Пример #1
        void LoadList()
            listView1.ShowItemToolTips = true;
            int mlistIndex = 0;

            foreach (INCCKnew.TransferSummary ts in list)
                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                    ts.det, ts.item,
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(ts.stratum) ? "-" : ts.stratum,
                    ts.dto.ToString("yy.MM.dd  HH:mm:ss"), Path.GetFileName(ts.path),
                    ts.comment, AssaySelector.ForMass(ts.meastype) ? ts.material : string.Empty,
                    mlistIndex.ToString()                      // subitem at index 7 has the original mlist index of this element
                lvi.Tag = ts.dto;  // for proper column sorting
            MCount.Text = listView1.Items.Count.ToString() + " files";
            if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                MCountSel.Text = listView1.SelectedItems.Count.ToString();
                MCountSel.Text = string.Empty;
Пример #2
        bool PrepList(List <AssaySelector.MeasurementOption> filters, Detector det)
            if (Goal == EndGoal.Report)
                if (LMOnly)                        // LMOnly
                    mlist.RemoveAll(EmptyCSVFile); // cull those without LM CSV results
                    mlist.RemoveAll(EmptyINCC5File);  // cull those with traditional INCC5 results
            ctrllog = N.App.Loggers.Logger(LMLoggers.AppSection.Control);

            if (mlist.Count == 0)
                string msg = string.Format("No {0}measurements for {1} found.", TypeTextFragment(filters), det == null ? "any" : det.Id.DetectorId);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "WARNING");
            if (Goal == EndGoal.Report || Goal == EndGoal.Reanalysis || Goal == EndGoal.Transfer)   // it is for a named detector so elide the detector column
                listView1.Columns[1].Width = 0;
            if (!AllMeas)
                listView1.Columns[0].Width = 0;
            if (filters.Contains(AssaySelector.MeasurementOption.rates))    // show item id
                listView1.Columns[2].Width = 0;
            if (filters.Contains(AssaySelector.MeasurementOption.normalization))
                listView1.Columns[2].Width = 0;
                listView1.Columns[3].Width = 0;
            if (filters.Contains(AssaySelector.MeasurementOption.background))      // NEXT: add configuration active or passive column
                listView1.Columns[2].Width = 0;
                listView1.Columns[3].Width = 0;
            foreach (AssaySelector.MeasurementOption mo in filters)
                if (!AssaySelector.ForMass(mo) && !mo.IsWildCard())
                    listView1.Columns[7].Width = 0;       // material column

            if (Goal == EndGoal.Reanalysis)
                listView1.Columns[0].Text  = "Id";
                listView1.Columns[0].Width = 43;

Пример #3
        void LoadList(List <AssaySelector.MeasurementOption> filters)
            listView1.ShowItemToolTips = true;
            int mlistIndex = 0;

            foreach (Measurement m in mlist)
                int CycleCount = N.App.DB.GetCycleCount(m.MeasurementId);

                string ItemWithNumber = string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.MeasurementId.Item.item) ? "-" : m.AcquireState.ItemId.item;
                if (Path.GetFileName(m.MeasurementId.FileName).Contains("_") && (filters.Contains(AssaySelector.MeasurementOption.verification)) && (filters.Contains(m.MeasOption)))
                    //scan file name to display subsequent reanalysis number...... hn 9.21.2015
                    ItemWithNumber += "(" + Path.GetFileName(m.MeasurementId.FileName).Substring(Path.GetFileName(m.MeasurementId.FileName).IndexOf('_') + 1, 2) + ")";
                string col0;
                if (Goal == EndGoal.Reanalysis)
                    col0 = m.MeasurementId.UniqueId.ToString();
                    col0 = m.MeasOption.PrintName();
                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] {
                    col0, m.Detector.Id.DetectorId, ItemWithNumber,
                    string.IsNullOrEmpty(m.AcquireState.stratum_id.Name) ? "-" : m.AcquireState.stratum_id.Name,
                    m.MeasDate.DateTime.ToString("yy.MM.dd  HH:mm:ss"), GetMainFilePath(m.ResultsFiles, m.MeasOption, true),
                    AssaySelector.ForMass(m.MeasOption) ? m.AcquireState.item_type : string.Empty,
                    mlistIndex.ToString()  // subitem at index 9 has the original mlist index of this element
                lvi.Tag = m.MeasDate;  // for proper column sorting
                string p = GetMainFilePath(m.ResultsFiles, m.MeasOption, false);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p))
                    lvi.ToolTipText = "(" + m.MeasurementId.UniqueId.ToString() + ") No results file available";
                    lvi.ToolTipText = "(" + m.MeasurementId.UniqueId.ToString() + ") " + p;
            MCount.Text = listView1.Items.Count.ToString() + " measurements";
            if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
                MCountSel.Text = listView1.SelectedItems.Count.ToString();
                MCountSel.Text = string.Empty;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Process one or more .NCC Review measurement data files, with related .NOP/.COP files.
        /// Presence of NOP/COP files is optional
        /// See Import Operator Declarations from Operator Review and Measurements from Radiation Review p. 24,
        /// See Operator Declaration File Format p. 87,
        /// See Operator Declaration File Format for Curium Ratio Measurements p. 88,
        /// See Radiation Review Measurement Data File Format p. 93, INCC Software Users Manual, March 29, 2009
        /// </summary>
        void INCCReviewFileProcessing()
            FireEvent(EventType.ActionPrep, this);
            // This code would be the same for an interactive version of this operation
            //  > Start here
            // first find and process and .NOP files
            List <string> exts = new List <string>()
                ".nop", ".cop"
            FileList <CSVFile> hdlr = new FileList <CSVFile>();

            hdlr.Init(exts, ctrllog);
            FileList <CSVFile> files   = null;
            OPFiles            opfiles = new OPFiles();

            // The INCC5 semantics
            if (NC.App.AppContext.FileInputList == null)
                files = (FileList <CSVFile>)hdlr.BuildFileList(NC.App.AppContext.FileInput, NC.App.AppContext.Recurse, true);
                files = (FileList <CSVFile>)hdlr.BuildFileList(NC.App.AppContext.FileInputList);
            if (files != null && files.Count > 0)
                // construct lists of isotopics and items from the NOP and COP files
                ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 33085, "NOP items " + opfiles.Results.ItemIds.Count);
                //ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Verbose, 33085, "COP entries " + opfiles.Results.COPRatioRecs.Count);
                ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 33085, "No operator declarations available, continuing with default values");

            // process the NCC files only
            INCCFileOrFolderInfo foo = new INCCFileOrFolderInfo(ctrllog, "*.NCC");

            if (NC.App.AppContext.FileInputList == null)
            foo.eh += new TransferEventHandler((s, e) => { FireEvent(EventType.ActionInProgress, e); });
            List <INCCTransferBase> res = foo.Restore();
            // use RemoveAll to cull those NCC files that reference a non-existent detector
            DetectorList dl = NC.App.DB.Detectors;

            foreach (INCCReviewFile rf in res)
                List <Detector> tdk = dl.FindAll(d => 0 == string.Compare(d.Id.DetectorName, rf.detector, true));
                if (tdk.Count < 1)
                    rf.skip = true;
                    ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 33085, "No detector " + rf.detector + " defined, cannot complete processing NCC review file " + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(rf.Path));
            res.RemoveAll(rf => (rf as INCCReviewFile).skip);
            res.Sort((rf1, rf2) => // sort chronologically
                return(DateTime.Compare((rf1 as INCCReviewFile).dt, (rf2 as INCCReviewFile).dt));
            /// end here > The sorted, filtered and processed list here would be returned to the UI for display and interactive selection
            if (res == null || res.Count < 1)
                FireEvent(EventType.ActionStop, this);
                ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 33085, "No usable NCC review files found in " + System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(foo.GetPath()));

            AcquireParameters orig_acq = new AcquireParameters(NC.App.Opstate.Measurement.AcquireState);

            // Each NCC file is a separate measurement
            foreach (INCCReviewFile irf in res)
                if (NC.App.Opstate.IsQuitRequested)
                // Find the detector named in the NCC file (existence shown in earlier processing above)
                Detector curdet = NC.App.DB.Detectors.Find(d => string.Compare(d.Id.DetectorName, irf.detector, true) == 0);

                if (curdet.AB.Unset)
                    ABKey abkey = new ABKey(curdet.MultiplicityParams, 512);                      // NEXT: maxbins is arbitrary, just the first of many for VSR
                    LMRawAnalysis.SDTMultiplicityCalculator.SetAlphaBeta(abkey, curdet.AB);

                // set up acquire state based on the NCC file content
                AcquireParameters newacq = ConfigureAcquireState(curdet, orig_acq, irf);

                AssaySelector.MeasurementOption mo = NCCMeasOption(irf);
                // make a temp MeasId
                MeasId thisone = new MeasId(mo, newacq.MeasDateTime);
                // get the list of measurement Ids for this detector
                List <MeasId> list    = NC.App.DB.MeasurementIds(curdet.Id.DetectorName, mo.PrintName());
                MeasId        already = list.Find(mid => mid.Equals(thisone));
                if (already != null)
                    // URGENT: do the replacement as it says
                    ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 33085, "Replacing the matching {0} measurement, timestamp {1} (in a future release)", already.MeasOption.PrintName(), already.MeasDateTime.ToString());

                IntegrationHelpers.BuildMeasurement(newacq, curdet, mo);
                Measurement meas = NC.App.Opstate.Measurement;
                meas.MeasDate = newacq.MeasDateTime; // use the date and time from the NCC file content

                meas.Persist();                      // preserve the basic results record
                if (AssaySelector.ForMass(meas.MeasOption) && !meas.INCCAnalysisState.Methods.AnySelected())
                    ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Warning, 437, "No mass methods for " + meas.INCCAnalysisState.Methods.selector.ToString());

                    ushort total_number_runs     = 0;
                    double run_count_time        = 0;
                    double total_good_count_time = 0;

                    if (irf.num_runs == 0)
                        ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 440, "This measurement has no good cycles.");
                    if (meas.MeasOption == AssaySelector.MeasurementOption.holdup)

                    /* convert to total count time */
                    total_number_runs     = irf.num_runs;
                    total_good_count_time = irf.num_runs *
                    meas.RequestedRepetitions = total_number_runs;

                    // convert runs to cycles
                    for (int i = 0; i < irf.num_runs; i++)
                        /* run date and time (IAEA format) */
                        AddReviewFileCycle(i, irf.runs[i], irf.times[i], meas, irf.Path);
                        if (i % 8 == 0)
                            FireEvent(EventType.ActionInProgress, this);
                    FireEvent(EventType.ActionInProgress, this);

                    // NEXT: handle true AAS cycles as in INCC5
                    if (meas.MeasOption == AssaySelector.MeasurementOption.verification &&
                        meas.INCCAnalysisState.Methods.Has(AnalysisMethod.AddASource) &&
                        meas.AcquireState.well_config == WellConfiguration.Passive)
                        ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 440, "No add-a-source data processed because the implementation is incomplete. AAS");
                        //AddASourceSetup aass = IntegrationHelpers.GetCurrentAASSParams(meas.Detector);
                        //for (int n = 1; n <= aass.number_positions; n++)
                        //    /* number of good runs */
                        //    string l = td.reader.ReadLine();
                        //    if (td.reader.EndOfStream)
                        //    {
                        //        ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 440, "No add-a-source data found in disk file. " + "AAS p" + n.ToString());

                        //    }
                catch (Exception e)
                    NC.App.Opstate.SOH = OperatingState.Trouble;
                    ctrllog.TraceException(e, true);
                    ctrllog.TraceEvent(LogLevels.Error, 437, "NCC file processing stopped with error: '" + e.Message + "'");
                FireEvent(EventType.ActionInProgress, this);
                FireEvent(EventType.ActionInProgress, this);

            NC.App.Opstate.SOH = OperatingState.Stopping;
            FireEvent(EventType.ActionFinished, this);