Пример #1
        private static void Task2()
        {// - how many artists end with letter 'a' (case insensitive)
            var result =
                Artists.Count(a => a.FullName.ToLower().EndsWith("a"));

Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Init();// this method fills the arrays above with data

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            Action line = () => Console.WriteLine();
            //1 - how many Songs start with the letter 'a' (case insensitive)
            //int StartsWithA=Songs.Where(song=>song.Name.StartsWith("a")).Count();
            int StartsWithA2 = Songs.Count(song => song.Name.ToLower().StartsWith("a"));

            Console.WriteLine($"{StartsWithA2} songs start with the letter a");

            //2 - how many artists end with letter 'a' (case insensitive)
            int ArtistEndWithA = Artists.Count(artist => artist.FullName.ToLower().EndsWith("a"));

            Console.WriteLine($"{ArtistEndWithA} artist end with the letter a");

            //3 - whats the name of the song with longest duration
            //int SongWithLongestDuration=Songs.Max(song=>song.Duration);
            var SongNameLongestDuration = Songs.Where(songD => songD.Duration == Songs.Max(song => song.Duration))
                                          .Select(nameSong => nameSong.Name)
                                          .FirstOrDefault(); // if there are more songs with the same duration as the max duration it will be shown only the name of the first one

            Console.WriteLine($"The name of the song with longest duration is {SongNameLongestDuration}");

            //4 - whats the total Duration of all Songs
            int totalDuration = Songs.Sum(song => song.Duration);

            Console.WriteLine($"Total duration of all songs is {totalDuration} s");

            //5 - how many albums have Songs longer than 300 seconds
            int numOfAlbumsLonger300 = Albums.Count(album => album.Songs.Any(song => song.Duration > 300));

            Console.WriteLine($"There are {numOfAlbumsLonger300} albums with songs longer than 300s ");

            //6 - print the names of the artists(separated with "--"), that have more than one album of PopRock genre
            var ArtistAlbum = Artists.Join(Albums,
                                           ar => ar.Id,
                                           a => a.ArtistId,
                                           (ar, a) => new { Name = ar.FullName, Albums = ar.Albums, Genre = a.Genre });

            var Name = ArtistAlbum.Where(x => x.Genre == Genre.PopRock)
                       .GroupBy(n => n.Name)
                       .Select(a => new { Name = a.Key, Num = a.Count() })
                       .Where(x => x.Num > 1)
                       .Select(n => n.Name);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join("--", Name));

            //7 - print the name of the album that has highest Average duration of a song
            var AverageDuration = Albums.Select(s => new { albumName = s.Name, averageDuration = s.Songs.Average(d => d.Duration) });
            var maxADuration    = AverageDuration.Max(s => s.averageDuration);
            var NameAlbumHighestAverageDuraion = AverageDuration
                                                 .Where(album => album.averageDuration == maxADuration)
                                                 .Select(s => s.albumName);

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", NameAlbumHighestAverageDuraion) + " album with highest average duration of a songs");

            //8 - how many characters has the song that has the shortest Duration
            var shortestDuration = Songs.Min(song => song.Duration);
            var NameOfThesongWithShortestDuration = Songs.Where(song => song.Duration == shortestDuration)
                                                    .Select(s => s.Name)
            var Characters = NameOfThesongWithShortestDuration.Replace(" ", "").ToList().Count();

            Console.WriteLine($"The song that has the shortest Duration has {Characters} characters ");

            //9 - print the name and the genre of the album that has most songs
            var SongNum      = Albums.Select(album => new { name = album.Name, genre = album.Genre, songs = album.Songs.Count() });
            var max          = SongNum.Max(album => album.songs);
            var nameAndGenre = SongNum.Where(album => album.songs == max)
                               .Select(n => new { AlbumName = n.name, AlbumGenre = n.genre });

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", nameAndGenre) + " has most songs");

            //10 - print the name of the artist that has most songs
            var ArtistAndNumSong = Artists.Join(Albums,
                                                ar => ar.Id,
                                                a => a.ArtistId, (ar, a) => new { Name = ar.FullName, numSongs = a.Songs.Count() });

            var ArtistSong = ArtistAndNumSong
                             .GroupBy(n => n.Name)
                             .Select(s => new { nameArtis = s.Key, num = s.Sum(k => k.numSongs) });

            var maxSong            = ArtistSong.Max(song => song.num);
            var ArtistWithMaxSongs = ArtistSong
                                     .Where(s => s.num == maxSong)
                                     .Select(n => n.nameArtis);

            Console.WriteLine("The name of the artist that has the most songs is" + string.Join(" ", ArtistWithMaxSongs));

            //11 - print the type of the artist(SoloArtist/Band) that has most albums published before year 2000

            //all artists with number of their albums published before 2000
            var albumsAndYears = Albums.Where(album => album.Year < 2000)
                                 .GroupBy(a => a.ArtistId)
                                 .Select(artist => new{ artistId = artist.Key, albumbs = artist.Count() });
            //one album and artist id whit max albums published before 2000
            var m  = albumsAndYears.Max(a => a.albumbs);
            var id = albumsAndYears.Where(a => a.albumbs == m);
            //type of the artist
            var artistType = Artists.Join(id,
                                          a => a.Id,
                                          i => i.artistId,
                                          (a, i) => new { type = a.ArtistType });

            Console.WriteLine("The type of the artist that has most albums published before 2000 y is " + string.Join(" ", artistType));

            //12 - print the average song duration, of the album that has most songs
            var SongAndAlbum = Albums.Select(album => new { name = album.Name, averageD = album.Songs.Average(s => s.Duration), songs = album.Songs.Count() });
            var maxSongs     = SongAndAlbum.Max(album => album.songs);
            var averageSongDurationMostSongs = SongAndAlbum.Where(album => album.songs == maxSongs)
                                               .Select(songs => songs.averageD)

            Console.WriteLine($"The average song duration of the album that has most songs is {averageSongDurationMostSongs}");

            // Bonus:
            //13 - print the longest song duration of the album that has least songs
            var albumLeast     = Albums.Select(s => new { name = s.Name, songs = s.Songs.Count(), id = s.Id });
            var minSongInAlbum = albumLeast.Min(s => s.songs);

            var albumWithLeast = albumLeast.Where(s => s.songs == minSongInAlbum);
            // min broj na pesni vo album e 8 no ima 2 albumi so po 8 pesni
            // kako rezultat najdolga pesna vo odnos na dvata albumi so najmal broj pesni
            var songFromAlbum = albumWithLeast.Join(Songs,
                                                    a => a.id,
                                                    s => s.AlbumId,
                                                    (a, s) => new{ songName = s.Name, duration = s.Duration }
            var songDuration = songFromAlbum.Max(s => s.duration);
            var LongestSongFromAlbumWithLeastSongs = songFromAlbum.Where(s => s.duration == songDuration)
                                                     .Select(s => s.songName);

            Console.WriteLine("The longest song of the album with least songs is " + string.Join(" ", LongestSongFromAlbumWithLeastSongs));

            //14 - print the name of the album that has most songs that contain letter 'a' in the name
            var songsAndLetterA = Songs.Select(s => new { SongName = s.Name, albumId = s.AlbumId });
            var numOfA          = songsAndLetterA.Select(s => new { vk = s.SongName.ToLower().ToCharArray().Count(a => a.Equals('a')), albumId = s.albumId })
                                  .Where(A => A.vk > 0)
                                  .GroupBy(a => a.albumId)
                                  .Select(S => new{ idA = S.Key, songs = S.Count() });
            var mostWithA = numOfA.Max(a => a.songs);
            var albumName = numOfA.Where(a => a.songs == mostWithA).Join(Albums,
                                                                         a => a.idA,
                                                                         al => al.Id,
                                                                         (a, al) => new{ nameAlbum = al.Name });

            // .Select(s=>new{albumId=s.Key,songsD=s.Count(a=>a.vk)});
            // Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ",numOfA));
            Console.WriteLine("The name of the album that has most songs that contain letter a is " + string.Join(" ", albumName));
            //15 - print the name of the artist that has most songs that end with letter 'd'

            //artist id and number of songs that the artist has which ends with d
            var songsLetterD = Songs.Where(song => song.Name.ToLower().EndsWith("d"))
                               .GroupBy(s => s.AlbumId)
                               .Select(a => new { albumId = a.Key, songsD = a.Count() });
            var MaxsongD = songsLetterD.Max(s => s.songsD);

            var albumId = songsLetterD.Where(s => s.songsD == MaxsongD).Join(Albums,
                                                                             aId => aId.albumId,
                                                                             a => a.Id,
                                                                             (aId, a) => new{ artistId = a.ArtistId }
                                                                                    art => art.artistId,
                                                                                    a => a.Id,
                                                                                    (art, a) => new{ artistName = a.FullName }

            Console.WriteLine("The name of the artist that has most songs that end with letter d is " + string.Join(" ", albumId));
