public TestResult VerifyCloseOnProjectOpenCheckbox(Application application, Log log) { const string prefix = "Close welcome tab on project open"; var result = new TestResult(); var assert = new Assert(result, log); try { var startPage = TabProxies.GetStartPageTabItem(application, log); if (startPage == null) { log.Info(prefix, "Opening start page."); MenuProxies.SwitchToStartPageViaViewStartPageMenuItem(application, log); } startPage = TabProxies.GetStartPageTabItem(application, log); if (startPage == null) { var message = "Failed to get the start page."; log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); return result; } try { if (!startPage.IsSelected) { log.Info(prefix, "Setting focus to start page."); startPage.Select(); } } catch (Exception e) { var message = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed to select the start page tab. Error was: {0}", e); log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); return result; } // Check 'keep open' flag WelcomePageControlProxies.UncheckCloseWelcomePageOnProjectOpen(application, log); // New button var newProjectSearchCriteria = SearchCriteria .ByAutomationId(WelcomeViewAutomationIds.NewProject); var newProjectButton = (Button)startPage.Get(newProjectSearchCriteria); if (newProjectButton == null) { var message = "Failed to get the 'New Project' button."; log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); return result; } newProjectButton.Click(); // Check that the start page hasn't been closed var currentStartPage = TabProxies.GetStartPageTabItem(application, log); assert.IsNotNull(currentStartPage, prefix + " - Start page does not exist after opening project"); assert.IsFalse(currentStartPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Start page is selected after opening project"); var currentProjectPage = TabProxies.GetProjectPageTabItem(application, log); assert.IsNotNull(currentProjectPage, prefix + " - Project page does not exist after opening project"); assert.IsTrue(currentProjectPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Project page is not selected after opening project"); // Check that File - close has been enabled var fileCloseMenu = MenuProxies.GetFileCloseMenuItem(application, log); assert.IsTrue(fileCloseMenu.Enabled, prefix + " - File - Close menu is not enabled"); // HACK: It seems that the File menu stays open when we check the File - close menu item var fileMenu = MenuProxies.GetFileMenuItem(application, log); if (fileMenu == null) { var message = "Failed to get the file menu."; log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); return result; } if (fileMenu.IsFocussed) { fileMenu.Click(); } // Close the project via the close button on the tab page TabProxies.CloseProjectPageTab(application, log); WelcomePageControlProxies.CheckCloseWelcomePageOnProjectOpen(application, log); // New button newProjectButton.Click(); // Check that the start page has been closed currentStartPage = TabProxies.GetStartPageTabItem(application, log); assert.IsNull(currentStartPage, prefix + " - Start page exists after opening project"); // Close the project via the close button on the tab page TabProxies.CloseProjectPageTab(application, log); WelcomePageControlProxies.UncheckCloseWelcomePageOnProjectOpen(application, log); } catch (RegressionTestFailedException e) { var message = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed with exception. Error: {0}", e); log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); } return result; }
public void CheckContentTypes() { Assert.IsFalse(package.PartExists(new Uri("[Content_Types].xml", UriKind.Relative))); }
public void TripleStoreHasGraph01() { ITripleStore store = this.GetInstance(); Assert.IsFalse(store.HasGraph(new Uri(""))); }
public void ServiceInteropUsedByDefault() { // Test initialie does load CosmosClient Assert.IsFalse(CustomTypeExtensions.ByPassQueryParsing()); }
virtual public void VerifyPipelineContentNotCalledOnNoTag() { worker.Text("test"); Assert.IsFalse(called); }
public void DeepEquals() { Assert.IsTrue(JToken.DeepEquals(new JValue(5L), new JValue(5))); Assert.IsFalse(JToken.DeepEquals(new JValue(5M), new JValue(5))); Assert.IsTrue(JToken.DeepEquals(new JValue((ulong)long.MaxValue), new JValue(long.MaxValue))); }
public void IsValid_InvalidId_IsFalse() { var result = ToxId.IsValid(this.invalidTestId); Assert.IsFalse(result); }
public void Equals_TestStructObject_IsFalse() { Assert.IsFalse(CryptographicSeedTest.TestStruct.Equals(new object())); }
public void PalindromeInvalidString(string value) { var isPalindrome = PalindromeValidator.IsStringPalindrome(value); Assert.IsFalse(isPalindrome); }
public void IsValid_InvalidIdString_IsFalse() { var result = ToxId.IsValid(ToxTools.HexBinToString(this.invalidTestId)); Assert.IsFalse(result); }
public void VerifyIsLiveModeEnabledWithDefaultConfig() { var config = ConfigManager.GetConfigWithDefaults(null); Assert.IsFalse(ConfigManager.IsLiveModeEnabled(config)); }
public void RightNull() { var vector3D1 = new Vector3D(); const Vector3D vector3D2 = null; Assert.IsFalse(vector3D1 == vector3D2); }
public void the_subscription_gets_no_events() { Assert.IsFalse(_resetEvent.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))); }
public void Equals_EmptyTestStruct_IsFalse() { Assert.IsFalse(CryptographicSeed.Empty.Equals(CryptographicSeedTest.TestStruct)); }
public void Send_Complete_ClientHandlerSettings () { bool? failed = null; var listener = CreateListener (l => { var request = l.Request; try { Assert.IsNull (request.AcceptTypes, "#1"); Assert.AreEqual (0, request.ContentLength64, "#2"); Assert.IsNull (request.ContentType, "#3"); Assert.AreEqual (1, request.Cookies.Count, "#4"); Assert.AreEqual (new Cookie ("mycookie", "vv"), request.Cookies[0], "#4a"); Assert.IsFalse (request.HasEntityBody, "#5"); Assert.AreEqual (4, request.Headers.Count, "#6"); Assert.AreEqual (TestHost, request.Headers["Host"], "#6a"); Assert.AreEqual ("gzip", request.Headers["Accept-Encoding"], "#6b"); Assert.AreEqual ("mycookie=vv", request.Headers["Cookie"], "#6c"); Assert.AreEqual ("GET", request.HttpMethod, "#7"); Assert.IsFalse (request.IsAuthenticated, "#8"); Assert.IsTrue (request.IsLocal, "#9"); Assert.IsFalse (request.IsSecureConnection, "#10"); Assert.IsFalse (request.IsWebSocketRequest, "#11"); Assert.IsTrue (request.KeepAlive, "#12"); Assert.AreEqual (HttpVersion.Version10, request.ProtocolVersion, "#13"); Assert.IsNull (request.ServiceName, "#14"); Assert.IsNull (request.UrlReferrer, "#15"); Assert.IsNull (request.UserAgent, "#16"); Assert.IsNull (request.UserLanguages, "#17"); failed = false; } catch { failed = true; } }); try { var chandler = new HttpClientHandler (); chandler.AllowAutoRedirect = true; chandler.AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip; chandler.MaxAutomaticRedirections = 33; chandler.MaxRequestContentBufferSize = 5555; chandler.PreAuthenticate = true; chandler.CookieContainer.Add (new Uri (LocalServer), new Cookie ( "mycookie", "vv")); chandler.UseCookies = true; chandler.UseDefaultCredentials = true; chandler.Proxy = new WebProxy ("ee"); chandler.UseProxy = true; var client = new HttpClient (chandler); var request = new HttpRequestMessage (HttpMethod.Get, LocalServer); request.Version = HttpVersion.Version10; request.Headers.Add ("Keep-Alive", "false"); var response = client.SendAsync (request, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead).Result; Assert.AreEqual ("", response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync ().Result, "#100"); Assert.AreEqual (HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode, "#101"); Assert.AreEqual (false, failed, "#102"); } finally { listener.Abort (); listener.Close (); } }
public void Equals_TestStructNull_IsFalse() { Assert.IsFalse(CryptographicSeedTest.TestStruct.Equals(null)); }
public void TestAddessIsEmptyReturnsFalseWhenNotEmpty() { var customerWithAddress = new Customer(); customerWithAddress.AddAddress(new Address()); Assert.IsFalse(customerWithAddress.AddressesIsEmpty()); }
public void IsValid_Data_IsFalse() { Assert.IsFalse(CryptographicSeed.IsValid("!"), "!"); Assert.IsFalse(CryptographicSeed.IsValid((String)null), "(String)null"); Assert.IsFalse(CryptographicSeed.IsValid(string.Empty), "string.Empty"); }
public void file_Has_Attribute() { //readOnly_Add(); Assert.IsFalse((null as string).file_Has_Attribute(FileAttributes.Archive)); }
public async Task Telemetry_NoPII() { // Arrange var mockTelemetryClient = new Mock <IBotTelemetryClient>(); TestAdapter adapter = new TestAdapter() .Use(new TelemetryLoggerMiddleware(mockTelemetryClient.Object, logPersonalInformation: false)); string conversationId = null; // Act // Ensure LogPersonalInformation flag works await new TestFlow(adapter, async(context, cancellationToken) => { conversationId = context.Activity.Conversation.Id; var typingActivity = new Activity { Type = ActivityTypes.Typing, RelatesTo = context.Activity.RelatesTo }; await context.SendActivityAsync(typingActivity); await Task.Delay(500); await context.SendActivityAsync("echo:" + context.Activity.Text); }) .Send("foo") .AssertReply((activity) => Assert.AreEqual(activity.Type, ActivityTypes.Typing)) .AssertReply("echo:foo") .Send("bar") .AssertReply((activity) => Assert.AreEqual(activity.Type, ActivityTypes.Typing)) .AssertReply("echo:bar") .StartTestAsync(); // Assert Assert.AreEqual(mockTelemetryClient.Invocations.Count, 6); Assert.AreEqual(mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[0], "BotMessageReceived"); // Check initial message Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).Count == 5); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("fromId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("conversationName")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("locale")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientName")); Assert.IsFalse(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("fromName")); Assert.IsFalse(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[0].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("text")); Assert.AreEqual(mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[1].Arguments[0], "BotMessageSend"); // Check Typing message Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[1].Arguments[1]).Count == 4); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[1].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("replyActivityId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[1].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[1].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("conversationName")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[1].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("locale")); Assert.IsFalse(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[1].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientName")); Assert.AreEqual(mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[0], "BotMessageSend"); // Check message reply Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[1]).Count == 4); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("replyActivityId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("conversationName")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("locale")); Assert.IsFalse(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientName")); Assert.IsFalse(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[2].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("text")); Assert.AreEqual(mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[0], "BotMessageReceived"); // Check bar message Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).Count == 5); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("fromId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("conversationName")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("locale")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientId")); Assert.IsTrue(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("recipientName")); Assert.IsFalse(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("fromName")); Assert.IsFalse(((Dictionary <string, string>)mockTelemetryClient.Invocations[3].Arguments[1]).ContainsKey("text")); }
private void AssertNoIPInDB() { Assert.IsFalse(service.DB.TryGetIPAddress(ip1, out _)); Assert.IsFalse(service.DB.TryGetIPAddress(ip2, out _)); }
public void HasValues() { Assert.IsFalse((new JValue(5L)).HasValues); }
// ~~ void ContainsOneElementTest() { List< TEST > test_table, test1_table, test2_table, empty_table; TEST test0, test1, test2, test3, test4, test5, test6, test7, test8, test9, test10; test0 = new TEST{ Index = 0 }; test1 = new TEST{ Index = 1 }; test2 = new TEST{ Index = 2 }; test3 = new TEST{ Index = 3 }; test4 = new TEST{ Index = 4 }; test5 = new TEST{ Index = 5 }; test6 = new TEST{ Index = 6 }; test7 = new TEST{ Index = 7 }; test8 = new TEST{ Index = 8 }; test9 = new TEST{ Index = 9 }; test10 = new TEST{ Index = 10 }; test_table = new List<TEST>( new TEST[] { test0, test1, test2, test3, test4, test5 } ); test1_table = new List<TEST>( new TEST[] { test5, test6, test7, test8, } ); test2_table = new List<TEST>( new TEST[] { test9, test10 } ); empty_table = new List<TEST>(); Assert.IsTrue( test_table.ContainsOneElement( test1_table ) ); Assert.IsFalse( test1_table.ContainsOneElement( test2_table ) ); Assert.IsFalse( test1_table.ContainsOneElement( empty_table ) ); }
public void HLEmailValidator_shouldBeInvalidEmail(string input) { Assert.IsFalse(HLEmailValidator.IsValidEmail(input)); }
public static Polygons GetExtrusionPolygonsForLayer(this string[] layerGCode, ref MovementInfo movementInfo, bool validateOverlaps = true) { var foundPolygons = new Polygons(); bool extruding = false; int movementCount = 0; double movementAmount = double.MaxValue / 2; // always add a new extrusion the first time MovementInfo lastMovement = movementInfo; MovementInfo lastLastMovement = movementInfo; foreach (MovementInfo currentMovement in TestUtilities.GetLayerMovements(layerGCode, lastMovement)) { bool isRetraction = currentMovement.extrusion != lastMovement.extrusion && (currentMovement.position == lastLastMovement.position); bool isZLift = currentMovement.position.x == lastLastMovement.position.x && currentMovement.position.y == lastLastMovement.position.y && currentMovement.position.z != lastLastMovement.position.z; bool isExtrude = !isRetraction && !isZLift && currentMovement.extrusion != lastMovement.extrusion; if (extruding) { if (isExtrude) { // add to the extrusion foundPolygons[foundPolygons.Count - 1].Add(new IntPoint( (long)(currentMovement.position.x * 1000), (long)(currentMovement.position.y * 1000), (long)(currentMovement.position.z * 1000))); } else { // we are switching so add in the point to the last extrude extruding = false; movementAmount = 0; if (foundPolygons[foundPolygons.Count - 1].Count == 1) { foundPolygons[foundPolygons.Count - 1].Add(new IntPoint( (long)(lastLastMovement.position.x * 1000), (long)(lastLastMovement.position.y * 1000), (long)(lastLastMovement.position.z * 1000))); } } } else // not extruding { if (isExtrude) { if (movementAmount >= 0) { // starting a new extrusion foundPolygons.Add(new Polygon()); } foundPolygons[foundPolygons.Count - 1].Add(new IntPoint( (long)(currentMovement.position.x * 1000), (long)(currentMovement.position.y * 1000), (long)(currentMovement.position.z * 1000))); extruding = true; } else // do nothing waiting for extrude { movementAmount += (currentMovement.position - lastMovement.position).Length; } } lastLastMovement = lastMovement; lastMovement = currentMovement; movementCount++; } for (int i = foundPolygons.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!extruding && foundPolygons[i].Count == 1) { foundPolygons.RemoveAt(i); } else if (foundPolygons[foundPolygons.Count - 1].Count == 1) { foundPolygons[foundPolygons.Count - 1].Add(new IntPoint( (long)(lastLastMovement.position.x * 1000), (long)(lastLastMovement.position.y * 1000), (long)(lastLastMovement.position.z * 1000))); break; } } movementInfo = lastMovement; // validate that the polygons do not double extrude if (validateOverlaps) { Assert.IsFalse(HasOverlapingSegments(foundPolygons)); } return(foundPolygons); }
private TestResult VerifyTabBehaviour(Application application, Log log) { const string prefix = "Tabs"; var result = new TestResult(); var assert = new Assert(result, log); try { var startPage = TabProxies.GetStartPageTabItem(application, log); if (startPage == null) { log.Info(prefix, "Opening start page."); MenuProxies.SwitchToStartPageViaViewStartPageMenuItem(application, log); } // Make sure we don't close the welcome tab upon opening the project page WelcomePageControlProxies.UncheckCloseWelcomePageOnProjectOpen(application, log); var projectPage = TabProxies.GetProjectPageTabItem(application, log); if (projectPage == null) { log.Info(prefix, "Opening project page."); WelcomePageControlProxies.OpenProjectPageViaWelcomePageButton(application, log); } startPage = TabProxies.GetStartPageTabItem(application, log); if (startPage == null) { var message = "Failed to open the start page."; log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); return result; } projectPage = TabProxies.GetProjectPageTabItem(application, log); if (projectPage == null) { var message = "Failed to open the project page."; log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); return result; } try { if (!startPage.IsSelected) { log.Info(prefix, "Setting focus to start page."); startPage.Select(); } } catch (Exception e) { var message = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed to select the start page tab. Error was: {0}", e); log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); return result; } assert.IsTrue(startPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Start is selected"); assert.IsFalse(projectPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Project is not selected"); MenuProxies.SwitchToProjectPageViaViewStartPageMenuItem(application, log); assert.IsFalse(startPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Start is not selected"); assert.IsTrue(projectPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Project is selected"); MenuProxies.SwitchToStartPageViaViewStartPageMenuItem(application, log); assert.IsTrue(startPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Start is selected"); assert.IsFalse(projectPage.IsSelected, prefix + " - Project is not selected"); TabProxies.CloseProjectPageTab(application, log); } catch (RegressionTestFailedException e) { var message = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed with exception. Error: {0}", e); log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); } return result; }
public void Equals_TestStructEmpty_IsFalse() { Assert.IsFalse(CryptographicSeedTest.TestStruct.Equals(CryptographicSeed.Empty)); }
private TestResult VerifyActivateDataset(Application application, Log log) { const string prefix = "Dataset activation"; var result = new TestResult(); var assert = new Assert(result, log); try { // Start new project via File menu var projectPage = TabProxies.GetProjectPageTabItem(application, log); if (projectPage == null) { MenuProxies.CreateNewProjectViaFileNewMenuItem(application, log); } projectPage = TabProxies.GetProjectPageTabItem(application, log); assert.IsNotNull(projectPage, prefix + " - The project page was not opened."); ProjectPageControlProxies.CreateChildDatasetForRoot(application, log); ProjectPageControlProxies.CreateChildDatasetForRoot(application, log); // Wait for datasets to be created ProjectPageControlProxies.WaitForDatasetCreationOrDeletion(application, log, 3); var datasetIds = ProjectPageControlProxies.GetDatasetIds(application, log); var ids = new List<int>(datasetIds); ids.Sort(); ProjectPageControlProxies.ActivateDataset(application, log, ids[1]); var isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Failed to activate the first dataset."); var isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Activated the second dataset while it should not have been."); ProjectPageControlProxies.ActivateDataset(application, log, ids[2]); isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Deactivated the first dataset when it should not have been."); isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Failed to activate the second dataset."); /* // Undo MenuProxies.UndoViaEditMenu(application, log); isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Deactivated the first dataset when it should not have been."); isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Did not undo the activation state of the second dataset."); // Undo MenuProxies.UndoViaEditMenu(application, log); isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Did not undo the activation state of the first dataset."); isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Still did not undo the activation state of the second dataset."); // Redo MenuProxies.RedoViaEditMenu(application, log); isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Did not redo the undone activation state of the first dataset."); isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Redid the activation state of the second dataset when it should not have been."); // Redo MenuProxies.RedoViaEditMenu(application, log); isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Changed the activation state of the first dataset when it should not have been."); isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Did not redo the undone activation state of the second dataset."); * */ ProjectPageControlProxies.DeactivateDataset(application, log, ids[1]); isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Failed to deactivate the first dataset."); isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsTrue(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Deactivated the second dataset when it should not have been."); ProjectPageControlProxies.DeactivateDataset(application, log, ids[2]); isDataset1Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[1]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset1Activated, prefix + " - Failed to deactivate the first dataset."); isDataset2Activated = ProjectPageControlProxies.IsDatasetActivated(application, log, ids[2]); assert.IsFalse(isDataset2Activated, prefix + " - Failed to deactivate the second dataset."); } catch (RegressionTestFailedException e) { var message = string.Format( CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Failed with exception. Error: {0}", e); log.Error(prefix, message); result.AddError(prefix + " - " + message); } return result; }
public virtual void TestUnsupportedOldIndexes() { for (int i = 0; i < UnsupportedNames.Length; i++) { if (VERBOSE) { Console.WriteLine("TEST: index " + UnsupportedNames[i]); } DirectoryInfo oldIndexDir = CreateTempDir(UnsupportedNames[i]); using (Stream dataFile = this.GetType().GetTypeInfo().Assembly.FindAndGetManifestResourceStream(GetType(), "unsupported." + UnsupportedNames[i] + ".zip")) { TestUtil.Unzip(dataFile, oldIndexDir); } BaseDirectoryWrapper dir = NewFSDirectory(oldIndexDir); // don't checkindex, these are intentionally not supported dir.CheckIndexOnDispose = false; IndexReader reader = null; IndexWriter writer = null; try { reader = DirectoryReader.Open(dir); Assert.Fail(" should not pass for " + UnsupportedNames[i]); } #pragma warning disable 168 catch (IndexFormatTooOldException e) #pragma warning restore 168 { // pass } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Dispose(); } reader = null; } try { writer = new IndexWriter(dir, NewIndexWriterConfig(TEST_VERSION_CURRENT, new MockAnalyzer(Random))); Assert.Fail("IndexWriter creation should not pass for " + UnsupportedNames[i]); } catch (IndexFormatTooOldException e) { // pass if (VERBOSE) { Console.WriteLine("TEST: got expected exc:"); Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); } // Make sure exc message includes a path= Assert.IsTrue(e.Message.IndexOf("path=\"", StringComparison.Ordinal) != -1, "got exc message: " + e.Message); } finally { // we should fail to open IW, and so it should be null when we get here. // However, if the test fails (i.e., IW did not fail on open), we need // to close IW. However, if merges are run, IW may throw // IndexFormatTooOldException, and we don't want to mask the Assert.Fail() // above, so close without waiting for merges. if (writer != null) { writer.Dispose(false); } writer = null; } StringBuilder bos = new StringBuilder(); CheckIndex checker = new CheckIndex(dir); checker.InfoStream = new StringWriter(bos); CheckIndex.Status indexStatus = checker.DoCheckIndex(); Assert.IsFalse(indexStatus.Clean); checker.InfoStream.Flush(); Assert.IsTrue(bos.ToString().Contains(typeof(IndexFormatTooOldException).Name)); dir.Dispose(); } }