Пример #1
         * Retrieves a single value from an area evaluation utilizing the 2D indices of the cell
         * within its own area reference to index the value in the area evaluation.
         * @param ae area reference after evaluation
         * @param cell the source cell of the formula that contains its 2D indices
         * @return a <tt>NumberEval</tt>, <tt>StringEval</tt>, <tt>BoolEval</tt> or <tt>BlankEval</tt>. or <tt>ErrorEval<tt>
         * Never <code>null</code>.

        public static ValueEval GetElementFromArray(AreaEval ae, IEvaluationCell cell)
            CellRangeAddress range = cell.ArrayFormulaRange;
            int relativeRowIndex   = cell.RowIndex - range.FirstRow;
            int relativeColIndex   = cell.ColumnIndex - range.FirstColumn;

            if (ae.IsColumn)
                if (ae.IsRow)
                    return(ae.GetRelativeValue(0, 0));
                else if (relativeRowIndex < ae.Height)
                    return(ae.GetRelativeValue(relativeRowIndex, 0));
            else if (!ae.IsRow && relativeRowIndex < ae.Height && relativeColIndex < ae.Width)
                return(ae.GetRelativeValue(relativeRowIndex, relativeColIndex));
            else if (ae.IsRow && relativeColIndex < ae.Width)
                return(ae.GetRelativeValue(0, relativeColIndex));

Пример #2
 private static void CollectValues(ValueEval arg, IList temp)
     if (arg is AreaEval)
         AreaEval ae     = (AreaEval)arg;
         int      width  = ae.Width;
         int      height = ae.Height;
         for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
             for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                 ValueEval ve1 = ae.GetRelativeValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                 CollectValue(ve1, temp, false);
     if (arg is RefEval)
         RefEval re = (RefEval)arg;
         CollectValue(re.InnerValueEval, temp, true);
     CollectValue(arg, temp, true);
Пример #3
 private ValueEval evaluate(int srcRowIndex, int srcColumnIndex, ValueEval lookupEval, ValueEval indexEval,
                            ValueEval returnEval, String notFound, LookupUtils.MatchMode matchMode,
                            LookupUtils.SearchMode searchMode, bool isSingleValue)
         ValueEval lookupValue = OperandResolver.GetSingleValue(lookupEval, srcRowIndex, srcColumnIndex);
         TwoDEval  tableArray  = LookupUtils.ResolveTableArrayArg(indexEval);
         int       matchedRow;
             matchedRow = LookupUtils.XlookupIndexOfValue(lookupValue, LookupUtils.CreateColumnVector(tableArray, 0), matchMode, searchMode);
         catch (EvaluationException e)
             if (ErrorEval.NA.Equals(e.GetErrorEval()))
                 if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(notFound))
                     if (returnEval is AreaEval)
                         AreaEval area  = (AreaEval)returnEval;
                         int      width = area.Width;
                         if (isSingleValue || width <= 1)
                             return(new StringEval(notFound));
                         return(new NotFoundAreaEval(notFound, width));
                         return(new StringEval(notFound));
         if (returnEval is AreaEval)
             AreaEval area = (AreaEval)returnEval;
             if (isSingleValue)
                 return(area.GetRelativeValue(matchedRow, 0));
             return(area.Offset(matchedRow, matchedRow, 0, area.Width - 1));
     catch (EvaluationException e)
  * Collects values from a single argument
 private void CollectValues(ValueEval operand, DoubleList temp)
     if (operand is AreaEval)
         AreaEval ae     = (AreaEval)operand;
         int      width  = ae.Width;
         int      height = ae.Height;
         for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
             for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                 ValueEval ve = ae.GetRelativeValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                 CollectValue(ve, true, temp);
     if (operand is RefEval)
         RefEval re = (RefEval)operand;
         CollectValue(re.InnerValueEval, true, temp);
     CollectValue((ValueEval)operand, false, temp);
Пример #5
            protected override ValueEval GetItemInternal(int index)
                int rowIx = index / _width;
                int colIx = index % _width;

                return(_ae.GetRelativeValue(rowIx, colIx));
Пример #6
         * @param ranges  criteria ranges, each range must be of the same dimensions as <code>aeSum</code>
         * @param predicates  array of predicates, a predicate for each value in <code>ranges</code>
         * @param aeSum  the range to sum
         * @return the computed value
        private static double SumMatchingCells(AreaEval[] ranges, I_MatchPredicate[] predicates, AreaEval aeSum)
            int height = aeSum.Height;
            int width  = aeSum.Width;

            double result = 0.0;

            for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                    bool matches = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
                        AreaEval         aeRange = ranges[i];
                        I_MatchPredicate mp      = predicates[i];

                        if (!mp.Matches(aeRange.GetRelativeValue(r, c)))
                            matches = false;

                    if (matches)
                    { // sum only if all of the corresponding criteria specified are true for that cell.
                        result += Accumulate(aeSum, r, c);
Пример #7
         * @param ranges  criteria ranges, each range must be of the same dimensions as <code>aeSum</code>
         * @param predicates  array of predicates, a predicate for each value in <code>ranges</code>
         * @param aeSum  the range to sum
         * @return the computed value
        internal static double CalcMatchingCells(AreaEval[] ranges, IMatchPredicate[] predicates, AreaEval aeSum, double initialValue, System.Func <double, double?, double> calc)
            int height = aeSum.Height;
            int width  = aeSum.Width;

            double result = initialValue;

            for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                    bool matches = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
                        AreaEval        aeRange = ranges[i];
                        IMatchPredicate mp      = predicates[i];

                        if (!mp.Matches(aeRange.GetRelativeValue(r, c)))
                            matches = false;

                    if (matches)
                    { // sum only if all of the corresponding criteria specified are true for that cell.
                        result = calc(result, ReadValue(aeSum, r, c));
Пример #8
  * Dereferences a single value from any AreaEval or RefEval evaluation result.
  * If the supplied evaluationResult is just a plain value, it is returned as-is.
  * @return a <tt>NumberEval</tt>, <tt>StringEval</tt>, <tt>BoolEval</tt>,
  *  <tt>BlankEval</tt> or <tt>ErrorEval</tt>. Never <c>null</c>.
 private static ValueEval DereferenceValue(ValueEval evaluationResult, int srcRowNum, int srcColNum)
     if (evaluationResult is RefEval)
         RefEval rv = (RefEval)evaluationResult;
     if (evaluationResult is AreaEval)
         AreaEval ae = (AreaEval)evaluationResult;
         if (ae.IsRow)
             if (ae.IsColumn)
                 return(ae.GetRelativeValue(0, 0));
             return(ae.GetValueAt(ae.FirstRow, srcColNum));
         if (ae.IsColumn)
             return(ae.GetValueAt(srcRowNum, ae.FirstColumn));
Пример #9
 public ValueEval GetItem(int index)
     if (index > _size)
         throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("Specified index (" + index
                                            + ") is outside the allowed range (0.." + (_size - 1) + ")");
     return(_tableArray.GetRelativeValue(index, _columnIndex));
Пример #10
         * @return possibly  <c>ErrorEval</c>, and <c>null</c>
        private static ValueEval ChooseSingleElementFromAreaInternal(AreaEval ae,
                                                                     int srcCellRow, int srcCellCol)
            //if (false)
            //    // this is too simplistic
            //    if (ae.ContainsRow(srcCellRow) && ae.ContainsColumn(srcCellCol))
            //    {
            //        throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR);
            //    }
            //    /*
            //    Circular references are not dealt with directly here, but it is worth noting some Issues.

            //    ANY one of the return statements in this method could return a cell that is identical
            //    to the one immediately being Evaluated.  The evaluating cell is identified by srcCellRow,
            //    srcCellRow AND sheet.  The sheet is not available in any nearby calling method, so that's
            //    one reason why circular references are not easy to detect here. (The sheet of the returned
            //    cell can be obtained from ae if it is an Area3DEval.)

            //    Another reason there's little value in attempting to detect circular references here Is
            //    that only direct circular references could be detected.  If the cycle involved two or more
            //    cells this method could not detect it.

            //    Logic to detect evaluation cycles of all kinds has been coded in EvaluationCycleDetector
            //    (and HSSFFormulaEvaluator).
            //     */

            if (ae.IsColumn)
                if (ae.IsRow)
                    return(ae.GetRelativeValue(0, 0));
                if (!ae.ContainsRow(srcCellRow))
                    throw EvaluationException.InvalidValue();
                return(ae.GetAbsoluteValue(srcCellRow, ae.FirstColumn));
            if (!ae.IsRow)
                // multi-column, multi-row area
                if (ae.ContainsRow(srcCellRow) && ae.ContainsColumn(srcCellCol))
                    return(ae.GetAbsoluteValue(ae.FirstRow, ae.FirstColumn));
                throw EvaluationException.InvalidValue();
            if (!ae.ContainsColumn(srcCellCol))
                throw EvaluationException.InvalidValue();
            return(ae.GetAbsoluteValue(ae.FirstRow, srcCellCol));
Пример #11
        private static Double GetValue(AreaEval aeRange, int relRowIndex, int relColIndex)
            ValueEval addend = aeRange.GetRelativeValue(relRowIndex, relColIndex);

            if (addend is NumberEval)
            // everything else (including string and boolean values) counts as zero
Пример #12
         * Reads the numeric values from the row/col of the specified area - other values return the indicated missing value.
        private static double?ReadValue(AreaEval aeSum, int relRowIndex, int relColIndex)
            ValueEval addend = aeSum.GetRelativeValue(relRowIndex, relColIndex);

            if (addend is NumberEval)
            // everything else (including string and boolean values) counts as zero
Пример #13
        private static double Accumulate(AreaEval aeRange, IMatchPredicate mp, AreaEval aeSum, int relRowIndex,
                                         int relColIndex)
            if (!mp.Matches(aeRange.GetRelativeValue(relRowIndex, relColIndex)))

            ValueEval addend = aeSum.GetRelativeValue(relRowIndex, relColIndex);

            if (addend is NumberEval)
            // everything else (including string and boolean values) counts as zero
Пример #14
        private static void ThrowFirstError(AreaEval areaEval)
            int height = areaEval.Height;
            int width  = areaEval.Width;

            for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                    ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetRelativeValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                    if (ve is ErrorEval)
                        throw new EvaluationException((ErrorEval)ve);
Пример #15
         * @param ranges  criteria ranges, each range must be of the same dimensions as <code>aeAvg</code>
         * @param predicates  array of predicates, a predicate for each value in <code>ranges</code>
         * @param aeAvg  the range to calculate
         * @return the computed value
        private static double GetAvgFromMatchingCells(AreaEval[] ranges, IMatchPredicate[] predicates, AreaEval aeAvg)
            int height = aeAvg.Height;
            int width  = aeAvg.Width;

            double sum         = 0.0;
            int    valuesCount = 0;

            for (int r = 0; r < height; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < width; c++)
                    bool matches = true;
                    for (int i = 0; i < ranges.Length; i++)
                        AreaEval        aeRange = ranges[i];
                        IMatchPredicate mp      = predicates[i];

                        if (!mp.Matches(aeRange.GetRelativeValue(r, c)))
                            matches = false;

                    if (matches)
                    { // sum only if all of the corresponding criteria specified are true for that cell.
                        var result = Accumulate(aeAvg, r, c);
                        if (result == null)
                        sum += result.Value;

            if (valuesCount <= 0)
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);

            return(valuesCount > 0 ? (sum / valuesCount) : 0);
Пример #16
         * @return the number of evaluated cells in the range that match the specified criteria
        public static int CountMatchingCellsInArea(AreaEval areaEval, I_MatchPredicate criteriaPredicate)
            int result = 0;

            int height = areaEval.Height;
            int width = areaEval.Width;
            for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                    ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetRelativeValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                    if (criteriaPredicate.Matches(ve))
            return result;
Пример #17
         * @return the number of evaluated cells in the range that match the specified criteria
        public static int CountMatchingCellsInArea(AreaEval areaEval, I_MatchPredicate criteriaPredicate)
            int result = 0;

            int height = areaEval.Height;
            int width  = areaEval.Width;

            for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                    ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetRelativeValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                    if (criteriaPredicate.Matches(ve))
Пример #18
        private static double GetScalarValue(ValueEval arg)
            ValueEval eval;

            if (arg is RefEval)
                RefEval re = (RefEval)arg;
                if (re.NumberOfSheets > 1)
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
                eval = re.GetInnerValueEval(re.FirstSheetIndex);
                eval = arg;

            if (eval == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("parameter may not be null");
            if (eval is AreaEval)
                AreaEval ae = (AreaEval)eval;
                // an area ref can work as a scalar value if it is 1x1
                if (!ae.IsColumn || !ae.IsRow)
                    throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
                eval = ae.GetRelativeValue(0, 0);

            if (!(eval is ValueEval))
                throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected value eval class ("
                                            + eval.GetType().Name + ")");

            return(GetProductTerm((ValueEval)eval, true));
Пример #19
         * @return possibly  <tt>ErrorEval</tt>, and <c>null</c> 
        private static ValueEval ChooseSingleElementFromAreaInternal(AreaEval ae,
                int srcCellRow, short srcCellCol)

            //if (false)
            //    // this Is too simplistic
            //    if (ae.ContainsRow(srcCellRow) && ae.ContainsColumn(srcCellCol))
            //    {
            //        throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.CIRCULAR_REF_ERROR);
            //    }
            //    /*
            //    Circular references are not dealt with directly here, but it Is worth noting some Issues.

            //    ANY one of the return statements in this method could return a cell that Is identical
            //    to the one immediately being Evaluated.  The evaluating cell Is identified by srcCellRow,
            //    srcCellRow AND sheet.  The sheet Is not available in any nearby calling method, so that's
            //    one reason why circular references are not easy to detect here. (The sheet of the returned
            //    cell can be obtained from ae if it Is an Area3DEval.)

            //    Another reason there's little value in attempting to detect circular references here Is
            //    that only direct circular references could be detected.  If the cycle involved two or more
            //    cells this method could not detect it.  

            //    Logic to detect evaluation cycles of all kinds has been coded in EvaluationCycleDetector
            //    (and HSSFFormulaEvaluator). 
            //     */

            if (ae.IsColumn)
                if (ae.IsRow)
                    return ae.GetRelativeValue(0, 0);
                if (!ae.ContainsRow(srcCellRow))
                    throw EvaluationException.InvalidValue();
                return ae.GetValueAt(srcCellRow, ae.FirstColumn);
            if (!ae.IsRow)
                // multi-column, multi-row area
                if (ae.ContainsRow(srcCellRow) && ae.ContainsColumn(srcCellCol))
                    return ae.GetValueAt(ae.FirstRow, ae.FirstColumn);
                throw EvaluationException.InvalidValue();
            if (!ae.ContainsColumn(srcCellCol))
                throw EvaluationException.InvalidValue();
            return ae.GetValueAt(ae.FirstRow, srcCellCol);
Пример #20
        private bool Calculate(ValueEval[] args)
            bool result             = InitialResultValue;
            bool atleastOneNonBlank = false;

             * Note: no short-circuit bool loop exit because any ErrorEvals will override the result
            for (int i = 0, iSize = args.Length; i < iSize; i++)
                ValueEval arg = args[i];
                if (arg is AreaEval)
                    AreaEval ae     = (AreaEval)arg;
                    int      height = ae.Height;
                    int      width  = ae.Width;
                    for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
                        for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
                            ValueEval ve = ae.GetRelativeValue(rrIx, rcIx);
                            tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, true);
                            if (tempVe != null)
                                result             = PartialEvaluate(result, Convert.ToBoolean(tempVe));
                                atleastOneNonBlank = true;

                if (arg is RefEval)
                    ValueEval ve = ((RefEval)arg).InnerValueEval;
                    tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, true);
                else if (arg is ValueEval)
                    ValueEval ve = (ValueEval)arg;
                    tempVe = OperandResolver.CoerceValueToBoolean(ve, false);
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected eval (" + arg.GetType().Name + ")");

                if (tempVe != null)
                    result             = PartialEvaluate(result, Convert.ToBoolean(tempVe));
                    atleastOneNonBlank = true;

            if (!atleastOneNonBlank)
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
Пример #21
         * @param colArgWasPassed <code>false</code> if the INDEX argument lIst had just 2 items
         *            (exactly 1 comma).  If anything Is passed for the <tt>column_num</tt> argument
         *            (including {@link BlankEval} or {@link MIssingArgEval}) this parameter will be
         *            <code>true</code>.  ThIs parameter is needed because error codes are slightly
         *            different when only 2 args are passed.
        private static ValueEval GetValueFromArea(AreaEval ae, int pRowIx, int pColumnIx,
                bool colArgWasPassed, int srcRowIx, int srcColIx)
            bool rowArgWasEmpty = pRowIx == 0;
            bool colArgWasEmpty = pColumnIx == 0;
            int rowIx;
            int columnIx;

            // when the area ref Is a single row or a single column,
            // there are special rules for conversion of rowIx and columnIx
            if (ae.IsRow)
                if (ae.IsColumn)
                    // single cell ref
                    rowIx = rowArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pRowIx - 1;
                    columnIx = colArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pColumnIx - 1;
                    if (colArgWasPassed)
                        rowIx = rowArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pRowIx - 1;
                        columnIx = pColumnIx - 1;
                        // special case - row arg seems to Get used as the column index
                        rowIx = 0;
                        // transfer both the index value and the empty flag from 'row' to 'column':
                        columnIx = pRowIx - 1;
                        colArgWasEmpty = rowArgWasEmpty;
            else if (ae.IsColumn)
                if (rowArgWasEmpty)
                    rowIx = srcRowIx - ae.FirstRow;
                    rowIx = pRowIx - 1;
                if (colArgWasEmpty)
                    columnIx = 0;
                    columnIx = colArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pColumnIx - 1;
                // ae Is an area (not single row or column)
                if (!colArgWasPassed)
                    // always an error with 2-D area refs
                    // Note - the type of error Changes if the pRowArg is negative
                    throw new EvaluationException(pRowIx < 0 ? ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID : ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
                // Normal case - area ref Is 2-D, and both index args were provided
                // if either arg Is missing (or blank) the logic is similar to OperandResolver.getSingleValue()
                if (rowArgWasEmpty)
                    rowIx = srcRowIx - ae.FirstRow;
                    rowIx = pRowIx - 1;
                if (colArgWasEmpty)
                    columnIx = srcColIx - ae.FirstColumn;
                    columnIx = pColumnIx - 1;

            int width = ae.Width;
            int height = ae.Height;
            // Slightly irregular logic for bounds checking errors
            if (!rowArgWasEmpty && rowIx >= height || !colArgWasEmpty && columnIx >= width)
                // high bounds check fail gives #REF! if arg was explicitly passed
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
            if (rowIx < 0 || columnIx < 0 || rowIx >= height || columnIx >= width)
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
            return ae.GetRelativeValue(rowIx, columnIx);
Пример #22
 private static void ThrowFirstError(AreaEval areaEval)
     int height = areaEval.Height;
     int width = areaEval.Width;
     for (int rrIx = 0; rrIx < height; rrIx++)
         for (int rcIx = 0; rcIx < width; rcIx++)
             ValueEval ve = areaEval.GetRelativeValue(rrIx, rcIx);
             if (ve is ErrorEval)
                 throw new EvaluationException((ErrorEval)ve);
Пример #23
        private static Double GetValue(AreaEval aeRange, int relRowIndex, int relColIndex)

            ValueEval addend = aeRange.GetRelativeValue(relRowIndex, relColIndex);
            if (addend is NumberEval)
                return ((NumberEval)addend).NumberValue;
            // everything else (including string and boolean values) counts as zero
            return Double.NaN;
Пример #24
        private static ValueEval GetValueFromArea(AreaEval ae, int pRowIx, int pColumnIx,
                                                  bool colArgWasPassed, int srcRowIx, int srcColIx)
            bool rowArgWasEmpty = pRowIx == 0;
            bool colArgWasEmpty = pColumnIx == 0;
            int  rowIx;
            int  columnIx;

            // when the area ref Is a single row or a single column,
            // there are special rules for conversion of rowIx and columnIx
            if (ae.IsRow)
                if (ae.IsColumn)
                    // single cell ref
                    rowIx    = rowArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pRowIx - 1;
                    columnIx = colArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pColumnIx - 1;
                    if (colArgWasPassed)
                        rowIx    = rowArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pRowIx - 1;
                        columnIx = pColumnIx - 1;
                        // special case - row arg seems to Get used as the column index
                        rowIx = 0;
                        // transfer both the index value and the empty flag from 'row' to 'column':
                        columnIx       = pRowIx - 1;
                        colArgWasEmpty = rowArgWasEmpty;
            else if (ae.IsColumn)
                if (rowArgWasEmpty)
                    rowIx = srcRowIx - ae.FirstRow;
                    rowIx = pRowIx - 1;
                if (colArgWasEmpty)
                    columnIx = 0;
                    columnIx = colArgWasEmpty ? 0 : pColumnIx - 1;
                // ae Is an area (not single row or column)
                if (!colArgWasPassed)
                    // always an error with 2-D area refs
                    // Note - the type of error Changes if the pRowArg is negative
                    throw new EvaluationException(pRowIx < 0 ? ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID : ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
                // Normal case - area ref Is 2-D, and both index args were provided
                // if either arg Is missing (or blank) the logic is similar to OperandResolver.getSingleValue()
                if (rowArgWasEmpty)
                    rowIx = srcRowIx - ae.FirstRow;
                    rowIx = pRowIx - 1;
                if (colArgWasEmpty)
                    columnIx = srcColIx - ae.FirstColumn;
                    columnIx = pColumnIx - 1;

            int width  = ae.Width;
            int height = ae.Height;

            // Slightly irregular logic for bounds checking errors
            if (!rowArgWasEmpty && rowIx >= height || !colArgWasEmpty && columnIx >= width)
                // high bounds check fail gives #REF! if arg was explicitly passed
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.REF_INVALID);
            if (rowIx < 0 || columnIx < 0 || rowIx >= height || columnIx >= width)
                throw new EvaluationException(ErrorEval.VALUE_INVALID);
            return(ae.GetRelativeValue(rowIx, columnIx));
Пример #25
        private static double Accumulate(AreaEval aeRange, I_MatchPredicate mp, AreaEval aeSum, int relRowIndex,
                int relColIndex)
            if (!mp.Matches(aeRange.GetRelativeValue(relRowIndex, relColIndex)))
                return 0.0;

            ValueEval addend = aeSum.GetRelativeValue(relRowIndex, relColIndex);
            if (addend is NumberEval)
                return ((NumberEval)addend).NumberValue;
            // everything else (including string and boolean values) counts as zero
            return 0.0;