public static IComparableBeConstraints<Double> RoughlyEqualTo(this IComparableBeConstraints<Double> constraint, Double expected, Double tolerance)
     var assertion = new Assertion<Double, IComparable>("Be roughly equal to", expected,
                                                         a => Math.Abs(a - expected) <= tolerance);
     return constraint;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates a new instance of the <see cref="SchematronValidationEventArgs"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schematron">The <see cref="SchematronDocument"/> that detected the event.</param>
        /// <param name="queryEngine">The <see cref="IQueryLanguage"/> that detected the event.</param>
        /// <param name="pattern">The active <see cref="Pattern"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="rule">The <see cref="Sepia.Schematron.Rule"/> that caused the event to be raised.</param>
        /// <param name="assertion">The <see cref="Sepia.Schematron.Assertion"/> that caused the event to be raised.</param>
        /// <param name="context">An <see cref="object"/> that provides the context for the <paramref name="rule"/> and <paramref name="assertion"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="instance">An <see cref="XPathNavigator"/> to the document node that cause the event to be raised.</param>
        public SchematronValidationEventArgs(SchematronDocument schematron, IQueryLanguage queryEngine, Pattern pattern, Rule rule, Assertion assertion, object context, XPathNavigator instance)
            this.schematron = schematron;
             this.queryEngine = queryEngine;
             this.pattern = pattern;
             this.rule = rule;
             this.assertion = assertion;
             this.instance = instance.Clone();

             if (assertion == null)
            message = "A schematron validation event occured.";
            message = assertion.Message.ToString(instance, context);

             List<string> diagnostics = new List<string>();
             if (assertion != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(assertion.Diagnostics))
            foreach (string id in assertion.Diagnostics.Split(' '))
               Diagnostic diagnostic = schematron.Diagnostics[id];
               diagnostics.Add(diagnostic.Message.ToString(instance, context));
             this.diagnostics = diagnostics.ToArray();
Пример #3
 public AssertSpecial(StateSystem statesystem, String label, TextSection textsection)
     : base(statesystem, label, textsection)
     m_assert1 = textsection.GetAttribute<Assertion>("flag", Assertion.None);
     m_assert2 = textsection.GetAttribute<Assertion>("flag2", Assertion.None);
     m_assert3 = textsection.GetAttribute<Assertion>("flag3", Assertion.None);
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that a "subject" is present in the saml20Assertion, and validates the subject.
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateSubject(Assertion assertion)
            if (assertion.Subject == null)
                throw new DKSaml20FormatException("The DK-SAML 2.0 profile requires that a \"Subject\" element is present in the saml20Assertion.");

Пример #5
        public virtual void ValidateAssertion(Assertion assertion)
            if (assertion == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("assertion");

        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the saml20Assertion to make sure it conforms to the DK-Saml 2.0 profile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assertion">The assertion to validate.</param>
        public override void ValidateAssertion(Assertion assertion)

        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the time restrictions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assertion">The assertion.</param>
        /// <param name="allowedClockSkew">The allowed clock skew.</param>
        public void ValidateTimeRestrictions(Assertion assertion, TimeSpan allowedClockSkew)
            // Conditions are not required
            if (assertion.Conditions == null)

            var conditions = assertion.Conditions;
            var now = DateTime.UtcNow;

            // Negative allowed clock skew does not make sense - we are trying to relax the restriction interval, not restrict it any further
            if (allowedClockSkew < TimeSpan.Zero)
                allowedClockSkew = allowedClockSkew.Negate();

            // NotBefore must not be in the future
            if (!ValidateNotBefore(conditions.NotBefore, now, allowedClockSkew))
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Conditions.NotBefore must not be in the future");

            // NotOnOrAfter must not be in the past
            if (!ValidateNotOnOrAfter(conditions.NotOnOrAfter, now, allowedClockSkew))
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Conditions.NotOnOrAfter must not be in the past");

            foreach (var statement in assertion.GetAuthnStatements())
                if (statement.SessionNotOnOrAfter != null && statement.SessionNotOnOrAfter <= now)
                    throw new Saml20FormatException("AuthnStatement attribute SessionNotOnOrAfter MUST be in the future");

                // TODO: Consider validating that authnStatement.AuthnInstant is in the past

            if (assertion.Subject != null)
                foreach (var subjectConfirmation in assertion.Subject.Items.OfType<SubjectConfirmation>().Where(subjectConfirmation => subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData != null))
                    if (!ValidateNotBefore(subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.NotBefore, now, allowedClockSkew))
                        throw new Saml20FormatException("SubjectConfirmationData.NotBefore must not be in the future");

                    if (!ValidateNotOnOrAfter(subjectConfirmation.SubjectConfirmationData.NotOnOrAfter, now, allowedClockSkew))
                        throw new Saml20FormatException("SubjectConfirmationData.NotOnOrAfter must not be in the past");
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        ///   Converts a <see cref="Report"/> to an <see cref="Assertion"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="negatedTest">
        ///   The negated <see cref="Assertion.Test"/> for the <see cref="Assertion"/>.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///   A new <see cref="Assertion"/> that is equivalent to this <see cref="Report"/>. 
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>
        ///   <b>ToAssertion</b> is used to convert a <see cref="Report"/> to an <see cref="Assertion"/>.  The <paramref name="negatedTest"/>
        ///   must be negatation of the report's <see cref="Assertion.Test"/>.  For the XPath query language, the <c>not()</c> function can
        ///   be used.
        /// </remarks>
        public Assertion ToAssertion(string negatedTest)
            Assertion a = new Assertion();
             a.Diagnostics = this.Diagnostics;
             a.Fpi = this.Fpi;
             a.Icon = this.Icon;
             a.ID = this.ID;
             a.Message = this.Message;
             a.Role = this.Role;
             a.See = this.See;
             a.Subject = this.Subject;
             a.Test = negatedTest;

             return a;
        public void Letting_Assert_String()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
             XPathNavigator nav = doc.DocumentElement.CreateNavigator();

             XPathQueryLanguage query = new XPathQueryLanguage();
             object context = query.CreateMatchContext(null, doc);
             query.Let(context, "x", "'bar'");
             Assertion assert = new Assertion();
             assert.Test = ". = $x";
             Assert.IsTrue(query.Assert(assert, context, nav));

             context = query.CreateMatchContext(null, doc);
             query.Let(context, "x", "'foo'");
             Assert.IsFalse(query.Assert(assert, context, nav));
Пример #10
        public void NumberCompare()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.LoadXml("<foo a='3'/>");
            XPathNavigator nav = doc.DocumentElement.CreateNavigator();
            var query = QueryLanguage;
            var context = query.CreateMatchContext(null, doc);

            var assert = new Assertion { Test = "/foo[@a < 20]" };
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test, "a < 20");

            assert = new Assertion { Test = "/foo[@a < -1]" };
            Assert.IsFalse(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test, "a < -1");

            assert = new Assertion { Test = "/foo[-1 < @a]" };
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test, "-1 < @a");
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the saml20Assertion's list of conditions.
        /// </summary>
        private void ValidateConditions(Assertion saml20Assertion)
            bool audienceRestrictionPresent = false;
            foreach (ConditionAbstract condition in saml20Assertion.Conditions.Items)
                if (condition is AudienceRestriction)
                    audienceRestrictionPresent = true;
                    AudienceRestriction audienceRestriction = (AudienceRestriction)condition;
                    if (audienceRestriction.Audience == null || audienceRestriction.Audience.Count == 0)
                        throw new DKSaml20FormatException(
                            "The DK-SAML 2.0 profile requires that an \"AudienceRestriction\" element contains the service provider's unique identifier in an \"Audience\" element.");

            if (!audienceRestrictionPresent)
                throw new DKSaml20FormatException("The DK-SAML 2.0 profile requires that an \"AudienceRestriction\" element is present on the saml20Assertion.");
Пример #12
        public void AddAssertion(string userName, int categoryId, string tagName) 
            Check.Require(!userName.IsNullOrEmpty(), "userName must be provided.");
            Check.Require(categoryId > 0, "categoryId must be greater than 0.");
            Check.Require(!tagName.IsNullOrEmpty(), "tagName must be provided.");

            // TODO: Ideally we want a transaction here as we are potentially doing two updates.
            var profile = this.GetProfileByUserName(userName);

            var tag = this.tagRepository.FindOne(new TagByNameSpecification(tagName));

            if (tag == null)
                tag = new Tag 
                        Name = tagName


            // See if there's already an assertion for this tag/category combination
            var existingAssertion = profile.Assertions.FirstOrDefault(
                a => (a.Tag == tag) && (a.Category.Id == categoryId));

            // If not add it. If there is, do nothing further - there's no point returning an error, since the user has what they wanted
            if (existingAssertion == null)
                var category = this.GetCategory(categoryId);

                var newAssertion = new Assertion
                        Profile = profile,
                        Category = category,
                        Tag = tag


Пример #13
        public void Exists()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            XPathNavigator nav = doc.DocumentElement.CreateNavigator();
            var query = QueryLanguage;
            var context = query.CreateMatchContext(null, doc);

            var assert = new Assertion { Test = "exists(/foo)" };
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test);

            assert = new Assertion { Test = "exists(/foo/a)" };
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test);

            assert = new Assertion { Test = "exists(/foo/b, /foo/a, /foo)" };
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test);

            assert = new Assertion { Test = "exists(/bar)" };
            Assert.IsFalse(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test);
Пример #14
        public void AddAssertion(AddAssertionDetails addAssertionDetails)

            // TODO: Ideally we want a transaction here as we are potentially doing two updates.

            var profile = this.GetProfileByUserName(addAssertionDetails.UserName);

            var tag = this.tagRepository.FindOne(new TagByNameSpecification(addAssertionDetails.TagName));

            if (tag == null)
                tag = new Tag
                        Name = addAssertionDetails.TagName


            // See if there's already an assertion for this tag/category combination
            var existingAssertion = profile.Assertions.FirstOrDefault(
                a => (a.Tag == tag) && (a.Category.Id == addAssertionDetails.CategoryId));

            // If not add it. If there is, do nothing further - there's no point returning an error, since the user has what they wanted
            if (existingAssertion == null)
                var category = this.GetCategory(addAssertionDetails.CategoryId);

                var newAssertion = new Assertion
                        Profile = profile,
                        Category = category,
                        Tag = tag


Пример #15
        public void TestAddUserToSPSite()
            SPSite site = new SPSite(_newSPSiteUrl);

            // verify that this user is not already part of the site.
            try {
                SPUser user1 = site.RootWeb.AllUsers[_newUserLogin];
                Assertion.Fail("The user should not be found in the new site");
            catch (Exception ignored) {
                // this is the exptected response

            string result = result = RunBuild(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                                                            _xmlProjectTemplate, _newSPSiteUrl, "true", _newUserLogin, _validRole));

            // Verify that the user was added.
            SPUser user2 = site.RootWeb.AllUsers[_newUserLogin];

        public static MutableEventInfo CreateWithAccessors(
            MutableType declaringType = null,
            string name = "UnspecifiedEvent",
            EventAttributes attributes = EventAttributes.None,
            Type handlerType           = null,
            bool createRaiseMethod     = false)
            declaringType = declaringType ?? MutableTypeObjectMother.Create();
            handlerType   = handlerType ?? typeof(Func <,>).MakeGenericType(ReflectionObjectMother.GetSomeType(), ReflectionObjectMother.GetSomeOtherType());

            var invokeMethod            = handlerType.GetMethod("Invoke", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            var raiseParameterTypes     = invokeMethod.GetParameters().Select(p => p.ParameterType).ToArray();
            var addRemoveParameterTypes = new[] { handlerType };

            var addMethod    = CreateMethod(declaringType, "Adder", addRemoveParameterTypes);
            var removeMethod = CreateMethod(declaringType, "Remover", addRemoveParameterTypes);
            var raiseMethod  = createRaiseMethod ? CreateMethod(declaringType, "Raiser", raiseParameterTypes, invokeMethod.ReturnType) : null;

            return(new MutableEventInfo(declaringType, name, attributes, addMethod, removeMethod, raiseMethod));
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets the delegate to handle updates of game-specific
        /// data like configs and overrides. It is used asynchronously.
        /// If update is successful, result should be set to true.
        /// Do not commit resolution (it is provided by the parameter).
        /// </summary>
        /// <value>
        /// The delegate.
        /// </value>
//		public static List<ICustomDynamicContent> CustomDynamicContent
//		{
//			set { m_customDynamicContent = value; }
//			get { return m_customDynamicContent; }
//		}

        public static void Init(params string[] baseUrls)
            Debug.Log("Init - Started");
            Assertion.Check((baseUrls != null) && (baseUrls.Length > 0), "No URL has been specified!");
            if ((baseUrls != null) && (baseUrls.Length > 0))
                for (int idx = 0; idx < baseUrls.Length; ++idx)
                    while (baseUrls[idx].EndsWith("/"))
                        baseUrls[idx] = baseUrls[idx].Remove(baseUrls[idx].Length - 1);
                m_baseUrls = baseUrls;
                m_baseUrls = new string[0];
            Debug.Log("Init - Finished");
Пример #18
 public static void StartContentUpdate(DynamicContentParam param)
     Debug.Log("StartContentUpdate - Started");
     if (m_isLoadingInProgress)
         Debug.Log("StartContentUpdate - Stopping update-in-progress");
         m_isLoadingInProgress = false;
     if (m_isCheckingInProgress)
         Debug.Log("StartContentUpdate - Stopping check-in-progress");
         m_isCheckingInProgress = false;
     m_isLoadingInProgress = true;
     Instance.StartCoroutine("DoContentUpdate", param);
     Debug.Log("StartContentUpdate - Finished");
Пример #19
        public void CatchDollarSignInOutputPropertyName()
            string projectContents = @"

                <Project ToolsVersion=`msbuilddefaulttoolsversion` xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
                    <Target Name=`t` >
                        <CreateProperty Value=`x`>
                            <Output TaskParameter=`Value` PropertyName=`$(x)`/>

            Project p = ObjectModelHelpers.CreateInMemoryProject(projectContents);
            MockLogger l = new MockLogger();

            p.Build(new string[] { "t" }, null);
            string warning = String.Format(MockLogger.GetString("DollarSignInTaskOutputPropertyName"), "$(x)");
            Assertion.Assert(-1 != l.FullLog.IndexOf(warning));
Пример #20
        private void OpenChameleon()
            Assertion.Assert(!myOpened, "!myOpened");
            Assertion.Assert(firstChild == lastChild && firstChild is IClosedChameleonBody,
                             "One ChameleonElement child but found also {0}", lastChild.NodeType);

            var node = ((IClosedChameleonBody)firstChild).Parse(parser =>
                                                                ((IFSharpParser)parser).ParseExpression(this, FSharpFile.StandaloneDocument));

            var oldLength = firstChild.GetTextLength();
            var newLength = node.GetTextLength();

            Assertion.Assert(oldLength == newLength,
                             "Chameleon length is different after opening; old: {0}, new: {1}", oldLength, newLength);

            DeleteChildRange(firstChild, lastChild);

            myOpened = true;
            SynExpr  = null;
Пример #21
        private LengthValidator CreateLengthValidator(IResourceManager resourceManager)
            var maxLength = TextBoxStyle.MaxLength;


            LengthValidator lengthValidator = new LengthValidator();

            lengthValidator.ID = ID + "_ValidatorMaxLength";
            lengthValidator.ControlToValidate = TargetControl.ID;
            lengthValidator.MaximumLength     = maxLength.Value;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
                lengthValidator.ErrorMessage = string.Format(resourceManager.GetString(ResourceIdentifier.MaxLengthValidationMessage), maxLength.Value);
                lengthValidator.ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage;
Пример #22
        private IExpressionNode ParseNonQueryOperatorExpression(Expression expression, string associatedIdentifier)
            var preprocessedExpression = SubQueryFindingExpressionVisitor.Process(expression, _nodeTypeProvider);

                // Assertions to ensure the argument exception can only happen because of an unsupported type in expression.

                return(new MainSourceExpressionNode(associatedIdentifier, preprocessedExpression));
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                var message = string.Format(
                    "Cannot parse expression '{0}' as it has an unsupported type. Only query sources (that is, expressions that implement IEnumerable) "
                    + "and query operators can be parsed.",
                throw new NotSupportedException(message, ex);
Пример #23
        protected override void DoTest(IProject testProject)
            var textControl   = OpenTextControl(TestLifetime);
            var document      = textControl.Document;
            var psiSourceFile = document.GetPsiSourceFile(Solution);

            Assert.IsNotNull(psiSourceFile, "sourceFile == null");
            using (ReadLockCookie.Create())
                var highlightingFinder = new IdentifierHighlightingFinder(psiSourceFile, new DocumentRange(document, new TextRange(textControl.Caret.Offset())));
                var highlightingInfo = highlightingFinder.HighlightingInfo;
                Assertion.AssertNotNull(highlightingInfo, "Highlighting not found");
                var markupModel = Solution.GetComponent <IDocumentMarkupManager>().GetMarkupModel(document);
                var highlighterTooltipProvider = DaemonUtil.GetHighlighterTooltipProvider(highlightingInfo.Highlighting, Solution);
                var attributeId = HighlightingSettingsManager.Instance.GetAttributeId(highlightingInfo.Highlighting, psiSourceFile, Solution, psiSourceFile.GetSettingsStore(Solution)).NotNull();
                var highlighter = markupModel.AddHighlighter("test", highlightingInfo.Range.TextRange, AreaType.EXACT_RANGE, 0, attributeId, new ErrorStripeAttributes(), highlighterTooltipProvider);
                ExecuteWithGold(writer => writer.WriteLine(highlighter.ToolTip));
Пример #24
        public string GetJoins()
            string ret = String.Empty;

            if (Count > 0)
                List <string> joins       = new List <string>();
                var           joinAliases = GetJoinAliases();

                this.ForEachWithIndex((j, idx) =>
                    // Use the override if it exists, otherwise the default is the "with" table name + ID
                    var tableFieldName = j.TableField ?? $"_{j.WithTable}ID";
                    var alias          = joinAliases[idx].alias;
                    var joinType       = joinTemplate[j.Type];

                    // Find the join table alias.
                    // Currently this functionality is limited to one table with which we join other tables.
                    // To fix this, the dictionary needs to have some "key" (such as the qualifier) that determines which of multiple joins
                    // to continue joining with.  Too complicated to set up right now.

                    var joinTableAliases = joinAliases.Where(a => a.Value.table == j.Table).ToList();
                    var joinTableAlias   = j.Table;

                    Assertion.IsTrue(joinTableAliases.Count <= 1, $"Unsupported: Cannot join multiple instances of {j.Table} with other joins.");

                    if (joinTableAliases.Count == 1)
                        joinTableAlias = joinTableAliases[0].Value.alias;

                    var join = $"{joinType} {j.WithTable} {alias} on {alias}.{Constants.ID} = {joinTableAlias}.{tableFieldName} and {alias}.{Constants.DELETED} = 0";

                ret = String.Join(Constants.CRLF, joins);

Пример #25
        public void TestLineLine1()
            // test when the point being tested in a node on the line
            Coordinate coordLine1 = new Coordinate(5.0, 5.0);
            Coordinate coordLine2 = new Coordinate(10.0, 10.0);
            Coordinate coordLine3 = new Coordinate(5.0, 10.0);
            Coordinate coordLine4 = new Coordinate(10.0, 5.0);

            Coordinates coordinates1 = new Coordinates();


            Coordinates coordinates2 = new Coordinates();


            LineString linestring1 = _factory.CreateLineString(coordinates1);
            LineString linestring2 = _factory.CreateLineString(coordinates2);

            Geometry pt = linestring1.Intersection(linestring2);

            Assertion.AssertEquals("intersects", true, linestring1.Intersects(linestring2));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("disjoint", false, linestring1.Disjoint(linestring2));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("contains", false, linestring1.Contains(linestring2));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("within", false, linestring1.Within(linestring2));

            Assertion.AssertEquals("crosses", true, linestring1.Crosses(linestring2));

            Assertion.AssertEquals("touches", false, linestring1.Touches(linestring2));

            // always returns false when a point is involved
            Assertion.AssertEquals("overlaps", false, linestring1.Overlaps(linestring2));
Пример #26
        void Validation()
            int type0Count = CountTypes(qbt_File.Type0);
            int type1Count = CountTypes(qbt_File.Type1);
            int type2Count = CountTypes(qbt_File.Type2);

            for (int i = 0; i < type0Count; i++)
                Assertion.AssertArraySize(qbt_File.Type0[i].I_00, 30, "Normal_Dialogue", "Table");
                if (qbt_File.Type0[i].DialogueEntries != null)
                    for (int a = 0; a < qbt_File.Type0[i].DialogueEntries.Count(); a++)
                        Assertion.AssertStringSize(qbt_File.Type0[i].DialogueEntries[a].Str_18, 32, "Normal_Dialogue", "MSG");
            for (int i = 0; i < type1Count; i++)
                Assertion.AssertArraySize(qbt_File.Type1[i].I_00, 30, "Interactive_Dialogue", "Table");
                if (qbt_File.Type1[i].DialogueEntries != null)
                    for (int a = 0; a < qbt_File.Type1[i].DialogueEntries.Count(); a++)
                        Assertion.AssertStringSize(qbt_File.Type1[i].DialogueEntries[a].Str_18, 32, "Interactive_Dialogue", "MSG");
            for (int i = 0; i < type2Count; i++)
                Assertion.AssertArraySize(qbt_File.Type2[i].I_00, 30, "Type2_Unknown", "Table");
                if (qbt_File.Type2[i].DialogueEntries != null)
                    for (int a = 0; a < qbt_File.Type2[i].DialogueEntries.Count(); a++)
                        Assertion.AssertStringSize(qbt_File.Type2[i].DialogueEntries[a].Str_18, 32, "Type2_Unknown", "MSG");
Пример #27
        private T GetOrCreateExtension <T>([NotNull] string name, bool highPriorityExtension, [NotNull] Func <T> create) where T : class
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
            if (create == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(create));

            lock (myExtensions)
                object existing;
                T      res;
                if (myExtensions.TryGetValue(name, out existing))
                    res = existing.NotNull("Found null value for key: '{0}'", name) as T;
                    Assertion.Require(res != null, "Found bad value for key '{0}'. Expected type: '{1}', actual:'{2}", name, typeof(T).FullName, existing.GetType().FullName);
                    res = create().NotNull("'Create' result must not be null");

                    myExtensions[name] = res;
                    if (res is IRdBindable)
                        var bindable = res as IRdBindable;
                        BindableChildren.Insert(highPriorityExtension ? 0 : BindableChildren.Count, new KeyValuePair <string, object>(name, bindable));
                        if (myBindLifetime != Lifetime.Terminated)
                            bindable.Identify(Proto.Identities, RdId.Mix("." + name));
                            bindable.Bind(myBindLifetime, this, name);

            public CommandBarActionDef(VsShortcutFinder vsShortcutFinder, DTE dte, string actionId,
                                       CommandID commandId, CommandBarControl control,
                                       CommandBarPopup[] parentPopups)
                ActionId = actionId;

                // Lazily initialise. Talking to the command bar objects is SLOOOOOOOWWWWWW.
                backingFields = Lazy.Of(() =>
                    Assertion.AssertNotNull(control, "control != null");

                    var sb = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var popup in parentPopups)
                        sb.AppendFormat("{0} \u2192 ", popup.Caption);

                    var fields = new BackingFields
                        Text = MnemonicStore.RemoveMnemonicMark(control.Caption),
                        Path = MnemonicStore.RemoveMnemonicMark(sb.ToString())

                    var command    = VsCommandHelpers.TryGetVsCommandAutomationObject(commandId, dte);
                    var vsShortcut = vsShortcutFinder.GetVsShortcut(command);
                    if (vsShortcut != null)
                        var details = new ShortcutDetails[vsShortcut.KeyboardShortcuts.Length];
                        for (int i = 0; i < vsShortcut.KeyboardShortcuts.Length; i++)
                            var keyboardShortcut = vsShortcut.KeyboardShortcuts[i];
                            details[i]           = new ShortcutDetails(KeyConverter.Convert(keyboardShortcut.Key),
                        fields.VsShortcut = new ShortcutSequence(details);

                }, true);
Пример #29
        public void ExecuteTemplate()
            IDeclaration newDeclaration = myDeclaration;


            ISolution solution = newDeclaration.GetPsiModule().GetSolution();

            Debug.Assert(Shell.Instance.Invocator != null, "Shell.Instance.Invocator != null");

            solution.GetComponent <SolutionDocumentTransactionManager>().AssertNotUnderTransaction();

            IFile file = myAnchor.GetContainingFile();

            Assertion.Assert(file != null, "fileFullName!= null");
            var item = file.GetSourceFile().ToProjectFile();

            var infos = GetFieldInfos(newDeclaration, myHolders);

            var textControl = EditorManager.GetInstance(solution).OpenProjectFile(item, true);

            if (textControl == null)
                if (Shell.Instance.IsInInternalMode || Shell.Instance.IsTestShell)
                    Logger.Fail("textControl != null");

            if (infos.Length > 0)
                HotspotSession hotspotSession = LiveTemplatesManager.Instance.CreateHotspotSessionAtopExistingText(solution,
                                                                                                                   TextRange.InvalidRange, textControl, LiveTemplatesManager.EscapeAction.LeaveTextAndCaret, infos);

            Shell.Instance.GetComponent <PsiIntentionResultBehavior>().OnHotspotSessionExecutionStarted(this, textControl);
Пример #30
        public void test_removeLjava_lang_Object()
            EnumMap <Size, Int32> enumSizeMap = new EnumMap <Size, Int32>(typeof(Size));

            Assertion.AssertEquals("Remove of non-mapped key returned non-null", enumSizeMap //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Remove(Size.Big), 0);
            enumSizeMap.Put(Size.Big, 3);
            enumSizeMap.Put(Size.Middle, 2);

            Assertion.AssertEquals("Get returned non-null for non mapped key", enumSizeMap   //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Get(Size.Small), 0);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Remove returned incorrect value", 3, enumSizeMap         //$NON-NLS-1$
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Get returned non-null for non mapped key", enumSizeMap   //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Get(Size.Big), 0);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Remove of non-mapped key returned non-null", enumSizeMap //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Remove(Size.Big), 0);

            /*Assertion.AssertNull("Remove of non-existent key returned non-null", enumSizeMap //$NON-NLS-1$
             *      .Remove(Color.Red));
             * Assertion.AssertNull("Remove of non-existent key returned non-null", enumSizeMap //$NON-NLS-1$
             *      .Remove(4));
             * Assertion.AssertNull("Remove of non-existent key returned non-null", enumSizeMap //$NON-NLS-1$
             *      .Remove(null));*/

            EnumMap <Color, Double> enumColorMap = new EnumMap <Color, Double>(typeof(Color));

            Assertion.AssertEquals("Get returned non-null for non mapped key", enumColorMap //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Get(Color.Green), 0);
            enumColorMap.Put(Color.Green, 4);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Remove returned incorrect value", 4,                    //$NON-NLS-1$
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Get returned non-null for non mapped key", enumColorMap //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Get(Color.Green), 0);
            enumColorMap.Put(Color.Green, 0);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Can not handle null value", enumColorMap                //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Remove(Color.Green), 0);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Get returned non-null for non mapped key", enumColorMap //$NON-NLS-1$
                                   .Get(Color.Green), 0);
Пример #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds membership to a group if the membership is not already known.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="groupID">The group ID.</param>
        /// <param name="fixTimeUtc">The fix time.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <note>
        /// This implementation assumes that entities will be members of only a handfull
        /// of groups (something like 10 or less),
        /// </note>
        /// </remarks>
        private void AddGroup(string groupID, DateTime fixTimeUtc)
            Assertion.Test(groupID != null);

            if (groups == null)
                groups =
                    new GroupMembership[] {
                    new GroupMembership()
                        GroupID    = groupID,
                        FixTimeUtc = fixTimeUtc


            if (IsMemberOf(groupID))

            var newGroups = new GroupMembership[groups.Length + 1];

            // I'm putting the new group at the front of the list since
            // under many circumstances fixes for older groups will tend not
            // to be seen anymore and will eventually be flushed from the
            // cache.  This will improve IsMemberOf() performance for many
            // real world cases.

            newGroups[0] = new GroupMembership()
                GroupID    = groupID,
                FixTimeUtc = fixTimeUtc

            Array.Copy(groups, 0, newGroups, 1, groups.Length);
            groups = newGroups;
Пример #32
        public void test_CompareTo()
            //create a coordinate (the z value is not used so there is no need to create it)
            Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(testX, testY);
            //create an equal coordinate
            Coordinate coord2 = new Coordinate(1.0, 2.0);
            //create a coordinate where X is greater & Y is equal
            Coordinate coord3 = new Coordinate(2.0, 2.0);
            //create a coordinate where Y is greater & x is equal
            Coordinate coord4 = new Coordinate(1.0, 3.0);
            //create a coordinate where both X & Y are greater
            Coordinate coord5 = new Coordinate(2.0, 3.0);
            //create a coordinate where X is less & Y is equal
            Coordinate coord6 = new Coordinate(0.0, 2.0);
            //create a coordinate where Y is less & X is equal
            Coordinate coord7 = new Coordinate(1.0, 1.0);
            //create a coordinate where both are less
            Coordinate coord8 = new Coordinate(0.0, 0.0);

            //create a point to send to throw the exception
            _gf = new GeometryFactory(_pm, _srid);
            Point point = _gf.CreatePoint(coord);

            Assertion.AssertEquals("CompareTo1: ", 0, coord.CompareTo(coord2));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("CompareTo2: ", -1, coord.CompareTo(coord3));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("CompareTo3: ", -1, coord.CompareTo(coord4));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("CompareTo4: ", -1, coord.CompareTo(coord5));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("CompareTo5: ", 1, coord.CompareTo(coord6));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("CompareTo6: ", 1, coord.CompareTo(coord7));
            Assertion.AssertEquals("CompareTo7: ", 1, coord.CompareTo(coord8));

                Assertion.Fail("ArgumentException should have been thrown");
            catch (ArgumentException)
        private bool IsHandlerExists(Lifetime lifetime, int projectId, string className, string methodName)
            using (TryReadLockCookie.Create(NullProgressIndicator.Create(), _locks,
                                            () => !lifetime.IsAlive || _locks.ContentModelLocks.IsWriteLockRequested))
                var project = _projectModelViewHost.GetItemById <IProject>(projectId);
                Assertion.AssertNotNull(project, "project instance shoud not be null");
                _logger.Verbose($"Searching handler with name '{className}.{methodName}' in the project {project}...");

                var psiModules = project.GetPsiModules();
                foreach (var psiModule in psiModules)
                    using (CompilationContextCookie.OverrideOrCreate(psiModule.GetContextFromModule()))
                        var scope = _symbolCache.GetSymbolScope(psiModule, false, true);

                        var typeElements = scope.GetElementsByQualifiedName(className).OfType <IClass>();
                        foreach (var typeElement in typeElements)
                            foreach (var method in typeElement.Methods)
                                if (method.ShortName != methodName)
                                if (!LambdaFinder.IsSuitableLambdaMethod(method))


        private void RenderTitleCellSortingButton(
            BocColumnRenderingContext <TBocColumnDefinition> renderingContext,
            SortingDirection sortingDirection,
            int orderIndex)
            if (sortingDirection == SortingDirection.None)

            //  WhiteSpace before icon
            renderingContext.Writer.AddAttribute(HtmlTextWriterAttribute.Class, CssClasses.SortingOrder);

            BocList.ResourceIdentifier alternateTextID;
            if (sortingDirection == SortingDirection.Ascending)
                alternateTextID = BocList.ResourceIdentifier.SortAscendingAlternateText;
                alternateTextID = BocList.ResourceIdentifier.SortDescendingAlternateText;

            var imageUrl = GetImageUrl(sortingDirection);


            var icon = new IconInfo(imageUrl.GetUrl());

            icon.AlternateText = renderingContext.Control.GetResourceManager().GetString(alternateTextID);
            icon.Render(renderingContext.Writer, renderingContext.Control);

            if (renderingContext.Control.IsShowSortingOrderEnabled && orderIndex >= 0)
                renderingContext.Writer.Write(c_whiteSpace + (orderIndex + 1));
Пример #35
        public void ModifyItemThatWasAddedInSameScope()
            Hashtable table1 = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            Lookup    lookup = LookupHelpers.CreateLookup(table1);


            // Add an item with m=m1
            BuildItem item1 = new BuildItem("i1", "a2");

            item1.SetMetadata("m", "m1");

            // Change the item to be m=m2
            Dictionary <string, string> newMetadata = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            newMetadata.Add("m", "m2");
            BuildItemGroup group = new BuildItemGroup();

            lookup.ModifyItems(item1.Name, group, newMetadata);

            // Now it has m=m2
            group = lookup.GetItems("i1");
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, group.Count);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m2", group[0].GetMetadata("m"));

            // But the original item hasn't changed yet
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m1", item1.GetMetadata("m"));


            // It still has m=m2
            group = lookup.GetItems("i1");
            Assertion.AssertEquals(1, group.Count);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m2", group[0].GetMetadata("m"));

            // But now the original item has changed as well
            Assertion.AssertEquals("m2", item1.GetMetadata("m"));
Пример #36
        private object ActivateRd(Type type)
                             $"Unable to activate {type.FullName}: circular dependency detected: {string.Join(" -> ", myCurrentActivationChain.Select(t => t.FullName).ToArray())}");

            var typeInfo = type.GetTypeInfo();
            var implementingType = ReflectionSerializerVerifier.GetImplementingType(typeInfo);
                             $"Unable to activate {type.FullName}: type should be {nameof(IRdBindable)}");

            var instance             = Activator.CreateInstance(implementingType);
            var implementingTypeInfo = implementingType.GetTypeInfo();

            foreach (var mi in ReflectionSerializers.GetBindableMembers(implementingTypeInfo))
                var currentValue = ReflectionUtil.GetGetter(mi)(instance);
                if (currentValue == null)
                    currentValue = ActivateRdExtMember(mi);

                    var memberSetter = ReflectionUtil.GetSetter(mi);
                    memberSetter(instance, currentValue);
            // Allow initialize to setup bindings to composite properties.
            if (instance is RdReflectionBindableBase reflectionBindable)

Пример #37
        public Pattern AddDocumentLevelTemplateConstraints(ImplementationGuide aImplementationGuide, Phase aPhase)
            Pattern newPattern = null;
            string  test       = GenerateDocumentLevelTemplateConstraints(aImplementationGuide, aPhase);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(test))
                string templateContext = string.Format("{0}:ClinicalDocument", this.ig.ImplementationGuideType.SchemaPrefix);

                newPattern = new Pattern()
                    ID   = "p-DOCUMENT-TEMPLATE",
                    Name = "p-DOCUMENT-TEMPLATE"

                Rule newRule = new Rule()
                    Id      = "r-errors-DOC",
                    Context = templateContext

                Assertion newAssertion = new Assertion()
                    Id               = "IG-" + aImplementationGuide.Id.ToString(),
                    IdPostFix        = "-DOC",
                    AssertionMessage = "The document must contain at least 1 of the document level templates for this schematron to be applicable.",
                    Test             = test



                if (newPattern.Rules.Count > 0)
Пример #38
        public object Load(IProgressIndicator progress, bool enablePersistence)
            if (!enablePersistence)

            Assertion.Assert(myPersistentCache == null, "myPersistentCache == null");

            using (ReadLockCookie.Create())
                myPersistentCache = new PsiPersistentCache <CachePair>(myShellLocks, VERSION, "PsiCache", myPsiConfiguration);

            var data = new Dictionary <IPsiSourceFile, CachePair>();

            if (myPersistentCache.Load(progress, myPersistentIdIndex,
                                       (file, reader) =>
                using (ReadLockCookie.Create())
                    return(PsiCacheBuilder.Read(reader, file));
                                       (projectFile, psiSymbols) =>
                if (projectFile != null)
                    data[projectFile] = psiSymbols;
            }) != LoadResult.OK)

                // clear all...
        protected override Expression VisitBinary(BinaryExpression expression)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("expression", expression);

            var childContext = BooleanUtility.IsBooleanType(expression.Type)
                             ? GetChildSemanticsForBinaryBoolExpression(expression.NodeType)
                             : SqlExpressionContext.SingleValueRequired;
            var left  = ApplySqlExpressionContext(expression.Left, childContext);
            var right = ApplySqlExpressionContext(expression.Right, childContext);

            if (BooleanUtility.IsBooleanType(expression.Type) && expression.NodeType == ExpressionType.Coalesce)
                // In predicate context, we can ignore coalesces towards false, treat like a conversion to bool instead. (SQL treats NULL values in a falsey
                // way in predicate contexts.)
                if (_currentContext == SqlExpressionContext.PredicateRequired &&
                    expression.Right is ConstantExpression &&
                    Equals(((ConstantExpression)expression.Right).Value, false))
                    return(Visit(Expression.Convert(expression.Left, expression.Type)));

                // We'll pull out the bool conversion marker from the operands of the Coalesce expression and instead put it around the whole expression.
                // That way, HandleValueSemantics will not try to convert us back to a value; this avoids double CASE WHENs.
                // We know that left and right must be ConvertedBooleanExpressions because Coalesce has single value semantics for its operands, and boolean
                // Coalesces must have booleans operands. Applying value semantics to boolean operands results in ConvertedBooleanExpression values.

                Assertion.DebugAssert(childContext == SqlExpressionContext.SingleValueRequired);
                Assertion.DebugAssert(left is SqlConvertedBooleanExpression);
                Assertion.DebugAssert(right is SqlConvertedBooleanExpression);
                var newCoalesceExpression = Expression.Coalesce(((SqlConvertedBooleanExpression)left).Expression, ((SqlConvertedBooleanExpression)right).Expression);
                return(new SqlConvertedBooleanExpression(newCoalesceExpression));

            if (left != expression.Left || right != expression.Right)
                return(Expression.MakeBinary(expression.NodeType, left, right, expression.IsLiftedToNull, expression.Method));

Пример #40
        public Type SubstituteGenericParameters(Type type, IDictionary <Type, Type> parametersToArguments)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("type", type);
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("parametersToArguments", parametersToArguments);

            Type typeArgument;

            if (parametersToArguments.TryGetValue(type, out typeArgument))
                return(Assertion.IsNotNull(typeArgument, "Type-argument for type-parameter '{0}' was null.", type));

            if (type.IsArray)
                return(SubstituteArrayElementType(type, parametersToArguments));
            if (type.IsByRef)
                return(SubstituteByRefElementType(type, parametersToArguments));
            if (!type.IsGenericType)

            var oldTypeArguments = type.GetGenericArguments();
            var newTypeArguments = oldTypeArguments.Select(t => SubstituteGenericParameters(t, parametersToArguments)).ToList();

            // No substitution necessary (this is an optimization only).
            if (oldTypeArguments.SequenceEqual(newTypeArguments))

            var genericTypeDefinition = type.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
            var instantiationInfo     = new TypeInstantiationInfo(genericTypeDefinition, newTypeArguments);

        /// <summary>
        /// Extracts the list of attributes from the &lt;AttributeStatement&gt; of the assertion, and
        /// stores it in <code>_assertionAttributes</code>.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExtractAttributes()
            _assertionAttributes          = new List <SamlAttribute>(0);
            _encryptedAssertionAttributes = new List <EncryptedElement>(0);

            XmlNodeList list =
                _samlAssertion.GetElementsByTagName(AttributeStatement.ELEMENT_NAME, Saml20Constants.ASSERTION);

            if (list.Count == 0)

            // NOTE It would be nice to implement a better-performing solution where only the AttributeStatement is converted.
            // NOTE Namespace issues in the xml-schema "type"-attribute prevents this, though.
            Assertion assertion = Serialization.Deserialize <Assertion>(new XmlNodeReader(_samlAssertion));

            List <AttributeStatement> attributeStatements = assertion.GetAttributeStatements();

            if (attributeStatements.Count == 0 || attributeStatements[0].Items == null)

            AttributeStatement attributeStatement = attributeStatements[0];

            foreach (object item in attributeStatement.Items)
                if (item is SamlAttribute)

                if (item is EncryptedElement)
Пример #42
        public void EmptyTar()
            MemoryStream ms     = new MemoryStream();
            TarArchive   tarOut = TarArchive.CreateOutputTarArchive(ms);


            Assertion.Assert("Archive size must be > zero", ms.GetBuffer().Length > 0);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Archive size must be a multiple of record size", ms.GetBuffer().Length % tarOut.RecordSize, 0);

            MemoryStream ms2 = new MemoryStream();

            ms2.Write(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, ms.GetBuffer().Length);
            ms2.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            TarArchive tarIn = TarArchive.CreateInputTarArchive(ms2);

            entryCount = 0;
            tarIn.ProgressMessageEvent += new ProgressMessageHandler(EntryCounter);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Expected 0 tar entries", 0, entryCount);
Пример #43
        public void VerifyWarningForOrder()
            // Create a project file that has an expression
            MockLogger ml = ObjectModelHelpers.BuildProjectExpectSuccess(String.Format(@"
                    <Project ToolsVersion=`3.5` xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
                        <Target Name=`Build`>
                            <Message Text=`expression 1 is true ` Condition=`$(a) == 1 and $(b) == 2 or $(c) == 3`/>
                ", new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().EscapedCodeBase).LocalPath));

            // Make sure the log contains the correct strings.
            Assertion.Assert("Need to warn for this expression - (a) == 1 and $(b) == 2 or $(c) == 3.",

            ml = ObjectModelHelpers.BuildProjectExpectSuccess(String.Format(@"
                    <Project ToolsVersion=`3.5` xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
                        <Target Name=`Build`>
                            <Message Text=`expression 1 is true ` Condition=`$(a) == 1 or $(b) == 2 and $(c) == 3`/>
                ", new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().EscapedCodeBase).LocalPath));

            // Make sure the log contains the correct strings.
            Assertion.Assert("Need to warn for this expression - (a) == 1 or $(b) == 2 and $(c) == 3.",

            ml = ObjectModelHelpers.BuildProjectExpectSuccess(String.Format(@"
                    <Project ToolsVersion=`3.5` xmlns=`msbuildnamespace`>
                        <Target Name=`Build`>
                            <Message Text=`expression 1 is true ` Condition=`($(a) == 1 or $(b) == 2 and $(c) == 3) or $(d) == 4`/>
                ", new Uri(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().EscapedCodeBase).LocalPath));

            // Make sure the log contains the correct strings.
            Assertion.Assert("Need to warn for this expression - ($(a) == 1 or $(b) == 2 and $(c) == 3) or $(d) == 4.",
Пример #44
        /// <summary>
        /// Test dzia³ania dla przypadku, gdy nie ma iloœci widzów, ale jest
        /// cena od osoby. Iloœæ widzów powinna byæ co najmniej równa minimalnej
        /// i na tyle du¿a, by gwarantowaæ minimalny przychód z pokazu.
        /// </summary>
        public void TestNoHeadcount()
            String s =
                "Date, November 5,   City, Springfield, "
                + "DollarsPerHead, 9.95, HasSite, false";
            ForgivingBuilder  b = new ForgivingBuilder();
            ReservationParser p = new ReservationParser(b);

            Reservation r = b.Build();
            DateTime d = new DateTime(2000, 11, 5);

            d = ReservationBuilder.Futurize(d);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(d, r.Date);
            Assertion.Assert(r.Headcount >= ReservationBuilder.MINHEAD);
            Assertion.Assert(r.Headcount * r.DollarsPerHead >= ReservationBuilder.MINTOTAL);
            Assertion.AssertEquals("Springfield", r.City);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(9.95, (double)r.DollarsPerHead, .01);
            Assertion.AssertEquals(false, r.HasSite);
 protected override object VisitAssertion(Assertion assertion, object arg) {
   return arg;
 public override bool Equals(Assertion other)
     => InvocationExpression.GetDocumentRange() == (other as InlineAssertion)?.InvocationExpression.GetDocumentRange();
Пример #47
    public virtual Differences VisitAssertion(Assertion assertion1, Assertion assertion2){
      Differences differences = new Differences(assertion1, assertion2);
      if (assertion1 == null || assertion2 == null){
        if (assertion1 != assertion2) differences.NumberOfDifferences++; else differences.NumberOfSimilarities++;
        return differences;
      Assertion changes = (Assertion)assertion2.Clone();
      Assertion deletions = (Assertion)assertion2.Clone();
      Assertion insertions = (Assertion)assertion2.Clone();
      Differences diff = this.VisitExpression(assertion1.Condition, assertion2.Condition);
      if (diff == null){Debug.Assert(false); return differences;}
      changes.Condition = diff.Changes as Expression;
      deletions.Condition = diff.Deletions as Expression;
      insertions.Condition = diff.Insertions as Expression;
      Debug.Assert(diff.Changes == changes.Condition && diff.Deletions == deletions.Condition && diff.Insertions == insertions.Condition);
      differences.NumberOfDifferences += diff.NumberOfDifferences;
      differences.NumberOfSimilarities += diff.NumberOfSimilarities;

      if (differences.NumberOfDifferences == 0){
        differences.Changes = null;
        differences.Deletions = null;
        differences.Insertions = null;
        differences.Changes = changes;
        differences.Deletions = deletions;
        differences.Insertions = insertions;
      return differences;
Пример #48
 public override Statement VisitAssertion(Assertion assertion){
   bool savedInsideAssertion = this.insideAssertion;
   this.insideAssertion = true;
     return base.VisitAssertion(assertion);
     this.insideAssertion = savedInsideAssertion;
Пример #49
        void WriteAssertion(Assertion a)
            writer.WriteStartElement(a is Report ? report : assert, namespaceURI);

             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Test)) writer.WriteAttributeString(test, a.Test);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.ID)) writer.WriteAttributeString(id, a.ID);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Diagnostics)) writer.WriteAttributeString(diagnostics, a.Diagnostics);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Flag)) writer.WriteAttributeString(flag, a.Flag);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Role)) writer.WriteAttributeString(role, a.Role);
             if (a.Subject != ".") writer.WriteAttributeString(subject, a.Subject);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Fpi)) writer.WriteAttributeString(fpi, a.Fpi);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Icon)) writer.WriteAttributeString(icon, a.Icon);
             if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.See)) writer.WriteAttributeString(see, a.See);

Пример #50
 public TestResult AssertFailure(Assertion assertion, IEnumerable<string> logs)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the details of the Statements present in the assertion ([SAML2.0 standard] section 2.7)
        /// NOTE: the rules relating to the enforcement of a Subject element are handled during Subject validation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assertion">The assertion.</param>
        private void ValidateStatements(Assertion assertion)
            // Statements are not required
            if (assertion.Items == null)

            foreach (var o in assertion.Items)
Пример #52
 public virtual Statement VisitAssertion(Assertion assertion, Assertion changes, Assertion deletions, Assertion insertions){
   this.UpdateSourceContext(assertion, changes);
   if (assertion == null) return changes;
   if (changes != null){
     if (deletions == null || insertions == null)
       assertion.Condition = this.VisitExpression(assertion.Condition, changes.Condition, deletions.Condition, insertions.Condition);
   }else if (deletions != null)
     return null;
   return assertion;
Пример #53
        public void StringCompare()
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.LoadXml("<foo a='alpha' b='beta'/>");
            XPathNavigator nav = doc.DocumentElement.CreateNavigator();
            var query = QueryLanguage;
            var context = query.CreateMatchContext(null, doc);

            var assert = new Assertion { Test = "/foo[@a < @b]" };
            Assert.IsTrue(query.Assert(assert, context, nav), assert.Test, "a < b");
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates that all the required attributes are present on the assertion.
        /// Furthermore it validates validity of the Issuer element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assertion">The assertion.</param>
        private void ValidateAssertionAttributes(Assertion assertion)
            // There must be a Version
            if (!Saml20Utils.ValidateRequiredString(assertion.Version))
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion element must have the Version attribute set.");

            // Version must be 2.0
            if (assertion.Version != Saml20Constants.Version)
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Wrong value of version attribute on Assertion element");

            // Assertion must have an ID
            if (!Saml20Utils.ValidateRequiredString(assertion.Id))
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion element must have the ID attribute set.");

            // Make sure that the ID elements is at least 128 bits in length (SAML2.0 std section 1.3.4)
            if (!Saml20Utils.ValidateIdString(assertion.Id))
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion element must have an ID attribute with at least 16 characters (the equivalent of 128 bits)");

            // IssueInstant must be set.
            if (!assertion.IssueInstant.HasValue)
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion element must have the IssueInstant attribute set.");

            // There must be an Issuer
            if (assertion.Issuer == null)
                throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion element must have an issuer element.");

            // The Issuer element must be valid
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the Assertion's conditions
        /// Audience restrictions processing rules are:
        /// - Within a single audience restriction condition in the assertion, the service must be configured
        /// with an audience-list that contains at least one of the restrictions in the assertion ("OR" filter)
        /// - When multiple audience restrictions are present within the same assertion, all individual audience
        /// restriction conditions must be met ("AND" filter)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assertion">The assertion.</param>
        private void ValidateConditions(Assertion assertion)
            // Conditions are not required
            if (assertion.Conditions == null)

            var oneTimeUseSeen = false;
            var proxyRestrictionsSeen = false;


            foreach (var cat in assertion.Conditions.Items)
                if (cat is OneTimeUse)
                    if (oneTimeUseSeen)
                        throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion contained more than one condition of type OneTimeUse");

                    oneTimeUseSeen = true;

                if (cat is ProxyRestriction)
                    if (proxyRestrictionsSeen)
                        throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion contained more than one condition of type ProxyRestriction");

                    proxyRestrictionsSeen = true;

                    var proxyRestriction = (ProxyRestriction)cat;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(proxyRestriction.Count))
                        uint res;
                        if (!uint.TryParse(proxyRestriction.Count, out res))
                            throw new Saml20FormatException("Count attribute of ProxyRestriction MUST BE a non-negative integer");

                    if (proxyRestriction.Audience != null)
                        foreach (var audience in proxyRestriction.Audience)
                            if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(audience, UriKind.Absolute))
                                throw new Saml20FormatException("ProxyRestriction Audience MUST BE a wellformed uri");

                // AudienceRestriction processing goes here (section of [SAML2.0 standard])
                if (cat is AudienceRestriction)
                    // No audience restrictions? No problems...
                    var audienceRestriction = (AudienceRestriction)cat;
                    if (audienceRestriction.Audience == null || audienceRestriction.Audience.Count == 0)

                    // If there are no allowed audience uris configured for the service, the assertion is not
                    // valid for this service
                    if (_allowedAudienceUris == null || _allowedAudienceUris.Count < 1)
                        throw new Saml20FormatException("The service is not configured to meet any audience restrictions");

                    string match = null;
                    foreach (var audience in audienceRestriction.Audience)
                        // In QuirksMode this validation is omitted
                        if (!_quirksMode)
                            // The given audience value MUST BE a valid URI
                            if (!Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(audience, UriKind.Absolute))
                                throw new Saml20FormatException("Audience element has value which is not a wellformed absolute uri");

                        match = _allowedAudienceUris.Find(allowedUri => allowedUri.Equals(audience));
                        if (match != null)

                    var logger = Logging.LoggerProvider.LoggerFor(GetType());
                    if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                        var intended = string.Join(", ", audienceRestriction.Audience.ToArray());
                        var allowed = string.Join(", ", _allowedAudienceUris.ToArray());
                        logger.DebugFormat(TraceMessages.AudienceRestrictionValidated, intended, allowed);

                    if (match == null)
                        throw new Saml20FormatException("The service is not configured to meet the given audience restrictions");
Пример #56
 public override Statement VisitAssertion(Assertion assertion) {
   if (assertion == null) return null;
   this.insideAssertOrAssume = true;
   assertion.Condition = this.VisitBooleanExpression(assertion.Condition);
   this.insideAssertOrAssume = false;
   return assertion;
Пример #57
 public virtual void VisitAssertion(Assertion assertion)
   if (assertion == null) return;
Пример #58
 public virtual Statement VisitAssertion(Assertion assertion){
   if (assertion == null) return null;
   assertion.Condition = this.VisitExpression(assertion.Condition);
   return assertion;
Пример #59
        /// <summary>
        /// Signs the assertion with the given certificate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cert">The certificate to sign the assertion with.</param>
        public void Sign(X509Certificate2 cert)

            // Clear the strongly typed version of the assertion in preparation for a new source.
            _assertion = null;

            // Merge the modified attributes to the assertion.

            // Remove existing signatures when resigning the assertion
            var signatureParentNode = XmlAssertion; // FIX.DocumentElement;
            XmlNode sigNode;
            while ((sigNode = signatureParentNode.GetElementsByTagName(Schema.XmlDSig.Signature.ElementName, Saml20Constants.Xmldsig)[0]) != null)

            var assertionDocument = new XmlDocument();
            assertionDocument.Load(new StringReader(Serialization.SerializeToXmlString(XmlAssertion)));

            AddSignature(assertionDocument, cert);

            LoadXml(assertionDocument.DocumentElement, new List<AsymmetricAlgorithm>(new[] { cert.PublicKey.Key }));
        /// <summary>
        /// Validates the subject of an Assertion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assertion">The assertion.</param>
        private void ValidateSubject(Assertion assertion)
            if (assertion.Subject == null)
                // If there is no statements there must be a subject
                // as specified in [SAML2.0 standard] section 2.3.3
                if (assertion.Items == null || assertion.Items.Length == 0)
                    throw new Saml20FormatException("Assertion with no Statements must have a subject.");

                foreach (var o in assertion.Items)
                    // If any of the below types are present there must be a subject.
                    if (o is AuthnStatement || o is AuthzDecisionStatement || o is AttributeStatement)
                        throw new Saml20FormatException("AuthnStatement, AuthzDecisionStatement and AttributeStatement require a subject.");
                // If a subject is present, validate it