as MemberExpression); statement = PythonParserHelper.GetAssignmentStatement("self._textBox1.Name = \"def\""); PythonControlFieldExpression field2 = PythonControlFieldExpression.Create(statement.Left[0] as MemberExpression); Assert.AreEqual(field1, field2); }
private void Assign(Scope scope, string name, object val, bool isConst, object expected) { Expression expr = isConst ? (Expression) new ConstantExpression(val) : (Expression) new VariableExpression(val.ToString(), scope); var exp = new AssignmentStatement(name, expr, scope); exp.Execute(); Assert.AreEqual(expected, scope.Get <object>(name)); }
public override bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { node.Right?.Walk(this); foreach (var exp in node.Left) { AddVarSymbolRecursive(exp); } return(false); }
public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); if (assignment == null) { return; } var targetLocal = assignment.Target as Local; if (targetLocal != null) { this.assignmented[targetLocal] = assignment.Source; } }
private void CheckAssignment(AssignmentStatement assignmentStatement, string targetName, HandleContext context) { ISymbolTable symbolTable = context.SymbolTable; Fragment targetFragmentType = symbolTable.GetFragmentType (targetName); Fragment sourceFragmentType = symbolTable.InferFragmentType (assignmentStatement.Source); if (targetFragmentType != sourceFragmentType) { symbolTable.MakeUnsafe (targetName); } else { SetPreConditionForIndexerObject (assignmentStatement, targetName, sourceFragmentType, context); } }
private Method GetAssignedDelegateMethod(AssignmentStatement assignmentStatement) { Construct construct = (Construct) assignmentStatement.Source; var expression = construct.Operands[1]; MemberBinding methodBinding; if (expression is UnaryExpression) methodBinding = (MemberBinding) ((UnaryExpression) expression).Operand; else if (expression is BinaryExpression) // generates binaryExpressions instead of unary methodBinding = (MemberBinding) ((BinaryExpression) expression).Operand2; else throw new InvalidOperationException ("Could not fetch member binding from delegate statement."); return (Method) methodBinding.BoundMember; }
private void InferArrayFragment(AssignmentStatement assignmentStatement, string targetName, HandleContext context) { ISymbolTable symbolTable = context.SymbolTable; Fragment targetFragmentType = symbolTable.InferFragmentType (assignmentStatement.Source); if (context.ArrayFragmentTypeDefined[targetName] == false) { symbolTable.MakeSafe(targetName, targetFragmentType); context.ArrayFragmentTypeDefined[targetName] = true; } else if (symbolTable.GetFragmentType(targetName) == Fragment.CreateLiteral()) { symbolTable.MakeSafe(targetName, targetFragmentType); } else if (symbolTable.GetFragmentType(targetName) != targetFragmentType && targetFragmentType != Fragment.CreateLiteral()) { symbolTable.MakeUnsafe(targetName); } }
public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); if (assignment == null) { return; } var targetLocal = assignment.Target as Local; if (targetLocal == null) { return; } var sourceLiteral = assignment.Source as Literal; this.localsOfLiteral[targetLocal] = sourceLiteral; }
public override Expression VisitMemberBinding(MemberBinding binding) { Member boundMember = binding.BoundMember; if (boundMember is Field && !boundMember.IsStatic && boundMember.DeclaringType != null && boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract != null && boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FramePropertyGetter != null && boundMember != boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FrameField) { Expression target = VisitExpression(binding.TargetObject); // Since we do not visit member bindings of assignment statements, we know/guess that this is a ldfld. Local targetLocal = new Local(boundMember.DeclaringType); Statement evaluateTarget = new AssignmentStatement(targetLocal, target, binding.SourceContext); Expression guard = new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(targetLocal, boundMember.DeclaringType.Contract.FramePropertyGetter), null, NodeType.Call, SystemTypes.Guard); Statement check = new ExpressionStatement(new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(guard, SystemTypes.Guard.GetMethod(Identifier.For("CheckIsReading"))), null, NodeType.Call, SystemTypes.Void)); Statement ldfld = new ExpressionStatement(new MemberBinding(targetLocal, boundMember, binding.SourceContext)); return new BlockExpression(new Block(new StatementList(new Statement[] {evaluateTarget, check, ldfld})), binding.Type); } else { return base.VisitMemberBinding(binding); } }
public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { this.statements.Add(assignment); base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); if (assignment != null) { var local = assignment.Target as Local; if (local != null && !Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.RuleUtilities.IsCompilerGenerated(local)) { this.locals.Remove(local); if (!this.initedLocals.Add(local) && !this.locals.Contains(local)) { this.Violate(assignment); } this.locals.Clear(); } } }
protected internal override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement statement) { _stm = Ssm.Stm.NewAsgnStm(((Ssm.Expr.VarExpr)GetTransformed(statement.AssignmentTarget)).Item, GetTransformed(statement.Expression)); }
// AssignmentStatement public virtual bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { return true; }
public virtual Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment, AssignmentStatement changes, AssignmentStatement deletions, AssignmentStatement insertions){ this.UpdateSourceContext(assignment, changes); if (assignment == null) return changes; if (changes != null){ if (deletions == null || insertions == null) Debug.Assert(false); else{ assignment.Operator = changes.Operator; assignment.Source = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source, changes.Source, deletions.Source, insertions.Source); assignment.Target = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Target, changes.Target, deletions.Target, insertions.Target); } }else if (deletions != null) return null; return assignment; }
// AssignmentStatement public override bool Walk(AssignmentStatement node) { return false; }
void TypecastStatement(out Statement stat) { AssignmentStatement ass = new AssignmentStatement(GetPragma(la)); stat = ass; Type t; LValue(out ass.lval); Expect(12); Expect(46); Expect(20); Typename(out t); SetEndPragma(ass); ass.rval = new TypecastExpression(ass.location, t, ass.lval); }
public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment){ assignment = (AssignmentStatement)base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); if (assignment == null) return null; Expression target = assignment.Target; Expression source = assignment.Source; TypeNode tType = target == null ? null : target.Type; TypeNode sType = source == null ? null : source.Type; if (tType != null && sType != null){ //^ assert target != null; if (tType.IsValueType){ if (sType is Reference) assignment.Source = new AddressDereference(source, tType); else if (!sType.IsValueType && !(sType == CoreSystemTypes.Object && source is Literal && target.NodeType == NodeType.AddressDereference)) assignment.Source = new AddressDereference(new BinaryExpression(source, new MemberBinding(null, sType), NodeType.Unbox), sType); }else{ if (sType.IsValueType){ if (!(tType is Reference)) assignment.Source = new BinaryExpression(source, new MemberBinding(null, sType), NodeType.Box, tType); } } } return assignment; }
public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment){ if (assignment == null) return null; if (assignment.Operator == NodeType.Add || assignment.Operator == NodeType.Sub){ Expression t = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Target); DelegateNode dt = TypeNode.StripModifiers(t.Type) as DelegateNode; MemberBinding mb = t as MemberBinding; if (dt != null && mb != null){ Event e = mb.BoundMember as Event; if (e != null){ //There is no backing field for this event, use the add or remove accessor ExpressionList arguments = new ExpressionList(1); Expression src = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); if (src is MemberBinding && ((MemberBinding)src).BoundMember is Method) src = this.VisitExpression(new Construct(new MemberBinding(null, e.HandlerType), new ExpressionList(assignment.Source))); arguments.Add(src); Method adderOrRemover = assignment.Operator == NodeType.Add ? e.HandlerAdder : e.HandlerRemover; adderOrRemover.ObsoleteAttribute = e.ObsoleteAttribute; mb.BoundMember = adderOrRemover; MethodCall mc = new MethodCall(mb, arguments, NodeType.Call); if (!(mb.TargetObject is Base) && e.HandlerAdder.IsVirtualAndNotDeclaredInStruct) mc.NodeType = NodeType.Callvirt; mc.Type = SystemTypes.Void; mc.SourceContext = assignment.SourceContext; Construct c1 = src as Construct; if (c1 != null && c1.Type == null) c1.Type = t.Type; Identifier id = src as Identifier; if (id != null && id.Type == null && t.Type != null && t.Type.IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.Enum)) id.Type = t.Type; return new ExpressionStatement(mc); }else if (mb.BoundMember.DeclaringType != this.currentType && (mb.BoundMember is Field && ((Field)mb.BoundMember).IsPrivate)){ Expression src = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); if (src is MemberBinding && ((MemberBinding)src).BoundMember is Method) src = this.VisitExpression(new Construct(new MemberBinding(null, dt), new ExpressionList(assignment.Source))); BinaryExpression bExpr = new BinaryExpression(assignment.Target, src, NodeType.AddEventHandler); bExpr.SourceContext = assignment.SourceContext; if (assignment.Operator != NodeType.Add) bExpr.NodeType = NodeType.RemoveEventHandler; bExpr.Type = SystemTypes.Void; Construct c1 = src as Construct; if (c1 != null && c1.Type == null) c1.Type = t.Type; Identifier id = src as Identifier; if (id != null && id.Type == null && t.Type != null && t.Type.IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.Enum)) id.Type = t.Type; return new ExpressionStatement(this.VisitExpression(bExpr), assignment.SourceContext); } } } Expression opnd1 = assignment.Target = this.VisitTargetExpression(assignment.Target); TypeNode opnd1Type = opnd1 == null ? null : TypeNode.StripModifiers(opnd1.Type); Expression opnd2; if (opnd1 != null && opnd1Type is DelegateNode) { TemplateInstance ti = assignment.Source as TemplateInstance; if (ti != null && !ti.IsMethodTemplate){ ti.IsMethodTemplate = true; opnd2 = assignment.Source = this.VisitExpression(new Construct(new MemberBinding(null, opnd1Type), new ExpressionList(assignment.Source))); }else{ Expression source = assignment.Source; AnonymousNestedFunction anonFunc = source as AnonymousNestedFunction; if (anonFunc != null) this.FillInImplicitType(anonFunc, (DelegateNode)opnd1Type); opnd2 = assignment.Source = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); MemberBinding mb = opnd2 as MemberBinding; if (mb != null && mb.BoundMember is Method) opnd2 = assignment.Source = this.VisitExpression(new Construct(new MemberBinding(null, opnd1Type), new ExpressionList(source))); } }else{ opnd2 = assignment.Source = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); } if (assignment.Operator == NodeType.Add && opnd1 != null && opnd2 != null){ TypeNode t1 = this.typeSystem.Unwrap(opnd1.Type); TypeNode t2 = this.typeSystem.Unwrap(opnd2.Type); if (t1 == SystemTypes.String){ if (t2 == SystemTypes.String || this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercionFromTo(t2, SystemTypes.String, this.TypeViewer)) assignment.OperatorOverload = Runtime.StringConcatStrings; else assignment.OperatorOverload = Runtime.StringConcatObjects; return assignment; } } if (assignment.Operator != NodeType.Nop){ BinaryExpression binExpr = new BinaryExpression(assignment.Target, assignment.Source, assignment.Operator); assignment.OperatorOverload = this.GetBinaryOperatorOverload(binExpr); if (assignment.OperatorOverload == null && opnd1 != null){ TypeNode t1 = this.typeSystem.Unwrap(opnd1.Type); if (t1 != null && !t1.IsPrimitiveNumeric && t1 != SystemTypes.Char && !(t1 is EnumNode)){ Literal lit2 = opnd2 as Literal; if (lit2 != null && lit2.Type != null) { TypeNode t2 = this.typeSystem.UnifiedType(lit2, t1, this.TypeViewer); if (t1 != t2 && t2 != SystemTypes.Object) assignment.UnifiedType = t2; } } } } if (assignment != null && assignment.Target != null) { TypeNode type = assignment.Target.Type; Construct c = assignment.Source as Construct; if (c != null && c.Type == null) c.Type = type; Identifier id = assignment.Source as Identifier; if (id != null && id.Type == null && type != null && type.IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.Enum)) id.Type = type; } return assignment; }
public virtual Differences VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment1, AssignmentStatement assignment2){ Differences differences = new Differences(assignment1, assignment2); if (assignment1 == null || assignment2 == null){ if (assignment1 != assignment2) differences.NumberOfDifferences++; else differences.NumberOfSimilarities++; return differences; } AssignmentStatement changes = (AssignmentStatement)assignment2.Clone(); AssignmentStatement deletions = (AssignmentStatement)assignment2.Clone(); AssignmentStatement insertions = (AssignmentStatement)assignment2.Clone(); if (assignment1.Operator == assignment2.Operator) differences.NumberOfSimilarities++; else differences.NumberOfDifferences++; Differences diff = this.VisitExpression(assignment1.Source, assignment2.Source); if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); return differences;} changes.Source = diff.Changes as Expression; deletions.Source = diff.Deletions as Expression; insertions.Source = diff.Insertions as Expression; Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes.Source && diff.Deletions == deletions.Source && diff.Insertions == insertions.Source); differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences; differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities; diff = this.VisitExpression(assignment1.Target, assignment2.Target); if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); return differences;} changes.Target = diff.Changes as Expression; deletions.Target = diff.Deletions as Expression; insertions.Target = diff.Insertions as Expression; Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes.Target && diff.Deletions == deletions.Target && diff.Insertions == insertions.Target); differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences; differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities; if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){ differences.Changes = null; differences.Deletions = null; differences.Insertions = null; }else{ differences.Changes = changes; differences.Deletions = deletions; differences.Insertions = insertions; } return differences; }
/// <summary> /// Replace an implicit Push with an assignment to the appropriate stack variable. /// </summary> protected override Statement PushExprTransformer(ExpressionStatement expr_stat, int depth) { Statement new_stat = new AssignmentStatement(get_stack_var(depth, expr_stat.Expression, ref expr_stat.SourceContext), expr_stat.Expression); new_stat.SourceContext = expr_stat.SourceContext; return new_stat; }
/// <summary> /// Remove the Pop from a CciHelper statement "sequence" of the form "Pop expr". /// </summary> protected override Statement PopExprTransformer(ExpressionStatement expr_stat, int depth) { Expression real_expr = ((UnaryExpression) expr_stat.Expression).Operand; Statement new_stat; new_stat = new AssignmentStatement(get_stack_var(depth, expr_stat.Expression), real_expr); real_expr.SourceContext = expr_stat.SourceContext; new_stat.SourceContext = expr_stat.SourceContext; return new_stat; }
public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { if (assignment == null) return null; if (this.TypeInVariableContext(assignment.Source as Literal)) return null; if (this.insideMethodContract || this.insideAssertOrAssume || this.insideInvariant) { this.HandleError(assignment, Error.SideEffectsNotAllowedInContracts); return null; } Composition comp = assignment.Target as Composition; if (comp != null) { comp.Expression = this.VisitTargetExpression(comp.Expression); if (comp.Expression == null) return null; } else { bool savedMayReferenceThisAndBase = this.MayReferenceThisAndBase; MemberBinding mb = assignment.Target as MemberBinding; if (assignment.Operator == NodeType.Nop && mb != null && (mb.TargetObject is ImplicitThis || mb.TargetObject is This)) { this.MayReferenceThisAndBase = true; } assignment.Target = this.VisitTargetExpression(assignment.Target); this.MayReferenceThisAndBase = savedMayReferenceThisAndBase; if (assignment.Target == null) return null; } TypeNode t = assignment.Target.Type; if (t == null) assignment.Target.Type = t = SystemTypes.Object; Expression source = this.VisitExpression(assignment.Source); if (source == null) return null; Reference rt = t as Reference; NodeType oper = assignment.Operator; if (rt != null && oper != NodeType.CopyReference) t = rt.ElementType; if (oper != NodeType.Nop && oper != NodeType.CopyReference) { this.CheckForGetAccessor(assignment.Target); LRExpression e = new LRExpression(assignment.Target); assignment.Target = e; if (assignment.OperatorOverload == null) { BinaryExpression be = new BinaryExpression(e, source, assignment.Operator, t, assignment.SourceContext); if (assignment.UnifiedType != t && assignment.UnifiedType != null) be.Type = assignment.UnifiedType; Expression pop = new Expression(NodeType.Pop, be.Type); Pointer pt = t as Pointer; if (pt != null && (assignment.Operator == NodeType.Add || assignment.Operator == NodeType.Sub)) { if (pt.ElementType != SystemTypes.Int8 && pt.ElementType != SystemTypes.UInt8) { UnaryExpression sizeOf = new UnaryExpression(new Literal(pt.ElementType, SystemTypes.Type), NodeType.Sizeof, SystemTypes.UInt32); Expression elemSize = PureEvaluator.EvalUnaryExpression((Literal)sizeOf.Operand, sizeOf); if (elemSize == null) elemSize = sizeOf; TypeNode offsetType = SystemTypes.Int32; if (source.Type != null && source.Type.IsPrimitiveInteger) offsetType = source.Type; BinaryExpression offset = new BinaryExpression(source, elemSize, NodeType.Mul, offsetType, source.SourceContext); Literal offsetLit = PureEvaluator.TryEvalBinaryExpression(source as Literal, elemSize as Literal, offset, this.typeSystem); if (offsetLit == null) { if (offsetType == SystemTypes.Int32) offset.Operand1 = new UnaryExpression(source, NodeType.Conv_I); else offset.Operand2 = this.typeSystem.ExplicitCoercion(elemSize, offsetType, this.TypeViewer); source = offset; } else source = offsetLit; } source = this.typeSystem.ExplicitCoercion(source, pt, this.TypeViewer); be.Operand2 = source; assignment.Source = be; return assignment; } source = this.CoerceBinaryExpressionOperands(be, pop, source); if (source == null) return null; if (source == pop) source = e; else if (!(source is Literal)) { be.Operand1 = e; } } assignment.Operator = NodeType.Nop; if (!t.IsPrimitiveNumeric && t != SystemTypes.Char && t != SystemTypes.Boolean && assignment.OperatorOverload == null && (assignment.UnifiedType == null || !assignment.UnifiedType.IsPrimitiveNumeric) && oper != NodeType.AddEventHandler && oper != NodeType.RemoveEventHandler && !(t is DelegateNode && (source.NodeType == NodeType.Add || source.NodeType == NodeType.Sub)) && !(t is EnumNode)) { this.HandleError(assignment, Error.BadBinaryOps, this.GetOperatorSymbol(oper), this.GetTypeName(t), this.GetTypeName(assignment.Source.Type)); return null; } if (assignment.OperatorOverload != null) { if (assignment.OperatorOverload.Parameters == null || assignment.OperatorOverload.Parameters.Count < 2) { Debug.Assert(false); return null; } source = this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercion(source, assignment.OperatorOverload.Parameters[1].Type, this.TypeViewer); ExpressionList arguments = new ExpressionList(e, source); source = new MethodCall(new MemberBinding(null, assignment.OperatorOverload), arguments, NodeType.Call, assignment.OperatorOverload.ReturnType); assignment.OperatorOverload = null; } } assignment.Source = this.typeSystem.ImplicitCoercion(source, t, this.TypeViewer); return assignment; }
public virtual void VisitAssignmentStatement (AssignmentStatement node) { if (node == null) return; VisitTargetExpression (node.Target); VisitExpression (node.Source); }
public static string Print(AssignmentStatement asgn) { return "sourceexpression type: " + asgn.Source.Type.Name + "\n" + "operator: " + asgn.Operator.ToString() + "\n" + "targetexpression type: " + asgn.Target.NodeType.ToString(); }
public override void VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment) { try { if (assignment == null) { return; } var targetLocal = assignment.Target as Local; if (targetLocal == null) { return; } switch (assignment.Source.NodeType) { case NodeType.Literal: this.localsOfLiteral[targetLocal] = assignment.Source as Literal; break; case NodeType.Call: // MethodCall var sourceMethodCall = assignment.Source as MethodCall; bool isStringConcatMethodCall = RuleUtilities.IsStringConcatMethodCall(sourceMethodCall); if (!isStringConcatMethodCall) { this.localsOfLiteral.Remove(targetLocal); break; } for (var i = 1; i < sourceMethodCall.Operands.Count; i++) { // 前連結側のリテラルを算出する var prepareLiteral = sourceMethodCall.Operands[i - 1] as Literal; if (prepareLiteral == null) { var prepareLocal = sourceMethodCall.Operands[i - 1] as Local; if (prepareLocal != null) { // ローカル値の場合、処理中に最後に代入されたローカル値を取り出してみる this.localsOfLiteral.TryGetValue(prepareLocal, out prepareLiteral); } } if (prepareLiteral == null) { // 前連結側がリテラル値でなければ終了 continue; } var afterLiteral = sourceMethodCall.Operands[i] as Literal; if (afterLiteral == null) { var afterLocal = sourceMethodCall.Operands[i] as Local; if (afterLocal != null) { // ローカル値の場合、処理中に最後に代入されたローカル値を取り出してみる this.localsOfLiteral.TryGetValue(afterLocal, out afterLiteral); } } if (afterLiteral == null) { continue; } this.Violate( assignment, prepareLiteral.Value, afterLiteral.Value); } break; default: this.localsOfLiteral.Remove(targetLocal); break; } } finally { base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment); } }
public virtual Statement VisitAssignmentStatement (AssignmentStatement node) { if (node == null) return node; node.Target = VisitTargetExpression (node.Target); node.Source = VisitExpression (node.Source); return node; }
public virtual void PostWalk(AssignmentStatement node) { }
public override void PostWalk(AssignmentStatement node) { }
void ExpressionStatement(out Statement stat) { AssignmentStatement ass = new AssignmentStatement(GetPragma(la)); ass.lval = new VariableLValue(GetPragma(la), GetVariable("IT")); stat = ass; Expression exp; Expression(out exp); ass.rval = exp; SetEndPragma(ass); }