Пример #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override bool ProcessDeserializedData(AssetPropertyGraphContainer graphContainer, object targetRootObject, Type targetMemberType, ref object data, bool isRootDataObjectReference, AssetId?sourceId, YamlAssetMetadata <OverrideType> overrides, YamlAssetPath basePath)
            if (targetRootObject == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(targetRootObject));
            if (data == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));

            var collectionDescriptor = (CollectionDescriptor)TypeDescriptorFactory.Default.Find(targetRootObject.GetType());

            var collection = data as IList <AssetItem>;

            if (collection == null)
                collection = (IList <AssetItem>)Activator.CreateInstance(collectionDescriptor.Type, true);
                collectionDescriptor.Add(collection, data);

            for (var i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++)
                var assetItem = collection[i];
                // If the asset already exists, clone it with new identifiers
                if (session.GetAssetById(assetItem.Id) != null)
                    // Create a derived asset and restore archetype to handle asset-specific cloning process.
                    Dictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping;
                    var clone = AssetCloner.Clone(assetItem.Asset, AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects, out idRemapping);

                    var assetType = assetItem.Asset.GetType();
                    if (assetType.HasInterface(typeof(AssetCompositeHierarchy <,>)))
                            // TODO: Find a way to fallback to the asset or generalize for all asset composite
                            dynamic assetComposite = clone;
                            // Remap indices of parts in Hierarchy.Part
                            var path = basePath.Clone();
                            AssetCloningHelper.RemapIdentifiablePaths(overrides, idRemapping, path);
                        catch (RuntimeBinderException e)
                    // FIXME: rework this
                    var postProcessor = session.ServiceProvider.Get <ICopyPasteService>().PostProcessors.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Accept(assetType));
                    collection[i] = new AssetItem(assetItem.Location, clone);

            // Get the fixed-up value
            data = collection;
Пример #2
        public EntityViewModel Duplicate()
            var flags           = SubHierarchyCloneFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects;
            var clonedHierarchy = EntityHierarchyPropertyGraph.CloneSubHierarchies(Asset.Session.AssetNodeContainer, Asset.Asset, AssetSideEntity.Id.Yield(), flags, out Dictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping);


            var addedRoot = clonedHierarchy.Parts[clonedHierarchy.RootParts.Single().Id];

            addedRoot.Folder = (Parent as EntityFolderViewModel)?.Path;

            // rename the entity to avoid having the same names
            if (Parent == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(Parent)} cannot be null");
            addedRoot.Entity.Name = EntityFactory.ComputeNewName(Parent, addedRoot.Entity.Name);
            Asset.AssetHierarchyPropertyGraph.AddPartToAsset(clonedHierarchy.Parts, addedRoot, (Parent.Owner as EntityViewModel)?.AssetSideEntity, Parent.Owner.IndexOfEntity(this) + 1);
            var cloneId = addedRoot.Entity.Id;

            // The view model should already exist at that point
            var partId    = new AbsoluteId(Asset.Id, cloneId);
            var viewModel = (EntityViewModel)Editor.FindPartViewModel(partId);

            // TODO: Offset a bit (by 1 scene unit horizontally?) the cloned entity so it appears distincly from the source entity
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a sub-hierarchy of this asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRootId">The id of the root of the sub-hierarchy to clone</param>
        /// <param name="cleanReference">If true, any reference to a part external to the cloned hierarchy will be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="idRemapping">A dictionary containing the mapping of ids from the source parts to the new parts.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="AssetCompositeHierarchyData{UIElementDesign, UIElement}"/> corresponding to the cloned parts.</returns>
        public override AssetCompositeHierarchyData <UIElementDesign, UIElement> CloneSubHierarchy(Guid sourceRootId, bool cleanReference, out Dictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping)
            if (!Hierarchy.Parts.ContainsKey(sourceRootId))
                throw new ArgumentException(@"The source root part must be an part of this asset.", nameof(sourceRootId));

            // Note: Instead of copying the whole asset (with its potentially big hierarchy),
            // we first copy the asset only (without the hierarchy), then the sub-hierarchy to extract.
            var subTreeRoot      = Hierarchy.Parts[sourceRootId];
            var subTreeHierarchy = new AssetCompositeHierarchyData <UIElementDesign, UIElement> {
                Parts = { subTreeRoot }, RootPartIds = { sourceRootId }

            foreach (var subTreeDesign in EnumerateChildParts(subTreeRoot, Hierarchy, true))

            // clone the parts of the sub-tree
            var clonedHierarchy = (AssetCompositeHierarchyData <UIElementDesign, UIElement>)AssetCloner.Clone(subTreeHierarchy);
            //clonedHierarchy.Parts[sourceRootEntity].UIElement.Parent = null;

            //if (cleanReference)
            //    // set to null reference outside of the sub-tree
            //    var tempAsset = new PrefabAsset { Hierarchy = clonedHierarchy };
            //    tempAsset.FixupPartReferences();

            // temporary nullify the hierarchy to avoid to clone it
            var sourceHierarchy = Hierarchy;

            Hierarchy = null;

            // revert the source hierarchy
            Hierarchy = sourceHierarchy;

            // Generate part mapping
            idRemapping = new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();
            foreach (var partDesign in clonedHierarchy.Parts)
                // Generate new Id
                var newPartId = Guid.NewGuid();

                // Update mappings
                idRemapping.Add(partDesign.UIElement.Id, newPartId);

                // Update part with new id
                partDesign.UIElement.Id = newPartId;

            // Rewrite part references
            // Should we nullify invalid references?
            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(clonedHierarchy, idRemapping);

Пример #4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override bool ProcessDeserializedData(AssetPropertyGraphContainer graphContainer, object targetRootObject, Type targetMemberType, ref object data, bool isRootDataObjectReference, AssetId?sourceId, YamlAssetMetadata <OverrideType> overrides, YamlAssetPath basePath)
            var asset     = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)targetRootObject;
            var hierarchy = data as AssetCompositeHierarchyData <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>;

            if (hierarchy == null)

            // Create a temporary asset to host the hierarchy to paste, so we have a property graph to manipulate it.
            var tempAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)Activator.CreateInstance(asset.GetType());

            tempAsset.Hierarchy = hierarchy;
            // Use temporary containers so that any created nodes are discarded after the processing.
            var tempNodeContainer = new AssetNodeContainer {
                NodeBuilder = { NodeFactory = new AssetNodeFactory() }
            var definition = AssetQuantumRegistry.GetDefinition(asset.GetType());
            var rootNode   = tempNodeContainer.GetOrCreateNode(tempAsset);

            // If different asset or if at least one part already exists, create a custom clone.
            if (asset.Id != sourceId || hierarchy.Parts.Values.Any(part => asset.ContainsPart(part.Part.Id)))
                // Clone again to create new ids for any IIdentifiable, but keep references to external object intact.
                var cloneExternalReferences = ExternalReferenceCollector.GetExternalReferences(definition, rootNode);
                hierarchy = AssetCloner.Clone(hierarchy, AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects, cloneExternalReferences, out var idRemapping);
                // Remap indices of parts in Hierarchy.Part
                AssetCloningHelper.RemapIdentifiablePaths(overrides, idRemapping, basePath);
                // Make new base instances ids in case the part are inherited.
                // Update the temporary asset with this cloned hierarchy.
                rootNode[nameof(AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart> .Hierarchy)].Update(hierarchy);

            // Collect all referenceable objects from the target asset (where we're pasting)
            var targetPropertyGraph  = graphContainer.TryGetGraph(asset.Id);
            var referenceableObjects = IdentifiableObjectCollector.Collect(targetPropertyGraph.Definition, targetPropertyGraph.RootNode);

            // Replace references in the hierarchy being pasted by the real objects from the target asset.
            var externalReferences = new HashSet <Guid>(ExternalReferenceCollector.GetExternalReferences(definition, rootNode).Select(x => x.Id));
            var visitor            = new ObjectReferencePathGenerator(definition)
                ShouldOutputReference = x => externalReferences.Contains(x)


            FixupObjectReferences.FixupReferences(tempAsset, visitor.Result, referenceableObjects, true);

            data = hierarchy;

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a sub-hierarchy of this asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRootIds">The ids that are the roots of the sub-hierarchies to clone.</param>
        /// <param name="cleanReference">If true, any reference to a part external to the cloned hierarchy will be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="idRemapping">A dictionary containing the mapping of ids from the source parts to the new parts.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="AssetCompositeHierarchyData{TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart}"/> corresponding to the cloned parts.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The parts passed to this methods must be independent in the hierarchy.</remarks>
        public AssetCompositeHierarchyData <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart> CloneSubHierarchies(IEnumerable <Guid> sourceRootIds, bool cleanReference, out Dictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping)
            // Note: Instead of copying the whole asset (with its potentially big hierarchy),
            // we first copy the asset only (without the hierarchy), then the sub-hierarchy to extract.
            var subTreeHierarchy = new AssetCompositeHierarchyData <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>();

            foreach (var rootId in sourceRootIds)
                if (!Hierarchy.Parts.ContainsKey(rootId))
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"The source root parts must be parts of this asset.", nameof(sourceRootIds));


                foreach (var subTreePart in EnumerateChildParts(Hierarchy.Parts[rootId].Part, true))
            // clone the parts of the sub-tree
            var clonedHierarchy = AssetCloner.Clone(subTreeHierarchy);

            foreach (var rootEntity in clonedHierarchy.RootPartIds)
            if (cleanReference)
            // Generate part mapping
            idRemapping = new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();
            foreach (var partDesign in clonedHierarchy.Parts)
                // Generate new Id
                var newId = Guid.NewGuid();
                // Update mappings
                idRemapping.Add(partDesign.Part.Id, newId);
                // Update part with new id
                partDesign.Part.Id = newId;
            // Rewrite part references
            // Should we nullify invalid references?
            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(clonedHierarchy, idRemapping);
        public override Asset CreateDerivedAsset(string baseLocation, out Dictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping)
            var newAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)base.CreateDerivedAsset(baseLocation, out idRemapping);

            var instanceId = Guid.NewGuid();

            foreach (var part in Hierarchy.Parts)
                var newPart = newAsset.Hierarchy.Parts[idRemapping[part.Part.Id]];
                newPart.Base = new BasePart(new AssetReference(Id, baseLocation), part.Part.Id, instanceId);

            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(newAsset.Hierarchy, idRemapping);

Пример #7
        public override Asset CreateDerivedAsset(string baseLocation, IDictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping = null)
            var newAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)base.CreateDerivedAsset(baseLocation, idRemapping);

            var remappingDictionary = idRemapping ?? new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();

            var instanceId = Guid.NewGuid();

            foreach (var part in newAsset.Hierarchy.Parts)
                part.Base = new BasePart(new AssetReference(Id, baseLocation), part.Part.Id, instanceId);
                // Create and register a new id for this part
                var newId = Guid.NewGuid();
                remappingDictionary.Add(part.Part.Id, newId);
                // Apply the new Guid
                part.Part.Id = newId;

            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(newAsset.Hierarchy, remappingDictionary);

Пример #8
        public override Asset CreateChildAsset(string baseLocation, IDictionary<Guid, Guid> idRemapping = null)
            var newAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy<TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)base.CreateChildAsset(baseLocation);

            var remappingDictionary = idRemapping ?? new Dictionary<Guid, Guid>();

            foreach (var part in newAsset.Hierarchy.Parts)
                // Store the baseid of the new version
                part.BaseId = part.Part.Id;
                // Make sure that we don't replicate the base part InstanceId
                part.BasePartInstanceId = null;
                // Create and register a new id for this part
                var newId = Guid.NewGuid();
                remappingDictionary.Add(part.Part.Id, newId);
                // Apply the new Guid
                part.Part.Id = newId;

            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(newAsset.Hierarchy, remappingDictionary);

            return newAsset;
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a sub-hierarchy of this asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRootIds">The ids that are the roots of the sub-hierarchies to clone.</param>
        /// <param name="cleanReference">If true, any reference to a part external to the cloned hierarchy will be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="generateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects">If true, the cloned objects that implement <see cref="IIdentifiable"/> will have new ids.</param>
        /// <param name="idRemapping">A dictionary containing the remapping of <see cref="IIdentifiable.Id"/> if <see cref="AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects"/> has been passed to the cloner.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="AssetCompositeHierarchyData{TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart}"/> corresponding to the cloned parts.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The parts passed to this methods must be independent in the hierarchy.</remarks>
        public AssetCompositeHierarchyData <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart> CloneSubHierarchies(IEnumerable <Guid> sourceRootIds, bool cleanReference, bool generateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects, bool generateNewBaseInstanceIds, out Dictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping)
            // Note: Instead of copying the whole asset (with its potentially big hierarchy),
            // we first copy the asset only (without the hierarchy), then the sub-hierarchy to extract.
            var subTreeHierarchy = new AssetCompositeHierarchyData <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>();

            foreach (var rootId in sourceRootIds)
                if (!Hierarchy.Parts.ContainsKey(rootId))
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"The source root parts must be parts of this asset.", nameof(sourceRootIds));


                foreach (var subTreePart in EnumerateChildParts(Hierarchy.Parts[rootId].Part, true))
            // clone the parts of the sub-tree
            var clonedHierarchy = AssetCloner.Clone(subTreeHierarchy, generateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects ? AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects : AssetClonerFlags.None, out idRemapping);

            // Remap ids from the root id collection to the new ids generated during cloning
            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(clonedHierarchy, idRemapping);

            foreach (var rootEntity in clonedHierarchy.RootPartIds)
            if (cleanReference)
                // set to null reference outside of the sub-tree
                var tempAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)Activator.CreateInstance(GetType());
                tempAsset.Hierarchy = clonedHierarchy;
                // restore initial ids for reference outside of the subtree, so they can be fixed up later.
                var tempAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)Activator.CreateInstance(GetType());
                tempAsset.Hierarchy = clonedHierarchy;
                var visitor = new AssetCompositePartReferenceCollector();
                var references        = visitor.Result;
                var revertedIdMapping = idRemapping.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key);
                foreach (var referencedPart in references.Select(x => x.AssetPart).OfType <IIdentifiable>())
                    var realPart = tempAsset.ResolvePartReference(referencedPart);
                    if (realPart == null)
                        referencedPart.Id = revertedIdMapping[referencedPart.Id];

            if (generateNewBaseInstanceIds)

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a sub-hierarchy of this asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRootEntities">The entities that are the roots of the sub-hierarchies to clone</param>
        /// <param name="cleanReference">If true, any reference to an entity external to the cloned hierarchy will be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="entityMapping">A dictionary containing the mapping of ids from the source entites to the new entities.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="AssetCompositeHierarchyData{EntityDesign, Entity}"/> corresponding to the cloned entities.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The entities passed to this methods must be independent in the hierarchy.</remarks>
        public AssetCompositeHierarchyData <EntityDesign, Entity> CloneSubHierarchies(IEnumerable <Guid> sourceRootEntities, bool cleanReference, out Dictionary <Guid, Guid> entityMapping)
            // Note: Instead of copying the whole asset (with its potentially big hierarchy),
            // we first copy the asset only (without the hierarchy), then the sub-hierarchy to extract.
            var subTreeHierarchy = new AssetCompositeHierarchyData <EntityDesign, Entity>();

            foreach (var sourceRootEntity in sourceRootEntities)
                if (!Hierarchy.Parts.ContainsKey(sourceRootEntity))
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"The source root entities must be entities of this asset.", nameof(sourceRootEntities));

                var subTreeRoot = Hierarchy.Parts[sourceRootEntity].Entity;
                subTreeHierarchy.Parts.Add(new EntityDesign(subTreeRoot));
                foreach (var subTreeEntity in EnumerateChildParts(subTreeRoot, true))

            // clone the entities of the sub-tree
            var clonedHierarchy = (AssetCompositeHierarchyData <EntityDesign, Entity>)AssetCloner.Clone(subTreeHierarchy);

            foreach (var rootEntity in clonedHierarchy.RootPartIds)
                clonedHierarchy.Parts[rootEntity].Entity.Transform.Parent = null;

            if (cleanReference)
                // set to null reference outside of the sub-tree
                var tempAsset = new PrefabAsset {
                    Hierarchy = clonedHierarchy

            // temporary nullify the hierarchy to avoid to clone it
            var sourceHierarchy = Hierarchy;

            Hierarchy = null;

            // revert the source hierarchy
            Hierarchy = sourceHierarchy;

            // Generate entity mapping
            entityMapping = new Dictionary <Guid, Guid>();
            foreach (var entityDesign in clonedHierarchy.Parts)
                // Generate new Id
                var newEntityId = Guid.NewGuid();

                // Update mappings
                entityMapping.Add(entityDesign.Entity.Id, newEntityId);

                // Update entity with new id
                entityDesign.Entity.Id = newEntityId;

            // Rewrite entity references
            // Should we nullify invalid references?
            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(clonedHierarchy, entityMapping);
