Пример #1
        public void create_assembly_info_replaces_tokens(IAssemblyInfoWriter assemblyInfoWriter, MockFileManager fileManager)
            "Given I have a file manager"
            ._(() => fileManager = new MockFileManager());

            "And I have an assembly info writer"
            ._(() => assemblyInfoWriter = new AssemblyInfoWriter(fileManager));

            "When I call create"
            ._(() => assemblyInfoWriter.Create(@"c:/dev/sallyfx/properties/AssemblyInfo.cs", "SallyFx", "SallyFx is a new generation web server", "0.0.2", "0.0.2/f1214 x64", ""));

            "It should replace the title token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyTitleAttribute(\"SallyFx\")]"));

            "It should replace the description token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyDescriptionAttribute(\"SallyFx is a new generation web server\")]"));

            "It should replace the version token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyVersionAttribute(\"0.0.2\")]"));

            "It should replace the informational version token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute(\"0.0.2/f1214 x64\")]"));

            "It should replace the file version token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyFileVersionAttribute(\"\")]"));
Пример #2
        public void patch_updates_assembly_info(IAssemblyInfoWriter assemblyInfoWriter, AssemblyInfo assemblyInfo, MockFileManager fileManager)
            string path = Path.Combine("c:" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "dev", "sallyfx", "properties", "AssemblyInfo.cs");

            "Given I have a file manager"
            ._(() => fileManager = new MockFileManager());

            "And I have an assembly info writer"
            ._(() => assemblyInfoWriter = new AssemblyInfoWriter(fileManager));

            "And I have an assembly info on disk"
            ._(() => A.CallTo(() => fileManager.UnderlyingFake.ReadAllText(path)).Returns(Crane.Core.Properties.Resources.AssemblyInfoTemplate));

            "And I have a data to patch the assembly info file with"
            ._(() => assemblyInfo = new AssemblyInfo()
                Title                = "Norman.Chat",
                Description          = "Norman is a chat bot",
                FileVersion          = new Version(0, 0, 3, 1),
                Version              = new Version(0, 0, 3, 0),
                InformationalVersion = "RELEASE",
                RootDirectory        = Path.Combine("c:" + System.IO.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, "dev", "sallyfx"),
                Include              = Path.Combine("properties", "AssemblyInfo.cs")

            "When I patch the assembly"
            ._(() => assemblyInfoWriter.Patch(assemblyInfo));

            "It should replace the title token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyTitleAttribute(\"Norman.Chat\")]"));

            "It should replace the description token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyDescriptionAttribute(\"Norman is a chat bot\")]"));

            "It should replace the version token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyVersionAttribute(\"\")]"));

            "It should replace the informational version token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute(\"RELEASE\")]"));

            "It should replace the file version token"
            ._(() => fileManager.Output.Should().Contain("[assembly: AssemblyFileVersionAttribute(\"\")]"));