Пример #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void FixupPartReferences(bool clearMissingReferences = true)

            var visitor = new AssetCompositePartReferenceCollector();

            var references = visitor.Result;

            // Reverse the list, so that we can still properly update everything
            // (i.e. if we have a[0], a[1], a[1].Test, we have to do it from back to front to be valid at each step)
            // TODO: I don't think this is needed. Find a proper example or remove it.

            foreach (var reference in references)
                var realPart = ResolvePartReference(reference.AssetPart);
                if (realPart != reference.AssetPart)
                    if (realPart != null || clearMissingReferences)
                        reference.Path.Apply(this, MemberPathAction.ValueSet, realPart);
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones a sub-hierarchy of this asset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceRootIds">The ids that are the roots of the sub-hierarchies to clone.</param>
        /// <param name="cleanReference">If true, any reference to a part external to the cloned hierarchy will be set to null.</param>
        /// <param name="generateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects">If true, the cloned objects that implement <see cref="IIdentifiable"/> will have new ids.</param>
        /// <param name="idRemapping">A dictionary containing the remapping of <see cref="IIdentifiable.Id"/> if <see cref="AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects"/> has been passed to the cloner.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="AssetCompositeHierarchyData{TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart}"/> corresponding to the cloned parts.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The parts passed to this methods must be independent in the hierarchy.</remarks>
        public AssetCompositeHierarchyData <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart> CloneSubHierarchies(IEnumerable <Guid> sourceRootIds, bool cleanReference, bool generateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects, bool generateNewBaseInstanceIds, out Dictionary <Guid, Guid> idRemapping)
            // Note: Instead of copying the whole asset (with its potentially big hierarchy),
            // we first copy the asset only (without the hierarchy), then the sub-hierarchy to extract.
            var subTreeHierarchy = new AssetCompositeHierarchyData <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>();

            foreach (var rootId in sourceRootIds)
                if (!Hierarchy.Parts.ContainsKey(rootId))
                    throw new ArgumentException(@"The source root parts must be parts of this asset.", nameof(sourceRootIds));


                foreach (var subTreePart in EnumerateChildParts(Hierarchy.Parts[rootId].Part, true))
            // clone the parts of the sub-tree
            var clonedHierarchy = AssetCloner.Clone(subTreeHierarchy, generateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects ? AssetClonerFlags.GenerateNewIdsForIdentifiableObjects : AssetClonerFlags.None, out idRemapping);

            // Remap ids from the root id collection to the new ids generated during cloning
            AssetPartsAnalysis.RemapPartsId(clonedHierarchy, idRemapping);

            foreach (var rootEntity in clonedHierarchy.RootPartIds)
            if (cleanReference)
                // set to null reference outside of the sub-tree
                var tempAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)Activator.CreateInstance(GetType());
                tempAsset.Hierarchy = clonedHierarchy;
                // restore initial ids for reference outside of the subtree, so they can be fixed up later.
                var tempAsset = (AssetCompositeHierarchy <TAssetPartDesign, TAssetPart>)Activator.CreateInstance(GetType());
                tempAsset.Hierarchy = clonedHierarchy;
                var visitor = new AssetCompositePartReferenceCollector();
                var references        = visitor.Result;
                var revertedIdMapping = idRemapping.ToDictionary(x => x.Value, x => x.Key);
                foreach (var referencedPart in references.Select(x => x.AssetPart).OfType <IIdentifiable>())
                    var realPart = tempAsset.ResolvePartReference(referencedPart);
                    if (realPart == null)
                        referencedPart.Id = revertedIdMapping[referencedPart.Id];

            if (generateNewBaseInstanceIds)
