public async Task <IActionResult> Create()
            var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            // Retrieve all the clients associated with the current user from the database.
            var clients = await _context.Client.Where(c => c.User == user).ToListAsync();

            // Create a list of SelectListItems to hold the client options
            var clientListOptions = new List <SelectListItem>();

            // Loop over the clients to create the SelectListItem and add it to the list
            foreach (Client c in clients)
                clientListOptions.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Value = c.ClientId.ToString(),
                    Text  = c.Name

            // Create an instance of the ArtistCreateViewModel to add the list options to
            ArtistCreateEditViewModel createViewModel = new ArtistCreateEditViewModel();

            // Set the client list options ot the AvailableClients on the view model
            createViewModel.AvailableClients = clientListOptions;

        public async Task <IActionResult> Create(ArtistCreateEditViewModel createArtist)
            // Remove the User and UserId so the ModelState can be valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Attach the current user to the created artist and add them to the database
                createArtist.Artist.User = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

                createArtist.Artist.UserId = createArtist.Artist.User.Id;
                // If the created artist has any SelectedClients foreach over it to create the individual ClientArtist and add it to the database.
                if (createArtist.SelectedClients != null)
                    foreach (int clientId in createArtist.SelectedClients)
                        ClientArtist newCA = new ClientArtist()
                            ClientId = clientId,
                            ArtistId = createArtist.Artist.ArtistId
                // Once everything has been added save the changes to the database.
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int?id, ArtistCreateEditViewModel editViewModel)
            if (id == null)

            var artist = await _context.Artist.FindAsync(id);

            if (artist == null)

            var user = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

            // Retrieve the Clients and ClientArtists associated with the user and artist respectively.
            var clients = await _context.Client.Where(c => c.User == user).ToListAsync();

            var clientArtists = await _context.ClientArtist.Where(ca => ca.ArtistId == id).ToListAsync();

            // Create lists for the client options and the client ids of those already selected
            var clientListOptions = new List <SelectListItem>();
            var clientIds         = new List <int>();

            // Loop over the retrieved clients and existing ClientArtists to add their respective SelectListListItem and ids
            foreach (Client c in clients)
                clientListOptions.Add(new SelectListItem
                    Value = c.ClientId.ToString(),
                    Text  = c.Name

            foreach (ClientArtist ca in clientArtists)

            // Set the lists to the view model
            editViewModel.AvailableClients = clientListOptions;
            editViewModel.SelectedClients  = clientIds;
            editViewModel.Artist           = artist;

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, ArtistCreateEditViewModel editArtist)
            if (id != editArtist.Artist.ArtistId)

            // Remove the User and UserId so the ModelState can be valid
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Delete joiner tables associated with the Artist before the edit so that there will not be duplicate tables after the edit is submitted.
                // First retrieve the ClientArtists from the database then loop over them to remove each one.
                var clientArtists = await _context.ClientArtist.Where(ca => ca.ArtistId == id).ToListAsync();

                if (clientArtists != null)
                    foreach (ClientArtist ca in clientArtists)
                    // Add the current user to the edited artist
                    editArtist.Artist.User = await GetCurrentUserAsync();

                    editArtist.Artist.UserId = editArtist.Artist.User.Id;
                    // Add the new joiner tables to the database if there are any. If there areany SelectedClients loop over them to create the ClientArtist and add it to the database.
                    if (editArtist.SelectedClients != null)
                        foreach (int clientId in editArtist.SelectedClients)
                            ClientArtist newCA = new ClientArtist()
                                ClientId = clientId,
                                ArtistId = editArtist.Artist.ArtistId
                    // Update the database with the new artist and save the changes
                    await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                    if (!ArtistExists(editArtist.Artist.ArtistId))