public void AssignmentPercolator_TryFinally()
            var c = Expression.TryFinally(Expression.Constant(42), Expression.Empty());
            var v = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int));
            var e = Expression.Assign(v, c);
            var r = AssignmentPercolator.Percolate(e);

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Try, r.NodeType);
            var t = (TryExpression)r;

            Assert.AreSame(c.Finally, t.Finally);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.Body.NodeType);
            var a = (BinaryExpression)t.Body;

            Assert.AreSame(v, a.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(c.Body, a.Right);
        public void AssignmentPercolator_Block()
            var b = Expression.Block(Expression.Empty(), Expression.Constant(42));
            var v = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int));
            var e = Expression.Assign(v, b);
            var r = AssignmentPercolator.Percolate(e);

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Block, r.NodeType);
            var t = (BlockExpression)r;

            Assert.AreSame(b.Expressions[0], t.Expressions[0]);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.Expressions[1].NodeType);
            var a = (BinaryExpression)t.Expressions[1];

            Assert.AreSame(v, a.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(b.Expressions[1], a.Right);
        public void AssignmentPercolator_Switch()
            var c = Expression.Switch(Expression.Constant(42), Expression.Constant(43), Expression.SwitchCase(Expression.Constant(44), Expression.Constant(45)));
            var v = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int));
            var e = Expression.Assign(v, c);
            var r = AssignmentPercolator.Percolate(e);

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Switch, r.NodeType);
            var t = (SwitchExpression)r;

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.DefaultBody.NodeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.Cases[0].Body.NodeType);
            var a1 = (BinaryExpression)t.DefaultBody;
            var a2 = (BinaryExpression)t.Cases[0].Body;

            Assert.AreSame(v, a1.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(v, a2.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(c.DefaultBody, a1.Right);
            Assert.AreSame(c.Cases[0].Body, a2.Right);
        public void AssignmentPercolator_TryCatch()
            var c = Expression.TryCatch(Expression.Constant(42), Expression.Catch(typeof(Exception), Expression.Constant(43)));
            var v = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int));
            var e = Expression.Assign(v, c);
            var r = AssignmentPercolator.Percolate(e);

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Try, r.NodeType);
            var t = (TryExpression)r;

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.Body.NodeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.Handlers[0].Body.NodeType);
            var a1 = (BinaryExpression)t.Body;
            var a2 = (BinaryExpression)t.Handlers[0].Body;

            Assert.AreSame(v, a1.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(v, a2.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(c.Body, a1.Right);
            Assert.AreSame(c.Handlers[0].Body, a2.Right);
        public void AssignmentPercolator_Conditional()
            var c = Expression.Condition(Expression.Constant(true), Expression.Constant(42), Expression.Constant(43));
            var v = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int));
            var e = Expression.Assign(v, c);
            var r = AssignmentPercolator.Percolate(e);

            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Conditional, r.NodeType);
            var t = (ConditionalExpression)r;

            Assert.AreSame(c.Test, t.Test);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.IfTrue.NodeType);
            Assert.AreEqual(ExpressionType.Assign, t.IfFalse.NodeType);
            var a1 = (BinaryExpression)t.IfTrue;
            var a2 = (BinaryExpression)t.IfFalse;

            Assert.AreSame(v, a1.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(v, a2.Left);
            Assert.AreSame(c.IfTrue, a1.Right);
            Assert.AreSame(c.IfFalse, a2.Right);
Пример #6
        private Expression RewriteBody(ParameterExpression stateVar, ParameterExpression builderVar, ParameterExpression stateMachineVar, out IEnumerable <ParameterExpression> variables)
            const int ExprCount = 1 /* local state var */ + 1 /* TryCatch */ + 2 /* state = -2; SetResult */ + 1 /* Label */;

            var locals = default(ParameterExpression[]);
            var exprs  = default(Expression[]);

            var result = default(ParameterExpression);
            var ex     = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Exception), "exception");

            var exit = Expression.Label("__exit");

            // Keep a collection and a helper function to create variables that are hoisted to the heap
            // for use by await sites. Because only one await site can be active at a time, we can reuse
            // variables introduced for these, e.g. for awaiters of the same type.
            // NB: We can replace the getVariable helper function with a local function in C# 7.0 if we
            //     get that feature.
            var hoistedVars = new Dictionary <Type, ParameterExpression>();

            var getVariable = new Func <Type, string, ParameterExpression>((t, s) =>
                if (!hoistedVars.TryGetValue(t, out ParameterExpression p))
                    p = Expression.Parameter(t, s + hoistedVars.Count);
                    hoistedVars.Add(t, p);


            // Some helpers to call AwaitOnCompleted on the async method builder for use by each await site in
            // the asynchronous code path, e.g.
            //   if (!awaiter.IsCompleted)
            //   {
            //     __state = n;
            //     __builder.AwaitOnCompleted<AwaiterType, RuntimeAsyncStateMachine>(ref awaiter, ref __statemachine);
            //   }
            // NB: We can replace the onCompletedFactory helper function with a local function in C# 7.0 if we
            //     get that feature.
            // REVIEW: Do we have any option to call UnsafeAwaitOnCompleted at runtime, i.e. can we detect
            //         the cases where we can do this and can we do it wrt security restrictions on code
            //         that gets emitted dynamically?
            var awaitOnCompletedMethod = builderVar.Type.GetMethod("AwaitOnCompleted", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var awaitOnCompletedArgs   = new Type[] { default(Type), typeof(RuntimeAsyncStateMachine) };

            var onCompletedFactory = new Func <Expression, Expression>(awaiter =>
                awaitOnCompletedArgs[0]          = awaiter.Type;
                var awaitOnCompletedMethodClosed = awaitOnCompletedMethod.MakeGenericMethod(awaitOnCompletedArgs);
                return(Expression.Call(builderVar, awaitOnCompletedMethodClosed, awaiter, stateMachineVar));

            // First, reduce all nodes in the body except for await nodes. This makes subsequent rewrite
            // steps easier because we reduce to the known subset of LINQ nodes.
            var reduced = Reducer.Reduce(Body);

            // Next, rewrite exception handlers to synthetic equivalents where needed. This supports the
            // C# 6.0 features to await in catch and finally handlers (in addition to fault handlers in
            // order to support all LINQ nodes, which can be restricted if we want).
            // This step also deals with pending branches out of exception handlers in order to properly
            // 'leave' protected regions and execute the branch after the exception handling construct.
            var lowered = new CatchRewriter().Visit(reduced);

            lowered = new FinallyAndFaultRewriter().Visit(lowered);

            // Next, eliminate any aliasing of variables that relies on the nesting of scoped nodes in
            // the LINQ APIs (e.g. nested blocks with reused ParmeterExpression nodes). We do this so we
            // don't have to worry about hoisting variables out of the async lambda body and causing the
            // meaning of the hoisted variable to change to another use of the same variable in a scoped
            // tree node higher up. This can happen during stack spilling, e.g.
            //   {
            //     int x;                   // @0
            //     {
            //       int x;                 // @0 - same instance shadowing x in outer block
            //       F(x, await t);
            //     }
            //   }
            // ==>
            //   int x;                     // @0 hoisted to heap by stack spilling
            //   () =>
            //   {
            //     int x;                   // !!! the binding of x has now changed to the declaration
            //     __spill0 = x;            // !!! in the inner block
            //     __spill1 = await t;
            //     F(__spill0, __spill1);
            //   }
            var aliasFree = AliasEliminator.Eliminate(lowered);

            // Next, perform stack spilling in order to be able to pause the asynchronous method in the
            // middle of an expression without changing the left-to-right subexpression evaluation
            // semantics dictated by the C# language specification, e.g.
            //   Console.ReadLine() + await Task.FromResult(Console.ReadLine)
            // The first side-effect of reading from the console should happen before the second one
            // in the async operation.
            var spilled = Spiller.Spill(aliasFree);

            // Next, rewrite await expressions to the awaiter pattern with IsCompleted, OnCompleted,
            // and GetResult. This is where the heavy lifting (quite literally so) takes place and the
            // state machine is built. Other than rewriting await expressions, this step also takes care
            // of emitting the switch table for reentering the state machine, reentering nested try
            // blocks, and hoisting of locals. For more information, see AwaitRewriter.
            // Note we need to introduce another local to keep the state of the async state machine in
            // order to deal with reentrancy of the async state machine via the OnCompleted call on an
            // awaiter while we're still exiting the state machine. This is a subtle race which we avoid
            // by making all decisions about jumps and state transitions based on a local copy of the
            // hoisted state variable used by the state machine:
            //   int __localState = __state;
            //   switch (__localState)
            //   {
            //     ...
            //   }
            // NB: Right now, locals used in await sites get hoisted to the heap eagerly rather than
            //     getting hoisted upon taking the asynchronous code path. This is an opportunity for
            //     future optimization, together with the use of a struct for the async state machine.
            var localStateVar = Expression.Parameter(typeof(int), "__localState");
            var awaitRewriter = new AwaitRewriter(localStateVar, stateVar, getVariable, onCompletedFactory, exit);
            var rewrittenBody = awaitRewriter.Visit(spilled);

            // Next, store the result of the rewritten body if the async method is non-void-returning.
            // Note this assignment will typically have a RHS which contains a non-void block expression
            // that originated from running the AwaitRewriter.
            var newBody = rewrittenBody;

            if (Body.Type != typeof(void) && builderVar.Type.IsGenericType /* if not ATMB<T>, no result assignment needed */)
                result  = Expression.Parameter(Body.Type, "__result");
                newBody = Expression.Assign(result, rewrittenBody);
                locals  = new[] { localStateVar, result };
                locals = new[] { localStateVar };

            exprs = new Expression[ExprCount];

            // Next, we need to rewrite branching involving typed labels and percolate assignments in
            // order to avoid reduced await expressions causing branching into non-void expressions
            // which is not allowed in the lambda compiler. An example os this is shown in the comments
            // for AssignmentPercolator.
            newBody = new TypedLabelRewriter().Visit(newBody);
            newBody = AssignmentPercolator.Percolate(newBody);

            var i = 0;

            // Next, put the jump table to resume the async state machine on top of the rewritten body
            // returned from the AwaitRewriter. Note that the AwaitRewriter takes care of emitting the
            // nested resume jump tables for try statements, so we just have to stick the top-level
            // table around the body here. We don't do this in AwaitRewriter just to reduce the amount
            // of expression tree cloning incurred by TypedLabelRewriter and AssignmentPercolator given
            // that we know the switch tables don't contain any expressions that need such rewriting.
            var resumeList = awaitRewriter.ResumeList;

            if (resumeList.Count > 0)
                newBody =
                        Expression.Switch(stateVar, resumeList.ToArray()),
                newBody = Helpers.CreateVoid(newBody);

            // int __localState = __state;
            exprs[i++] =
                Expression.Assign(localStateVar, stateVar);

            // try
            // {
            //    // body
            // }
            // catch (Exception ex)
            // {
            //    __state = -2;
            //    __builder.SetException(ex);
            //    goto __exit;
            // }
            exprs[i++] =
                                         Expression.Assign(stateVar, Helpers.CreateConstantInt32(-2)),
                                         Expression.Call(builderVar, builderVar.Type.GetMethod("SetException"), ex),

            // __state = -2;
            exprs[i++] = Expression.Assign(stateVar, Helpers.CreateConstantInt32(-2));

            // __builder.SetResult(__result);
            if (result != null)
                exprs[i++] = Expression.Call(builderVar, builderVar.Type.GetMethod("SetResult"), result);
                exprs[i++] = Expression.Call(builderVar, builderVar.Type.GetMethod("SetResult"));

            // __exit:
            //   return;
            exprs[i++] = Expression.Label(exit);

            // Finally, create the Action with the rewritten async lambda body that gets passed to the
            // runtime async state machine and hoist any newly introduced variables for awaiters and
            // such to the outer scope in order to get them stored on the heap rather than the stack.
            var body = Expression.Block(locals, exprs);
            var res  = Expression.Lambda <Action>(body);

            variables = hoistedVars.Values.Concat(awaitRewriter.HoistedVariables);