public async Task AddAsyncThrowsWhenTheUserIdIsNull()
            // Arrange
            var mapperMock      = new Mock <IMapper>();
            var ascentsRepoMock = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Ascent> >();
            var pointsRepoMock  = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Points> >();

            var ascentsService = new AscentsService(ascentsRepoMock.Object, pointsRepoMock.Object, mapperMock.Object);

            // Assert
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <ArgumentNullException>(async() =>
                // Act
                await ascentsService.AddAsync(new AscentInputModel(), null);
        public async Task AddAsyncAddsTheEntityAndSetsItsPoints(
            string userId,
            string boulderId,
            string styleId,
            string gradeId,
            int stars,
            string comment,
            bool recommend,
            int daysToSubtract,
            int weeklyPoints,
            int monthlyPoints,
            int yearlyPoints,
            int allTimePoints)
            var timeSpan   = TimeSpan.FromDays(daysToSubtract);
            var ascentDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(timeSpan);

            // Arrange

            var ascentsRepoMock = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Ascent> >();
            var pointsRepoMock  = new Mock <IDeletableEntityRepository <Points> >();

            var saved = false;

            // To test if the ascent is actually added
            var realAscentsList = new List <Ascent>();

            // To test if points are calculated correctly
            var fakeAscentsList = new List <Ascent>()
                new Ascent()
                    ApplicationUserId = userId,

                    Grade = new Grade()
                        Points = 100,

                    Style = new Style()
                        BonusPoints = 50,

                    Date = ascentDate,

            var points = new Points()
                ApplicationUserId = userId,

            var pointsList = new List <Points>()

            var ascentInput = new AscentInputModel()
                BoulderId = boulderId,
                Stars     = stars,
                StyleId   = styleId,
                Comment   = comment,
                GradeId   = gradeId,
                Recommend = recommend,
                Date      = ascentDate,

            ascentsRepoMock.Setup(x => x.All())

            ascentsRepoMock.Setup(x => x.AllAsNoTracking())

            ascentsRepoMock.Setup(x => x.SaveChangesAsync())
            .Callback(() =>
                saved = true;

            ascentsRepoMock.Setup(x => x.AddAsync(It.IsAny <Ascent>()))
            .Callback((Ascent ascent) =>

            pointsRepoMock.Setup(x => x.All())

            var ascentsService = new AscentsService(ascentsRepoMock.Object, pointsRepoMock.Object, AutoMapperConfig.MapperInstance);

            // Act
            await ascentsService.AddAsync(ascentInput, userId);

            // Assert
            var ascent = realAscentsList[0];

            Assert.Equal(boulderId, ascent.BoulderId);
            Assert.Equal(stars, ascent.Stars);
            Assert.Equal(styleId, ascent.StyleId);
            Assert.Equal(comment, ascent.Comment);
            Assert.Equal(gradeId, ascent.GradeId);
            Assert.Equal(recommend, ascent.Recommend);
            Assert.Equal(ascentDate, ascent.Date);

            Assert.Equal(weeklyPoints, points.Weekly);
            Assert.Equal(monthlyPoints, points.Monthly);
            Assert.Equal(yearlyPoints, points.Yearly);
            Assert.Equal(allTimePoints, points.AllTime);