protected override IEnumerator UnloadScene(AssetsLoadingScene scene, Action <float, string> progressDelegate)
     yield break;
 protected override IEnumerator UnloadScene(AssetsLoadingScene scene, Action<float, string> progressDelegate) {
     yield break;
 protected override IEnumerator LoadScene(AssetsLoadingScene scene, Action <float, string> progressDelegate)
     //We publish this event, so AssetsLoadingService can handle it and start loading assets.
     Publish(new StartAssetLoadingCommand());
     yield break;
 protected override IEnumerator LoadScene(AssetsLoadingScene scene, Action<float, string> progressDelegate) {
     //We publish this event, so AssetsLoadingService can handle it and start loading assets.
     Publish(new StartAssetLoadingCommand());
     yield break;