Пример #1
        // Find the ArrayRow for this row.
        // If create is true, create the ArrayRow if it doesn't exist.
        private ArrayRow FindRow(int row, bool create)
            // Find the ArrayRow before the one we want.
            ArrayRow before = FindRowBefore(row);

            // If we found it, return it.
            if ((before.NextRow != null) && (before.NextRow.RowNumber == row))

            // We didn't find it. See if we should create it.
            if (create)
                // Create the new ArrayRow.
                ArrayRow newRow = new ArrayRow();
                newRow.RowNumber = row;

                // Insert it in the row list.
                newRow.NextRow = before.NextRow;
                before.NextRow = newRow;

                // Create the row's sentinel.
                newRow.RowSentinel           = new ArrayEntry();
                newRow.RowSentinel.NextEntry = null;

                // Return it.

            // We didn't find it and shouldn't create it. Return null.
Пример #2
        // Create the sentinels.
        public SparseArray(T defaultValue)
            // Save the default value.
            DefaultValue = defaultValue;

            // Create the row sentinel.
            TopSentinel         = new ArrayRow();
            TopSentinel.NextRow = null;
Пример #3
        // Find the ArrayRow before this row.
        private ArrayRow FindRowBefore(int row)
            // Start at the sentinel.
            ArrayRow arrayRow = TopSentinel;

            // Find the row before the required one.
            while ((arrayRow.NextRow != null) && (arrayRow.NextRow.RowNumber < row))
                arrayRow = arrayRow.NextRow;

            // Return the ArrayRow before the row or null.
Пример #4
        // Find the ArrayEntry for this row and column.
        // If create is true, create the ArrayEntry if it doesn't exist.
        private ArrayEntry FindEntry(int row, int col, bool create)
            // Find the entry's row.
            ArrayRow arrayRow = FindRow(row, create);

            // If we didn't find it (or create it), return null.
            if (arrayRow == null)

            // Find the entry in this row and return it.
            return(FindColumn(arrayRow.RowSentinel, col, create));
Пример #5
        // Iterator.
        public IEnumerator <ArrayValue <T> > GetEnumerator()
            ArrayRow arrayRow = TopSentinel.NextRow;

            while (arrayRow != null)
                ArrayEntry arrayEntry = arrayRow.RowSentinel.NextEntry;
                while (arrayEntry != null)
                    yield return(new ArrayValue <T>
                        Row = arrayRow.RowNumber,
                        Column = arrayEntry.ColumnNumber,
                        Value = arrayEntry.Value

                    arrayEntry = arrayEntry.NextEntry;
                arrayRow = arrayRow.NextRow;
Пример #6
        protected override IAsyncResult BeginExecute(AsyncCodeActivityContext context, AsyncCallback callback, object state)
            DataTable dataTable = DataTable.Get(context);
            DataRow   dataRow   = DataRow.Get(context);

            object[] objs = ArrayRow.Get(context);
                if (dataRow != null)
                    object[] newObjs = null;
                    if (objs.Length > dataTable.Columns.Count)
                        List <object> list = new List <object>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
                        newObjs = list.ToArray();
            catch (Exception e)
                SharedObject.Instance.Output(SharedObject.enOutputType.Error, "增加数据库行失败", e.Message);
                throw e;

            m_Delegate = new runDelegate(Run);
            return(m_Delegate.BeginInvoke(callback, state));
Пример #7
        // Delete the indicated entry if it exists.
        public void DeleteEntry(int row, int col)
            // Find the row before the entry's row.
            ArrayRow rowBefore = FindRowBefore(row);

            // If we didn't find the row, we're done.
            ArrayRow arrayRow = rowBefore.NextRow;

            if ((arrayRow == null) || (arrayRow.RowNumber != row))

            // Find the entry before this entry's entry.
            ArrayEntry entryBefore = FindColumnBefore(arrayRow.RowSentinel, col);
            ArrayEntry arrayEntry  = entryBefore.NextEntry;

            // If we didn't find the entry, we're done.
            if ((arrayEntry == null) || (arrayEntry.ColumnNumber != col))

            // Remove the entry from the row's list.
            entryBefore.NextEntry = arrayEntry.NextEntry;
            // arrayEntry.NextEntry = null;
            // free(arrayEntry);

            // If there are no more entries in the row, remove it.
            ArrayEntry arraySentinel = arrayRow.RowSentinel;

            if (arraySentinel.NextEntry == null)
                rowBefore.NextRow = arrayRow.NextRow;
                // arrayRow.RowSentinel = null;
                // free(arraySentinel);
                // free(arrayRow);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Odczytuje wiersz ArrayRow macierzy HAL z tokenem-kluczem
        /// Odcztytuje parę uint => ArrayRow&lt;uint&gt;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">Strumień binarny do odczytu</param>
        /// <returns>Wiersz macierzy HAL z tokenem-kluczem</returns>
        public static KeyValuePair<uint, ArrayRow<uint>> readArrayRow(BinaryReader reader)
            uint rowId;
            ArrayRow<uint> row = new ArrayRow<uint>();

            /* Odczyt ID i count dla wiersza */
            rowId = reader.ReadUInt32();
            row.count = reader.ReadInt32();

            int cellsCount = reader.ReadInt32();
            row.cells = new KeyValuePair<uint, Cell>[cellsCount];

            /* ID tokenu ostatnio odczytanej komórki */
            uint id = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < cellsCount; i++)
                Cell cell = new Cell();

                /* Odczytaj bajt informacyjny */
                byte infoByte = reader.ReadByte();

                /* Odczytaj różnicę ID od poprzedniej komórki, dodaj do ID, odczytaj count i sum (patrz Cell) */
                id += loadUint(reader, ref infoByte);
                cell.count = (int)loadUint(reader, ref infoByte);
                cell.sum = (int)loadUint(reader, ref infoByte);

                /* Wstaw odczytaną komórkę do wiersza */
                row.cells[i] = new KeyValuePair<uint, Cell>(id, cell);

            /* TODO: to powinno być zbędne, komórki powinny być sortowane przy zapisie */
            Array.Sort<KeyValuePair<uint, Cell>>(row.cells,
                delegate(KeyValuePair<uint, Cell> firstPair, KeyValuePair<uint, Cell> nextPair)
                { return firstPair.Key.CompareTo(nextPair.Key); }

            return new KeyValuePair<uint, ArrayRow<uint>>(rowId, row);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Oblicza dystans między dwoma tokenami
        /// Jeśli wektory (wiersze) nie mają wspólnych wymiarów, zwracane jest -1, w przeciwnym razie
        /// odległość wg miary Minkowskiego przy r = 1.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row1">Wiersz macierzy HAL pierwszego tokenu</param>
        /// <param name="row2">Wiersz macierzy HAL drugiego tokenu</param>
        /// <returns>Odległość między tokenami</returns>
        private int calculateDistance(ArrayRow<uint> row1, ArrayRow<uint> row2)
            int index1 = 0, index2 = 0, count1 = row1.cells.Length, count2 = row2.cells.Length, distance = 0;

            while (index1 < count1 && index2 < count2)
                if (row1.cells[index1].Key < row2.cells[index2].Key)
                    distance += row1.cells[index1].Value.sum;
                else if (row1.cells[index1].Key > row2.cells[index2].Key)
                    distance += row2.cells[index2].Value.sum;
                    distance += Math.Abs(row1.cells[index1].Value.sum - row2.cells[index2].Value.sum);

            while (index1 < count1)
                distance += row1.cells[index1].Value.sum;

            while (index2 < count2)
                distance += row2.cells[index2].Value.sum;

            if (distance == 0)
                return -1;

            return distance;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds boxes from array row number rowNum
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="row"></param>
        /// <param name="rowNum"></param>
        /// <param name="noData"></param>
        public void addArrayRow(int[] row, int rowNum, int noData)
            ArrayRow ar = new ArrayRow(row);

            addRow(new Row(ar.Row), rowNum, row.Length, noData);