Пример #1
 static partial void GetEcmaRuntimeAssembly(AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref RuntimeAssembly runtimeAssembly)
     if (bindResult.EcmaMetadataReader != null)
         runtimeAssembly = EcmaFormatRuntimeAssembly.GetRuntimeAssembly(bindResult.EcmaMetadataReader);
Пример #2
 static partial void GetNativeFormatRuntimeAssembly(AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref RuntimeAssembly runtimeAssembly)
     if (bindResult.Reader != null)
         runtimeAssembly = NativeFormatRuntimeAssembly.GetRuntimeAssembly(bindResult.Reader, bindResult.ScopeDefinitionHandle, bindResult.OverflowScopes);
        partial void BindEcmaFilePath(string assemblyPath, ref AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref Exception?exception, ref bool?result)
            // Get a PEReader over a MemoryMappedView of the PE file
            PEReader pe = OpenPEFile(assemblyPath, out var memoryMappedView);

            BindEcma(pe, memoryMappedView, out bindResult, out exception, out result);
        partial void BindEcmaByteArray(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[]?rawSymbolStore, ref AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref Exception?exception, ref bool?result)
            // Load byte[] into immutable array for use by PEReader/MetadataReader
            ImmutableArray <byte> assemblyData = ImmutableArray.Create(rawAssembly);
            PEReader pe = new PEReader(assemblyData);

            BindEcma(pe, null, out bindResult, out exception, out result);
Пример #5
        public sealed override bool Bind(AssemblyName refName, out AssemblyBindResult result, out Exception exception)
            bool foundMatch = false;

            result    = default(AssemblyBindResult);
            exception = null;

            // At least one real-world app calls Type.GetType() for "char" using the assembly name "mscorlib". To accomodate this,
            // we will adopt the desktop CLR rule that anything named "mscorlib" automatically binds to the core assembly.
            bool         useMscorlibNameCompareFunc = false;
            AssemblyName compareRefName             = refName;

            if (refName.Name == "mscorlib")
                useMscorlibNameCompareFunc = true;
                compareRefName             = new AssemblyName(AssemblyBinder.DefaultAssemblyNameForGetType);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <AssemblyNameKey, ScopeDefinitionGroup> group in ScopeGroups)
                bool nameMatches;
                if (useMscorlibNameCompareFunc)
                    nameMatches = MscorlibAssemblyNameMatches(compareRefName, group.Key.AssemblyName);
                    nameMatches = AssemblyNameMatches(refName, group.Key.AssemblyName);

                if (nameMatches)
                    if (foundMatch)
                        exception = new AmbiguousMatchException();

                    foundMatch = true;
                    ScopeDefinitionGroup scopeDefinitionGroup = group.Value;

                    result.Reader = scopeDefinitionGroup.CanonicalScope.Reader;
                    result.ScopeDefinitionHandle = scopeDefinitionGroup.CanonicalScope.Handle;
                    result.OverflowScopes        = scopeDefinitionGroup.OverflowScopes;

            if (!foundMatch)
                exception = new IOException(SR.Format(SR.FileNotFound_AssemblyNotFound, refName.FullName));

 partial void InsertEcmaLoadedAssemblies(List <AssemblyBindResult> loadedAssemblies)
     lock (s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies)
         for (int i = 0; i < s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies.Count; i++)
             PEInfo             info   = s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies[i];
             AssemblyBindResult result = default(AssemblyBindResult);
             result.EcmaMetadataReader = info.Reader;
        private static RuntimeAssembly GetRuntimeAssembly(AssemblyBindResult bindResult)
            RuntimeAssembly result = null;

            GetNativeFormatRuntimeAssembly(bindResult, ref result);
            if (result != null)

            GetEcmaRuntimeAssembly(bindResult, ref result);
            if (result != null)

            throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
        public sealed override bool Bind(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore, out AssemblyBindResult bindResult, out Exception exception)
            bool?result = null;

            exception  = null;
            bindResult = default(AssemblyBindResult);

            BindEcmaByteArray(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore, ref bindResult, ref exception, ref result);

            // If the Ecma assembly binder isn't linked in, simply throw PlatformNotSupportedException
            if (!result.HasValue)
                throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
        public sealed override bool Bind(string assemblyPath, out AssemblyBindResult bindResult, out Exception exception)
            bool?result = null;

            exception  = null;
            bindResult = default(AssemblyBindResult);

            BindEcmaFilePath(assemblyPath, ref bindResult, ref exception, ref result);

            // If the Ecma assembly binder isn't linked in, simply throw PlatformNotSupportedException
            if (!result.HasValue)
                throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
        public sealed override IList <AssemblyBindResult> GetLoadedAssemblies()
            List <AssemblyBindResult> loadedAssemblies = new List <AssemblyBindResult>(ScopeGroups.Length);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <RuntimeAssemblyName, ScopeDefinitionGroup> group in ScopeGroups)
                ScopeDefinitionGroup scopeDefinitionGroup = group.Value;

                AssemblyBindResult result = default(AssemblyBindResult);
                result.Reader = scopeDefinitionGroup.CanonicalScope.Reader;
                result.ScopeDefinitionHandle = scopeDefinitionGroup.CanonicalScope.Handle;
                result.OverflowScopes        = scopeDefinitionGroup.OverflowScopes;


        partial void BindEcmaByteArray(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore, ref AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref Exception exception, ref bool?result)
            // 1. Load byte[] into immutable array for use by PEReader/MetadataReader
            ImmutableArray <byte> assemblyData = ImmutableArray.Create(rawAssembly);
            PEReader       pe     = new PEReader(assemblyData);
            MetadataReader reader = pe.GetMetadataReader();

            // 2. Create AssemblyName from MetadataReader
            RuntimeAssemblyName runtimeAssemblyName = reader.GetAssemblyDefinition().ToRuntimeAssemblyName(reader);
            AssemblyName        asmName             = new AssemblyName();


            lock (s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies)
                // 3. Attempt to bind to already loaded assembly
                if (Bind(asmName, out bindResult, out exception))
                    result = true;
                exception = null;

                // 4. If that fails, then add newly created metareader to global cache of byte array loaded modules
                PEInfo peinfo = new PEInfo(asmName, reader, pe);

                ModuleList moduleList    = ModuleList.Instance;
                ModuleInfo newModuleInfo = new EcmaModuleInfo(moduleList.SystemModule.Handle, pe, reader);

                // 5. Then try to load by name again. This load should always succeed
                if (Bind(asmName, out bindResult, out exception))
                    result = true;

                result = false;
                Debug.Assert(exception != null); // We must have an error on load. At this time this could happen due to ambiguous name matching
        partial void BindEcmaAssemblyName(RuntimeAssemblyName refName, ref AssemblyBindResult result, ref Exception exception, ref bool foundMatch)
            lock (s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies)
                for (int i = 0; i < s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies.Count; i++)
                    PEInfo info = s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies[i];
                    if (AssemblyNameMatches(refName, info.Name))
                        if (foundMatch)
                            exception = new AmbiguousMatchException();

                        foundMatch = true;
                        result.EcmaMetadataReader = info.Reader;
 partial void BindEcmaBytes(ReadOnlySpan <byte> rawAssembly, ReadOnlySpan <byte> rawSymbolStore, ref AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref Exception exception, ref bool?result);
        public sealed override bool Bind(RuntimeAssemblyName refName, bool cacheMissedLookups, out AssemblyBindResult result, out Exception exception)
            bool foundMatch = false;

            result    = default(AssemblyBindResult);
            exception = null;

            Exception preferredException = null;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <RuntimeAssemblyName, ScopeDefinitionGroup> group in ScopeGroups)
                if (AssemblyNameMatches(refName, group.Key, ref preferredException))
                    if (foundMatch)
                        exception = new AmbiguousMatchException();

                    foundMatch = true;
                    ScopeDefinitionGroup scopeDefinitionGroup = group.Value;

                    result.Reader = scopeDefinitionGroup.CanonicalScope.Reader;
                    result.ScopeDefinitionHandle = scopeDefinitionGroup.CanonicalScope.Handle;
                    result.OverflowScopes        = scopeDefinitionGroup.OverflowScopes;

            BindEcmaAssemblyName(refName, cacheMissedLookups, ref result, ref exception, ref preferredException, ref foundMatch);
            if (exception != null)

            if (!foundMatch)
                exception = preferredException ?? new FileNotFoundException(SR.Format(SR.FileNotFound_AssemblyNotFound, refName.FullName));

 partial void BindEcmaAssemblyName(RuntimeAssemblyName refName, bool cacheMissedLookups, ref AssemblyBindResult result, ref Exception exception, ref Exception preferredException, ref bool resultBoolean);
 partial void BindEcmaByteArray(byte[] rawAssembly, byte[] rawSymbolStore, ref AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref Exception exception, ref bool?result);
 partial void BindEcmaFilePath(string assemblyPath, ref AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref Exception exception, ref bool?result);
Пример #18
 partial void BindEcmaAssemblyName(RuntimeAssemblyName refName, ref AssemblyBindResult result, ref Exception exception, ref bool resultBoolean);
        partial void BindEcmaAssemblyName(RuntimeAssemblyName refName, bool cacheMissedLookups, ref AssemblyBindResult result, ref Exception exception, ref Exception preferredException, ref bool foundMatch)
            lock (s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies)
                for (int i = 0; i < s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies.Count; i++)
                    PEInfo info = s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies[i];
                    if (AssemblyNameMatches(refName, info.Name, ref preferredException))
                        if (foundMatch)
                            exception = new AmbiguousMatchException();

                        result.EcmaMetadataReader = info.Reader;
                        foundMatch = result.EcmaMetadataReader != null;

                        // For failed matches, we will never be able to succeed, so return now
                        if (!foundMatch)

                if (!foundMatch)
                        // Not found in already loaded list, attempt to source assembly from disk
                        foreach (string filePath in FilePathsForAssembly(refName))
                            FileStream ownedFileStream = null;
                            PEReader   ownedPEReader   = null;
                                if (!RuntimeAugments.FileExists(filePath))

                                    ownedFileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                                catch (System.IO.IOException)
                                    // Failure to open a file is not fundamentally an assembly load error, but it does indicate this file cannot be used

                                ownedPEReader = new PEReader(ownedFileStream);
                                // FileStream ownership transferred to ownedPEReader
                                ownedFileStream = null;

                                if (!ownedPEReader.HasMetadata)

                                MetadataReader reader = ownedPEReader.GetMetadataReader();
                                // Create AssemblyName from MetadataReader
                                RuntimeAssemblyName runtimeAssemblyName = reader.GetAssemblyDefinition().ToRuntimeAssemblyName(reader).CanonicalizePublicKeyToken();

                                // If assembly name doesn't match, it isn't the one we're looking for. Continue to look for more assemblies
                                if (!AssemblyNameMatches(refName, runtimeAssemblyName, ref preferredException))

                                // This is the one we are looking for, add it to the list of loaded assemblies
                                PEInfo peinfo = new PEInfo(runtimeAssemblyName, reader, ownedPEReader);


                                // At this point the PE reader is no longer owned by this code, but is owned by the s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies list
                                PEReader pe = ownedPEReader;
                                ownedPEReader = null;

                                ModuleList moduleList    = ModuleList.Instance;
                                ModuleInfo newModuleInfo = new EcmaModuleInfo(moduleList.SystemModule.Handle, pe, reader);

                                foundMatch = true;
                                result.EcmaMetadataReader = peinfo.Reader;
                                if (ownedFileStream != null)

                                if (ownedPEReader != null)
                    catch (System.IO.IOException)
                    { }
                    catch (System.ArgumentException)
                    { }
                    catch (System.BadImageFormatException badImageFormat)
                        exception = badImageFormat;

                    // Cache missed lookups
                    if (cacheMissedLookups && !foundMatch)
                        PEInfo peinfo = new PEInfo(refName, null, null);
 static partial void GetEcmaRuntimeAssembly(AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref RuntimeAssembly runtimeAssembly);
 // Use C# partial method feature to avoid complex #if logic, whichever code files are included will drive behavior
 static partial void GetNativeFormatRuntimeAssembly(AssemblyBindResult bindResult, ref RuntimeAssembly runtimeAssembly);
        private void BindEcma(PEReader pe, MemoryMappedViewAccessor?memoryMappedView, out AssemblyBindResult bindResult, out Exception?exception, out bool?result)
            MetadataReader reader = pe.GetMetadataReader();

            // 1. Create AssemblyName from MetadataReader
            RuntimeAssemblyName runtimeAssemblyName = reader.GetAssemblyDefinition().ToRuntimeAssemblyName(reader);

            lock (s_ecmaLoadedAssemblies)
                // 2. Attempt to bind to already loaded assembly
                if (Bind(runtimeAssemblyName, cacheMissedLookups: false, out bindResult, out exception))
                    result = true;
                exception = null;

                // 3. If that fails, then add newly created metareader to global cache of loaded modules
                PEInfo peinfo = new PEInfo(runtimeAssemblyName, reader, pe, memoryMappedView);

                ModuleList moduleList    = ModuleList.Instance;
                ModuleInfo newModuleInfo = new EcmaModuleInfo(moduleList.SystemModule.Handle, pe, reader);

                // 4. Then try to load by name again. This load should always succeed
                if (Bind(runtimeAssemblyName, cacheMissedLookups: true, out bindResult, out exception))
                    result = true;

                result = false;
                Debug.Assert(exception != null); // We must have an error on load. At this time this could happen due to ambiguous name matching