public void CompareTo_Equal_Test() { Assignment1.Employee employee1 = new Assignment1.Employee(1, "First", "Employee"); Assignment1.Employee employee2 = new Assignment1.Employee(1, "Second", "Employee"); Assert.That(employee1.CompareTo(employee2) == 0); // Assert.Fail(); // you may delete this line after uncommenting the above code }
public void CompareTo_First_is_Lower_Test() { Assignment1.Employee employee1 = new Assignment1.Employee(1, "First", "Employee"); Assignment1.Employee employee2 = new Assignment1.Employee(2, "Second", "Employee"); Assert.That(employee1.CompareTo(employee2), Is.LessThan(0)); //Assert.Fail(); // you may delete this line after uncommenting the above code }
public void ToString_with_no_names_shows_Nulls_Test() { int employeeId = 1; Assignment1.Employee employee = new Assignment1.Employee(employeeId); string expectedToString = $"{employeeId} null null"; Assert.That(employee.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(expectedToString)); //Assert.Fail(); // you may delete this line after uncommenting the above code }
public void EmployeeId_Constructor_Test() { int employeeId = 32; Assignment1.Employee employee = new Assignment1.Employee(employeeId); Assert.That(employee, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(employee.EmployeeID, Is.EqualTo(employeeId)); Assert.That(employee.FirstName, Is.EqualTo(null)); Assert.That(employee.LastName, Is.EqualTo(null)); //Assert.Fail(); // you may delete this line after uncommenting the above code }
public void ToString_Test() { int employeeId = 1; string firstName = "First"; string lastName = "Employee"; Assignment1.Employee employee = new Assignment1.Employee(employeeId, firstName, lastName); string expectedToString = $"{employeeId} {firstName} {lastName}"; Assert.That(employee.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(expectedToString)); // Assert.Fail(); // you may delete this line after uncommenting the above code }
public void FullEmployee_Constructor_Test() { int employeeid = 32; string firstname = "john"; string lastname = "smith"; Assignment1.Employee employee = new Assignment1.Employee(employeeid, firstname, lastname); Assert.That(employee, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(employee.EmployeeID, Is.EqualTo(employeeid)); Assert.That(employee.FirstName, Is.EqualTo(firstname)); Assert.That(employee.LastName, Is.EqualTo(lastname)); //Assert.Fail(); // you may delete this line after uncommenting the above code }