/// <summary>
        /// Gives specified item to the specified player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void Give(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // /give <stack> <item> [prefix] [player]
            var index = 0;
            int stack = args.GetInt(index++);
            string name = args.GetString(index++);

            //            var max = Tools.AvailableItemSlots; //Perhaps remove a few incase of new drops
            //            if (stack > max)
            //            {
            //                stack = max; // Set to Tools.AvailableItemSlots because number given was larger than this.
            //            }
            int id;
            var results = Int32.TryParse(name, out id) ? DefinitionManager.FindItem(id) : DefinitionManager.FindItem(name);
            if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
                if (results.Length > 1)
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format("More than 1 item found, total is: {0}", results.Length));

                var item = results[0];
                string prefix;
                if (args.TryGetString(index, out prefix))
                        Affix afx;
                        if (Enum.TryParse(prefix, out afx))
                            item.Prefix = (int)afx;
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        throw new CommandError(String.Format("Error, the Prefix you entered was not found: {0}", args.GetString(3)));

                Player receiver;
                if (!args.TryGetOnlinePlayer(index, out receiver))
                    if (sender is Player)
                        receiver = sender as Player;
                    else throw new CommandError("Expected an online player");

                receiver.GiveItem(item.Id, stack, item.MaxStack, sender, item.NetId, true, item.Prefix);
                throw new CommandError(String.Format("No item known by: {0}", name));
Пример #2
        internal static void MaxPlayersCommand(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            if (MaxPlayersDisabled)
                sender.Message(255, "This command has been disabled.");

            int maxp  = -1;
            int overl = -1;

            if (args.TryGetInt(0, out maxp) && (maxp < 1 || maxp > MAX_SLOTS))
                sender.Message(255, "Max numbers of players must be in range 1 .. {0}", MAX_SLOTS);

            if (args.Count > 1)
                overl = args.GetInt(1);
                if (overl < 0 || overl > maxp)
                    sender.Message(255, "Number of overlimit slots must be in range 0 .. <max player count>");

            int oldmax  = maxSlots;
            int oldover = overlimitSlots;

            int result = maxSlots;

            if (maxp >= 0 || overl >= 0)
                result = ChangeLimits(maxp < 0 ? maxSlots : maxp, overl < 0 ? overlimitSlots : overl);
                    String.Format("Max player slots changed to {0}+{1}. [{2}]", result, overlimitSlots, sender.SenderName)

            sender.Message(255, Color.SteelBlue, "Max player slots: {0}, overlimit slots: {1}", result, overlimitSlots);

            if (oldmax != maxSlots || oldover != overlimitSlots)
                Main.maxNetPlayers = maxSlots;
                //Program.properties.MaxPlayers = maxSlots;
                //Program.properties.OverlimitSlots = overlimitSlots;
                //Program.properties.Save (true);
Пример #3
        public static void ListWarp(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            if (WarpManager.WarpList.Count < 1)
                throw new CommandError("There are no warps.");

            int maxPages = WarpManager.WarpList.Count / 5;
            int page     = args.GetInt(0);

            if (maxPages > 0 && page > maxPages - 1 || page < 1)
                throw new CommandError("Pages: 1 => {0}", maxPages);

            page *= 5;

            if (page >= WarpManager.WarpList.Count)
                page = WarpManager.WarpList.Count;

            int start = page - 5;

            if (page < 4)
                start = 0;

            for (int i = start; i < page; i++)
                Warp warp = WarpManager.WarpList.ToArray()[i];

                if (warp.IsUserAccessible(sender.Name) || !(sender is Player) || sender.Op) //!player's = OP ??
                    sender.Message("Warp: {0}", warp.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives specified item to the specified player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public static void Give(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // /give <player> <stack> <name>

            string _prefix;
            args.TryPopAny("-prefix", out _prefix);

            byte prefix;
            if (!Byte.TryParse(_prefix, out prefix))
                Affix affix;
                if (!AffixExtensions.Parse(_prefix ?? String.Empty, out affix, true)) prefix = 0;
                else prefix = (byte)affix;

            Player receiver = args.GetOnlinePlayer(0);
            int stack = args.GetInt(1);
            string NameOrId = args.GetString(2);

            List<ItemInfo> itemlist;
            if (Server.TryFindItemByName(NameOrId, out itemlist) && itemlist.Count > 0)
                if (itemlist.Count > 1)
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format(Languages.MoreThanOneItemFoundNameId, itemlist.Count));

                var item = itemlist[0];

                var index = receiver.GiveItem(item.Type, stack, sender, item.NetID, true, prefix);

                if (item.NetID < 0)
                    Main.item[index] = Item.netDefaults(item.NetID);

                Main.item[index].Prefix = prefix;
                int Id = -1;
                    Id = Int32.Parse(NameOrId);
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format(Languages.MoreThanOneItemFoundNameId, itemlist.Count));

                if (Server.TryFindItemByType(Id, out itemlist) && itemlist.Count > 0)
                    if (itemlist.Count > 1)
                        throw new CommandError(String.Format(Languages.MoreThanOneItemFoundType, itemlist.Count));

                    //receiver.GiveItem(itemlist[0].Type, stack, sender);
                    var item = itemlist[0];

                    var index = receiver.GiveItem(item.Type, stack, sender, item.NetID, true, prefix);

                    if (item.NetID < 0)
                        Main.item[index] = Item.netDefaults(item.NetID);

                    Main.item[index].Prefix = prefix;
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format(Languages.MoreThanOneItemFoundNameId, "no"));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives specified item to the specified player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public static void Give(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // /give <player> <stack> <name>

            Player receiver = args.GetOnlinePlayer(0);
            int stack = args.GetInt(1);
            string NameOrId = args.GetString(2);

            List<Int32> itemlist;
            if (Server.TryFindItemByName(NameOrId, out itemlist) && itemlist.Count > 0)
                if (itemlist.Count > 1)
                    throw new CommandError("There were {0} Items found regarding the specified name", itemlist.Count);

                foreach (int id in itemlist)
                    receiver.GiveItem(id, stack, sender);
                int Id = -1;
                    Id = Int32.Parse(NameOrId);
                    throw new CommandError("There were {0} Items found regarding the specified Item Id/Name", itemlist.Count);

                if (Server.TryFindItemByType(Id, out itemlist) && itemlist.Count > 0)
                    if (itemlist.Count > 1)
                        throw new CommandError("There were {0} Items found regarding the specified Type Id", itemlist.Count);

                    foreach (int id in itemlist)
                        receiver.GiveItem(id, stack, sender);
                    throw new CommandError("There were no Items found regarding the specified Item Id/Name");
        /// <summary>
        /// Summon a Boss
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void SummonBoss(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            var bossName = args.GetString(0).ToLower();
            var count = args.GetInt(1);
            Player target;

            if (!args.TryGetOnlinePlayer(2, out target))
                if (sender is Player)
                    target = sender as Player;
                    throw new CommandError("Expected a player");

            var position = World.GetRandomClearTile(target.position.X / 16f, target.position.X / 16f);
            int type = -1, type1 = -1;
            string name = null;

            switch (bossName)
                case "wyvern":
                    type = 87;

                case "brain":
                case "brain of cthulhu":
                    type = 266;

                case "crimson mimic":
                    type = 474;
                case "corrupt mimic":
                    type = 473;
                case "hallowed mimic":
                    type = 475;

                case "duke fishron":
                case "duke":
                case "fishron":
                    type = 370;

                case "everscream":
                    type = 344;

                case "eye of cthulhu":
                    type = 4;

                case "dutchman":
                case "flying dutchman":
                    type = 491;

                case "golem":
                    type = 245;

                case "gobin summoner":
                    type = 471;

                case "king":
                case "king slime":
                    type = 50;

                case "ice golem":
                    type = 243;

                case "ice queen":
                    type = 345;

                case "lunatic":
                case "cultist":
                case "lunatic cultist":
                    type = 439;

                case "saucer":
                case "martian saucer":
                    type = 395;

                case "moon":
                case "moon lord":
                    type = 398;

                case "mothron":
                    type = 477;

                case "wood":
                case "mourning wood":
                    type = 325;

                case "paladin":
                    type = 290;

                case "captain":
                case "pirate":
                case "pirate captain":
                    type = 216;

                case "plantera":
                    type = 262;

                case "pumpking":
                    type = 327;

                case "queen":
                case "queen bee":
                    type = 222;

                case "santa":
                case "santa nk1":
                case "santa-nk1":
                    type = 346;

                case "skeletron":
                    type = 35;

                case "prime":
                case "skeletron prime":
                    type = 127;

                case "nebula":
                case "nebula pillar":
                    type = 507;
                case "solar":
                case "solar pillar":
                    type = 517;
                case "stardust":
                case "stardust pillar":
                    type = 493;
                case "vortex":
                case "vortex pillar":
                    type = 422;

                case "destroyer":
                case "the destroyer":
                    type = 134;

                case "twins":
                case "the twins":
                    type = 125;
                    type1 = 126;

                case "eater":
                case "eater of worlds":
                    type = 13;

                case "wall":
                case "flesh":
                case "wall of flesh":
                    if (Main.wof > 0 && Main.npc[Main.wof].active)
                        throw new CommandError("The Wall Of Flesh is already active");

                    if (target.position.Y / 16 < (float)(Main.maxTilesY - 205)) //As per NPC.SpawnWOF
                        throw new CommandError("Player must be in The Underworld to spawn the Eater Of Worlds");

                    type = 113;
                    throw new CommandError("Unknown boss: " + bossName);

            while (count-- > 0)
                var id = NPC.NewNPC((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, type);
                if (name != null)

                if (type1 > 0)
                    id = NPC.NewNPC((int)position.X, (int)position.Y, type1);

                if (count == 0)
                    var tms = String.Empty;
                    if (count > 1)
                        tms = " " + count + " times";
                    Tools.NotifyAllPlayers(Main.npc[id].name + " summoned by " + sender.SenderName + tms, Color.Purple, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns specified NPC type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        /// <remarks>This function also allows NPC custom health.</remarks>
        public static void SpawnNPC(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            if (Main.stopSpawns && !Program.properties.NPCSpawnsOverride)
                throw new CommandError("NPC Spawing is disabled.");

            var health = -1;
            var customHealth = args.TryPopAny<Int32>("-health", out health);

            Player player = sender as Player;
            int NPCAmount;
            if (args.Count > 3)
                throw new CommandError(Languages.TooManyArguments);
            else if (sender is ConsoleSender && args.Count <= 2)
                if (!NetPlay.anyClients || !Server.TryGetFirstOnlinePlayer(out player))
                    throw new CommandError(Languages.NobodyOnline);
            else if (args.Count == 3)
                player = args.GetOnlinePlayer(2);

            var npcName = args.GetString(1).ToLower().Trim();

            // Get the class id of the npc
            int realNPCId = 0;
            NPC fclass = Registries.NPC.FindClass(npcName);
            if (fclass.Name != String.Empty)
                realNPCId = fclass.Type;
                throw new CommandError(Languages.NPCDoesntExist);

                NPCAmount = args.GetInt(0);
                if (NPCAmount > Program.properties.SpawnNPCMax && sender is Player)
                    (sender as Player).Kick(Languages.DontSpawnThatMany);
                throw new CommandError(Languages.ExpectedSpawnInteger);

            string realNPCName = String.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < NPCAmount; i++)
                Vector2 location = World.GetRandomClearTile(((int)player.Position.X / 16), ((int)player.Position.Y / 16), 100, true, 100, 50);
                int npcIndex = NPC.NewNPC(((int)location.X * 16), ((int)location.Y * 16), fclass.Name, 0, Main.SpawnsOverride);

                if (customHealth)
                    Main.npcs[npcIndex].life = health;
                    Main.npcs[npcIndex].lifeMax = health;

                realNPCName = Main.npcs[npcIndex].Name;
            Server.notifyOps("Spawned " + NPCAmount.ToString() + " of " +
                    realNPCName + " [" + player.Name + "]", true);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives specified item to the specified player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void Give(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // /give <stack> <item> [prefix] [player]
            var    index = 0;
            int    stack = args.GetInt(index++);
            string name  = args.GetString(index++);

            //            var max = Tools.AvailableItemSlots; //Perhaps remove a few incase of new drops
            //            if (stack > max)
            //            {
            //                stack = max; // Set to Tools.AvailableItemSlots because number given was larger than this.
            //            }
            int id;
            var results = Int32.TryParse(name, out id) ? DefinitionManager.FindItem(id) : DefinitionManager.FindItem(name);

            if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
                if (results.Length > 1)
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format("More than 1 item found, total is: {0}", results.Length));

                var    item = results[0];
                string prefix;
                if (args.TryGetString(index, out prefix))
                        Affix afx;
                        if (Enum.TryParse(prefix, out afx))
                            item.Prefix = (int)afx;
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        throw new CommandError(String.Format("Error, the Prefix you entered was not found: {0}", args.GetString(3)));

                Player receiver;
                if (!args.TryGetOnlinePlayer(index, out receiver))
                    if (sender is Player)
                        receiver = sender as Player;
                        throw new CommandError("Expected an online player");

                receiver.GiveItem(item.Id, stack, item.MaxStack, item.NetId, item.Prefix);
                throw new CommandError(String.Format("No item known by: {0}", name));
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns specified NPC type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        /// <remarks>This function also allows NPC custom health.</remarks>
        public void SpawnNPC(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            //if (Main.stopSpawns && !Program.properties.NPCSpawnsOverride)
            //    throw new CommandError("NPC Spawing is disabled.");

            //var health = -1;
            //var customHealth = args.TryPopAny<Int32>("-health", out health);

            Player player = sender as Player;
            int amount, offset = -1;
            if (args.Count > 5)
                throw new CommandError("Too many arguments");
            else if (sender is ConsoleSender && args.Count <= 2)
                if (!Netplay.anyClients || !Tools.TryGetFirstOnlinePlayer(out player))
                    throw new CommandError("No players online.");
            else if (args.Count == 3)
                player = args.GetOnlinePlayer(2);
            else if (args.Count >= 4)
                player = args.GetOnlinePlayer(2);
                args.TryPopAny<Int32>("-item", out offset);

            var npcName = args.GetString(1).ToLower().Trim();

            // Get the class id of the npc
            var npcs = DefinitionManager.FindNPC(npcName);
            if (npcs == null || npcs.Length == 0)
                int npcId;
                if (Int32.TryParse(npcName, out npcId))
                    npcs = DefinitionManager.FindNPC(npcId);
                    if (npcs == null || npcs.Length == 0)
                        throw new CommandError("No npc exists by type {0}", npcId);
                else throw new CommandError("No npc exists {0}", npcName);

            npcs = npcs.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
            if (npcs.Length > 1)
                if (offset == -1)
                    sender.SendMessage("Npcs matching " + npcName + ':');
                    for (var x = 0; x < npcs.Length; x++)
                        if (sender is ConsoleSender)
                            sender.SendMessage($"\t{x}\t- {npcs[x].Name}");
                            sender.SendMessage($"{x} - {npcs[x].Name}");
            else offset = 0;

            var npc = npcs[offset];
            if (npc.Boss.HasValue && npc.Boss == true)
                throw new CommandError("This NPC can only be summoned by the SPAWNBOSS command.");
                amount = args.GetInt(0);
                //if (NPCAmount > Program.properties.SpawnNPCMax && sender is Player)
                //    (sender as Player).Kick("Don't spawn that many.");
                //    return;
                throw new CommandError("Expected amount to spawn");

            var max = Tools.AvailableNPCSlots; //Perhaps remove a few incase of spawns
            if (amount > max)
                throw new CommandError("Cannot spawn that many, available slots: {0}", max);

            string realNPCName = String.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                Vector2 location = World.GetRandomClearTile(((int)player.position.X / 16), ((int)player.position.Y / 16), 100, 100, 50);
                int npcIndex = NPC.NewNPC(((int)location.X * 16), ((int)location.Y * 16), npc.Id, 0);

                //if (customHealth)
                //    Main.npc[npcIndex].life = health;
                //    Main.npc[npcIndex].lifeMax = health;

                realNPCName = Main.npc[npcIndex].name;
            Utils.NotifyAllOps("Spawned " + amount.ToString() + " of " + realNPCName + " [" + player.name + "]", true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Summon a Boss
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void SummonBoss(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            var count = args.GetInt(0);
            var bossName = args.GetString(1).ToLower();
            Player target;

            if (!args.TryGetOnlinePlayer(2, out target))
                if (sender is Player)
                    target = sender as Player;
                    target = Main.player.Where(x => x.active).Random();
                    if (null == target)
                        throw new CommandError("No players online");

            //            int type = -1, type1 = -1;
            //            string name = null;
            var queue = new Queue<Boss>();

            switch (bossName)
                case "wyvern":
                    //                    type = 87;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 87

                case "brain":
                case "brain of cthulhu":
                    //                    type = 266;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 266

            //                case "crimson mimic":
            //                    type = 474;
            //                    break;
                case "corrupt mimic":
                    //                    type = 473;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 473
            //                case "hallowed mimic":
            //                    type = 475;
            //                    break;

                case "duke fishron":
                case "duke":
                case "fishron":
                    //                    type = 370;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 370

                case "everscream":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 344;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 344

                case "eye":
                case "cthulhu":
                case "eye of cthulhu":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 4;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 4

                case "dutchman":
                case "flying dutchman":
                    //                    type = 491;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 491

                case "golem":
                    //                    type = 245;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 245

                case "goblin summoner":
                    //                    type = 471;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 471

                case "king":
                case "king slime":
                    //                    type = 50;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 50

                case "ice golem":
                    //                    type = 243;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 243

                case "ice queen":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 345;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 345

                case "lunatic":
                case "cultist":
                case "lunatic cultist":
                    //                    type = 439;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 439

                case "saucer":
                case "martian saucer":
                    //                    type = 395;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 395

                case "moon":
                case "moon lord":
                    //                    type = 398;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 398

                case "mothron":
                    if (!Main.eclipse)
                        throw new CommandError("Mothron can only be spawned during a solar eclipse. See the worldevent command.");
                    //                    type = 477;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 477

                case "wood":
                case "mourning wood":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 325;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 325

                case "paladin":
                    //                    type = 290;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 290

                case "captain":
                case "pirate":
                case "pirate captain":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 216;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 216

                case "plantera":
                    //                    type = 262;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 262

                case "pumpking":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 327;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 327

                case "queen":
                case "queen bee":
                    //                    type = 222;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 222

                case "santa":
                case "santa nk1":
                case "santa-nk1":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 346;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 346

                case "skeletron":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 35;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 35

                case "prime":
                case "skeletron prime":
                    //                    type = 127;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 127

                case "nebula":
                case "nebula pillar":
                    //                    type = 507;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 507
                case "solar":
                case "solar pillar":
                    //                    type = 517;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 517
                case "stardust":
                case "stardust pillar":
                    //                    type = 493;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 493
                case "vortex":
                case "vortex pillar":
                    //                    type = 422;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 422

                case "destroyer":
                case "the destroyer":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 134;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 134

                case "twins":
                case "the twins":
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                    //                    type = 125;
                    //                    type1 = 126;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 125,
                            name = "The Twins"
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 126,
                            ignore = true

                case "eater":
                case "eater of worlds":
                    //                    type = 13;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 13

                case "wall":
                case "flesh":
                case "wall of flesh":
                    if (Main.wof > 0 && Main.npc[Main.wof].active)
                        throw new CommandError("The Wall Of Flesh is already active");

                    if (target.position.Y / 16 < (float)(Main.maxTilesY - 205)) //As per NPC.SpawnWOF
                        throw new CommandError("Player must be in The Underworld to spawn the Eater Of Worlds");

                    //                    type = 113;
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                            type = 113

                case "deathcradle":
                    count = 1;
                    var items = new int[]
                        87, 266, 473,
                        370, 344, 4,
                        491, 245, 471,
                        50, 243, 345,
                        439, 395, 398,
                        477, 325, 290,
                        216, 262, 327,
                        222, 346, 35,
                        127, 507, 517,
                        493, 422, 134,
                        125, 126, 13
                    World.SetTime(16200.0, false);

                    foreach (var item in items)
                        queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                                type = item,
                                ignore = true

                    Core._likeABoss = true;
                    Tools.NotifyAllPlayers("Easter egg found: Like a boss mini game!", Color.Purple, true);

                    throw new CommandError("Unknown boss: " + bossName);

            while (count-- > 0)
                while (queue.Count > 0)
                    var boss = queue.Dequeue();
                    var position = World.GetRandomClearTile(target.position.X / 16f, target.position.Y / 16f);
                    var id = NPC.NewNPC((int)(position.X * 16f), (int)(position.Y * 16f), boss.type);


                    if (count == 0 && !boss.ignore)
                        var tms = String.Empty;
                        if (count > 1)
                            tms = " " + count + " times";
                        Tools.NotifyAllPlayers((boss.name ?? Main.npc[id].name) + " [" + boss.type + "]" + " summoned by " + sender.SenderName + tms, Color.Purple, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives specified item to the specified player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void Give(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // /give <player> <stack> <name>
            Player receiver = args.GetOnlinePlayer(0);
            int stack = args.GetInt(1);
            string name = args.GetString(2);

            var max = Tools.AvailableItemSlots; //Perhaps remove a few incase of new drops
            if (stack > max)
                stack = max; // Set to Tools.AvailableItemSlots because number given was larger than this.
            var results = DefinitionManager.FindItem(name);
            if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
                if (results.Length > 1)
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format("More than 1 item found, total is: {0}", results.Length));

                var item = results[0];

                var index = receiver.GiveItem(item.Id, stack, sender, item.NetId, true, item.Prefix);

                if (item.NetId < 0)

                throw new CommandError(String.Format("No item known by: {0}", name));
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows on the fly variable modifications
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param>
        public void VariableMan(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // var <exec|field>
            // var field <namespace.type> <fieldname>
            // var field <namespace.type> <fieldname> <valuetobeset>

            // var exec <namespace.type> <methodname>
            //No arguments supported yet
            var cmd = args.GetString(0);

            if (cmd == "field" || cmd == "arr")
                var type = args.GetString(1);
                var mem  = args.GetString(2);

                //Find the type
                var at = Type.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = typeof(Terraria.Main).Assembly.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid type: " + type);

                //Find the field
                var am = at.GetField(mem);
                if (am == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid field: " + mem);

                string val = null;
                if (cmd != "arr" && args.TryGetString(3, out val))
                    object data = GetDataValue(am.FieldType, val);
                    am.SetValue(null, data);

                    var v = am.GetValue(null);
                    if (v != null)
                        val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value is now: " + val);
                    var v = am.GetValue(null);
                    if (v != null)
                        if (v.GetType().IsArray)
                            var index = args.GetInt(3);
                            var obj   = (v as Array).GetValue(index);
                            if (obj is Terraria.RemoteClient)
                                val = "";
                                var rc = obj as Terraria.RemoteClient;

                                val += $"Id: {rc.Id}\n";
                                val += $"IsActive: {rc.IsActive}\n";
                                val += $"IsAnnouncementCompleted: {rc.IsAnnouncementCompleted}\n";
                                val += $"IsConnected(): {rc.IsConnected()}\n";
                                val += $"IsReading: {rc.IsReading}\n";
                                val += $"Name: {rc.Name}\n";
                                val += $"PendingTermination: {rc.PendingTermination}\n";
                                val += $"SpamAddBlock: {rc.SpamAddBlock}\n";
                                val += $"SpamAddBlockMax: {rc.SpamAddBlockMax}\n";
                                val += $"SpamDeleteBlock: {rc.SpamDeleteBlock}\n";
                                val += $"SpamDeleteBlockMax: {rc.SpamDeleteBlockMax}\n";
                                val += $"SpamProjectile: {rc.SpamProjectile}\n";
                                val += $"SpamProjectileMax: {rc.SpamProjectileMax}\n";
                                val += $"SpamWater: {rc.SpamWater}\n";
                                val += $"SpamWaterMax: {rc.SpamWaterMax}\n";
                                val += $"State: {rc.State}\n";
                                val += $"StatusCount: {rc.StatusCount}\n";
                                val += $"StatusMax: {rc.StatusMax}\n";
                                val += $"StatusText: {rc.StatusText}\n";
                                val += $"StatusText2: {rc.StatusText2}\n";
                                val += $"TimeOutTimer: {rc.TimeOutTimer}\n";

                                if (rc.Socket is OTA.Sockets.ClientConnection)
                                    val += "\n=======================\nClientConnection\n";
                                    var cc = rc.Socket as OTA.Sockets.ClientConnection;
                                    val += $"Active: {cc.Active}\n";
                                    val += $"BytesReceived: {cc.BytesReceived}\n";
                                    val += $"BytesSent: {cc.BytesSent}\n";
                                    val += $"IsOTAClient: {cc.IsOTAClient}\n";
                                    val += $"QueueLength: {cc.QueueLength}\n";
                                    val += $"QueueSize: {cc.QueueSize}\n";
                                    //val += $"RemoteAddress: {cc.RemoteAddress}\n";
                                    val += $"SlotId: {cc.SlotId}\n";
                                val = obj.ToString();
                            val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value: " + val);
            else if (cmd == "prop")
                var type = args.GetString(1);
                var prop = args.GetString(2);

                //Find the type
                var at = Type.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid type: " + type);

                //Find the field
                var am = at.GetProperty(prop);
                if (am == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid property: " + prop);

                string val = null;
                if (args.TryGetString(3, out val))
                    object data = GetDataValue(am.PropertyType, val);
                    am.SetValue(null, data, null);

                    var v = am.GetValue(null, null);
                    if (v != null)
                        val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value is now: " + val);
                    var v = am.GetValue(null, null);
                    if (v != null)
                        val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value: " + val);
            else if (cmd == "exec")
                var type = args.GetString(1);
                var mthd = args.GetString(2);

                //Find the type
                var at = Type.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid type: " + type);

                //Find the field
                var am = at.GetMethod(mthd);
                if (am == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid method: " + mthd);

                var prms = am.GetParameters();
                if (prms.Length == 0)
                    var res    = am.Invoke(null, null);
                    var result = res == null ? "null" : res.ToString();
                    sender.Message("Result: " + result);
                    sender.Message("Arguments are not yet supported for exec");
                sender.Message("Unsupported var command: " + cmd);
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns specified NPC type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        /// <remarks>This function also allows NPC custom health.</remarks>
        public void SpawnNPC(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            //if (Main.stopSpawns && !Program.properties.NPCSpawnsOverride)
            //    throw new CommandError("NPC Spawing is disabled.");

            //var health = -1;
            //var customHealth = args.TryPopAny<Int32>("-health", out health);

            Player player = sender as Player;
            int amount;
            if (args.Count > 4)
                throw new CommandError("Too many arguments");
            else if (sender is ConsoleSender && args.Count <= 2)
                if (!Netplay.anyClients || !Tools.TryGetFirstOnlinePlayer(out player))
                    throw new CommandError("No players online.");
            else if (args.Count >= 3)
                player = args.GetOnlinePlayer(2);

            var npcName = args.GetString(1).ToLower().Trim();

            // Get the class id of the npc
            var npcs = DefinitionManager.FindNPC(npcName);
            if (npcs.Length == 0)
                throw new CommandError("No npc exists by the name {0}", npcName);
            else if (npcs.Length > 1)
                bool first;
                args.TryGetBool(3, out first);

                if (!first)
                    throw new CommandError("Too many results for {0}, total count {1}", npcName, npcs.Length);

            var npc = npcs[0];
            if (npc.Boss.HasValue && npc.Boss == true)
                throw new CommandError("This NPC can only be summoned by the SPAWNBOSS command.");
                amount = args.GetInt(0);
                //if (NPCAmount > Program.properties.SpawnNPCMax && sender is Player)
                //    (sender as Player).Kick("Don't spawn that many.");
                //    return;
                throw new CommandError("Expected amount to spawn");

            var max = Tools.AvailableNPCSlots; //Perhaps remove a few incase of spawns
            if (amount > max)
                throw new CommandError("Cannot spawn that many, available slots: {0}", max);

            string realNPCName = String.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                Vector2 location = World.GetRandomClearTile(((int)player.position.X / 16), ((int)player.position.Y / 16), 100, 100, 50);
                int npcIndex = NPC.NewNPC(((int)location.X * 16), ((int)location.Y * 16), npc.Id, 0);

                //if (customHealth)
                //    Main.npc[npcIndex].life = health;
                //    Main.npc[npcIndex].lifeMax = health;

                realNPCName = Main.npc[npcIndex].name;
            Tools.NotifyAllOps("Spawned " + amount.ToString() + " of " +
                realNPCName + " [" + player.name + "]", true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Spawns specified NPC type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        /// <remarks>This function also allows NPC custom health.</remarks>
        public void SpawnNPC(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            //if (Main.stopSpawns && !Program.properties.NPCSpawnsOverride)
            //    throw new CommandError("NPC Spawing is disabled.");

            //var health = -1;
            //var customHealth = args.TryPopAny<Int32>("-health", out health);

            Player player = sender as Player;
            int    amount, offset = -1;

            if (args.Count > 5)
                throw new CommandError("Too many arguments");
            else if (sender is ConsoleSender && args.Count <= 2)
                if (!Netplay.anyClients || !Tools.TryGetFirstOnlinePlayer(out player))
                    throw new CommandError("No players online.");
            else if (args.Count == 3)
                player = args.GetOnlinePlayer(2);
            else if (args.Count >= 4)
                player = args.GetOnlinePlayer(2);
                args.TryPopAny <Int32>("-item", out offset);

            var npcName = args.GetString(1).ToLower().Trim();

            // Get the class id of the npc
            var npcs = DefinitionManager.FindNPC(npcName);

            if (npcs == null || npcs.Length == 0)
                int npcId;
                if (Int32.TryParse(npcName, out npcId))
                    npcs = DefinitionManager.FindNPC(npcId);
                    if (npcs == null || npcs.Length == 0)
                        throw new CommandError("No npc exists by type {0}", npcId);
                    throw new CommandError("No npc exists {0}", npcName);

            npcs = npcs.OrderBy(x => x.Name).ToArray();
            if (npcs.Length > 1)
                if (offset == -1)
                    sender.SendMessage("Npcs matching " + npcName + ':');
                    for (var x = 0; x < npcs.Length; x++)
                        if (sender is ConsoleSender)
                            sender.SendMessage($"\t{x}\t- {npcs[x].Name}");
                            sender.SendMessage($"{x} - {npcs[x].Name}");
                offset = 0;

            var npc = npcs[offset];

            if (npc.Boss.HasValue && npc.Boss == true)
                throw new CommandError("This NPC can only be summoned by the SPAWNBOSS command.");
                amount = args.GetInt(0);
                //if (NPCAmount > Program.properties.SpawnNPCMax && sender is Player)
                //    (sender as Player).Kick("Don't spawn that many.");
                //    return;
                throw new CommandError("Expected amount to spawn");

            var max = Tools.AvailableNPCSlots; //Perhaps remove a few incase of spawns

            if (amount > max)
                throw new CommandError("Cannot spawn that many, available slots: {0}", max);

            string realNPCName = String.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
                Vector2 location = World.GetRandomClearTile(((int)player.position.X / 16), ((int)player.position.Y / 16), 100, 100, 50);
                int     npcIndex = NPC.NewNPC(((int)location.X * 16), ((int)location.Y * 16), npc.Id, 0);

                //if (customHealth)
                //    Main.npc[npcIndex].life = health;
                //    Main.npc[npcIndex].lifeMax = health;

                realNPCName = Main.npc[npcIndex].name;
            Utils.NotifyAllOps("Spawned " + amount.ToString() + " of " + realNPCName + " [" + player.name + "]", true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Summon a Boss
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void SummonBoss(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            var    count    = args.GetInt(0);
            var    bossName = args.GetString(1).ToLower();
            Player target;

            if (!args.TryGetOnlinePlayer(2, out target))
                if (sender is Player)
                    target = sender as Player;
                    target = Main.player.Where(x => x.active).Random();
                    if (null == target)
                        throw new CommandError("No players online");

            //            int type = -1, type1 = -1;
            //            string name = null;
            var queue = new Queue <Boss>();

            switch (bossName)
            case "wyvern":
                //                    type = 87;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 87

            case "brain":
            case "brain of cthulhu":
                //                    type = 266;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 266

            //                case "crimson mimic":
            //                    type = 474;
            //                    break;
            case "corrupt mimic":
                //                    type = 473;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 473
            //                case "hallowed mimic":
            //                    type = 475;
            //                    break;

            case "duke fishron":
            case "duke":
            case "fishron":
                //                    type = 370;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 370

            case "everscream":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 344;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 344

            case "eye":
            case "cthulhu":
            case "eye of cthulhu":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 4;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 4

            case "dutchman":
            case "flying dutchman":
                //                    type = 491;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 491

            case "golem":
                //                    type = 245;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 245

            case "goblin summoner":
                //                    type = 471;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 471

            case "king":
            case "king slime":
                //                    type = 50;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 50

            case "ice golem":
                //                    type = 243;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 243

            case "ice queen":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 345;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 345

            case "lunatic":
            case "cultist":
            case "lunatic cultist":
                //                    type = 439;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 439

            case "saucer":
            case "martian saucer":
                //                    type = 395;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 395

            case "moon":
            case "moon lord":
                //                    type = 398;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 398

            case "mothron":
                if (!Main.eclipse)
                    throw new CommandError("Mothron can only be spawned during a solar eclipse. See the worldevent command.");
                //                    type = 477;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 477

            case "wood":
            case "mourning wood":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 325;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 325

            case "paladin":
                //                    type = 290;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 290

            case "captain":
            case "pirate":
            case "pirate captain":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 216;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 216

            case "plantera":
                //                    type = 262;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 262

            case "pumpking":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 327;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 327

            case "queen":
            case "queen bee":
                //                    type = 222;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 222

            case "santa":
            case "santa nk1":
            case "santa-nk1":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 346;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 346

            case "skeletron":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 35;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 35

            case "prime":
            case "skeletron prime":
                //                    type = 127;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 127

            case "nebula":
            case "nebula pillar":
                //                    type = 507;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 507

            case "solar":
            case "solar pillar":
                //                    type = 517;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 517

            case "stardust":
            case "stardust pillar":
                //                    type = 493;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 493

            case "vortex":
            case "vortex pillar":
                //                    type = 422;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 422

            case "destroyer":
            case "the destroyer":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 134;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 134

            case "twins":
            case "the twins":
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);
                //                    type = 125;
                //                    type1 = 126;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 125,
                    name = "The Twins"
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type   = 126,
                    ignore = true

            case "eater":
            case "eater of worlds":
                //                    type = 13;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 13

            case "wall":
            case "flesh":
            case "wall of flesh":
                if (Main.wof > 0 && Main.npc[Main.wof].active)
                    throw new CommandError("The Wall Of Flesh is already active");

                if (target.position.Y / 16 < (float)(Main.maxTilesY - 205))     //As per NPC.SpawnWOF
                    throw new CommandError("Player must be in The Underworld to spawn the Eater Of Worlds");

                //                    type = 113;
                queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                    type = 113

            case "deathcradle":
                count = 1;
                var items = new int[]
                    87, 266, 473,
                    370, 344, 4,
                    491, 245, 471,
                    50, 243, 345,
                    439, 395, 398,
                    477, 325, 290,
                    216, 262, 327,
                    222, 346, 35,
                    127, 507, 517,
                    493, 422, 134,
                    125, 126, 13
                World.SetTime(16200.0, false);

                foreach (var item in items)
                    queue.Enqueue(new Boss()
                        type   = item,
                        ignore = true

                Core._likeABoss = true;
                Tools.NotifyAllPlayers("Easter egg found: Like a boss mini game!", Color.Purple, true);


                throw new CommandError("Unknown boss: " + bossName);

            while (count-- > 0)
                while (queue.Count > 0)
                    var boss     = queue.Dequeue();
                    var position = World.GetRandomClearTile(target.position.X / 16f, target.position.Y / 16f);
                    var id       = NPC.NewNPC((int)(position.X * 16f), (int)(position.Y * 16f), boss.type);


                    if (count == 0 && !boss.ignore)
                        var tms = String.Empty;
                        if (count > 1)
                            tms = " " + count + " times";
                        Tools.NotifyAllPlayers((boss.name ?? Main.npc[id].name) + " [" + boss.type + "]" + " summoned by " + sender.SenderName + tms, Color.Purple, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows on the fly variable modifications
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sender.</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments.</param>
        public void VariableMan(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // var <exec|field>
            // var field <namespace.type> <fieldname>
            // var field <namespace.type> <fieldname> <valuetobeset>

            // var exec <namespace.type> <methodname>
            //No arguments supported yet
            var cmd = args.GetString(0);

            if (cmd == "field" || cmd == "arr")
                var type = args.GetString(1);
                var mem = args.GetString(2);

                //Find the type
                var at = Type.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = typeof(Terraria.Main).Assembly.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid type: " + type);

                //Find the field
                var am = at.GetField(mem);
                if (am == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid field: " + mem);

                string val = null;
                if (cmd != "arr" && args.TryGetString(3, out val))
                    object data = GetDataValue(am.FieldType, val);
                    am.SetValue(null, data);

                    var v = am.GetValue(null);
                    if (v != null)
                        val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value is now: " + val);
                    var v = am.GetValue(null);
                    if (v != null)
                        if (v.GetType().IsArray)
                            var index = args.GetInt(3);
                            var obj = (v as Array).GetValue(index);
                            if (obj is Terraria.RemoteClient)
                                val = "";
                                var rc = obj as Terraria.RemoteClient;

                                val += $"Id: {rc.Id}\n";
                                val += $"IsActive: {rc.IsActive}\n";
                                val += $"IsAnnouncementCompleted: {rc.IsAnnouncementCompleted}\n";
                                val += $"IsConnected(): {rc.IsConnected()}\n";
                                val += $"IsReading: {rc.IsReading}\n";
                                val += $"Name: {rc.Name}\n";
                                val += $"PendingTermination: {rc.PendingTermination}\n";
                                val += $"SpamAddBlock: {rc.SpamAddBlock}\n";
                                val += $"SpamAddBlockMax: {rc.SpamAddBlockMax}\n";
                                val += $"SpamDeleteBlock: {rc.SpamDeleteBlock}\n";
                                val += $"SpamDeleteBlockMax: {rc.SpamDeleteBlockMax}\n";
                                val += $"SpamProjectile: {rc.SpamProjectile}\n";
                                val += $"SpamProjectileMax: {rc.SpamProjectileMax}\n";
                                val += $"SpamWater: {rc.SpamWater}\n";
                                val += $"SpamWaterMax: {rc.SpamWaterMax}\n";
                                val += $"State: {rc.State}\n";
                                val += $"StatusCount: {rc.StatusCount}\n";
                                val += $"StatusMax: {rc.StatusMax}\n";
                                val += $"StatusText: {rc.StatusText}\n";
                                val += $"StatusText2: {rc.StatusText2}\n";
                                val += $"TimeOutTimer: {rc.TimeOutTimer}\n";

            #if CUSTOM_SOCKETS
                                if (rc.Socket is OTA.Sockets.ClientConnection)
                                    val += "\n=======================\nClientConnection\n";
                                    var cc = rc.Socket as OTA.Sockets.ClientConnection;
                                    val += $"Active: {cc.Active}\n";
                                    val += $"BytesReceived: {cc.BytesReceived}\n";
                                    val += $"BytesSent: {cc.BytesSent}\n";
                                    val += $"IsOTAClient: {cc.IsOTAClient}\n";
                                    val += $"QueueLength: {cc.QueueLength}\n";
                                    val += $"QueueSize: {cc.QueueSize}\n";
                                    //val += $"RemoteAddress: {cc.RemoteAddress}\n";
                                    val += $"SlotId: {cc.SlotId}\n";
                            else val = obj.ToString();
                        else val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value: " + val);
            else if (cmd == "prop")
                var type = args.GetString(1);
                var prop = args.GetString(2);

                //Find the type
                var at = Type.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid type: " + type);

                //Find the field
                var am = at.GetProperty(prop);
                if (am == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid property: " + prop);

                string val = null;
                if (args.TryGetString(3, out val))
                    object data = GetDataValue(am.PropertyType, val);
                    am.SetValue(null, data, null);

                    var v = am.GetValue(null, null);
                    if (v != null)
                        val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value is now: " + val);
                    var v = am.GetValue(null, null);
                    if (v != null)
                        val = v.ToString();
                        val = "null";
                    sender.Message("Value: " + val);
            else if (cmd == "exec")
                var type = args.GetString(1);
                var mthd = args.GetString(2);

                //Find the type
                var at = Type.GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    at = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetType(type);
                if (at == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid type: " + type);

                //Find the field
                var am = at.GetMethod(mthd);
                if (am == null)
                    throw new CommandError("Invalid method: " + mthd);

                var prms = am.GetParameters();
                if (prms.Length == 0)
                    var res = am.Invoke(null, null);
                    var result = res == null ? "null" : res.ToString();
                    sender.Message("Result: " + result);
                    sender.Message("Arguments are not yet supported for exec");
                sender.Message("Unsupported var command: " + cmd);
Пример #17
        public static void ListWarp(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            if (WarpManager.WarpList.Count < 1)
                throw new CommandError("There are no warps.");

            int maxPages = WarpManager.WarpList.Count / 5;
            int page = args.GetInt(0);

            if (maxPages > 0 && page > maxPages - 1 || page < 1)
                throw new CommandError("Pages: 1 => {0}", maxPages);

            page *= 5;

            if (page >= WarpManager.WarpList.Count)
                page = WarpManager.WarpList.Count;

            int start = page - 5;
            if (page < 4)
                start = 0;

            for (int i = start; i < page; i++)
                Warp warp = WarpManager.WarpList.ToArray()[i];

                if (warp.IsUserAccessible(sender.Name) || !(sender is Player) || sender.Op) //!player's = OP ??
                    sender.Message("Warp: {0}", warp.Name);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives specified item to the specified player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void Give(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // /give <player> <stack> <name>
            Player receiver = args.GetOnlinePlayer(0);
            int stack = args.GetInt(1);
            string name = args.GetString(2);

            var max = Tools.AvailableItemSlots; //Perhaps remove a few incase of new drops
            if (stack > max)
                stack = max; // Set to Tools.AvailableItemSlots because number given was larger than this.
            int id;
            var results = int.TryParse(name, out id) ? DefinitionManager.FindItem(id) : DefinitionManager.FindItem(name);
            if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
                if (results.Length > 1)
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format("More than 1 item found, total is: {0}", results.Length));

                var item = results[0];
                try {
                    item.Prefix = (int)(Affix)Enum.Parse(typeof(Affix), args.GetString(3), true);
                catch (CommandError)

                }catch (ArgumentException)
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format("Error, the Prefix you entered was not found: {0}", args.GetString(3)));

                var index = receiver.GiveItem(item.Id, stack, sender, item.NetId, true, item.Prefix);

                if (item.NetId < 0)

                throw new CommandError(String.Format("No item known by: {0}", name));
        internal static void MaxPlayersCommand(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            if (MaxPlayersDisabled)
                sender.Message (255, "This command has been disabled.");

            int maxp = -1;
            int overl = -1;

            if (args.TryGetInt (0, out maxp) && (maxp < 1 || maxp > MAX_SLOTS))
                sender.Message (255, "Max numbers of players must be in range 1 .. {0}", MAX_SLOTS);

            if (args.Count > 1)
                overl = args.GetInt (1);
                if (overl < 0 || overl > maxp)
                    sender.Message (255, "Number of overlimit slots must be in range 0 .. <max player count>");

            int oldmax = maxSlots;
            int oldover = overlimitSlots;

            int result = maxSlots;
            if (maxp >= 0 || overl >= 0)
                result = ChangeLimits (maxp < 0 ? maxSlots : maxp, overl < 0 ? overlimitSlots : overl);
                    String.Format("Max player slots changed to {0}+{1}. [{2}]", result, overlimitSlots, sender.Name)

            sender.Message (255, ChatColor.SteelBlue, "Max player slots: {0}, overlimit slots: {1}", result, overlimitSlots);

            if (oldmax != maxSlots || oldover != overlimitSlots)
                Program.properties.MaxPlayers = maxSlots;
                Program.properties.OverlimitSlots = overlimitSlots;
                Program.properties.Save (true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gives specified item to the specified player.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">Sending player</param>
        /// <param name="args">Arguments sent with command</param>
        public void Give(ISender sender, ArgumentList args)
            // /give <player> <stack> <name>
            Player receiver = args.GetOnlinePlayer(0);
            int stack = args.GetInt(1);
            string name = args.GetString(2);

            int id;
            var results = Int32.TryParse(name, out id) ? DefinitionManager.FindItem(id) : DefinitionManager.FindItem(name);
            if (results != null && results.Length > 0)
                if (results.Length > 1)
                    throw new CommandError(String.Format("More than 1 item found, total is: {0}", results.Length));

                var item = results[0];
                string prefix;
                if (args.TryGetString(3, out prefix))
                        item.Prefix = (int)(Affix)Enum.Parse(typeof(Affix), prefix, true);
                    catch (ArgumentException)
                        throw new CommandError(String.Format("Error, the Prefix you entered was not found: {0}", args.GetString(3)));

                receiver.GiveItem(item.Id, stack, item.MaxStack, sender, item.NetId, true, item.Prefix);
                throw new CommandError(String.Format("No item known by: {0}", name));