public void method_2(StructureHeaderNode class2860, Gh3Songlist gh3Songlist0) { UnicodeStructureNode @class; Title = (((@class = class2860.method_5(new UnicodeStructureNode("title"))) != null) ? @class.method_8() : ""); AsciiStructureNode class2; CompletionMovie = (((class2 = class2860.method_5(new AsciiStructureNode("completion_movie"))) != null) ? class2.method_8() : ""); IntegerStructureNode class3; Defaultunlocked = (((class3 = class2860.method_5(new IntegerStructureNode("defaultunlocked"))) != null) ? class3.method_8() : 0); TagStructureNode class4; Level = (((class4 = class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode("level"))) != null) ? class4.method_8() : "No Preset Stage"); SetlistIcon = (((class4 = class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode("setlist_icon"))) != null) ? class4.method_8() : "No Icon"); Encorep1 = (class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode(0, "encorep1")) != null); Encorep2 = (class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode(0, "encorep2")) != null); AerosmithEncoreP1 = (class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode(0, "aerosmith_encore_p1")) != null); Boss = (class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode(0, "boss")) != null); Nocash = (class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode(0, "nocash")) != null); Unlockall = (class2860.method_5(new TagStructureNode(0, "unlockall")) != null); var class5 = new ArrayPointerNode("songs"); if (class2860.method_6(ref class5) && !(class5.method_8() is FloatListNode)) { foreach (var current in class5.method_8().method_8 <string>()) { if (gh3Songlist0.ContainsKey(current)) { Songs.Add(gh3Songlist0[current]); } else { Console.WriteLine("Song (" + current + ") skipped: does not exist in the songlist."); } } } }
public void method_2(StructureHeaderNode class286_0, GH3Songlist gh3Songlist_0) { UnicodeStructureNode @class; this.title = (((@class = class286_0.method_5 <UnicodeStructureNode>(new UnicodeStructureNode("title"))) != null) ? @class.method_8() : ""); AsciiStructureNode class2; this.completion_movie = (((class2 = class286_0.method_5 <AsciiStructureNode>(new AsciiStructureNode("completion_movie"))) != null) ? class2.method_8() : ""); IntegerStructureNode class3; this.defaultunlocked = (((class3 = class286_0.method_5 <IntegerStructureNode>(new IntegerStructureNode("defaultunlocked"))) != null) ? class3.method_8() : 0); TagStructureNode class4; this.level = (((class4 = class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode("level"))) != null) ? class4.method_8() : "No Preset Stage"); this.setlist_icon = (((class4 = class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode("setlist_icon"))) != null) ? class4.method_8() : "No Icon"); this.encorep1 = (class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode(0, "encorep1")) != null); this.encorep2 = (class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode(0, "encorep2")) != null); this.aerosmith_encore_p1 = (class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode(0, "aerosmith_encore_p1")) != null); this.boss = (class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode(0, "boss")) != null); this.nocash = (class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode(0, "nocash")) != null); this.unlockall = (class286_0.method_5 <TagStructureNode>(new TagStructureNode(0, "unlockall")) != null); ArrayPointerNode class5 = new ArrayPointerNode("songs"); if (class286_0.method_6 <ArrayPointerNode>(ref class5) && !(class5.method_8() is FloatListNode)) { foreach (string current in class5.method_8().method_8 <string>()) { if (gh3Songlist_0.ContainsKey(current)) { this.songs.Add(gh3Songlist_0[current]); } else { Console.WriteLine("Song (" + current + ") skipped: does not exist in the songlist."); } } } }