private static Tuple<string, YamlNode> GetUpdateAttribute(JProperty prop)
            var propValueType = prop.Value.Type;
            var value = string.Empty;

            if (propValueType == JTokenType.Object || propValueType == JTokenType.Array)
                if (propValueType == JTokenType.Array)
                    var nodes = new YamlSequenceNode();
                    foreach(var item in prop.Value as JArray)
                        var asset = new Asset(item as dynamic);
                        var yamlNode = GetNodes(asset);
                    return new Tuple<string, YamlNode>(prop.Name, nodes);

                return new Tuple<string, YamlNode>(prop.Name, new YamlScalarNode(string.Empty));
                value = (prop.Value as JValue).Value.ToString();
                return new Tuple<string, YamlNode>(prop.Name, new YamlScalarNode(value));
        public static YamlNode GetNodes(Asset source)
            var root = new YamlMappingNode();
            var assetType = source.AssetType;
            root.Add("asset", assetType);
            JObject obj = JObject.FromObject(source.GetChangesDto());

            YamlMappingNode attributes = new YamlMappingNode();

            var tuples = (from prop in
                                from token in JToken.FromObject(obj)
                                where token.Type == JTokenType.Property
                                select token as JProperty
                          select GetUpdateAttribute(prop)
            foreach (var tuple in tuples)
                attributes.Add(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2);

            root.Add("attributes", attributes);

            return root;
        public override void runAssetFile(Asset asset)
            foreach (var obj in asset.ObjectInfos) {
                ulong oldSize = 0;
                mSizeDic.TryGetValue(obj.classID, out oldSize);
                mSizeDic[obj.classID] = oldSize + obj.length;
                totalSize += obj.length;
                var typeTree = typeTreeDatabase.GetType(asset.AssetVersion, obj.classID);
                if (typeTree != null) {
                    try {
                        SerializeObject sobj = new SerializeObject(typeTree,;
                        var property = sobj.FindProperty("m_Resource.m_Size");
                        if (property != null) {
                            ulong resSize = (ulong)property.Value;
                            totalSize += resSize;
                            mSizeDic[obj.classID] += resSize;
                    } catch {
                        Debug.LogError("Can't Create SerializeObject.TypeVerion:{0},TypeClassID:{1},TypeName:{2}",
                       typeTree.version, obj.classID, typeTree.type);

Пример #4
        // Register is always used for someone not in the database, only first time User or first time Asset use this method
        public async Task<AccountResult> RegisterUser(RegistrationModelBase model)
            UserProfile profile;
            User user = null;

            switch (model.Type)
                case IdentityTypes.USER:
                    profile = new UserProfile(model as UserRegistrationModel);
                    user = new User(model as UserRegistrationModel, profile);
                case IdentityTypes.BIKE_MESSENGER:
                case IdentityTypes.CNG_DRIVER:
                    profile = new AssetProfile(model as AssetRegistrationModel);
                    user = new Asset(model as AssetRegistrationModel, profile as AssetProfile);
                case IdentityTypes.ENTERPRISE:
                    var enterpriseProfile = new EnterpriseUserProfile(model as EnterpriseUserRegistrationModel);
                    user = new EnterpriseUser(model as EnterpriseUserRegistrationModel, enterpriseProfile);

            var identityResult = await accountManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);
            var creationResult = new AccountResult(identityResult, user);

            return creationResult;
Пример #5
        public static void AddDefaultExtractSettingsToAsset(Asset asset, string siteRootParentAssetId)
            // Get starting path for all other paths
              var parentAssetId = int.Parse(siteRootParentAssetId);
              var parentAsset = Asset.LoadDirect(parentAssetId);
              var basePath = parentAsset.AssetPath.ToString();

              // Get paths needed by the site builder tool
              var pro_library_folder = Asset.LoadDirect(basePath + "/Project/Library").GetLink(LinkType.Internal);

              if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pro_library_folder))
              pro_library_folder = Asset.LoadDirect(basePath + "/Project/Client Library").GetLink(LinkType.Internal);

              var pro_model_folder = Asset.LoadDirect(basePath + "/Project/Models").GetLink(LinkType.Internal);
              var pro_nav_wrap_location = Asset.LoadDirect(basePath + "/Project/Templates/MasterPage").GetLink(LinkType.Internal);
              var pro_project_folder = Asset.LoadDirect(basePath + "/Project").GetLink(LinkType.Internal);
              var pro_site_root_folder = Asset.LoadDirect(basePath + "/Site Root").GetLink(LinkType.Internal);
              var pro_template_folder = Asset.LoadDirect(basePath + "/Project/Templates").GetLink(LinkType.Internal);

              var fields = new Dictionary<string, string>();
              fields.Add("export_site_option", "yes");
              fields.Add("extract_type", "project");
              fields.Add("include_binaries", "true");
              fields.Add("include_contents", "true");
              fields.Add("include_wrappers", "true");
              fields.Add("pro_library_folder", pro_library_folder);
              fields.Add("pro_model_folder", pro_model_folder);
              fields.Add("pro_nav_wrap_location", pro_nav_wrap_location);
              fields.Add("pro_project_folder", pro_project_folder);
              fields.Add("pro_site_root_folder", pro_site_root_folder);
              fields.Add("pro_template_folder", pro_template_folder);

Пример #6
 public Date(Entry entry)
     StartDate = entry.Date.ToString("yyyy,M,d");
     Headline = entry.Title;
     Text = entry.Text;
     Asset = new Asset(entry.Asset);
Пример #7
 public AssetProperties(Asset asset)
     foreach (AssetValue val in asset)
         //is this one supposed to be different from the others? "DisplayName vs Name"
         if (val.DisplayName.Equals("Color") && val.ValueType == AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeColor)
             color = ((ColorAssetValue) val).Value;
         /*    //I am unable to find any reference to gloss in the API, and I've found the value changes from material to material
         else if (val.Name.Equals("generic_glossiness") && val.ValueType == AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFloat)
             generic_glossiness = ((FloatAssetValue)val).Value;
         //opacity is a double
         else if (val.DisplayName.Equals("Transparency") && val.ValueType == AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFloat)
             transparency = ((FloatAssetValue) val).Value;
         else if (val.DisplayName.Equals("Translucency") && val.ValueType == AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFloat)
             translucency = ((FloatAssetValue) val).Value;
         else if (val.ValueType == AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTextureType)
             AssetTexture tex = ((TextureAssetValue) val).Value;
         else if (val.Name.Contains("reflectivity") && val.Name.Contains("0deg") && val.ValueType == AssetValueTypeEnum.kAssetValueTypeFloat)
             specular = ((FloatAssetValue) val).Value;
Пример #8
        public void Update(Asset entity, bool commit)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

Пример #9
 public void Asset_Received(AssetDownload trans, Asset asset)
     var Running = ExportCommand.Exporting;
     var item = SourceItem;
     UUID itemID = item.UUID;
     //if (trans.AssetID != item.AssetUUID) return;
     if (!trans.Success)
         Error = "" + trans.Status;
         if (waiting != null) waiting.Set();
         lock (Running.TaskAssetWaiting)
             ExportTaskAsset exportTaskAsset;
             if (!Running.CompletedTaskItem.Contains(itemID))
     Running.Assets_OnReceived(trans, asset);
     //AddRelated(item.AssetUUID, item.AssetType);
     Running.TaskItemComplete(O.ID, itemID, asset.AssetID, asset.AssetType);
     if (waiting != null) waiting.Set();
        public bool AddReference(Asset asset)
            if (asset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asset");

            //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(asset))
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Argument cannot be null or empty.", "asset");

            //AssetIdentifier aid = AssetIdentifier.Parse(asset);

            //Debug.Assert(aid.ToString().Equals(asset, StringComparison.Ordinal),
            //             "AssetIdentifier '{0}' failed to roundtrip.", asset);

            //if (aid.AssetId[aid.AssetId.Length - 1] == ']')
            //    aid = new AssetIdentifier(aid.AssetId.Substring(0, aid.AssetId.LastIndexOf('[')),
            //                              aid.Version);

            //object resolve = this.AssetResolver.Resolve(aid);
            //Debug.Assert(resolve != null);


            if (this._references.Add(asset))
                TraceSources.GeneratorSource.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 1, "Reference: {0}", asset.Id);
                return true;

            return false;
Пример #11
		/// <summary>
		///	Create asset description from asset.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="asset"></param>
		public AssetDesc ( Asset asset ) 
			Path		=	asset.AssetPath;
			Type		=	asset.GetType().Name;
			Parameters	=	new List<KeyValuePair<string,string>>();

			foreach ( var prop in asset.GetType().GetProperties() ) {

				if (!prop.CanWrite || !prop.CanRead) {

				if (prop.IsList()) {

					var list = prop.GetList( asset );
					var type = prop.GetListElementType();

					foreach ( var element in list ) {
						var conv	= TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( type );
						var value	= conv.ConvertToInvariantString( element );

						Parameters.Add( new KeyValuePair<string,string>(prop.Name, value) );
				} else {

					var conv	= TypeDescriptor.GetConverter( prop.PropertyType );
					var value	= conv.ConvertToInvariantString( prop.GetValue( asset ) );
					Parameters.Add( new KeyValuePair<string,string>(prop.Name, value) );
 public string outputBase(Asset asset, OutputContext context, string name, string index = "")
     StringBuilder sbContent = new StringBuilder();
      String markup = ComponentLibraryHelper.updateMarkupForPreviewPublish(context, sbContent.ToString());
     return markup;
 public static Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId> GetAllHashes(Asset asset)
     var hashes = TryGet(asset, AbsoluteSourceHashesKey);
     var result = new Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId>();
     hashes?.ForEach(x => result.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
     return result;
        public Asset CreateAsset(Asset info)
                string sqlCommand = @"INSERT INTO ""ASSET"" (""ASSETNO"",""ASSETCATEGORYID"",""ASSETNAME"",""STORAGE"",""STATE"",""DEPRECIATIONYEAR"",""UNITPRICE"",""BRAND"",""MANAGEMODE"",""FINANCECATEGORY"",""SUPPLIERID"",""PURCHASEDATE"",""EXPIREDDATE"",""ASSETSPECIFICATION"",""STORAGEFLAG"",""SUBCOMPANY"",""CONTRACTID"",""CONTRACTDETAILID"") VALUES (:Assetno,:Assetcategoryid,:Assetname,:Storage,:State,:Depreciationyear,:Unitprice,:Brand,:Managemode,:Financecategory,:Supplierid,:Purchasedate,:Expireddate,:Assetspecification,:Storageflag,:Subcompany,:Contractid,:Contractdetailid)";
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Assetno", info.Assetno);//DBType:VARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Assetcategoryid", info.Assetcategoryid);//DBType:VARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Assetname", info.Assetname);//DBType:NVARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Storage", info.Storage);//DBType:NVARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":State", info.State);//DBType:NUMBER
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Depreciationyear", info.Depreciationyear);//DBType:NUMBER
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Unitprice", info.Unitprice);//DBType:NUMBER
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Brand", info.Brand);//DBType:NVARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Managemode", info.Managemode);//DBType:NUMBER
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Financecategory", info.Financecategory);//DBType:NUMBER
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Supplierid", info.Supplierid);//DBType:NVARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Purchasedate", info.Purchasedate);//DBType:DATE
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Expireddate", info.Expireddate);//DBType:DATE
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Assetspecification", info.Assetspecification);//DBType:NVARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Storageflag", info.Storageflag);//DBType:NVARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Subcompany", info.Subcompany);//DBType:VARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Contractid", info.Contractid);//DBType:VARCHAR2
                this.Database.AddInParameter(":Contractdetailid", info.Contractdetailid);//DBType:VARCHAR2

            return info;
Пример #15
 public Date(Entry entry)
     startDate = entry.Date.ToString("yyyy,M,d");
     headline = entry.Title;
     text = entry.Text;
     asset = new Asset(entry.Asset);
Пример #16
		public Sorter(Dictionary<string, Asset> assets)
			List<Asset> list = new List<Asset>();

			foreach (Asset asset in assets.Values)
				foreach (string provides in asset.Provides)
					var newAsset = new Asset()
						Name = asset.Path


			foreach (int i in this.result)
				if (!Sorted.Contains(list[i].Name))
        public void Add(Asset asset)

            var assetItem = listService.CreateItem();
            unitOfWork.AddInsert(asset, assetItem);
        public Asset GetParent(Asset asset)
            Asset ret;
            switch (asset.Type)
                case AssetType.Namespace:
                    NamespaceInfo nsInfo = (NamespaceInfo)asset.Target;
                    ret = ReflectionServices.GetAsset(nsInfo.Assembly);
                case AssetType.Type:
                    Type type = (Type)asset.Target;
                    if (type.IsNested)
                        ret = ReflectionServices.GetAsset(type.DeclaringType);
                        ret = ReflectionServices.GetAsset(type.Assembly, type.Namespace);
                case AssetType.Method:
                case AssetType.Field:
                case AssetType.Event:
                case AssetType.Property:
                    Type parent = ((MemberInfo)asset.Target).ReflectedType;
                    ret = ReflectionServices.GetAsset(parent);
                case AssetType.Assembly:
                    ret = null;
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Cannot find parent of asset of type {0}", asset.Type));

            return ret;
Пример #19
 public void Save(Asset asset)
 void onAsset(AssetDownload transfer,Asset asset)
     Logger.Log("Asset retrieved id "+asset.AssetID.ToString(),Helpers.LogLevel.Debug);
     new TryGetImage(this.image,asset.AssetID,false);
Пример #21
 public static IEnumerable<Asset> GetAssetHierarchy(this IAssetExplorer assetExplorer, Asset asset)
         yield return asset;
         asset = assetExplorer.GetParent(asset);
     } while (asset != null);
Пример #22
        public void Remove(Asset entity, bool commit)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("entity");

 public Dictionary<UFile, bool> GetSourceFiles(Asset asset)
     sourceFiles = new Dictionary<UFile, bool>();
     var result = sourceFiles;
     sourceFiles = null;
     return result;
Пример #24
 public AssetsModel(Asset asset)
     this.Id = asset.Id;
     this.Name = asset.Name;
     this.Description = asset.Description;
     this.Cost = asset.Cost;
     this.AddedByUser = asset.AddedByUser;
		public void ValidateSingleFieldByAttribute() {
			Asset asset = new Asset(AssetType(DefectTypeName));
			IAttributeDefinition defectNameDef = asset.AssetType.GetAttributeDefinition(TitleAttributeName);
			Assert.IsFalse(validator.Validate(asset, defectNameDef));

			asset.LoadAttributeValue(defectNameDef, "Valid defect name");
			Assert.IsTrue(validator.Validate(asset, defectNameDef));
        public void Remove(Asset asset)
            if (asset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asset");

            var assetItem = GetAssetItemBySerialNumber(asset.SerialNumber);
            if (assetItem != null) assetItem.Delete();
Пример #27
 public void AddAsset(string xnaName, AssetType xnaType)
     Asset a = new Asset();
     a.xnaName = xnaName;
     a.assetType = xnaType; = _asset_list.Count;
		public void LoadRequiredFields() {
			Asset asset = new Asset(AssetType(DefectTypeName));
			IAttributeDefinition defectNameDef = asset.AssetType.GetAttributeDefinition(TitleAttributeName);

			IAttributeDefinition defectParentDef = asset.AssetType.GetAttributeDefinition(ParentAttributeName);
 public Dictionary<MemberPath, UFile> GetSourceMembers(Asset asset)
     sourceMembers = new Dictionary<MemberPath, UFile>();
     var result = sourceMembers;
     sourceMembers = null;
     return result;
        public void Add(Asset asset)
            if (asset == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("asset");

            var assetItem = listService.CreateItem();
Пример #31
        public ActionResult Edit(ContextHelpRefDataViewModel model, string button)
            if (model != null && ModelState.IsValid)
                if (button.ToLower().Equals("update"))
                    var help = _contextHelpRefDataService.GetById(model.Id);
                    help.Title    = model.Title;
                    help.HelpText = model.HelpText;

                    // Update Help
                    if (model.HelpVideoFile != null)
                        var folder   = SettingsHelper.HelpVideoFileLocation;
                        var fullPath = string.Empty;
                            // If the folder doesn't exist then create
                            if (!Directory.Exists(folder))

                            var originalFullFileName = model.HelpVideoFile.FileName;
                            var fileName             = Guid.NewGuid();
                            var fileExtension        = Path.GetExtension(originalFullFileName);
                            fullPath = Path.Combine(folder, fileName + fileExtension);

                            var asset = new Asset
                                OriginalFileName    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(originalFullFileName),
                                FileName            = fileName.ToString(),
                                FileExtension       = fileExtension,
                                FullPath            = fullPath,
                                MimeType            = MimeMapping.GetMimeMapping(fullPath),
                                ContextHelpRefDatas = new List <ContextHelpRefData>

                            help.Asset = asset;
                        catch (Exception)
                            // Tidy up the file if it has not been deleted
                            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fullPath))


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Help", new { helpKey = model?.Key ?? "homepage" }));
        // GET: Assets/Edit/5
        public ActionResult Edit(Guid?id)
            if (id == null)
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
            Asset asset = db.Assets.Include("Address").Include("Appliances").SingleOrDefault(a => a.ID == id);

            if (asset == null)

            List <Appliance> availableAppliances = db.Appliances.Where(a => a.BelongsToAsset == null).ToList();
            var selectableAppliances             = new Dictionary <string, List <SelectListItem> >();
            var selectListAppliances             = new Dictionary <string, SelectList>();

            // create selectableAppliances from ApplianceType enum
            foreach (ApplianceType applianceType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ApplianceType)))
                List <SelectListItem> newList = new List <SelectListItem>();
                selectableAppliances.Add(applianceType.ToString(), newList);
                    new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = "Nothing",
                    Value = NULL

            // add currently associated appliances to lists
            foreach (Appliance a in asset.Appliances)
                    new SelectListItem()
                    Text  = a.Name,
                    Value = a.ID.ToString()

            // populate selectableAppliances
            foreach (Appliance a in availableAppliances)
                List <SelectListItem> currentList;
                if (selectableAppliances.TryGetValue(a.Type.ToString(), out currentList))
                        new SelectListItem()
                        Text  = a.Name.ToString(),
                        Value = a.ID.ToString()

            // populate selectListAppliances from selectableAppliances
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <SelectListItem> > e in selectableAppliances)
                Appliance def          = asset.Appliances.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Type.ToString() == e.Key);
                string    defaultValue = (def == null) ? NULL : def.ID.ToString();
                selectListAppliances.Add(e.Key, new SelectList(e.Value, "Value", "Text", defaultValue));

            ViewBag.AppLists = selectListAppliances;

 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes Asset object
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="asset">an Asset object</param>
 public RenderAppearanceDescriptor(Asset asset)
     m_asset = asset;
Пример #34
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the sample async.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">The parm is of type ConfigWrapper. This class reads values from local configuration file.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        // <RunAsync>
        private static async Task RunAsync(ConfigWrapper config)
            IAzureMediaServicesClient client = await CreateMediaServicesClientAsync(config);

            // Set the polling interval for long running operations to 2 seconds.
            // The default value is 30 seconds for the .NET client SDK
            client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 2;

            // Creating a unique suffix so that we don't have name collisions if you run the sample
            // multiple times without cleaning up.
            string uniqueness      = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
            string jobName         = $"job-{uniqueness}";
            string locatorName     = $"locator-{uniqueness}";
            string outputAssetName = $"output-{uniqueness}";

            // Ensure that you have the desired encoding Transform. This is really a one time setup operation.
            Transform transform = await GetOrCreateTransformAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName);

            // Output from the encoding Job must be written to an Asset, so let's create one
            Asset outputAsset = await CreateOutputAssetAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAssetName);

            Job job = await SubmitJobAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, outputAsset.Name, jobName);

            // In this demo code, we will poll for Job status
            // Polling is not a recommended best practice for production applications because of the latency it introduces.
            // Overuse of this API may trigger throttling. Developers should instead use Event Grid.
            job = await WaitForJobToFinishAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, jobName);

            if (job.State == JobState.Finished)
                Console.WriteLine("Job finished.");
                if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolderName))

                // Generate a new random token signing key to use
                RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();

                //Create the content key policy that configures how the content key is delivered to end clients
                // via the Key Delivery component of Azure Media Services.
                ContentKeyPolicy policy = await GetOrCreateContentKeyPolicyAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, ContentKeyPolicyName);

                StreamingLocator locator = await CreateStreamingLocatorAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, outputAsset.Name, locatorName, ContentKeyPolicyName);

                // We are using the ContentKeyIdentifierClaim in the ContentKeyPolicy which means that the token presented
                // to the Key Delivery Component must have the identifier of the content key in it.  Since we didn't specify
                // a content key when creating the StreamingLocator, the system created a random one for us.  In order to
                // generate our test token we must get the ContentKeyId to put in the ContentKeyIdentifierClaim claim.
                string keyIdentifier = locator.ContentKeys.First().Id.ToString();

                string token = GetTokenAsync(Issuer, Audience, keyIdentifier, TokenSigningKey);

                string dashPath = await GetDASHStreamingUrlAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, locator.Name);

                Console.WriteLine("Copy and paste the following URL in your browser to play back the file in the Azure Media Player.");
                Console.WriteLine("Note, the player is set to use the AES token and the Bearer token is specified. ");

            Console.WriteLine("When finished press enter to cleanup.");

            Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up...");
            await CleanUpAsync(client, config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, AdaptiveStreamingTransformName, ContentKeyPolicyName);
Пример #35
    /// <summary>
    /// Create a Pak.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="MapFrom"></param>
    /// <param name="MapTo"></param>
    private void CreatePak(string Name, List <string> Assets)
        string CookedDir = Path.Combine(Params.BaseStageDirectory, "HTML5");

        string PakPath = Path.Combine(new string[] { Path.GetDirectoryName(Params.RawProjectPath.FullName), "Binaries", "HTML5", Params.ShortProjectName, "Content", "Paks" });

        if (!Directory.Exists(PakPath))

        List <string> Files = new List <string>();

        foreach (string Asset in Assets)
            string GameDir = "/Game/";
            if (Asset.StartsWith(GameDir))
                string PathOnDiskasset = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CookedDir, Params.ShortProjectName, "Content", Asset.Remove(0, GameDir.Length) + ".uasset");
                string PathOnDiskmap   = CommandUtils.CombinePaths(CookedDir, Params.ShortProjectName, "Content", Asset.Remove(0, GameDir.Length) + ".umap");

                if (File.Exists(PathOnDiskmap))
                else if (File.Exists(PathOnDiskasset))
                    System.Console.WriteLine(Asset + " not found, skipping !!");

        // we have all the files.
        Dictionary <string, string> UnrealPakResponseFile = new Dictionary <string, string>();

        // create response file structure.
        foreach (string file in Files)
            string MountPoint = file.Remove(0, CookedDir.Length + 1);
            UnrealPakResponseFile[file] = "../../../" + MountPoint;
        RunUnrealPak(UnrealPakResponseFile, PakPath + "\\" + Name + ".pak", null, "", true);
Пример #36
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a fixed asset Adds an asset to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="xeroTenantId">Xero identifier for Tenant</param>
        /// <param name="asset">Fixed asset you are creating</param>
        /// <returns>Task of Asset</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Asset> CreateAssetAsync(string accessToken, string xeroTenantId, Asset asset)
            Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.ApiResponse <Asset> localVarResponse = await CreateAssetAsyncWithHttpInfo(accessToken, xeroTenantId, asset);

Пример #37
 public WitnessUpdateOperation(string owner, string url, PublicKeyType blockSigningKey, ChainProperties17 props, Asset fee)
     Owner           = owner;
     Url             = url;
     BlockSigningKey = blockSigningKey;
     Props           = props;
     Fee             = fee;
Пример #38
        protected override async Task LoadContent()
            await base.LoadContent();

            var image1 = new ImageElement
                Source = new UIImage(Asset.Load <Texture>("BorderButtonCentered"))
                    Region = new Rectangle(256, 128, 512, 256), Borders = new Vector4(0.125f, 0.125f, 0.25f, 0.25f)
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            var image2 = new ImageElement
                Source = new UIImage(Asset.Load <Texture>("uv"))
                    Region = new Rectangle(0, 0, 512, 512)
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            var image3 = new ImageElement
                Source = new UIImage(Asset.Load <Texture>("uv"))
                    Region = new Rectangle(512, 0, 512, 512)
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            var image4 = new ImageElement
                Source = new UIImage(Asset.Load <Texture>("uv"))
                    Region = new Rectangle(0, 512, 512, 512)
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
            var image5 = new ImageElement
                Source = new UIImage(Asset.Load <Texture>("uv"))
                    Region = new Rectangle(512, 512, 512, 512)
                VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignment.Center,
                HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center

            stackPanel = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical

            UIComponent.RootElement = new ScrollViewer {
                Content = stackPanel
        public override int Import()
            //SqlDataReader sdr = GetImportDataFromSproc("spGetConversationsForImport");
            SqlDataReader sdr = GetImportDataFromDBTable("Conversations");

            int importCount = 0;

            while (sdr.Read())
                    //CHECK DATA: Conversation must have an author.
                    if (_config.V1Configurations.MigrateUnauthoredConversationsAsAdmin == false && String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdr["Author"].ToString()))
                        UpdateImportStatus("Conversations", sdr["AssetOID"].ToString(), ImportStatuses.FAILED, "Conversation author attribute is required.");

                    IAssetType assetType = _metaAPI.GetAssetType("Expression");
                    Asset      asset     = _dataAPI.New(assetType, null);

                    IAttributeDefinition authoredAtAttribute = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("AuthoredAt");
                    asset.SetAttributeValue(authoredAtAttribute, sdr["AuthoredAt"].ToString());

                    IAttributeDefinition contentAttribute = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("Content");
                    asset.SetAttributeValue(contentAttribute, sdr["Content"].ToString());

                    string memberOid = string.Empty;
                    if (_config.V1Configurations.MigrateUnauthoredConversationsAsAdmin == true && String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdr["Author"].ToString()))
                        memberOid = "Member:20";
                        memberOid = GetNewAssetOIDFromDB(sdr["Author"].ToString(), "Members");

                    IAttributeDefinition authorAttribute = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("Author");
                    asset.SetAttributeValue(authorAttribute, memberOid);

                    //NOTE: Only works with 13.2 or greater of VersionOne, should be able to remove for earlier versions

                    //BelongsTo gets set for the 1st Conversation/Expression, After that, InReplyTo gets set and BelongsTo is "Related" into it automagicly
                    string belongsTo = string.Empty;
                    //asset.SetAttributeValue(belongsToAttribute, GetConversationBelongsTo(memberOid, sdr["Conversation"].ToString(), sdr["NewConversatiionOID"].ToString()));
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdr["InReplyTo"].ToString()) == true)
                        IAttributeDefinition belongsToAttribute = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("BelongsTo");
                        belongsTo = GetConversationBelongsTo(memberOid, sdr);
                        asset.SetAttributeValue(belongsToAttribute, belongsTo);
                        string inReplyTo = GetNewAssetOIDFromDB(sdr["InReplyTo"].ToString(), "Conversations");
                        IAttributeDefinition inReplyToAttribute = assetType.GetAttributeDefinition("InReplyTo");
                        asset.SetAttributeValue(inReplyToAttribute, inReplyTo);

                    //NOTE: Need to switch on V1 version. Right now handles 11.3 to 11.4+. Used to be BaseAssets, is now Mentions.
                    //HACK: Modified to support Rally migration, needs refactoring.
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdr["Mentions"].ToString()) == false)
                        AddMultiValueRelation(assetType, asset, "Mentions", sdr["Mentions"].ToString());
                        //AddRallyMentionsValue(assetType, asset, sdr["BaseAssetType"].ToString(), sdr["Mentions"].ToString());
                    else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sdr["BaseAssets"].ToString()) == false)
                        AddMultiValueRelation(assetType, asset, "Mentions", sdr["BaseAssets"].ToString());


                    UpdateNewAssetOIDInDB("Conversations", sdr["AssetOID"].ToString(), asset.Oid.Momentless.ToString());
                    UpdateImportStatus("Conversations", sdr["AssetOID"].ToString(), ImportStatuses.IMPORTED, "Conversation imported.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (_config.V1Configurations.LogExceptions == true)
                        UpdateImportStatus("Conversations", sdr["AssetOID"].ToString(), ImportStatuses.FAILED, ex.Message);
                        throw ex;
            //SetConversationDependencies();Not Needed since InReplyTo gets set automagically through DB Relation
Пример #40
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a new SpriteTexture instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="texture">Texture sheet.</param>
 /// <param name="rect">Source rectangle of the texture sheet.</param>
 public SpriteTexture(Asset <Texture2D> texture, Rectangle rect)
     textureAsset    = texture;
     SourceRectangle = rect;
Пример #41
        public override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
            if (assetsToLoad.Count > 0)
                Asset asset = assetsToLoad.Pop();
                switch (asset.Item1)
                case "Fleet Textures":
                    for (int faction = 0; faction < Constants.FleetTexture.Length; faction++)
                        Assets.FleetTextures[faction] = new Texture2D[Constants.FleetStateLimit[faction]];
                        for (int state = 0; state < Constants.FleetStateLimit[faction]; state++)
                            Assets.FleetTextures[faction][state] = Loader.LoadPNG("spr_fleet_" + Constants.FleetTexture[faction] + "_" + state);

                case "Background":
                    Assets.Background = Loader.LoadPNG("background/bg_space");

                case "Planet Climate Textures":
                    for (int i = 1; i < Assets.PlanetTypeTextures.Length; i++)
                        Assets.PlanetTypeTextures[i] = Loader.LoadPNG("ui/planet" + i);

                case "Planet Textures":
                    for (int i = 0; i < Assets.PlanetTextures.Length; i++)
                        Assets.PlanetTextures[i] = Loader.LoadPNG("spr_planets_" + i);

                case "System Textures":
                    for (int i = 0; i < Assets.SystemTextures.Length; i++)
                        Assets.SystemTextures[i] = Loader.LoadPNG("spr_star_" + i);

                case "Button Textures":
                    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                        Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("ui_but_" + i, Loader.LoadPNG("spr_ui_but_" + (i + 1) + "_0"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("pin_button", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_pin_button"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("new_game", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_mm_butts_0"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("load_game", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_mm_butts_1"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("about", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_mm_butts_2"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("exit", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_mm_butts_3"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("back", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_mm_butts_4"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("space_marine", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_master_splash_0"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("textbox", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_new_banner_0"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("creation_arrow_right", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_creation_arrow_1"));
                    Assets.ButtonTextures.Add("creation_arrow_left", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_creation_arrow_0"));

                case "UI Textures":
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("mapframe", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_new_ui_1"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("systemscreen1", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_star_screen_1"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("systemscreen2", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_star_screen_2"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("systemscreen3", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_star_screen_3"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("systemscreen4", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_star_screen_4"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("planetscreen", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_planet_screen_1"));     // modified texture by removing extra space
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("title_splash", Loader.LoadPNG("ui/title_splash"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("spr_rock_bg_0", Loader.LoadPNG("ui/spr_rock_bg_0"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("force_background", Loader.LoadPNG("ui/force_background_r"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("ledger_background", Loader.LoadPNG("ui/force_background"));
                    // combat
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("bg_combat_grass", Loader.LoadPNG("combat/Zelda Textures/Zelda Texture - Grass 11x Scale"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("gc_spacemarine", Loader.LoadPNG("combat/troop/groundcombat_spacemarine")); // spr_mar_collision_0
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("gc_squadleader", Loader.LoadPNG("combat/troop/groundcombat_squadleader"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("order_move_arrow", Loader.LoadPNG("combat/order_move_arrow"));             // Move this to a different loading stage

                    //Assets.UITextures.Add("", Loader.LoadPNG(""));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("campaign_picker", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_popup_medium_0"));     // Move this to the UI folder, you utter beefbroth.
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("faction_creator_background", Loader.LoadPNG("spr_settings_bg_0"));
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("black_background", Loader.LoadPNG("background/black_background"));

                case "Fonts":

                case "Faction Icons":
                    Assets.UITextures.Add("faction_icon_selected", Loader.LoadPNG("factions/spr_icon_old_0"));
                    for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)
                        Assets.IconTextures.Add("founding_chapter_" + i, Loader.LoadPNG("factions/spr_icon_old_" + i));
                    Assets.IconTextures.Add("successor_chapter_1", Loader.LoadPNG("factions/spr_icon_old_11"));
                    Assets.IconTextures.Add("successor_chapter_2", Loader.LoadPNG("factions/spr_icon_old_12"));
                    Assets.IconTextures.Add("successor_chapter_3", Loader.LoadPNG("factions/spr_icon_old_13"));
                    Assets.IconTextures.Add("successor_chapter_4", Loader.LoadPNG("factions/spr_icon_old_15"));

                    throw new Exception($"Asset type {asset.Item1} is not recognized");
                progress += asset.Item2;
                Debug.WriteLine("Switching to game state");
                gameManager.ChangeState(new MenuState(gameManager, gameManager.GraphicsDevice, gameManager.Content));
Пример #42
        public Subsystem(XmlNode xmlNode, Asset asset)

Пример #43
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation($"AMS v3 Function - MonitorBlobContainerCopyStatus was triggered!");

            string  requestBody = new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd();
            dynamic data        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);

            // Validate input objects
            if (data.assetName == null)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass assetName in the input object"));
            string        assetName = data.assetName;
            List <string> fileNames = null;

            if (data.fileNames != null)
                fileNames = ((JArray)data.fileNames).ToObject <List <string> >();

            bool   copyStatus         = true;
            JArray blobCopyStatusList = new JArray();

            MediaServicesConfigWrapper amsconfig = new MediaServicesConfigWrapper();
            Asset asset = null;

                IAzureMediaServicesClient client = MediaServicesHelper.CreateMediaServicesClientAsync(amsconfig);

                // Get the Asset
                asset = client.Assets.Get(amsconfig.ResourceGroup, amsconfig.AccountName, assetName);
                if (asset == null)
                    return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Asset not found"));

                // Setup blob container
                var response = client.Assets.ListContainerSas(amsconfig.ResourceGroup, amsconfig.AccountName, assetName, permissions: AssetContainerPermission.Read, expiryTime: DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(4).ToUniversalTime());
                var sasUri   = new Uri(response.AssetContainerSasUrls.First());
                CloudBlobContainer destinationBlobContainer = new CloudBlobContainer(sasUri);

                //string blobPrefix = null;
                //bool useFlatBlobListing = true;
                //BlobContinuationToken blobContinuationToken = null;

                log.LogInformation("Checking CopyStatus of all blobs in the source container...");
                var blobList = BlobStorageHelper.ListBlobs(destinationBlobContainer);
                foreach (var blob in blobList)
                    if (fileNames != null)
                        bool found = false;
                        foreach (var fileName in fileNames)
                            if (fileName == blob.Name)
                                found = true;
                        if (found == false)

                    if (blob.CopyState.Status == CopyStatus.Aborted || blob.CopyState.Status == CopyStatus.Failed)
                        // Log the copy status description for diagnostics and restart copy
                        copyStatus = false;
                    else if (blob.CopyState.Status == CopyStatus.Pending)
                        // We need to continue waiting for this pending copy
                        // However, let us log copy state for diagnostics
                        copyStatus = false;
                    // else we completed this pending copy

                    string  blobName       = blob.Name as string;
                    int     blobCopyStatus = (int)(blob.CopyState.Status);
                    JObject o = new JObject();
                    o["blobName"]       = blobName;
                    o["blobCopyStatus"] = blobCopyStatus;
            catch (ApiErrorException e)
                log.LogError($"ERROR: AMS API call failed with error code: {e.Body.Error.Code} and message: {e.Body.Error.Message}");
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("AMS API call error: " + e.Message + "\nError Code: " + e.Body.Error.Code + "\nMessage: " + e.Body.Error.Message));
            catch (Exception e)
                log.LogError($"ERROR: Exception with message: {e.Message}");
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Error: " + e.Message));

            JObject result = new JObject();

            result["copyStatus"]         = copyStatus;
            result["blobCopyStatusList"] = blobCopyStatusList;

            return((ActionResult) new OkObjectResult(result));
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a fixed asset Adds an asset to the system
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="xeroTenantId">Xero identifier for Tenant</param>
        /// <param name="asset">Fixed asset you are creating</param>
        /// <returns>Task of ApiResponse (Asset)</returns>
        public async System.Threading.Tasks.Task <Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.ApiResponse <Asset> > CreateAssetAsyncWithHttpInfo(string accessToken, string xeroTenantId, Asset asset)
            // verify the required parameter 'xeroTenantId' is set
            if (xeroTenantId == null)
                throw new Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'xeroTenantId' when calling AssetApi->CreateAsset");

            // verify the required parameter 'asset' is set
            if (asset == null)
                throw new Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.ApiException(400, "Missing required parameter 'asset' when calling AssetApi->CreateAsset");

            Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.RequestOptions requestOptions = new Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.RequestOptions();

            String[] @contentTypes = new String[] {

            // to determine the Accept header
            String[] @accepts = new String[] {

            foreach (var cType in @contentTypes)
                requestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Content-Type", cType);

            foreach (var accept in @accepts)
                requestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Accept", accept);

            if (xeroTenantId != null)
                requestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Xero-Tenant-Id", Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2.Client.ClientUtils.ParameterToString(xeroTenantId)); // header parameter
            requestOptions.Data = asset;

            // authentication (OAuth2) required
            // oauth required
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(accessToken))
                requestOptions.HeaderParameters.Add("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
            // make the HTTP request

            var response = await this.AsynchronousClient.PostAsync <Asset>("/Assets", requestOptions, this.Configuration);

            if (this.ExceptionFactory != null)
                Exception exception = this.ExceptionFactory("CreateAsset", response);
                if (exception != null)
                    throw exception;

Пример #45
        protected override async Task LoadContent()
            await base.LoadContent();

            // create pipeline

            // setup the scene
            var material = Asset.Load <Material>("BasicMaterial");

            teapotEntity = new Entity()
                new ModelComponent()
                    Model = new Model()
                        new Mesh()
                            Draw          = GeometricPrimitive.Teapot.New(GraphicsDevice).ToMeshDraw(),
                            MaterialIndex = 0,

            var textureCube         = Asset.Load <Texture>("uv_cube");
            var staticCubemapEntity = new Entity()
                new CubemapSourceComponent(textureCube)
                    InfluenceRadius = 2f, IsDynamic = false
                new TransformationComponent()
                    Translation = Vector3.UnitZ


            dynamicCubemapEntity = new Entity()
                new CubemapSourceComponent(textureCube)
                    InfluenceRadius = 0.5f, IsDynamic = false
                new TransformationComponent()
                    Translation = Vector3.Zero

            var mainCamera = new Entity()
                new CameraComponent
                    AspectRatio         = 8 / 4.8f,
                    FarPlane            = 20,
                    NearPlane           = 1,
                    VerticalFieldOfView = 0.6f,
                    Target   = teapotEntity,
                    TargetUp = Vector3.UnitY,
                new TransformationComponent
                    Translation = new Vector3(4, 3, 0)


            RenderSystem.Pipeline.SetCamera(mainCamera.Get <CameraComponent>());

        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)]
            HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            dynamic data;

                data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEnd());
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            var assetName = (string)data.assetName;

            if (assetName == null)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, "Error - please pass assetName in the JSON"));

            // Azure region management
            var azureRegions = new List <string>();

            if ((string)data.azureRegion != null)
                azureRegions = ((string)data.azureRegion).Split(',').ToList();

            // semaphore file (json structure)
            VodSemaphore semaphore = null;

            if (data.semaphore != null)
                semaphore = VodSemaphore.FromJson((string)data.semaphore);

            // init default
            var streamingLocatorGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); // same locator for the two ouputs if 2 live event namle created
            var uniquenessLocator    = streamingLocatorGuid.ToString().Substring(0, 13);
            var streamingLocatorName = "locator-" + uniquenessLocator;

            string uniquenessPolicyName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Substring(0, 13);

            // useDRM init
            var useDRM = true;

            if (data.useDRM != null)
                useDRM = (bool)data.useDRM;
            else if (semaphore != null & semaphore.ClearStream != null)
                useDRM = !(bool)semaphore.ClearStream;

            // Default content id and semaphare value
            string irdetoContentId = null;

            if (semaphore != null && semaphore.DrmContentId != null) // semaphore data has higher priority
                irdetoContentId = semaphore.DrmContentId;
            else if (data.defaultIrdetoContentId != null)
                irdetoContentId = (string)data.defaultIrdetoContentId;

            DateTime?startTime = null;
            DateTime?endTime   = null;

                if (semaphore != null && semaphore.StartTime != null)
                    startTime = DateTime.ParseExact(semaphore.StartTime, AssetEntry.DateFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                if (semaphore != null && semaphore.EndTime != null)
                    endTime = DateTime.ParseExact(semaphore.EndTime, AssetEntry.DateFormat, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            var cencKey = new StreamingLocatorContentKey();
            var cbcsKey = new StreamingLocatorContentKey();

            if (useDRM)
                    ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper(new ConfigurationBuilder()

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Irdeto call...");

                    cencKey = await IrdetoHelpers.GenerateAndRegisterCENCKeyToIrdeto(irdetoContentId, config);

                    cbcsKey = await IrdetoHelpers.GenerateAndRegisterCBCSKeyToIrdeto(irdetoContentId, config);

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Irdeto call done.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex, "Irdeto response error"));

            var clientTasks = new List <Task <AssetEntry> >();

            foreach (var region in azureRegions)
                var task = Task <AssetEntry> .Run(async() =>
                    Asset asset = null;
                    StreamingPolicy streamingPolicy = null;

                    ConfigWrapper config = new ConfigWrapper(new ConfigurationBuilder()

                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "config loaded.", region);
                    MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "connecting to AMS account : " + config.AccountName, region);

                    var client = await MediaServicesHelpers.CreateMediaServicesClientAsync(config);
                    // Set the polling interval for long running operations to 2 seconds.
                    // The default value is 30 seconds for the .NET client SDK
                    client.LongRunningOperationRetryTimeout = 2;

                    if (useDRM)
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Trying to read streaming policy from Cosmos.", region);
                        string streamingPolicyName = null;
                        // Load streaming policy info from Cosmos
                            var info = await CosmosHelpers.ReadStreamingPolicyDocument(new StreamingPolicyInfo()
                                Project        = policyProject,
                                AMSAccountName = config.AccountName

                            if (info == null)
                                log.LogWarning("Streaming policy not read from Cosmos.");
                                streamingPolicyName = info.StreamingPolicyName;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception("Error reading Cosmos DB", ex);

                        // STREAMING POLICY CREATION
                        if (streamingPolicyName == null) // not found in Cosmos let's create a new one
                            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Creating streaming policy.", region);
                                streamingPolicy = await IrdetoHelpers.CreateStreamingPolicyIrdeto(config, client, uniquenessPolicyName);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Streaming policy creation error", ex);

                                if (!await CosmosHelpers.CreateOrUpdatePolicyDocument(new StreamingPolicyInfo()
                                    Project = policyProject,
                                    AMSAccountName = config.AccountName,
                                    StreamingPolicyName = streamingPolicy.Name
                                    log.LogWarning("Cosmos access not configured or error.");
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Streaming policy write error to Cosmos", ex);
                            MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Getting streaming policy in AMS.", region);
                                streamingPolicy = await client.StreamingPolicies.GetAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, streamingPolicyName);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Error when getting streaming policy " + streamingPolicy, ex);

                    // let's get the asset
                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "Getting asset.", region);
                        asset = await client.Assets.GetAsync(config.ResourceGroup, config.AccountName, assetName);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Error when retreving asset by name", ex);

                    // Locator creation
                        StreamingLocator locator = null;
                        if (useDRM)
                            locator = await IrdetoHelpers.SetupDRMAndCreateLocatorWithNewKeys(config, streamingPolicy.Name,
                                                                                              streamingLocatorName, client, asset, cencKey, cbcsKey, streamingLocatorGuid, irdetoContentId, startTime, endTime);
                        else // no DRM
                            locator = await IrdetoHelpers.CreateClearLocator(config, streamingLocatorName, client, asset, streamingLocatorGuid, startTime, endTime);

                        MediaServicesHelpers.LogInformation(log, "locator : " + locator.Name, region);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw new Exception("Error when creating the locator", ex);

                    // let's build info for the live event and output

                    AssetEntry assetEntry = await GenerateInfoHelpers.GenerateAssetInformation(config, client, asset, semaphore, irdetoContentId, region);

                    if (!await CosmosHelpers.CreateOrUpdateAssetDocument(assetEntry))
                        log.LogWarning("Cosmos access not configured.");



            catch (Exception ex)
                return(IrdetoHelpers.ReturnErrorException(log, ex));

            return(new OkObjectResult(
                       JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new AssetInfo {
                Success = true, Assets = clientTasks.Select(i => i.Result).ToList()
            }, Formatting.Indented)
Пример #47
 public override void Unload()
     glowmask = null;
Пример #48
 protected override void OnShow(Node node, Asset asset)
     App.UI.LoadLayoutToElement(App.UI.Root, ResourceCache, asset.RelativePathToAsset);
        public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ID,IsOccuppied,Name,Type,AskingRent,Address")] Asset asset)
            List <Appliance> appliancesOld      = db.Appliances.Include("BelongsToAsset").Where(a => a.BelongsToAsset.ID == asset.ID).ToList();
            List <Appliance> appliancesSelected = new List <Appliance>();
            Asset            thisAsset          = db.Assets.Find(asset.ID);

            // update all properties
            thisAsset.Name       = asset.Name;
            thisAsset.Type       = asset.Type;
            thisAsset.Address    = asset.Address;
            thisAsset.AskingRent = asset.AskingRent;

            // add newly selected appliances
            foreach (ApplianceType applianceType in Enum.GetValues(typeof(ApplianceType)))
                Guid      appID;
                Appliance selectedApp;

                // skip if appliance type was not selected
                if (Request[applianceType.ToString()] == NULL)

                appID       = Guid.Parse(Request[applianceType.ToString()]);
                selectedApp = db.Appliances.Find(appID);

                // skip if selected appliance non-existent in database
                if (selectedApp == null)

                // add to selected appliances
                // used for removing unselected appliances

                // add appliance
                if (!appliancesOld.Contains(selectedApp))
                    selectedApp.BelongsToAsset = thisAsset;

            // remove unselected appliances
            foreach (Appliance oldApp in appliancesOld)
                oldApp.BelongsToAsset = null;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //db.Entry(asset).State = EntityState.Modified;
Пример #50
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public string PresentAsset(Asset asset)
 => asset == null ? "null" : AssetToken + PresentJson(asset).ToString(Formatting.Indented);
    void FindTextureBitmapPaths(Document doc)
      // Find materials
      FilteredElementCollector fec
        = new FilteredElementCollector(doc);


      IEnumerable<Material> targetMaterials
        = fec.Cast<Material>().Where<Material>(mtl =>

      foreach (Material material in targetMaterials)
        // Get appearance asset for read
        ElementId appearanceAssetId = material

        AppearanceAssetElement appearanceAssetElem
          = doc.GetElement(appearanceAssetId)
            as AppearanceAssetElement;

        Asset asset = appearanceAssetElem

        // Walk through all first level assets to find 
        // connected Bitmap properties.  Note: it is 
        // possible to have multilevel connected 
        // properties with Bitmaps in the leaf nodes.  
        // So this would need to be recursive.

        int size = asset.Size;
        for (int assetIdx = 0; assetIdx < size; assetIdx++)
          //AssetProperty aProperty = asset[assetIdx]; // 2018
          AssetProperty aProperty = asset.Get(assetIdx); // 2019

          if (aProperty.NumberOfConnectedProperties < 1)

          // Find first connected property.  
          // Should work for all current (2018) schemas.  
          // Safer code would loop through all connected
          // properties based on the number provided.

          Asset connectedAsset = aProperty
            .GetConnectedProperty(0) as Asset;

          // We are only checking for bitmap connected assets. 

          if (connectedAsset.Name == "UnifiedBitmapSchema")
            // This line is 2018.1 & up because of the 
            // property reference to UnifiedBitmap
            // .UnifiedbitmapBitmap.  In earlier versions,
            // you can still reference the string name 
            // instead: "unifiedbitmap_Bitmap"

            //AssetPropertyString path = connectedAsset[ // 2018
            //  UnifiedBitmap.UnifiedbitmapBitmap]
            //    as AssetPropertyString;

            AssetPropertyString path = connectedAsset // 2019
                as AssetPropertyString;

            // This will be a relative path to the 
            // built -in materials folder, addiitonal 
            // render appearance folder, or an 
            // absolute path.

            TaskDialog.Show("Connected bitmap",
              String.Format("{0} from {2}: {1}",
                aProperty.Name, path.Value,
Пример #52
        private void Bind(int page, bool updateAuditLog)
            AssetFinder        finder = SavedUserAssetSearch.AssetFinder;
            EntityList <Asset> assets = Asset.FindMany(finder, page - 1, PageSize);

            if (assets.Count == 0)
                NoSearchResultsPanel.Visible           = true;
                SearchResultListRepeater.Visible       = false;
                SearchResultThumbnailsDataList.Visible = false;
                // Hide the no results panel; we have some assets
                NoSearchResultsPanel.Visible = false;

                // Update page size
                SavedUserAssetSearch.PageSize = PageSize;

                // Update page
                SavedUserAssetSearch.Page = page;

                // Show filters panel if a search term was entered, we're on page 1, and have more than the specified number of results
                if (!StringUtils.IsBlank(finder.GeneralKeyword) && (page == 1) && (ShowFiltersCount > 0) && (assets.PagingInfo.TotalRecords > ShowFiltersCount))
                    PageHeader pageHeader = (PageHeader)SiteUtils.FindControlRecursive(Page, "PageHeader1");
                    pageHeader.ToggleSearchVisibility(SavedUserAssetSearch.FilterOpen, SavedUserAssetSearch.CategoriesOpen);

                    string message = string.Format("Your search has returned more than {0} results. Use the filters above to refine your search.", ShowFiltersCount);
                    LargeSearchResultFeedbackLabel.Pinned = true;
                    LargeSearchResultFeedbackLabel.Visible = false;
                    LargeSearchResultFeedbackLabel.Pinned  = false;

                // Log which assets were returned as part of this search
                if (updateAuditLog)
                    int index = 0;

                    foreach (Asset asset in assets)

                        AuditLogManager.LogAssetInSearchResult(SavedUserAssetSearch.AuditAssetSearchId, asset.AssetId.GetValueOrDefault());
                        AuditLogManager.LogAssetAction(asset, CurrentUser, AuditAssetAction.ReturnedInSearch, string.Format("Search Criteria: {0}. Total assets: {1}. Displayed on page: {2}, asset number: {3}", finder.GeneralKeyword, assets.PagingInfo.TotalRecords, assets.PagingInfo.CurrentPage + 1, index));

                // The current view is thumbnails, so ensure we have at last a single row and toggle
                // the relevant data controls (ie. hide the list repeater and show the thumbnail datalist)
                if (SavedUserAssetSearch.SearchResultsView == SearchResultsView.Thumbnails)
                    // In thumbnail view, we need to make sure we have at least one row of assets, or the
                    // layout gets really messed up.  Here, we're doing a check, and adding in empty assets
                    // to pad out the asset list to at least a single row.
                    while (assets.Count < SearchResultThumbnailsDataList.RepeatColumns)

                    SearchResultListRepeater.Visible       = false;
                    SearchResultThumbnailsDataList.Visible = true;

                    SearchResultThumbnailsDataList.DataSource = assets;
                    SearchResultListRepeater.Visible       = true;
                    SearchResultThumbnailsDataList.Visible = false;

                    SearchResultListRepeater.DataSource = assets;

            TopPager.CurrentPage = assets.PagingInfo.CurrentPage + 1;
            TopPager.PageSize    = assets.PagingInfo.PageSize;
            TopPager.PageCount   = assets.PagingInfo.TotalPages;
            TopPager.ItemCount   = assets.PagingInfo.TotalRecords;

            BottomPager.CurrentPage = TopPager.CurrentPage;
            BottomPager.PageSize    = TopPager.PageSize;
            BottomPager.PageCount   = TopPager.PageCount;
            BottomPager.ItemCount   = TopPager.ItemCount;

            CurrentPage = page;
            TotalPages  = assets.PagingInfo.TotalPages;
            AssetCount  = assets.PagingInfo.TotalRecords;
      private static Tuple<Type, Object> GetTypeAndValue(AssetProperty assetProperty, int level)
        Object theValue;
        Type valueType;
        //For each AssetProperty, it has different type and value
        //must deal with it separately
          if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyBoolean)
            AssetPropertyBoolean property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyBoolean;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyBoolean);
            theValue = property.Value;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyDistance)
            AssetPropertyDistance property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyDistance;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyDistance);
            theValue = property.Value;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyDouble)
            AssetPropertyDouble property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyDouble;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyDouble);
            theValue = property.Value;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyDoubleArray2d)
            //Default, it is supported by PropertyGrid to display Double []
            //Try to convert DoubleArray to Double []
            AssetPropertyDoubleArray2d property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyDoubleArray2d;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyDoubleArray2d);
            theValue = GetSystemArrayAsString(property.Value);
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyDoubleArray3d)
            AssetPropertyDoubleArray3d property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyDoubleArray3d;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyDoubleArray3d);
            //theValue = GetSystemArrayAsString( property.Value ); // 2017
            theValue = Util.DoubleArrayString(property.GetValueAsDoubles()); // 2018
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyDoubleArray4d)
            AssetPropertyDoubleArray4d property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyDoubleArray4d;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyDoubleArray4d);
            //theValue = GetSystemArrayAsString( property.Value ); // 2017
            theValue = Util.DoubleArrayString(property.GetValueAsDoubles()); // 2018
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyDoubleMatrix44)
            AssetPropertyDoubleMatrix44 property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyDoubleMatrix44;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyDoubleMatrix44);
            theValue = GetSystemArrayAsString(property.Value);
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyEnum)
            AssetPropertyEnum property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyEnum;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyEnum);
            theValue = property.Value;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyFloat)
            AssetPropertyFloat property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyFloat;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyFloat);
            theValue = property.Value;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyInteger)
            AssetPropertyInteger property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyInteger;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyInteger);
            theValue = property.Value;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyReference)
            AssetPropertyReference property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyReference;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyReference);
            theValue = "REFERENCE"; //property.Type;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyString)
            AssetPropertyString property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyString;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyString);
            theValue = property.Value;
          else if (assetProperty is AssetPropertyTime)
            AssetPropertyTime property = assetProperty as AssetPropertyTime;
            valueType = typeof(AssetPropertyTime);
            theValue = property.Value;
            valueType = typeof(String);
            theValue = "Unprocessed asset type: " + assetProperty.GetType().Name;

          if (assetProperty.NumberOfConnectedProperties > 0)

            String result = "";
            result = theValue.ToString();

            TaskDialog.Show("Connected properties found", assetProperty.Name + ": " + assetProperty.NumberOfConnectedProperties);
            IList<AssetProperty> properties = assetProperty.GetAllConnectedProperties();

            foreach (AssetProperty property in properties)
              if (property is Asset)
                // Nested?
                Asset asset = property as Asset;
                int size = asset.Size;
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                  //AssetProperty subproperty = asset[i]; // 2018
                  AssetProperty subproperty = asset.Get(i); // 2019
                  Tuple<Type, Object> valueAndType = GetTypeAndValue(subproperty, level + 1);
                  String indent = "";
                  if (level > 0)
                    for (int iLevel = 1; iLevel <= level; iLevel++)
                      indent += "   ";
                  result += "\n " + indent + "- connected: name: " + subproperty.Name + " | type: " + valueAndType.Item1.Name +
                    " | value: " + valueAndType.Item2.ToString();

            theValue = result;
          return null;
        return new Tuple<Type, Object>(valueType, theValue);
    void GetElementMaterialInfo( Document doc )
      FilteredElementCollector collector
        = new FilteredElementCollector( doc )
          .OfClass( typeof( Material ) );

        foreach( Material material in collector )
          if( material.Name.Equals( "Air" ) )
            AppearanceAssetElement appearanceElement
              = doc.GetElement( material.AppearanceAssetId )
                as AppearanceAssetElement;

            Asset appearanceAsset = appearanceElement

            List<AssetProperty> assetProperties
              = new List<AssetProperty>();

            PropertySetElement physicalPropSet
              = doc.GetElement( material.StructuralAssetId )
                as PropertySetElement;

            PropertySetElement thermalPropSet
              = doc.GetElement( material.ThermalAssetId )
                as PropertySetElement;

            ThermalAsset thermalAsset = thermalPropSet

            StructuralAsset physicalAsset = physicalPropSet

            ICollection<Parameter> physicalParameters
              = physicalPropSet.GetOrderedParameters();

            ICollection<Parameter> thermalParameters
              = thermalPropSet.GetOrderedParameters();

            // Appearance Asset

            for( int i = 0; i < appearanceAsset.Size; i++ )
              AssetProperty property = appearanceAsset[ i ];
              assetProperties.Add( property );
            foreach( AssetProperty assetProp in assetProperties )
              Type type = assetProp.GetType();
              object assetPropValue = null;
              var prop = type.GetProperty( "Value" );
              if( prop != null
                && prop.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0 )
                assetPropValue = prop.GetValue( assetProp );

            // Physical (Structural) Asset

            foreach( Parameter p in physicalParameters )
              // Work with parameters here
              // The only parameter not in the orderedParameters 
              // that is needed is the Asset name, which you 
              // can get by 'physicalAsset.Name'.

            // Thermal Asset

            foreach( Parameter p in thermalParameters )
              //Work with parameters here
              //The only parameter not in the orderedParameters 
              // that is needed is the Asset name, shich you 
              // can get by 'thermalAsset.Name'.
      catch( Exception e )
        Console.WriteLine( e.ToString() );
Пример #55
 protected DeriveAssetTestBase(Asset baseAsset, Asset derivedAsset)
     Container        = new AssetPropertyGraphContainer(new PackageSession(), new AssetNodeContainer());
     BaseAssetItem    = new AssetItem("MyAsset", baseAsset);
     DerivedAssetItem = new AssetItem("MyDerivedAsset", derivedAsset);
Пример #56
        public Subsystem(XmlNode xmlNode, Dependency deps, Asset asset)

Пример #57
        public async Task <string> ImportAssetExcelAsync(ExcelWorksheet worksheet, int userID)
            string result = "Import fail " + worksheet.Name.Trim();

            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required,
                                                                 new System.TimeSpan(0, 60, 0)))
                    var    colCount     = worksheet.Dimension.End.Column;
                    var    rowCount     = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row;
                    string locationCode = worksheet.Cells[1, 3].Value.ToString().Trim();

                    Location location = _locationService.GetLocationByCode(locationCode);
                    if (location == null)
                        result = "Do not exist current location code: " + locationCode + ". Please check again or create new!";


                    for (int i = 3; i <= rowCount; i++)
                        result = "Error at cell " + i;
                        string areaCode = worksheet.Cells[i, 2].Value.ToString();

                        Area area = _areaService.GetAreaByCode(areaCode);
                        if (area == null)
                            result = result + " in area collum do not exist current area code:" + areaCode + ". Please check again or create new!";
                        string assetname     = worksheet.Cells[i, 3].Value.ToString();
                        string assetTypeName = worksheet.Cells[i, 4].Value.ToString();
                        string description   = worksheet.Cells[i, 8].Value.ToString();
                        bool   active        = false;
                        if (worksheet.Cells[i, 9].Value.ToString().Equals("1"))
                            active = true;

                        string   assetCode = worksheet.Cells[i, 7].Value.ToString();
                        int      quantity  = Int32.Parse(worksheet.Cells[i, 5].Value.ToString().Trim());
                        DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now;
                            startDate = Convert.ToDateTime(worksheet.Cells[i, 6].Value.ToString());
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //set default date
                            startDate = Convert.ToDateTime("1900-01-01");
                        AssetType assetTypes = _assetTypeService.GetAssetTypeByName(assetTypeName);
                        if (assetTypes == null)
                            result = result + "in Assettype collum do not exist current type import: " + assetTypeName;

                        // check asset is exist or not / if exist update asset
                        Asset asset = _assetService.GetAssetByCode(assetCode);
                        if (asset == null)
                            Asset newAsset = new Asset();
                            newAsset.Name              = assetname;
                            newAsset.AssetCode         = assetCode;
                            newAsset.Description       = description;
                            newAsset.Quantity          = quantity;
                            newAsset.StartDate         = startDate;
                            newAsset.AssetTypeID       = assetTypes.ID;
                            newAsset.ApplicationUserID = userID;
                            newAsset.AreaID            = area.ID;
                            newAsset.Active            = active;
                            asset = newAsset;
                            asset.AssetCode   = assetCode;
                            asset.Name        = assetname;
                            asset.Description = description;
                            asset.Quantity    = quantity;
                            asset.StartDate   = startDate;
                            asset.AssetTypeID = assetTypes.ID;
                            asset.AreaID      = area.ID;
                            asset.Active      = active;

                        for (int j = 10; j <= colCount; j++)
                            string             attributeName  = worksheet.Cells[2, j].Value.ToString().Trim();
                            AssetTypeAttribute assetAttribute = _attributeService.GetAttributeByName(attributeName, assetTypes.ID);
                            string             value          = "";
                                if (worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value == null)
                                    value = "N/A";
                                value = worksheet.Cells[i, j].Value.ToString().Trim();
                            catch (Exception e)
                                value = "N/A";

                            AssetAttributeValue insertValue = _attributeValueService.SearchAttributeValue(asset.ID, assetAttribute.ID);
                            if (insertValue != null)
                                insertValue.Value = value;
                                insertValue                  = new AssetAttributeValue();
                                insertValue.Value            = value;
                                insertValue.AssetID          = asset.ID;
                                insertValue.AssetAttributeID = assetAttribute.ID;
                                insertValue.Active           = true;
                        result = result + " in Attribute value table.";

                    result = "Error in Commplete transison.";
                    result = "Import successfull!";
                catch (Exception)
 [OnImportsSatisfied] // <= required, but may result in double initialisation...
 public void Compose()
Пример #59
        protected override async Task LoadContent()
            await base.LoadContent();

            var random = new Random(0);

            var uiImages = Asset.Load <UIImageGroup>("UIImages");
            var img1     = new ImageElement {
                Source = new UIImage(Asset.Load <Texture>("uv"))
            var img2 = new ImageElement {
                Source = uiImages["GameScreenLeft"]
            var img3 = new ImageElement {
                Source = uiImages["GameScreenRight"]

            stackPanel1 = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, ItemVirtualizationEnabled = true

            stackPanel2 = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, ItemVirtualizationEnabled = true
            for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                stackPanel2.Children.Add(new Button {
                    Name = "" + i, Height = 75, Content = new TextBlock {
                        Text = "button number " + i, Font = Asset.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15")

            stackPanel3 = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, ItemVirtualizationEnabled = true, VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center
            for (var i = 0; i < 103; i++)
                stackPanel3.Children.Add(new Button {
                    Name = "" + i, Height = 50 + 500 * random.NextFloat(), Content = new TextBlock {
                        Text = "random button number " + i, Font = Asset.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15")

            stackPanel4 = new StackPanel {
                Orientation = Orientation.Vertical, ItemVirtualizationEnabled = true
            for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                stackPanel4.Children.Add(new Button {
                    Name = "" + i, Height = i * 30, Content = new TextBlock {
                        Text = "random button number " + i, Font = Asset.Load <SpriteFont>("MicrosoftSansSerif15")

            currentStackPanel = stackPanel1;

            scrollViewer = new ScrollViewer {
                Name = "sv", Content = currentStackPanel, ScrollMode = ScrollingMode.Vertical

            UI.RootElement = scrollViewer;
Пример #60
 private static void SetDictionary(Asset asset, ShadowObjectPropertyKey key, Dictionary<UFile, ObjectId> dictionary)
     var shadow = ShadowObject.GetOrCreate(asset);
     shadow[key] = dictionary;