Пример #1
        private void store(OleDbConnection cn, LineElement obj)
            Joint  i   = obj.I;
            Joint  j   = obj.J;
            string sql = "INSERT INTO [Connectivity - Frame] (Frame, JointI, JointJ, IsCurved, Length, CentroidX, CentroidY, CentroidZ) " +
                         "VALUES (" + obj.Id + ", " + i.Id + ", " + j.Id + ",\"No\", " + obj.Length + ", " + (i.X + j.X) / 2.0F + ", " + (i.Y + j.Y) / 2.0F + ", " + (i.Z + j.Z) / 2.0F + ");";

            new OleDbCommand(sql, cn).ExecuteNonQuery();

            LineProps      props    = obj.Properties;
            List <Section> exported = new List <Section>();

            if (props is StraightFrameProps)
                FrameSection sec = ((StraightFrameProps)props).Section;
                sql = "INSERT INTO [Frame Section Assignments] (Frame, SectionType, AutoSelect, AnalSect, DesignSect, MatProp) " +
                      "VALUES (" + obj.Id + ", \"" + secShape(sec.Shape) + "\", \"N.A.\", \"" + sec.Name + "\", \"" + sec.Name + "\", \"Default\");";
                new OleDbCommand(sql, cn).ExecuteNonQuery();
                store(cn, sec.ConcreteProperties, sec, exported);
            AssignedLoads loads = obj.Loads;

            if (loads != null)
                store(cn, obj.Id, loads);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create tables for joint elements
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cn"></param>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        private void store(OleDbConnection cn, Joint obj)
            Microsoft.DirectX.Vector3 pos = obj.Position;
            string sql = "INSERT INTO [Joint Coordinates](Joint, CoordSys, CoordType, XorR, Y, Z, SpecialJt, GlobalX, GlobalY, GlobalZ) " +
                         "VALUES (" + obj.Id + ", \"GLOBAL\", \"Cartesian\", " + pos.X + ", " + pos.Y + ", " + pos.Z + ", \"Yes\", " + pos.X + ", " + pos.Y + ", " + pos.Z + ");";

            new OleDbCommand(sql, cn).ExecuteNonQuery();

            float[] masses = obj.Masses;

            if (masses != null && masses.Length >= 6)
                if (masses[0] + masses[1] + masses[2] + masses[3] + masses[4] + masses[5] > float.Epsilon)
                    sql = "INSERT INTO [Joint Added Mass Assignments](Joint, CoordSys, Mass1, Mass2, Mass3, MMI1, MMI2, MMI3) " +
                          "VALUES (" + obj.Id + ", \"GLOBAL\", " + masses[0] + ", " + masses[1] + ", " + masses[2] + ", " + masses[3] + ", " + masses[4] + ", " + masses[5] + ");";
                    new OleDbCommand(sql, cn).ExecuteNonQuery();

            JointDOF dof = obj.DoF;

            if (dof != null)
                store(cn, obj.Id, obj.DoF);
            AssignedLoads loads = obj.Loads;

            if (loads != null)
                store(cn, obj.Id, loads);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Relocates a ConcentratedSpanLoad between the line element where it is and a new adjacent line element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newLineLoads">The AssignedLoads object of the new Line Element</param>
 /// <param name="lc">The Load Case to which the load belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="x">The dividing point of the two line elements [0, 1]</param>
 /// <param name="load">The Load to distribute in two elements</param>
 /// <returns>true if the load was moved to the new Line Element (so the caller removes it). false otherwise.</returns>
 private static bool RelocateConcentratedLoads(AssignedLoads newLineLoads, LoadCase lc, float x, ConcentratedSpanLoad load)
     if (x > load.D)
         load.D = load.D / x;
         load    = (ConcentratedSpanLoad)load.Clone();
         load.Id = 0;
         load.D  = (load.D - x) / (1f - x);
         newLineLoads.Add(load, lc);
Пример #4
        private void store(OleDbConnection cn, uint itemId, AssignedLoads obj)
            Dictionary <string, LoadCase> cases = Canguro.Model.Model.Instance.LoadCases;

            foreach (LoadCase lCase in cases.Values)
                ItemList <Canguro.Model.Load.Load> list = obj[lCase];
                if (list != null)
                    foreach (Canguro.Model.Load.Load load in list)
                        if (load != null)
                            store(cn, itemId, lCase.Name, load);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Distributes a DistributedSpanLoad between the line element where it is and a new adjacent line element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newLineLoads">The AssignedLoads object of the new Line Element</param>
        /// <param name="lc">The Load Case to which the load belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The dividing point of the two line elements [0, 1]</param>
        /// <param name="load">The Load to distribute in two elements</param>
        /// <returns>true if the load was moved to the new Line Element (so the caller removes it). false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool RelocateDistributedLoads(AssignedLoads newLineLoads, LoadCase lc, float x, DistributedSpanLoad load)
            if (load.Da < x && load.Db < x)
                load.Da = load.Da / x;
                load.Db = load.Db / x;
            if (load.Da >= x && load.Db >= x)
                load    = (DistributedSpanLoad)load.Clone();
                load.Id = 0;
                load.Da = (load.Da - x) / (1 - x);
                load.Db = (load.Db - x) / (1 - x);
                newLineLoads.Add(load, lc);
            if (load.Da > load.Db)
                float tmp = load.Db;
                load.Db = load.Da;
                load.Da = tmp;
                tmp     = load.Lb;
                load.Lb = load.La;
                load.La = tmp;
            DistributedSpanLoad nLoad = (DistributedSpanLoad)load.Clone();

            nLoad.Id = 0;
            load.Da  = load.Da / x;
            load.Db  = 1f;
            load.Lb  = (load.La) + (x - load.Da) * (load.Lb - load.La) / (load.Db - load.Da);

            nLoad.Da = 0;
            nLoad.Db = (nLoad.Db - x) / (1 - x);
            nLoad.La = load.Lb;
            newLineLoads.Add(nLoad, lc);
Пример #6
 private void store(OleDbConnection cn, uint itemId, AssignedLoads obj)
     Dictionary<string, LoadCase> cases = Canguro.Model.Model.Instance.LoadCases;
     foreach (LoadCase lCase in cases.Values)
         ItemList<Canguro.Model.Load.Load> list = obj[lCase];
         if (list != null)
             foreach (Canguro.Model.Load.Load load in list)
                 if (load != null)
                     store(cn, itemId, lCase.Name, load);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Distributes a DistributedSpanLoad between the line element where it is and a new adjacent line element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newLineLoads">The AssignedLoads object of the new Line Element</param>
        /// <param name="lc">The Load Case to which the load belongs.</param>
        /// <param name="x">The dividing point of the two line elements [0, 1]</param>
        /// <param name="load">The Load to distribute in two elements</param>
        /// <returns>true if the load was moved to the new Line Element (so the caller removes it). false otherwise.</returns>
        private static bool RelocateDistributedLoads(AssignedLoads newLineLoads, LoadCase lc, float x, DistributedSpanLoad load)
            if (load.Da < x && load.Db < x)
                load.Da = load.Da / x;
                load.Db = load.Db / x;
                return false;
            if (load.Da >= x && load.Db >= x)
                load = (DistributedSpanLoad)load.Clone();
                load.Id = 0;
                load.Da = (load.Da - x) / (1 - x);
                load.Db = (load.Db - x) / (1 - x);
                newLineLoads.Add(load, lc);
                return true;
            if (load.Da > load.Db)
                float tmp = load.Db;
                load.Db = load.Da;
                load.Da = tmp;
                tmp = load.Lb;
                load.Lb = load.La;
                load.La = tmp;
            DistributedSpanLoad nLoad = (DistributedSpanLoad)load.Clone();
            nLoad.Id = 0;
            load.Da = load.Da / x;
            load.Db = 1f;
            load.Lb = (load.La) + (x - load.Da) * (load.Lb - load.La) / (load.Db - load.Da);

            nLoad.Da = 0;
            nLoad.Db = (nLoad.Db - x) / (1 - x);
            nLoad.La = load.Lb;
            newLineLoads.Add(nLoad, lc);
            return false;
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Relocates a ConcentratedSpanLoad between the line element where it is and a new adjacent line element.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newLineLoads">The AssignedLoads object of the new Line Element</param>
 /// <param name="lc">The Load Case to which the load belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="x">The dividing point of the two line elements [0, 1]</param>
 /// <param name="load">The Load to distribute in two elements</param>
 /// <returns>true if the load was moved to the new Line Element (so the caller removes it). false otherwise.</returns>
 private static bool RelocateConcentratedLoads(AssignedLoads newLineLoads, LoadCase lc, float x, ConcentratedSpanLoad load)
     if (x > load.D)
         load.D = load.D / x;
         return false;
         load = (ConcentratedSpanLoad)load.Clone();
         load.Id = 0;
         load.D = (load.D - x) / (1f - x);
         newLineLoads.Add(load, lc);
         return true;