Пример #1
    public override AstNode ShallowClone()
        var res = new AstAccessor(Source, Start, End, Name, IsGenerator, Async);

        res.HasUseStrictDirective = HasUseStrictDirective;
        res.Pure = Pure;
Пример #2
    public InsightArgs()
        _args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

        Names = new ArgNames();

        NetworkAddress = ExtractValue(Names.NetworkAddress, "localhost");
        NetworkPort    = ExtractValueInt(Names.NetworkPort, 7777);
        UniqueID       = ExtractValue(Names.UniqueID, "");
        SceneName      = ExtractValue(Names.SceneName, "");
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Game decision point. This method gets messages from connection and decides what arguments to call, as well
        /// as taking care of runtime handlers for SoM requests
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        public void getMessageFromConnection(Messages.GameMessages msg, DataPlayer player, List <object> data)
            if (!checkTurn(player))//Not right turn?
                (this as IGameObservable).notifyObservers(Messages.GameMessages.NotPlayerTurn, player, null);
                Match.updateTranscript("Not your turn");
            CharacterData    attacker = Turn == 0?Player1.Character:Player2.Character, defender = Turn == 0?Player2.Character:Player1.Character;
            ArgNames         actionName  = 0;
            ArgumentFeedback argFeedback = null;

            if (waiting && msg != Messages.GameMessages.somChosen)
                Match.updateTranscript("Waiting for SOM");

            switch (msg)
            ///This case handles the response from a request to get SoM from the user
            ///We need to translate the response (SoMName,value) into values the Handler needs (JoySorrowValue,AngerFearValue)
            case Messages.GameMessages.somChosen:
                SOM name = (SOM)data[0];
                switch (name)
                case SOM.Joy:
                    argFeedback = SoMHandler(1, 0);

                case SOM.Sorrow:
                    argFeedback = SoMHandler(-1, 0);

                case SOM.Anger:
                    argFeedback = SoMHandler(0, 1);

                case SOM.Fear:
                    argFeedback = SoMHandler(0, -1);
                waiting = false;    //Just in case

            case Messages.GameMessages.Trick:
                actionName  = ArgNames.Trick;
                argFeedback = arguments[actionName].doArgument(attacker, defender, World);
                if ((arguments[actionName] as Trick).repeatTurn())
                    Turn--;    //We turn it back then the regular turn counter turns it back to my turn

            case Messages.GameMessages.Manipulate:
                actionName = ArgNames.Manipulate;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.SoMDependentArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.Taunt:
                actionName = ArgNames.Taunt;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.SoMDependentArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.Focus:
                actionName = ArgNames.Focus;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.SoMDependentArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.Empathy:
                actionName  = ArgNames.Empathy;
                argFeedback = (arguments[actionName] as Empathy).doArgument(attacker, defender, World);
                if (argFeedback != null && argFeedback.result == Result.None)
                    Match.updateTranscript("Empathy cannot be used\n");

            case Messages.GameMessages.Bluff:
                actionName = ArgNames.Bluff;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.GenericArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.Charm:
                actionName = ArgNames.Charm;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.GenericArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.Coerce:
                actionName = ArgNames.Coerce;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.GenericArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.Convince:
                actionName = ArgNames.Convince;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.GenericArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.Scare:
                actionName = ArgNames.Scare;
                goto case Messages.GameMessages.GenericArgument;

            case Messages.GameMessages.GenericArgument:
                argFeedback = arguments[actionName].doArgument(attacker, defender, World);

            case Messages.GameMessages.SoMDependentArgument:
                (arguments[actionName] as SoMDependentArgument).Selector = this;

                argFeedback = (arguments[actionName] as SoMDependentArgument).doArgument(attacker, defender, World);
                //If true then it succeeded so it needs to get SoM
                if (argFeedback == null)
                    waiting = true;
            }//End Switch

            //Update transcript if there is feedback
            if (argFeedback != null)
                argFeedback.playerName = player.PlayerName;

            if (!waiting)
                //Check Game over
                if (Match.Goal.isGoalReached(defender))
                    (this as IGameObservable).notifyObservers(Messages.GameMessages.GameOver, Match.Player1, null);
                    (this as IGameObservable).notifyObservers(Messages.GameMessages.GameOver, Match.Player2, null);
                else//Not over
                    //Tell players to update and go to next turn
                    (this as IGameObservable).notifyObservers(Messages.GameMessages.ArgumentDone, player, null);
                    Turn = (Turn + 1) % 2;
Пример #4
            public ArgumentNode(string commandstring, Dictionary <string, bool>?possibleflags = null)
                // "subcommand <requiredparam1> <requiredparam2> [-a <>] [-b] [<optionalparam1> <optionalparam2> [<optionalparam3> [-c]]] [-d <>]"
                // <Key=subcommand, [requiredparam1, requiredparam2], {a:"", b:null, d:""}, <Key=null, [optionalparam1, optionalparam2], {}, <Key=null, [optionalparam3], {c:null}, null>>>
                // subcommand val val -b -a val val val val -c (no d)

                // TODO: long/descriptive flag names, (ignored) comments on commands as part of command strings?

                // Flags can appear anywhere so add parent node's flags
                if (possibleflags != null)
                    PossibleFlags = possibleflags;

                int bracketcounter = 0;
                int open           = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < commandstring.Length; i++)
                    if (commandstring[i] == '[')
                        if (bracketcounter == 1)
                            open = i;
                    else if (commandstring[i] == ']')
                        if (bracketcounter == 0)
                            //outerbracketpairs.Add(new Tuple<int, int>(open, i));
                            string contents = commandstring.Substring(open + 1, i - open - 1);
                            if (contents[0] == '-')          // Is flag?
                                if (contents.Contains("<>")) // Takes value?
                                    PossibleFlags.Add(contents[1].ToString(), true);
                                    PossibleFlags.Add(contents[1].ToString(), false);
                            else // is optional param(s)
                                ChildNode = new ArgumentNode(contents, PossibleFlags);
                            if (i != commandstring.Length - 1)
                                commandstring = commandstring.Substring(0, open) + commandstring.Substring(i + 2); // Remove the backets we just handled
                                commandstring = commandstring.Substring(0, open - 1);
                            i = open - 2; // Reset i

                string[] kargs = commandstring.Split();
                int      x;

                if (kargs[0][0] == '<')
                    Key = null;
                    x   = 0;
                    Key = kargs[0];
                    x   = 1;
                for (; x < kargs.Length; x++)
                    ArgNames.Add(kargs[x].Substring(1, kargs[x].Length - 2)); // strip out "<>"