private void content_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { AssetCacheData data = (AssetCacheData)e.AddedItems[0]; switch (data.type) { case AssetType.kMaterial: ReadMaterialData(data.path); break; } }
/** * @brief Find an asset by its id. * @param[in] id (UInt64) id of the asset to find. * @return (sulphur.editor.AssetCacheData) The data stored in the cache of the asset of the given id. If not found an invalid struct is returned. * @see sulphur.editor.AssetCacheData */ public AssetCacheData Find(UInt64 id, AssetType type) { foreach (var pair in data) { AssetCacheData foundObj = pair.Value.Find(id, type); if (foundObj.is_valid) { return(foundObj); } } return(new AssetCacheData()); }
/** *@brief instantiate an asset in the engine *@param[in] asset (sulphur.editor.AssetCacheData) asset to instantiate *@remark when this function is run an instantiate message will be send to the connected engine */ private void Instantiate(AssetCacheData asset) { if (asset.type != AssetType.kModel) { return; } native.messages.AssetInstantiatedPayload msg_data = new native.messages.AssetInstantiatedPayload(); msg_data.asset_id =; byte[] data = Utils.StructToBytes(msg_data); native.Networking.SNetSendData((uint)native.NetworkMessages.kAssetInstantiated, data, (uint)data.Length); }
/** * @brief Handle incomming messages from the attached asset browser control. * @param[in] sender (object) The asset browser control that send the notification. * @param[in] e (NotificationEventArgs) Argument send with the event. */ void HandleAssetBrowsermessages(object sender, NotificationEventArgs e) { if (e.notification_id == (int)controls.AssetBrowserControl.Notifications.kAssetInstantiated) { AssetCacheData data = (AssetCacheData)e.notification_data; if (data.type == AssetType.kWorld) { App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { Clear(); hierarchy.LoadFromDisk(data.origin); Project.current_world_ = data.origin.Remove(0, Project.directory_path.Length + 1); }); } return; } }
/** * @brief Processes a single entry in an asset cache; * @param[in] id (UInt64) id of the asset. * @param[in] ptr (sulphur.editor.AssetDatabase.PackagePtr) Package pointer read from the cache. */ private void ProcessCacheFileData(UInt64 id, PackagePtr ptr) { AssetCacheData cache_data = new AssetCacheData(); DirectoryInfo info = new DirectoryInfo(Project.directory_path + "\\" + ptr.origin); int slash = ptr.path.LastIndexOf("/") + 1; int dot = ptr.path.LastIndexOf("."); = id; cache_data.path = ptr.path; cache_data.origin = info.FullName.ToLower(); = ptr.path.Substring(slash, dot - slash); cache_data.type = GetAssetType(ptr.path); cache_data.is_valid = true; string original_folder = info.FullName.Substring(0, info.FullName.LastIndexOf("\\")).ToLower(); if (data.ContainsKey(original_folder) == false) { AssetList new_list = new AssetList(); new_list.CollectionChanged += OnAssetListChanged; data.Add(original_folder, new_list); } AssetCacheData exists = data[original_folder].Find(, cache_data.type); if (exists.is_valid == true) { Log.Write(Log.Verbosity.kWarning, "Asset {0} allready exists", cache_data.path); return; } App.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { data[original_folder].Add(cache_data); }); }
private void ReadMaterialData(string relative_path) { BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(Project.directory_path + "\\" + relative_path); if (!reader.is_ok) { return; } MaterialData material_data = new MaterialData(); material_data.Read(reader); AssetDatabase asset_database = (AssetDatabase)App.Current.Resources["asset_database"]; AssetCacheData pixel_shader_cache = asset_database.Find(material_data.pixel_shader_id, AssetType.kShader); ShaderData pixelShader = ReadShaderData(pixel_shader_cache.path); ub = new UniformBuffer(pixelShader, material_data.uniform_buffers[0].data); inspector_.ClearInspectors(); foreach (var pair in ub.name_map_) { ShaderVariable var = ub.data_map_[pair.Value]; InspectorTypes type = InspectorTypes.kNumber; switch (var.type_) { case ShaderVarType.kBool: type = InspectorTypes.kCheckbox; break; case ShaderVarType.kFloat: case ShaderVarType.kDouble: type = InspectorTypes.kSlider; break; case ShaderVarType.kUint: case ShaderVarType.kUint8: case ShaderVarType.kInt: type = InspectorTypes.kNumber; break; case ShaderVarType.kMat3: type = InspectorTypes.kMatrix3x3; break; case ShaderVarType.kMat4: type = InspectorTypes.kMatrix4x4; break; case ShaderVarType.kVec2: type = InspectorTypes.kVector2; break; case ShaderVarType.kVec3: type = InspectorTypes.kVector3; break; case ShaderVarType.kVec4: type = InspectorTypes.kVector4; break; } inspector_.AddInspector(pair.Key, type, new VarRef(() => ub.data_map_[pair.Value].data_, val => { ub.data_map_[pair.Value].Set(val); material_data.uniform_buffers[0].data = ub.ConstructDataBuffer(); StoreMaterialData(relative_path, material_data); })); } }
/** *@brief remove an asset from the asset cache. when the asset is removed succesfully a message is send to the attached engine. *@param[in] asset (sulphur.editor.AssetCacheData) asset to remove from the cache *@remark this will not delete the raw asset the packed asset originated from. *@see sulphur.editor.native.networking.NetworkMessages */ public void DeleteAsset(AssetCacheData asset) { string folderpath = asset.origin.Substring(0, asset.origin.LastIndexOf("\\")); native.bool_ success = false; if (data.ContainsKey(folderpath) == false) { return; } foreach (AssetCacheData entry in data[folderpath]) { if (entry.origin == asset.path) { asset = entry; } } switch (asset.type) { case AssetType.kAnimation: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteAnimation(; break; case AssetType.kAudio: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteAudio(; break; case AssetType.kMaterial: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteMaterial(; break; case AssetType.kMesh: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteMesh(; break; case AssetType.kModel: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteModel(; break; case AssetType.kScript: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteScript(; break; case AssetType.kShader: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteShader(; break; case AssetType.kSkeleton: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteSkeleton(; break; case AssetType.kTexture: success = native.AssetProcessor.DeleteTexture(; break; } if (success == true) { UpdateDatabase(, Operation.kRemove, asset.type); } }