Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Stamps the asset thumbnail.
        /// </summary>
        private static void StampThumbnail(Asset asset)
            AssetThumbnailInfo info = new AssetThumbnailInfo(asset);

            if (!info.FileExists)

            if (!AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(StringUtils.GetFileExtension(info.FilePath)))

            string description = asset.AssetType.Name.Replace(" ", string.Empty);
            string filename    = string.Format("{0}.gif", description);
            string path        = Path.Combine(Settings.ImageFolder, "Asset/Stamp_Icons/");
            string stamp       = Path.Combine(path, filename);

            if (!File.Exists(stamp))

            ImageUtils.StampImage(info.FilePath, stamp);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the asset file to disk.
        /// Asset previews are automatically resized.
        /// Asset thumbnails are automatically resized and stamped.
        /// </summary>
        public static void SaveAssetFile(Asset asset, BinaryFile file, AssetFileType assetFileType)
            // Check asset
            if (asset == null || asset.IsNull || asset.IsNew)
                throw new InvalidAssetException("Asset is null or new");

            // Check we've got a file
            if (file == null || file.IsEmpty)
                throw new InvalidAssetException("file is empty");

            // Check that we're not trying to save an asset file.  This must be done
            // using a different overload of this method as it has more processes involved.
            if (assetFileType == AssetFileType.AssetFile)
                throw new SystemException("This method cannot be used to save raw asset files; it is designed to save related asset files only");

            // Folder where this file will reside
            string folder = GetFolder(asset.AssetFilePath, assetFileType);

            // Delete the old file
            DeleteFiles(asset.FileReference, folder);

            // Construct path to file to be saved
            string filename = String.Concat(asset.FileReference, ".", file.FileExtension);
            string path     = Path.Combine(folder, filename);

            // Save the file
            SavePostedFile(file, path);

            // Resize previews
            if (AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(file.FileExtension) && assetFileType == AssetFileType.AssetPreview)
                ImageUtils.ResizeImage(path, path, 320, 300, true);

            // Resize thumbnails
            if (AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(file.FileExtension) && assetFileType == AssetFileType.AssetThumbnail)
                ImageUtils.ResizeImageDown(path, 100, 100);
Пример #3
        protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            if (Asset.IsNull)
                // No asset
                WriteImage(writer, "~/Images/Spacer.gif");

            if (!EntitySecurityManager.CanUserViewAssetPreview(SessionInfo.Current.User, Asset))
                // Access denied
                WriteImage(writer, "~/Images/Spacer.gif");

            // The asset has not been marked as processed, so show a 'processing' image placeholder
            // instead, even if the filepath is not empty.  This is because the file may exist, but
            // may still have data being written to it by another process, so we don't have any
            // guarantee that it's safe to display to the user.
            if (!Asset.IsProcessed)
                WriteImage(writer, "~/Images/Asset/Previews/Processing.gif");

            // Get asset File Info
            AssetPreviewInfo info = new AssetPreviewInfo(Asset);

            // If we don't have an asset preview file. Show a placeholder image instead.
            if (!info.FileExists)
                WriteImage(writer, "~/Images/Asset/Previews/Unavailable.gif");

            // Setup variables to be replaced
            string assetPreviewFileExtension = StringUtils.GetFileExtension(info.FilePath);
            string assetPreviewUrl           = AssetFileUrlHelper.GetPreviewUrl(Asset.AssetId);
            string assetPreviewRelativeUrl   = ResolveUrl(assetPreviewUrl);
            string assetPreviewAbsoluteUrl   = SiteUtils.GetWebsiteUrl(assetPreviewUrl);
            string playerId            = ClientID + "_Preview";
            string rtmpStreamingServer = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.GetValue("RTMPStreamingServer");

            // If the streaming server is enabled, then hack the file extension to get the correct markup
            if (assetPreviewFileExtension == "flv" && !StringUtils.IsBlank(rtmpStreamingServer))
                assetPreviewFileExtension += "-streaming";

            //get the plugin context type
            //use query string if specified otherwise use AdminSessionInfo
            ContextType contextType;

            if (HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ctxt"] != null)
                contextType = PluginManager.GetContextType(HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["ctxt"]);
                contextType = SessionInfo.Current.AdminSessionInfo.AssetContext;

            //get the plugin for the asset
            Plugin plugin = ContextInfo.PluginManager.GetPluginForAsset(Asset);

            //get the plugins relative URL
            string relativePluginUrl = ResolveUrl(plugin.RelativePath);

            // Get the HTML
            string markup = ContextInfo.PluginManager.GetMarkup(plugin, contextType);

            // We can override images
            if (StringUtils.IsBlank(markup) && AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(assetPreviewFileExtension))
                WriteImage(writer, assetPreviewUrl);

            // Otherwise, ensure we have markup
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(markup))
                writer.Write(string.Format("[Unable to preview: {0}]", assetPreviewFileExtension));

            // Replace params
            markup = markup.Replace("[ASSET-PREVIEW-URL]", assetPreviewUrl);
            markup = markup.Replace("[RELATIVE-PREVIEW-URL]", assetPreviewRelativeUrl);
            markup = markup.Replace("[ABSOLUTE-PREVIEW-URL]", assetPreviewAbsoluteUrl);
            markup = markup.Replace("[FOCUSOPEN-PREVIEW-FILENAME]", Path.GetFileName(info.FilePath));
            markup = markup.Replace("[PLAYER-ID]", playerId);
            markup = markup.Replace("[ASSET-ID]", Asset.AssetId.ToString());
            markup = markup.Replace("[ASSET-REFERENCE]", info.Asset.FileReference);
            markup = markup.Replace("[STREAMING-SERVER-URL]", rtmpStreamingServer);
            markup = markup.Replace("[USER-ID]", SessionInfo.Current.User.UserId.GetValueOrDefault().ToString());
            markup = markup.Replace("[PREVIEW-FILE-EXTENSION]", assetPreviewFileExtension);
            markup = markup.Replace("[ASSET-TYPE-ID]", Asset.AssetTypeId.ToString());
            markup = markup.Replace("[ASSET-TYPE-NAME]", Asset.AssetType.Name);
            markup = markup.Replace("[PREVIEW-AVAILABLE]", (info.PreviewAvailable ? "true" : "false"));
            markup = markup.Replace("[PLUGIN-URL]", relativePluginUrl);
            markup = markup.Replace("[SESSIONAPITOKEN]", SessionInfo.Current.User.SessionAPIToken);
            markup = markup.Replace("~/", WebUtils.GetApplicationPath());

            // Write the HTML to the page
        protected void NextButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ErrorList errors = new ErrorList();

            if (StringUtils.IsBlank(FtpHostTextBox.Text))
                errors.Add("Ftp host is required");

            if (NumericUtils.ParseInt32(FtpPortTextBox.Text, 0) == 0)
                errors.Add("Ftp host port must be a number");

            if (StringUtils.IsBlank(FtpUsernameTextBox.Text))
                errors.Add("Username is required");

            if (errors.Count > 0)
                FeedbackLabel1.SetErrorMessage("Please check the following and try again:", errors);

            // List of files to upload
            List <FtpFile> assetFilePaths = new List <FtpFile>();

            // Get all of the order items in the current order
            foreach (OrderItem orderItem in SelectedOrder.OrderItemList)
                // Get the order item id
                int orderItemId = orderItem.OrderItemId.GetValueOrDefault();

                // Check if the order item can be downloaded and is in the list of selected order items
                if (ViewOrders.CanDownload(orderItem) && SelectedOrderItems.Contains(orderItemId))
                    // Get the asset
                    Asset asset = orderItem.Asset;

                    // Get the selected order item
                    SelectedOrderItem soi = SelectedOrderItems.Get(orderItemId);

                    // Initialise path and filename to FTP
                    string path, filename;

                    // Check if zip asset files is enabled and we're not doing any kind of transcoding.
                    // If so, we want to FTP the zipped asset file instead, so set the path and filename accordingly.
                    // However, if the zip file doesn't exist, then we want to FTP the original asset instead.

                    if (AssetFileManager.ZipAssetFiles && soi.AssetImageSizeId == 0)
                        // First get the path to the zipped asset file
                        ZippedAssetFileInfo zippedFileInfo = new ZippedAssetFileInfo(asset);

                        if (zippedFileInfo.FileExists)
                            // Ensure that a path was returned, and if so, set the filename accordingly
                            path     = zippedFileInfo.FilePath;
                            filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset.Filename) + ".zip";
                            // Otherwise, the zip file doesn't exist, so get the path to the original
                            // asset file, and set the filename to the asset filename

                            AssetFileInfo info = new AssetFileInfo(asset);

                            path     = info.FilePath;
                            filename = asset.Filename;
                        // Get the file path to the asset
                        AssetFileInfo info = new AssetFileInfo(asset);
                        path = info.FilePath;

                        // For images, get the filepath to the resized image
                        if (AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(asset.FileExtension))
                            path = AssetImageManager.GetResizedAssetImage(asset, soi.AssetImageSizeId, soi.DownloadFormat, true);

                        // Construct the asset filename
                        filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset.Filename) + Path.GetExtension(path);

                    // Add the file path to the list
                    FtpFile file = new FtpFile(path, filename);

                // Instantiate FTP downloader
                FtpDownloader ftpDownloader = new FtpDownloader
                    BackgroundTransfer = true,
                    Host         = FtpHostTextBox.Text.Trim(),
                    Port         = NumericUtils.ParseInt32(FtpPortTextBox.Text, 0),
                    PassiveMode  = FtpPassiveModeCheckBox.Checked,
                    Username     = FtpUsernameTextBox.Text.Trim(),
                    Password     = FtpPasswordTextBox.Text.Trim(),
                    RemoteFolder = FtpRemoteFolderTextBox.Text.Trim(),
                    User         = CurrentUser

                // Specify files to send to FTP server
                foreach (FtpFile file in assetFilePaths)

                // Wire up events
                ftpDownloader.UploadComplete += new FtpDownloadCompleteEventHandler(NotifyEngine.FtpDownloadComplete);

                // Go do it!

                // Log the assets as downloaded
                foreach (SelectedOrderItem soi in SelectedOrderItems)
                    OrderItem orderItem = OrderItem.Get(soi.OrderItemId);
                    Asset     asset     = orderItem.Asset;

                    AuditLogManager.LogAssetAction(asset, CurrentUser, AuditAssetAction.DownloadedAssetFile);
                    AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(CurrentUser, AuditUserAction.DownloadAsset, string.Format("Downloaded AssetId: {0} as part of FTP download to: {1} for OrderId: {2}", asset.AssetId, ftpDownloader.Host, orderItem.OrderId));

                // Lets cookie the settings as well, so we can pre-populate
                // the form when the user returns to download more assets
                CookieManager.SetValue("FtpHost", ftpDownloader.Host);
                CookieManager.SetValue("FtpPort", ftpDownloader.Port);
                CookieManager.SetValue("FtpPassiveMode", FtpPassiveModeCheckBox.Checked ? "1" : "0");
                CookieManager.SetValue("FtpUsername", ftpDownloader.Username);

                // Update UI
                FormPanel.Visible    = false;
                SuccessPanel.Visible = true;
            catch (FtpDownloadException fdex)
                // Remove the error code from the start of the error message
                string message = Regex.Replace(fdex.Message, @"(\d+\s-\s)", string.Empty);

                // Display the error to the user
                FeedbackLabel1.SetErrorMessage("Error downloading assets", message);

                // Log the error
                m_Logger.Warn(string.Format("Error downloading files to FTP. User: {0}, Host: {1}. Error: {2}", CurrentUser.FullName, FtpHostTextBox.Text, message), fdex);
Пример #5
        public static string GetResizedAssetImage(Asset asset, int assetImageSizeId, DownloadFormat downloadFormat, bool create)
            // Get asset file info
            AssetFileInfo fileInfo = new AssetFileInfo(asset);

            // Ensure asset file exists
            if (!fileInfo.FileExists)

            // No options specified
            if (assetImageSizeId == 0 && downloadFormat == DownloadFormat.Original)

            // Only images can be resized
            if (!AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(asset.FileExtension))

            // PDFs are an exception as they are classified as images but cant be resized
            if (StringUtils.GetFileExtension(asset.Filename) == "pdf")

            // Get the requested image size
            AssetImageSize ais = AssetImageSizeCache.Instance.GetById(assetImageSizeId);

            // Construct the path to the output filename
            string suffix         = (StringUtils.IsBlank(ais.FileSuffix)) ? "original" : ais.FileSuffix;
            string reference      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset.Filename) + "_" + suffix;
            string extension      = GetDownloadFormat(downloadFormat, asset.FileExtension);
            string cacheFolder    = VirtualPathUtility.AppendTrailingSlash(Path.Combine(Settings.CachedAssetFilesFolder, asset.AssetId.ToString()));
            string outputFilename = Path.Combine(cacheFolder, reference) + "." + extension;

            if (File.Exists(outputFilename))

            if (!create)

            // Create the cache folder if it doesn't exist
            if (!Directory.Exists(cacheFolder))
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Created cache folder: {0}", cacheFolder);

            // Now we've verified that we need to do some work.
            string tempPath = Path.Combine(Settings.TempFolder, asset.AssetId + "_" + Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetExtension(fileInfo.FilePath));

            // Create resized image
            if (ais.Width > 0 && ais.Height > 0)
                ImageProcessingJob job = new ImageProcessingJob
                    SourceFilePath = fileInfo.FilePath,
                    TargetFilePath = tempPath,
                    Width          = ais.Width,
                    Height         = ais.Height


                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Generated resized image for asset id: {0}, assetImageSize: {1}, height: {2}, width: {3} at: {4}", asset.AssetId, ais.Description, ais.Height, ais.Width, job.TargetFilePath);

            // Ensure we've got our image
            if (!File.Exists(tempPath))
                File.Copy(fileInfo.FilePath, tempPath);
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Original asset copied to: {0}", tempPath);

            // Now convert the DPI to the value requested
            if (ais.DotsPerInch > 0)
                ImageUtils.ChangeDPI(tempPath, ais.DotsPerInch);
                m_Logger.DebugFormat("Changed DPI of file: {0} to: {1}", tempPath, ais.DotsPerInch);

            // Do download format conversion
            if (StringUtils.GetFileExtension(tempPath) != StringUtils.GetFileExtension(outputFilename))
                ImageUtils.ConvertFormat(tempPath, outputFilename);

            // Ensure we've got the output file now
            if (!File.Exists(outputFilename))
                File.Move(tempPath, outputFilename);

            // All done, return path
Пример #6
        protected void OrderItemsRepeater_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            switch (e.Item.ItemType)
            case (ListItemType.Item):
            case (ListItemType.AlternatingItem):

                // Get the order item and its corresponding asset
                OrderItem orderItem = (OrderItem)e.Item.DataItem;
                Asset     asset     = orderItem.Asset;

                // Get all controls we'll be using
                HiddenField                OrderItemIdHiddenField      = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("OrderItemIdHiddenField");
                HiddenField                AssetIdHiddenField          = (HiddenField)e.Item.FindControl("AssetIdHiddenField");
                AssetThumbnail             AssetThumbnail1             = (AssetThumbnail)e.Item.FindControl("AssetThumbnail1");
                AssetButtons               AssetButtons1               = (AssetButtons)e.Item.FindControl("AssetButtons1");
                FileSizeMessageLabel       FileSizeLabel               = (FileSizeMessageLabel)e.Item.FindControl("FileSizeLabel");
                EmailHyperLink             AssetContactHyperlink       = (EmailHyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("AssetContactHyperlink");
                HyperLink                  DownloadHyperlink           = (HyperLink)e.Item.FindControl("DownloadHyperlink");
                CheckBox                   SelectAssetCheckBox         = (CheckBox)e.Item.FindControl("SelectAssetCheckBox");
                DownloadFormatDropDownList DownloadFormatDropDownList1 = (DownloadFormatDropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("DownloadFormatDropDownList1");
                AssetImageSizeDropDownList AssetImageSizeDropDownList1 = (AssetImageSizeDropDownList)e.Item.FindControl("AssetImageSizeDropDownList1");
                FeedbackLabel              OrderItemMessageLabel       = (FeedbackLabel)e.Item.FindControl("OrderItemMessageLabel");
                PlaceHolder                ImageOptionsPlaceHolder     = (PlaceHolder)e.Item.FindControl("ImageOptionsPlaceHolder");
                HtmlTableRow               FileSizeRow               = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("FileSizeRow");
                HtmlGenericControl         SelectorContainer         = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("SelectorContainer");
                HtmlGenericControl         LinkButtonWrapper         = (HtmlGenericControl)e.Item.FindControl("LinkButtonWrapper");
                FileSizeMessageLabel       ImageFileSizeMessageLabel = (FileSizeMessageLabel)e.Item.FindControl("ImageFileSizeMessageLabel");

                // Populate table cells with basic information about the asset
                SetTableCellText(e.Item, "AssetReferenceCell", asset.AssetId.ToString());
                SetTableCellHtml(e.Item, "DescriptionCell", SiteUtils.ConvertTextToHtml(asset.Description));
                SetTableCellText(e.Item, "BrandCell", asset.Brand.Name);
                SetTableCellText(e.Item, "AssetTypeCell", asset.AssetType.Name);
                SetTableCellHtml(e.Item, "UsageRestrictionsCell", asset.UsageRestrictions);
                SetTableCellText(e.Item, "DateRequestedByCell", orderItem.RequiredByDate.HasValue ? orderItem.RequiredByDate.Value.ToString(Global.DateFormat) : "None");
                SetTableCellText(e.Item, "DateOfDecisionCell", orderItem.OrderItemStatusDate.HasValue ? orderItem.OrderItemStatusDate.Value.ToString(Global.DateFormat) : "None");
                SetTableCellText(e.Item, "NotesCell", orderItem.Notes);

                // Populate hidden fields as we'll need these for other stuff
                OrderItemIdHiddenField.Value = orderItem.OrderItemId.ToString();
                AssetIdHiddenField.Value     = asset.AssetId.ToString();

                // Get/Initialise other objects we'll need here
                AssetStatus       assetStatus = AssetManager.GetAssetStatusForUser(asset, CurrentUser);
                SelectedOrderItem soi         = SelectedOrderItems.Get(orderItem.OrderItemId.GetValueOrDefault());

                // Check if user can download this asset
                bool canDownload = CanDownload(orderItem);

                // Initialise the thumbnail and buttons

                // Populate other controls which are not dependent on the asset type
                AssetContactHyperlink.SetNameEmail(asset.UploadedByUser.FullName, asset.UploadedByUser.Email);
                SelectorContainer.Visible     = canDownload;
                SelectAssetCheckBox.Checked   = IsOrderItemSelected(orderItem.OrderItemId.GetValueOrDefault());
                DownloadHyperlink.NavigateUrl = string.Format("javascript:downloadAsset('{0}','{1}','{2}', '{3}', '{4}')", orderItem.AssetId, orderItem.OrderId, orderItem.OrderItemId, DownloadFormatDropDownList1.ClientID, AssetImageSizeDropDownList1.ClientID);

                // Do processing dependent on asset type
                if (AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(asset.FileExtension))
                    // Only show download resolution row if user can download
                    ImageOptionsPlaceHolder.Visible = canDownload;

                    // Only do the image size stuff if the download resolution row is visible
                    if (ImageOptionsPlaceHolder.Visible)
                        // Populate the download format dropdown with the previously selected value (if any)

                        // Populate the asset image size dropdown with the previously selected value (if any)

                        // Get the filename to the image *if it exists already*
                        string filename = AssetImageManager.GetResizedAssetImage(asset, AssetImageSizeDropDownList1.SelectedId, DownloadFormatDropDownList1.SelectedDownloadFormat, false);

                        // Only set the filesize if the scaled image already exists, as it will be too heavy to create a scaled image
                        // of each asset as the page loads. Maybe we should do this when assets are uploaded...
                        if (filename != string.Empty)

                // Only show file size row if download resolution row is hidden and user can download this asset
                // (No point showing them the filesize for an asset they can't download)
                if (ImageOptionsPlaceHolder.Visible)
                    FileSizeRow.Visible = false;
                    FileSizeRow.Visible = canDownload;

                // Only show the conversation row if we have a conversation
                HtmlTableRow ConversationRow = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("ConversationRow");
                ConversationRow.Visible = (orderItem.OrderItemCommentList.Count > 0);

                // Bind conversation
                Repeater ConversationRepeater = (Repeater)e.Item.FindControl("ConversationRepeater");
                ConversationRepeater.DataSource = orderItem.OrderItemCommentList;

                // Hide the row to add notes, as this is only visible whilst an order item is awaiting approval
                HtmlTableRow AddNotesRow = (HtmlTableRow)e.Item.FindControl("AddNotesRow");
                AddNotesRow.Visible = false;

                if (assetStatus == AssetStatus.Available)
                    switch (orderItem.OrderItemStatus)
                    case (OrderItemStatus.Preapproved):

                        OrderItemMessageLabel.SetSuccessMessage("no approval required", "Approval is not required to download and use this asset.");
                        LinkButtonWrapper.Visible = false;


                    case (OrderItemStatus.Approved):

                        OrderItemMessageLabel.SetSuccessMessage("approved", "Approval to use this asset has been granted. Refer to the response given in the approval details for any further information.");
                        LinkButtonWrapper.Visible = true;


                    case (OrderItemStatus.AwaitingApproval):

                        OrderItemMessageLabel.MessageType = BaseMessageLabel.MessageTypes.Pending;
                        OrderItemMessageLabel.Header      = "approval pending";
                        OrderItemMessageLabel.Text        = "Approval to use this asset is pending a decision. An email will be sent to you when a decision is made.";
                        LinkButtonWrapper.Visible         = true;
                        AddNotesRow.Visible = true;


                    case (OrderItemStatus.Rejected):

                        OrderItemMessageLabel.SetErrorMessage("approval rejected", "Approval to use this asset has been rejected. Refer to the response given in the approval notes for further information.");
                        LinkButtonWrapper.Visible = true;

                    OrderItemMessageLabel.MessageType = BaseMessageLabel.MessageTypes.Withdrawn;
                    OrderItemMessageLabel.Header      = "asset withdrawn";
                    OrderItemMessageLabel.Text        = "This asset has been withdrawn from the system and is no longer available to download.";
                    LinkButtonWrapper.Visible         = false;

                if (WebUtils.GetIntRequestParam("OrderItemId", 0) == orderItem.OrderItemId)
                    Panel ApprovalDetailsPanel = (Panel)e.Item.FindControl("ApprovalDetailsPanel");
                    ApprovalDetailsPanel.Visible = true;

                    LinkButton ToggleApprovalDetailsLinkButton = (LinkButton)e.Item.FindControl("ToggleApprovalDetailsLinkButton");
                    ToggleApprovalDetailsLinkButton.Text = "hide approval details [-]";

Пример #7
        protected void CopyDownloadSettingsToAllButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool   found = false;
            Button btn   = (Button)sender;

            int            sourceAssetId    = 0;
            DownloadFormat downloadFormat   = DownloadFormat.Original;
            int            assetImageSizeId = 0;

            foreach (RepeaterItem ri in OrderItemsRepeater.Items)
                if (!GeneralUtils.ValueIsInList(ri.ItemType, ListItemType.Item, ListItemType.AlternatingItem))

                Button CopyDownloadSettingsToAllButton = (Button)ri.FindControl("CopyDownloadSettingsToAllButton");

                if (CopyDownloadSettingsToAllButton.UniqueID != btn.UniqueID)

                HiddenField AssetIdHiddenField = (HiddenField)ri.FindControl("AssetIdHiddenField");
                DownloadFormatDropDownList DownloadFormatDropDownList1 = (DownloadFormatDropDownList)ri.FindControl("DownloadFormatDropDownList1");
                AssetImageSizeDropDownList AssetImageSizeDropDownList1 = (AssetImageSizeDropDownList)ri.FindControl("AssetImageSizeDropDownList1");

                sourceAssetId    = Convert.ToInt32(AssetIdHiddenField.Value);
                downloadFormat   = DownloadFormatDropDownList1.SelectedDownloadFormat;
                assetImageSizeId = AssetImageSizeDropDownList1.SelectedId;

                found = true;


            if (!found)

            AssetFinder finder = new AssetFinder();

            finder.AssetIdList.AddRange(CurrentOrder.OrderItemList.Select(o => o.AssetId));
            List <Asset> assetList = Asset.FindMany(finder);

            Asset sourceAsset = assetList.Where(a => a.AssetId == sourceAssetId).FirstOrDefault() ?? Asset.Empty;


            foreach (OrderItem oi in CurrentOrder.OrderItemList)
                // Get the asset for the order item
                Asset asset = assetList.Where(a => a.AssetId == oi.AssetId).FirstOrDefault() ?? Asset.Empty;

                // Non-images do not have download options so ignore them
                if (!AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(asset.FileExtension))

                // Update the selection
                SelectedOrderItems.AddUpdate(oi.OrderItemId.GetValueOrDefault(), downloadFormat, assetImageSizeId);

            // Rebind the list

            FeedbackLabel1.SetSuccessMessage("Download options updated successfully");
Пример #8
        private void ZipSelectedAssetsAndSend()
            int?currentOrderId = CurrentOrder.OrderId;

            m_Logger.DebugFormat("User: {0} has selected assets to zip from order: {1}", CurrentUser.FullName, currentOrderId);

            // The folder where the zip file should be stored
            string sessionFolder = SessionHelper.GetForCurrentSession().CreateSessionTempFolder();

            // Unique filename strings
            string dateString = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss");
            string guid       = GeneralUtils.GetGuid();

            // The actual filename of the zip file on disk
            string outputFilename = string.Format("assets_from_order_{0}_{1}_{2}.zip", currentOrderId, dateString, guid);

            // The full path to the zip file on disk
            string outputPath = Path.Combine(sessionFolder, outputFilename);

            m_Logger.DebugFormat("Zip file will be stored in: {0}", outputPath);

            using (ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(File.Create(outputPath)))
                    zos.SetComment(string.Format("Selected assets from order {0} on {1}", CurrentOrder.OrderId, CurrentOrder.OrderDate.ToString(Global.DateFormat)));

                    foreach (OrderItem orderItem in CurrentOrder.OrderItemList)
                        if (Response.IsClientConnected && ShouldDownload(orderItem))
                            // Get the asset
                            Asset asset = orderItem.Asset;

                            // Get the path to the asset file
                            AssetFileInfo info = new AssetFileInfo(asset);

                            // Get actual path
                            string path = info.FilePath;

                            // Check if a different image format is being requested
                            if (AssetTypeChecker.IsImage(asset.FileExtension))
                                SelectedOrderItem soi = SelectedOrderItems.Get(orderItem.OrderItemId.GetValueOrDefault());
                                path = AssetImageManager.GetResizedAssetImage(asset, soi.AssetImageSizeId, soi.DownloadFormat, true);

                            // Filename
                            string filename = string.Concat(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(asset.Filename), "_", asset.FileReference, (Path.GetExtension(path) ?? ".unknown").ToLower());

                            // Add the file to the generated zip
                            AddFileToZipOutputStream(filename, path, zos);

                            // Log this download for reporting
                            AuditLogManager.LogAssetAction(asset, CurrentUser, AuditAssetAction.DownloadedAssetFile);
                            AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(CurrentUser, AuditUserAction.DownloadAsset, string.Format("Downloaded AssetId: {0} as part of zipped download for OrderId: {1}", asset.AssetId, CurrentOrder.OrderId));

            string downloadUrl = string.Format("~/GetZipDownload.ashx?OrderId={0}&d={1}&guid={2}", currentOrderId, dateString, guid);
