public ActionResult Comment([Bind(Include = "ArticleId, Comment")] ArticleComments artComment) { if (artComment.ArticleId <= 0) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "You have passed an invalid article.")); } if (db.Articles.Any((art => art.Id == artComment.ArticleId))) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(artComment.Comment)) { TempData["EmptyComment"] = true; } else { artComment.Date = DateTime.Now; artComment.UserId = User.Identity.Name; db.Comments.Add(artComment); db.SaveChanges(); } } else { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Article does not exist.")); } return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = artComment.ArticleId })); }
public ActionResult Edit(ArticleComment comment) { try { comment.LastUpdate = DateTime.Now; ViewBag.Success = true; if (comment.ID == -1) { ArticleComments.Insert(comment); UserNotifications.Send(UserID, String.Format("ویرایش نظر '{0}'", comment.Subject), "/Admin/ArticleComments/Edit/" + comment.ID, NotificationType.Success); comment = new ArticleComment(); } else { ArticleComments.Update(comment); } } catch (Exception ex) { SetErrors(ex); } return(ClearView(model: comment)); }
public async Task AddComment(string firstName, string lastName, string email, string message, int id) { var com = new ArticleComments { Author = firstName + " " + lastName, Company = email, Created = DateTime.Now, Dislikes = 0, Likes = 0, Text = message }; var arc = _ctx.Article.First(x => x.Id == id); var list = new List <ArticleComments> { com }; if (arc.ArticleComments != null) { list.AddRange(arc.ArticleComments); } IEnumerable <ArticleComments> allCom = list; arc.ArticleComments = allCom; _ctx.Update(arc); await _ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); }
public ActionResult CommentUpdateView(int CommentID) { ArticleComments ac = new ArticleComments(); ArticleCommentsVO acvo = ac.OneSelect(CommentID); ViewBag.Comments = acvo.Comments; ViewBag.CommentID = acvo.CommentID; return(View()); }
// GET: ArticleCommnets public ActionResult CommentList(string ArticleIDX, string pageNum, string start) { ArticleComments ac = new ArticleComments(); ViewBag.ArticleIDX = ArticleIDX; ViewBag.pN = pageNum; ViewBag.start = start; ViewBag.end = start + 9; return(View()); }
public ActionResult List(string groupTitle = "", int pageIndex = 0) { groupTitle = groupTitle.DeNormalizeForUrl(); var group = Groups.GetByTitle(groupTitle, _groupType); int?groupID = null; if (group != null) { groupID = group.ID; } if (pageIndex > 0) { pageIndex = pageIndex - 1; } else { pageIndex = 0; } var list = Articles.GetBlogList(pageIndex, pageSize, OnlineStore.Models.Enums.ArticleType.Blog, DateTime.Now, groupID); var latestPosts = Articles.GetLatestPosts(groupID.HasValue ? groupID.Value : (int?)null); var latestComments = ArticleComments.GetLatestComments(ArticleType.Blog, 6); var count = Articles.CountBlogList(OnlineStore.Models.Enums.ArticleType.Blog, DateTime.Now, groupID); var totalPages = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)count / pageSize); var paging = Utilities.MakePaging(totalPages, pageIndex + 1); foreach (var item in list) { try { var user = Identity.OSUsers.GetByID(item.UserID); item.UserTitle = user.Firstname + " " + user.Lastname; } catch (Exception ex) { item.UserTitle = StaticValues.HomeTitle; } } var model = new BlogList { DataList = list, GroupID = groupID, Paging = paging, TotalPages = totalPages, CurrentPageIndex = pageIndex, LatestPosts = latestPosts, LatestComments = latestComments }; return(View(url + "Index.cshtml", model: model)); }
public async Task <JsonResult> Get(int pageIndex, int pageSize, string pageOrder, int?articleID, string email, sbyte?articleCommentStatus) { if (pageOrder.Trim() == "ID") { pageOrder = "LastUpdate desc"; } ArticleCommentStatus?status = null; if (articleCommentStatus.HasValue && articleCommentStatus != -1) { status = (ArticleCommentStatus)articleCommentStatus; } var list = ArticleComments.Get(pageIndex, pageSize, pageOrder, articleID, email, status); foreach (var item in list) { item.UserFullName = item.UserID != null ? (await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(item.UserID)).Firstname + " " + (await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(item.UserID)).Lastname : item.UserName; } int total = ArticleComments.Count(articleID, email, status); int totalPage = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)total / pageSize); if (pageSize > total) { pageSize = total; } if (list.Count < pageSize) { pageSize = list.Count; } JsonResult result = new JsonResult() { Data = new { TotalPages = totalPage, PageIndex = pageIndex, PageSize = pageSize, Rows = list }, JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet }; return(result); }
public IActionResult CreateComment(int idArticle, ArticleComments comment) { var article = _context.Articles.Find(idArticle); if (article == null) { return(NotFound()); } comment.ArticleID = idArticle; _context.ArticleComments.Add(comment); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); }
public JsonResult AddComment(int id, string userName, string email, string subject, string text) { var jsonSuccessResult = new JsonSuccessResult(); try { ArticleComment comment = new ArticleComment { ArticleID = id, CommentStatus = ArticleCommentStatus.NotChecked, UserName = userName, Email = email, Subject = subject, Text = text, LastUpdate = DateTime.Now, UserID = User.Identity.IsAuthenticated ? UserID : null }; ArticleComments.Insert(comment); // اطلاع رسانی به مدیر #region Apprise Admin string body = "مدیریت محترم، در بخش نظرات وبلاگ، نظر جدیدی ثبت شد:"; body += "<br/>"; body += String.Format("ایمیل: {0} <br/> موضوع: {1} <br/> پیام: {2}", email, subject, text); EmailServices.NotifyAdminsByEmail(AdminEmailType.NewBlogComment, body, null); #endregion Apprise Admin jsonSuccessResult.Success = true; } catch (DbException ex) { jsonSuccessResult.Errors = ex.Errors.ToArray(); jsonSuccessResult.Success = false; } catch (Exception ex) { jsonSuccessResult.Errors = new string[] { ex.Message }; jsonSuccessResult.Success = false; } return(new JsonResult() { Data = jsonSuccessResult }); }
public IActionResult UpdateComment(int idArticle, int idComment, ArticleComments comment) { var commentToFind = _context.ArticleComments .SingleOrDefault(c => c.ArticleID == idArticle && c.CommentID == idComment); if (commentToFind == null) { return(NotFound()); } commentToFind.Content = comment.Content; _context.ArticleComments.Update(commentToFind); _context.SaveChanges(); return(Ok()); }
public ActionResult Edit(int?id) { ArticleComment comment; if (id.HasValue) { comment = ArticleComments.GetByID(id.Value); } else { comment = new ArticleComment(); } return(View(model: comment)); }
public JsonResult CommentCreate(string ArticleIDX, string Contents) { string result = string.Empty; ArticleComments ac = new ArticleComments(); string ID = Session["ID"].ToString(); Boolean check = ac.CommentCreate(ArticleIDX, Contents, ID); ViewBag.ID = ID; if (check) { result = "OK"; } else { result = "FAIL"; } return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult UpdateCheck(string Comment, int CommentID) { string result = string.Empty; ArticleComments ac = new ArticleComments(); Boolean check = ac.Update(Comment, CommentID); if (check) { result = "OK"; } else { result = "FAIL"; } return(Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult Delete(int id) { var jsonSuccessResult = new JsonSuccessResult(); try { ArticleComments.Delete(id); jsonSuccessResult.Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { jsonSuccessResult.Errors = new string[] { ex.Message }; jsonSuccessResult.Success = false; } return(new JsonResult() { Data = jsonSuccessResult }); }
public JsonResult Confirm(List <int> ids) { var jsonSuccessResult = new JsonSuccessResult(); try { ArticleComments.Confirm(ids); jsonSuccessResult.Success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { jsonSuccessResult.Errors = new string[] { ex.Message }; jsonSuccessResult.Success = false; } return(new JsonResult() { Data = jsonSuccessResult }); }
public ActionResult SearchDetail(string KeyWord, string No, int pN, int start) { Articles ar = new Articles(); ArticlesVO article = ar.SearchDetail(KeyWord, No); List <ArticlesVO> list = ar.SearchList(1, KeyWord); ViewBag.Max = list.First().Total; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SearchDetail.Max : " + list.First().Total); ViewBag.Contents = article.Contents; ViewBag.Subject = article.Title; ViewBag.ViewCount = article.ViewCount; ViewBag.RegistMemberID = article.RegistMemberID; ViewBag.RegistDate = article.RegistDate; ViewBag.No = article.No; ViewBag.ArticleIDX = article.ArticleIDX; ViewBag.sessionID = Session["ID"]; ViewBag.KeyWord = KeyWord; //댓글 ArticleComments ac = new ArticleComments(); List <ArticleCommentsVO> CommentList = ac.CommentList(article.ArticleIDX, pN); if (CommentList.Count == 0) { ViewBag.Total = 0; } else { ViewBag.Total = CommentList.First().Total; } ViewBag.ArticleIDX = article.ArticleIDX; ViewBag.pN = pN; ViewBag.start = start; ViewBag.end = start + 9; return(View(CommentList)); }
//게시판 글 단일 뷰 public ActionResult Detail(string No, int pN, int start) { Articles ar = new Articles(); ArticlesVO article = ar.Detail(No); List <ArticlesVO> list = ar.ArticleList(1); ViewBag.Max = list.First().Total; ViewBag.Contents = article.Contents; ViewBag.Subject = article.Title; ViewBag.ViewCount = article.ViewCount; ViewBag.RegistMemberID = article.RegistMemberID; ViewBag.RegistDate = article.RegistDate; ViewBag.No = article.No; ViewBag.ArticleIDX = article.ArticleIDX; ViewBag.sessionID = Session["ID"]; //댓글 ArticleComments ac = new ArticleComments(); List <ArticleCommentsVO> CommentList = ac.CommentList(article.ArticleIDX, pN); if (CommentList.Count == 0) { ViewBag.Total = 0; } else { ViewBag.Total = CommentList.First().Total; } ViewBag.ArticleIDX = article.ArticleIDX; ViewBag.pN = pN; ViewBag.start = start; ViewBag.end = start + 9; return(View(CommentList)); }
public ResultModel SaveComment(ArticleCommentDto ArticleComment) { var article = _ArticleRepository.GetById(ArticleComment.ArticleId); if (article == null) { return(new ResultModel(false, "Makale bulunamadı.")); } if (ArticleComment.Id > 0) { var ArticleEntity = new ArticleComments { Id = ArticleComment.Id, Email = ArticleComment.Email, Text = ArticleComment.Text, ArticleId = ArticleComment.ArticleId }; _ArticleCommentRepository.Update(ArticleEntity); } else { var ArticleEntity = new ArticleComments { Email = ArticleComment.Email, Text = ArticleComment.Text, ArticleId = ArticleComment.ArticleId }; _ArticleCommentRepository.Create(ArticleEntity); } return(_unitOfWork.Commit()); }
public ActionResult Details(int id) { #region Details var blogDetails = Articles.GetBlogByID(id); if (blogDetails == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } try { var user = Identity.OSUsers.GetByID(blogDetails.UserID); blogDetails.UserTitle = user.Firstname + " " + user.Lastname; } catch (Exception) { blogDetails.UserTitle = StaticValues.HomeTitle; } blogDetails.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(blogDetails.Text); #endregion Details var latestPosts = Articles.GetLatestPosts(blogDetails.GroupID); var latestComments = ArticleComments.GetLatestComments(ArticleType.Blog, 6, blogDetails.GroupID); var comments = ArticleComments.GetByArticleID(id); var relatedPosts = RelatedArticles.GetRelatedArticles(id); var group = Groups.GetByID(blogDetails.GroupID); #region Products var products = Products.GetRandom(); Products.FillProductItems(UserID, products, StaticValues.RelatedProductImageSize); var shopProducts = new RelatedProductSettings { Products = products, Title = "فروشگاه آنلاین استور" }; #endregion Products // increase Visits increaseVisits(id); BlogDetail model = new BlogDetail { BlogDetails = blogDetails, LatestComments = latestComments, LatestPosts = latestPosts, Comments = comments, RelatedPosts = relatedPosts, Products = shopProducts }; ViewBag.Title = blogDetails.Title; ViewBag.Description = blogDetails.Summary; ViewBag.Keywords = group.Title + ", " + group.TitleEn + ", " + blogDetails.Title.Split(' ').Aggregate((a, b) => b + ", " + a); ViewBag.OGType = "article"; ViewBag.OGImage = StaticValues.WebsiteUrl + StaticPaths.ArticleImages + blogDetails.Image; return(View(url + "Details.cshtml", model: model)); }
public ActionResult InsertComment(string Comment) { VwArticlesModel model = new VwArticlesModel(); if (Session["User"] != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Comment)) { user = (Users)Session["User"]; string articleID = RouteData.Values["Id"].ToString(); double dblReplyID = 0; ArticleComments articleComments = new ArticleComments(); SqlConnection LclConn = new SqlConnection(); SqlTransaction SetTransaction = null; bool IsinTransaction = false; if (LclConn.State != ConnectionState.Open) { articleComments.SetConnection = articleComments.OpenConnection(LclConn); SetTransaction = LclConn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted); IsinTransaction = true; } else { articleComments.SetConnection = LclConn; } articleComments.OptionID = 1; articleComments.ReplyUserId = user.UserId; articleComments.ArticleId = double.Parse(articleID.ToString()); articleComments.ReplyText = Comment; articleComments.InsertedDate = DateTime.Now; bool result = articleComments.CreateArticleComments(ref dblReplyID, SetTransaction); if (IsinTransaction && result) { SetTransaction.Commit(); if (!Session["AskedUserEMail"].ToString().Contains("")) { Mail mail = new Mail(); string strLink = "" + articleID.ToString() + "&QT=" + model.ArticleTitle + ""; mail.Body = "<a href=" + strLink + "\\>Click here to view solution to: " + model.ArticleTitle + "</a>"; mail.FromAdd = "*****@*****.**"; mail.Subject = "Code Analyze - Received response for " + model.ArticleTitle; mail.ToAdd = Session["AskedUserEMail"].ToString(); mail.CCAdds = "*****@*****.**"; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.SendMail(); } } else { SetTransaction.Rollback(); } articleComments.CloseConnection(LclConn); ViewBag.ReplyId = dblReplyID; model = SetDefaults(); } else { ViewBag.lblAck = "Please sign in to post your comment."; } } return View("../Articles/Details", model); }