Наследование: MonoBehaviour
    void Start()
        // Initializers
        aspectUtil = FindObjectOfType <Camera>().GetComponent <AspectUtility>();
        dArrow     = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Arrow");
        dBox       = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Box");
        dFrame     = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Frame").GetComponent <Image>();
        dText      = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Text").GetComponent <Text>();
        dPic       = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Picture").GetComponent <Image>();
        imgStrobe  = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Arrow").GetComponent <ImageStrobe>();
        mainCamera = FindObjectOfType <CameraFollow>();
        oMan       = FindObjectOfType <OptionsManager>();
        pause      = FindObjectOfType <PauseGame>();
        pMove      = FindObjectOfType <PlayerMovement>();
        SFXMan     = FindObjectOfType <SFXManager>();
        touches    = FindObjectOfType <TouchControls>();
        uMan       = FindObjectOfType <UIManager>();

        bDialogueActive = false;
        bPauseDialogue  = false; // UX -- Prevents immediately reopening a dialogue while moving / talking
        pauseTime       = 0.333f;

        dArrowPoints = new float[4];
        dFramePoints = new float[4];
        dPicPoints   = new float[4];
        dTextPoints  = new float[4];

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of of <see cref="IAspectBuilderUtilityBuilder"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The initialized <see cref="IAspectBuilderUtilityBuilder"/>.</returns>
        public static IAspectBuilderUtilityBuilder InitializeAspectBuilderUtility()
            var utility = new AspectUtility();

            utility.AddAspectBuilderConstructor("CrossCutterN.Aspect", "CrossCutterN.Aspect.Builder.ConcernAttributeAspectBuilder", () => new ConcernAttributeAspectBuilder());
            utility.AddAspectBuilderConstructor("CrossCutterN.Aspect", "CrossCutterN.Aspect.Builder.NameExpressionAspectBuilder", () => new NameExpressionAspectBuilder());
Пример #3
 void Intercept(object sender, ExpressionBuildingEventArgs e)
     if (AspectUtility.IsDecorated(e.KnownImplementationType, Proxy.Configuration))
         e.Expression = Expression.Convert(
             Expression.Invoke(Expression.Constant(_createProxy), e.Expression),
Пример #4
    void Start()
        // Initializers
        aspectUtil = GetComponent <AspectUtility>();
        devOr      = Input.deviceOrientation;
        dMan       = FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>();
        oMan       = FindObjectOfType <OptionsManager>();
        uMan       = FindObjectOfType <UIManager>();

        bIsFull       = Screen.fullScreen;
        bSizingChange = false;
Пример #5
    void Awake()
        if (_instance == null)
            _instance = this;

Пример #6
    void Start()
        // Initializers
        aspectUtil = GetComponent <AspectUtility>();
        myCam      = GetComponent <Camera>();
        player     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

        // Size w/ respect to AspectUtility.cs
        myCam.orthographicSize = aspectUtil._wantedAspectRatio;

        bUpdateOn = true;

        smoothTime     = 0.2f;
        smoothVelocity = new Vector2(0.2f, 0.2f);
 private void Start()
     AspectUtility.cam = base.GetComponent <Camera>();
     if (!AspectUtility.cam)
         AspectUtility.cam = Camera.main;
     if (!AspectUtility.cam)
         Debug.LogError("No camera available");
     AspectUtility.wantedAspectRatio = this._wantedAspectRatio;
Пример #8
    void Start()
        // Initializers
        aUtil      = FindObjectOfType <AspectUtility>();
        dMan       = FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>();
        gwc        = FindObjectOfType <GWC001>();
        mainCamera = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera>();
        pause      = GameObject.Find("PauseScreen");
        pMove      = FindObjectOfType <PlayerMovement>();
        touches    = FindObjectOfType <TouchControls>();

        maxDoubleTapTime     = 0.333f;
        perspectiveZoomSpeed = 0.1f;       // The rate of change of the field of view in perspective mode.
        orthoZoomSpeed       = 0.0125f;    // The rate of change of the orthographic size in orthographic mode.
        speed    = 0.05f;
        tapCount = 0;

        bReadyToPan = true;
Пример #9
    void Start()
        // Initializers
        aUtil         = FindObjectOfType <AspectUtility>();
        camFollow     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <CameraFollow>();
        chars         = GetComponent <Characters>();
        dArrow        = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Arrow").GetComponent <ImageStrobe>();
        dBox          = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Box");
        dMan          = FindObjectOfType <DialogueManager>();
        dPic          = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Picture").GetComponent <Image>();
        dText         = GameObject.Find("Dialogue_Text").GetComponent <Text>();
        HUD           = GameObject.Find("HUD");
        mainCamera    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent <Camera>();
        mMan          = FindObjectOfType <MusicManager>();
        moveOptsArw   = FindObjectOfType <MoveOptionsMenuArrow>();
        muellerCards  = GameObject.Find("Mueller Cards");
        oBox          = GameObject.Find("Options_Box");
        oMan          = FindObjectOfType <OptionsManager>();
        pause         = FindObjectOfType <PauseGame>();
        pauseBtn      = GameObject.Find("Pause_Button");
        pauseScreen   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Pause");
        playerCard    = GameObject.Find("Player_Character_Card");
        save          = FindObjectOfType <SaveGame>();
        sFaderAnim    = GameObject.Find("Screen_Fader");
        sFaderAnimDia = GameObject.Find("Screen_Fader_Dialogue");
        SFXMan        = FindObjectOfType <SFXManager>();
        spLogic       = FindObjectOfType <SinglePlayerLogic>();
        thePlayer     = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        touches       = FindObjectOfType <TouchControls>();
        trumpCards    = GameObject.Find("Trump Cards");
        uMan          = FindObjectOfType <UIManager>();

        charTiles = new CharacterTile[24];

        guessThreshold = 1.25f;
        musicTimer1    = 5.39f;
        musicTimer2    = 1.05f;
        strobeTimer    = 1.0f;

        // Trump Dialogue
        //dialogueLines = new string[] {
        //        "There was no collusion. Everybody knows there was no collusion.",
        //        "The Fake News, the Disgusting Democrats, and the Deep State would say different."
        //    };

        // Initial prompt to pick a mode
        dMan.bDialogueActive = false;
        mMan.bMusicCanPlay   = false;


        // First Time w/ App, set to "Factory Settings"
        if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("GivenDirectionsForGWC") == 0)

            dialogueLines = new string[] {
                "I want YOU.. to         Guess Who Colluded.",
                "Like classic Guess Who, you'll be flipping tiles and guessing people.",
                "Tap or click options when they appear below this text box.",
                "Tap or click tiles to keep track of who your opponent is.",
                "If you have trouble, click the menu icon in the top right.",
                "It'll show you your character card, let you change settings, etc.",

            // Avoid "Factory Settings"
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("GivenDirectionsForGWC", 1);
            dialogueLines = new string[] {
                "I want YOU.. to         Guess Who Colluded."

        dMan.dialogueLines        = dialogueLines;
        dMan.currentLine          = 0;
        dText.text                = dialogueLines[dMan.currentLine];
        dPic.sprite               = portPic[48];
        dBox.transform.localScale = Vector3.one;
        sFaderAnimDia.GetComponent <Animator>().enabled = true;

        thePlayer.GetComponent <PlayerMovement>().bStopPlayerMovement = true;