private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            // Create the uri for the tiled layer
            Uri tiledLayerUri = new Uri("");

            // Create a tiled layer using url
            ArcGISTiledLayer tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(tiledLayerUri);
            tiledLayer.Name = "Tiled Layer";

            // Add the tiled layer to map

            // Create the uri for the ArcGISMapImage layer
            var imageLayerUri = new Uri("");

            // Create ArcGISMapImage layer using a url
            ArcGISMapImageLayer imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(imageLayerUri);
            imageLayer.Name = "Image Layer";

            // Set the visible scale range for the image layer
            imageLayer.MinScale = 40000000;
            imageLayer.MaxScale = 2000000;

            // Add the image layer to map

            //Create Uri for feature layer
            var featureLayerUri = new Uri("");

            //Create a feature layer using url
            FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureLayerUri);
            myFeatureLayer.Name = "Feature Layer";

            // Add the feature layer to map

            // Create a mappoint the map should zoom to
            MapPoint mapPoint = new MapPoint(-11000000, 4500000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

            // Set the initial viewpoint for map
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(mapPoint, 50000000);

            // Initialize the model list with unknown status for each layer
            foreach (Layer layer in myMap.OperationalLayers)
                _layerStatusModels.Add(new LayerStatusModel(layer.Name, "Unknown"));

            // Create the tableview source and pass the list of models to it
            _tableView.Source = new LayerViewStatusTableSource(_layerStatusModels);

            // Event for layer view state changed
            _myMapView.LayerViewStateChanged += OnLayerViewStateChanged;

            // Provide used Map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            // Create uri to the map image layer
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create new image layer from the url
            ArcGISMapImageLayer imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(serviceUri)
                Name = "World Cities Population"

            // Add created layer to the basemaps collection

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Wait that the image layer is loaded and sublayer information is fetched
            await imageLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Assign sublayers to the listview
            sublayerListView.ItemsSource = imageLayer.Sublayers;
        private async void Initialize()
            // Define a challenge handler method for the AuthenticationManager 
            // (this method handles getting credentials when a secured resource is encountered)
            AuthenticationManager.Current.ChallengeHandler = new ChallengeHandler(CreateCredentialAsync);

            // Create the public layer and provide a name
            var publicLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(PublicMapServiceUrl));
            publicLayer.Name = PublicLayerName;             

            // Create the secured layer and provide a name
            var tokenSecuredLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(SecureMapServiceUrl));
            tokenSecuredLayer.Name = SecureLayerName;

            // Bind the layer to UI controls to show the load status
            PublicLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = publicLayer;
            SecureLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = tokenSecuredLayer;
            // Create a new map and add the layers
            var myMap = new Map();

            // Add the map to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create the login UI (will display when the user accesses a secured resource)
            _loginPage = new LoginPage();

            // Set up event handlers for when the user completes the login entry or cancels
            _loginPage.OnLoginInfoEntered += LoginInfoEntered;
            _loginPage.OnCanceled += LoginCanceled;
        private async void Initialize()
            // Define a challenge handler method for the AuthenticationManager 
            // (this method handles getting credentials when a secured resource is encountered)
            AuthenticationManager.Current.ChallengeHandler = new ChallengeHandler(CreateKnownCredentials);

            // Create the public layer and provide a name
            var publicLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(PublicMapServiceUrl));
            publicLayer.Name = PublicLayerName;

            // Create the secured layer and provide a name
            var tokenSecuredLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(SecureMapServiceUrl));
            tokenSecuredLayer.Name = SecureLayerName;

            // Bind the layer to UI controls to show the load status
            PublicLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = publicLayer;
            SecureLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = tokenSecuredLayer;

            // Create a new map and add the layers
            var myMap = new Map();

            // Add the map to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;
        private void Initialize()
            // Create the public layer and provide a name
            var publicLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(PublicMapServiceUrl));
            publicLayer.Name = PublicLayerName;

            // Set the data context for the public layer stack panel controls (to report name and load status)
            PublicLayerPanel.DataContext = publicLayer;

            // Create the secured layer and provide a name
            var tokenSecuredLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(SecureMapServiceUrl));
            tokenSecuredLayer.Name = SecureLayerName;

            // Set the data context for the secure layer stack panel controls (to report name and load status)
            SecureLayerPanel.DataContext = tokenSecuredLayer;

            // Create a new map and add the layers
            var myMap = new Map();
            var t = new TextBlock();

            // Add the map to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            // Create the uri for the tiled layer
            var tiledLayerUri = new Uri(

            // Create a tiled layer using url
            ArcGISTiledLayer tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(tiledLayerUri);
            tiledLayer.Name = "Tiled Layer";

            // Add the tiled layer to map

            // Create the uri for the ArcGISMapImage layer
            var imageLayerUri = new Uri(

            // Create ArcGISMapImage layer using a url
            ArcGISMapImageLayer imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(imageLayerUri);
            imageLayer.Name = "Image Layer";

            // Set the visible scale range for the image layer
            imageLayer.MinScale = 40000000;
            imageLayer.MaxScale = 2000000;

            // Add the image layer to map

            // Create Uri for feature layer
            var featureLayerUri = new Uri(

            // Create a feature layer using url
            FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureLayerUri);
            myFeatureLayer.Name = "Feature Layer";

            // Add the feature layer to map

            // Create a map point the map should zoom to
            MapPoint mapPoint = new MapPoint(-11000000, 4500000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

            // Set the initial viewpoint for map
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(mapPoint, 50000000);

            // Event for layer view state changed
            MyMapView.LayerViewStateChanged += OnLayerViewStateChanged;

            // Provide used Map to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;
        public async override void ViewDidLoad()

            // Create a new ArcGISMapImageLayer instance and pass a Url to the service
            var mapImageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(
                new Uri(""));

            // Await the load call for the layer.
            await mapImageLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Create a new Map instance with the basemap               
            Map myMap = new Map(SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
            myMap.Basemap = Basemap.CreateTopographic();

            // Add the map image layer to the map's operational layers

            // Create a new MapView control and provide its location coordinates on the frame.
            MapView myMapView = new MapView();
            myMapView.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 60, View.Bounds.Width, View.Bounds.Height - 40);

            // Assign the Map to the MapView
            myMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create a button to show sublayers
            UIButton sublayersButton = new UIButton(UIButtonType.Custom);
            sublayersButton.Frame = new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, myMapView.Bounds.Height, View.Bounds.Width, 40);
            sublayersButton.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
            sublayersButton.SetTitle("Sublayers", UIControlState.Normal);
            sublayersButton.SetTitleColor(UIColor.Blue, UIControlState.Normal);

            // Create a new instance of the Sublayers Table View Controller. This View Controller
            // displays a table of sublayers with a switch for setting the layer visibility. 
            SublayersTable sublayersTableView = new SublayersTable();

            // When the sublayers button is clicked, load the Sublayers Table View Controller
            sublayersButton.TouchUpInside += (s, e) =>
                if (mapImageLayer.Sublayers.Count > 0)
                    sublayersTableView.mapImageLayer = mapImageLayer;
                    this.NavigationController.PushViewController(sublayersTableView, true);

            // Add the MapView and Sublayers button to the View
            View.AddSubviews(myMapView, sublayersButton);
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map using spatial reference as world bonne (54024)
            Map myMap = new Map(SpatialReference.Create(54024));

            // Adding a map image layer which can reproject itself to the map's spatial reference
            // Note: Some layer such as tiled layer cannot reproject and will fail to draw if their spatial 
            // reference is not the same as the map's spatial reference
            ArcGISMapImageLayer operationalLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(

            // Add operational layer to the Map

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            // Create uri to the map image layer
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create new image layer from the url
            ArcGISMapImageLayer imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(serviceUri);

            // Add created layer to the basemaps collection

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            // Create uri to the map image layer
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create new image layer from the url
            _imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(serviceUri)
                Name = "World Cities Population"

            // Add created layer to the basemaps collection

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;
Пример #11
        private async void _localMapService_StatusChanged(object sender, StatusChangedEventArgs e)
            // Add the shapefile layer to the map once the service finishes starting
            if (e.Status == LocalServerStatus.Started)
                // Create the imagery layer
                ArcGISMapImageLayer imageryLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(_localMapService.Url);

                // Subscribe to image layer load status change events
                // Only set up the sublayer renderer for the shapefile after the parent layer has finished loading
                imageryLayer.LoadStatusChanged += (q, ex) =>
                    // Add the layer to the map once loaded
                    if (ex.Status == Esri.ArcGISRuntime.LoadStatus.Loaded)
                        // Create a default symbol style
                        SimpleLineSymbol _lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Red, 3);

                        // Apply the symbol style with a renderer
                        _shapefileSublayer.Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(_lineSymbol);

                        // Add the shapefile sublayer to the imagery layer

                // Load the layer
                await imageryLayer.LoadAsync();

                // Clear any existing layers

                // Add the image layer to the map
        private async void Initialize()
            // Define a challenge handler method for the AuthenticationManager
            // (this method handles getting credentials when a secured resource is encountered)
            AuthenticationManager.Current.ChallengeHandler = new ChallengeHandler(CreateCredentialAsync);

            // Create the public layer and provide a name
            var publicLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(PublicMapServiceUrl));

            publicLayer.Name = PublicLayerName;

            // Create the secured layer and provide a name
            var tokenSecuredLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(SecureMapServiceUrl));

            tokenSecuredLayer.Name = SecureLayerName;

            // Bind the layer to UI controls to show the load status
            PublicLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = publicLayer;
            SecureLayerStatusPanel.BindingContext = tokenSecuredLayer;

            // Create a new map and add the layers
            var myMap = new Map();


            // Add the map to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create the login UI (will display when the user accesses a secured resource)
            _loginPage = new LoginPage();

            // Set up event handlers for when the user completes the login entry or cancels
            _loginPage.OnLoginInfoEntered += LoginInfoEntered;
            _loginPage.OnCanceled         += LoginCanceled;
Пример #13
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new map based on the streets base map.
            Map newMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());

            // Assign the map to the MapView.
            MyMapView.Map = newMap;

            // Create an ArcGIS map image layer based on the Uri to that points to an ArcGIS Server map service that contains four Census sub-layers.
            // NOTE: sub-layer[0] = Census Block Points, sub-layer[1] = Census Block Group, sub-layer[3] = Counties, sub-layer[3] = States.
            _arcGISMapImageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new System.Uri(""));

            // Add the ArcGIS map image layer to the map's operation layers collection.

            // Load the ArcGIS map image layer.
            await _arcGISMapImageLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Create an envelope that covers the continental US in the web Mercator spatial reference.
            Envelope continentalUSEnvelope = new Envelope(-14193469.5655232, 2509617.28647268, -7228772.04749191, 6737139.97573925, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

            // Zoom the map to the extent of the envelope.
            await MyMapView.SetViewpointGeometryAsync(continentalUSEnvelope);
        private async void submitQuery(UIAlertAction obj)
            // If the population value entered is not numeric, warn the user and exit.
            double populationNumber;

            if (!double.TryParse(_queryEntry.Text.Trim(), out populationNumber))
                UIAlertController alert = UIAlertController.Create("Invalid number", "Population value must be numeric.", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));
                PresentViewController(alert, true, null);


            // Get the USA map image layer (the first and only operational layer in the map).
            ArcGISMapImageLayer usaMapImageLayer = (ArcGISMapImageLayer)_myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

                // Use a utility method on the map image layer to load all the sublayers and tables.
                await usaMapImageLayer.LoadTablesAndLayersAsync();

                // Get the sublayers of interest (skip 'Highways' since it doesn't have the POP2000 field).
                ArcGISMapImageSublayer citiesSublayer   = (ArcGISMapImageSublayer)usaMapImageLayer.Sublayers[0];
                ArcGISMapImageSublayer statesSublayer   = (ArcGISMapImageSublayer)usaMapImageLayer.Sublayers[2];
                ArcGISMapImageSublayer countiesSublayer = (ArcGISMapImageSublayer)usaMapImageLayer.Sublayers[3];

                // Get the service feature table for each of the sublayers.
                ServiceFeatureTable citiesTable   = citiesSublayer.Table;
                ServiceFeatureTable statesTable   = statesSublayer.Table;
                ServiceFeatureTable countiesTable = countiesSublayer.Table;

                // Create the query parameters that will find features in the current extent with a population greater than the value entered.
                QueryParameters populationQuery = new QueryParameters
                    WhereClause = "POP2000 > " + populationNumber,
                    Geometry    = _myMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry

                // Query each of the sublayers with the query parameters.
                FeatureQueryResult citiesQueryResult = await citiesTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(populationQuery);

                FeatureQueryResult statesQueryResult = await statesTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(populationQuery);

                FeatureQueryResult countiesQueryResult = await countiesTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(populationQuery);

                // Display the selected cities in the graphics overlay.
                SimpleMarkerSymbol citySymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Red, 16);
                foreach (Feature city in citiesQueryResult)
                    Graphic cityGraphic = new Graphic(city.Geometry, citySymbol);


                // Display the selected counties in the graphics overlay.
                SimpleLineSymbol countyLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, Color.Cyan, 2);
                SimpleFillSymbol countySymbol     = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.DiagonalCross, Color.Cyan, countyLineSymbol);
                foreach (Feature county in countiesQueryResult)
                    Graphic countyGraphic = new Graphic(county.Geometry, countySymbol);


                // Display the selected states in the graphics overlay.
                SimpleLineSymbol stateLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.DarkCyan, 6);
                SimpleFillSymbol stateSymbol     = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Null, Color.Cyan, stateLineSymbol);
                foreach (Feature state in statesQueryResult)
                    Graphic stateGraphic = new Graphic(state.Geometry, stateSymbol);

            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
Пример #15
        }   // end MainWindow

        /// <summary>
        /// Open WMS service and store the list of imagery
        /// perserving heirarchy, if any
        /// Source: Runtime wms Service catalog
        /// MOD - pass in serviceurl
        /// </summary>
        private async void InitializeWMSLayer_VM()
            // Initialize the display with a basemap
            // BasemapView is UI esri mapview name in XAML
            // Reset Map projection if applicable
            Map myMap = new Map(SpatialReference.Create(4326));

            baseImageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(

            // Add baseImageLayer to the Map

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            BasemapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create the WMS Service Load data from the URI
            // Create WMS Service service with default uri
            serviceURI = new Uri(wmsUriStartup.capableUri);
            serviceWMS = new WmsService(serviceURI);

            // If service can load, initialize the app
                // Load the WMS Service.
                await serviceWMS.LoadAsync();

                // Get the service info (metadata) from the service.
                WmsServiceInfo info = serviceWMS.ServiceInfo;

                // Process info to get information for all the layers
                // for the given serviceUri
                // LayerInfos gets a list of sublayers for a given layer
                foreach (var layerInfo in info.LayerInfos)
                    LayerInfoVM.BuildLayerInfoList(new LayerInfoVM(layerInfo, null, false), _layerInfoOC);

                // Sort Layers
                // This sorts list but list does not get passed to Itemsource

                 * List<WmsLayerInfo> sortedWmsInfo = new List<WmsLayerInfo>();
                 * ObservableCollection<LayerInfoVM> SortedList = new ObservableCollection<LayerInfoVM>( _layerInfoOC.OrderBy(o => o.Info.Title).ToList())
                 * _layerInfoOC = new ObservableCollection<LayerInfoVM>(SortedList);
                 * foreach (LayerInfoVM layerInfo in _layerInfoOC)
                 *  Debug.WriteLine(layerInfo.Info.Title + "  " + layerInfo.Info.Name);
                 * Debug.WriteLine("Counts: " + _layerInfoOC.Count + "  " + SortedList.Count);

                // Update the map display based on the viewModel.

                // Update UI element
                ProductLabel.Content = "NASA GIBS - " + wmsUriStartup.EPSG + " - "
                                       + wmsUriStartup.latency;
                ProductTreeView.ItemsSource = _layerInfoOC.Take(1);
            }   // end try
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "WMS SERVER LOAD ERROR");
        }   // end InitializeWMSLayer_VM
Пример #16
        private void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            // Create the uri for the tiled layer
            Uri tiledLayerUri = new Uri("");

            // Create a tiled layer using url
            ArcGISTiledLayer tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(tiledLayerUri);

            tiledLayer.Name = "Tiled Layer";

            // Add the tiled layer to map

            // Create the uri for the ArcGISMapImage layer
            var imageLayerUri = new Uri("");

            // Create ArcGISMapImage layer using a url
            ArcGISMapImageLayer imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(imageLayerUri);

            imageLayer.Name = "Image Layer";

            // Set the visible scale range for the image layer
            imageLayer.MinScale = 40000000;
            imageLayer.MaxScale = 2000000;

            // Add the image layer to map

            //Create Uri for feature layer
            var featureLayerUri = new Uri("");

            //Create a feature layer using url
            FeatureLayer myFeatureLayer = new FeatureLayer(featureLayerUri);

            myFeatureLayer.Name = "Feature Layer";

            // Add the feature layer to map

            // Create a mappoint the map should zoom to
            MapPoint mapPoint = new MapPoint(-11000000, 4500000, SpatialReferences.WebMercator);

            // Set the initial viewpoint for map
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(mapPoint, 50000000);

            // Initialize the model list with unknown status for each layer
            foreach (Layer layer in myMap.OperationalLayers)
                _layerStatusModels.Add(new LayerStatusModel(layer.Name, "Unknown"));

            // Create the tableview source and pass the list of models to it
            _tableView.Source = new LayerViewStatusTableSource(_layerStatusModels);

            // Event for layer view state changed
            _myMapView.LayerViewStateChanged += OnLayerViewStateChanged;

            // Provide used Map to the MapView
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        private void AddOperationalLayers()
            // Clear the operational layers from the map
            Map myMap = MyMapView.Map;

            // Loop through the selected items in the operational layers list box
            foreach (var item in LayerListView.SelectedItems)
                // Get the service uri for each selected item 
                var layerInfo = (KeyValuePair<string, string>)item;
                var layerUri = new Uri(layerInfo.Value);

                // Create a new map image layer, set it 50% opaque, and add it to the map
                ArcGISMapImageLayer layer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(layerUri);
                layer.Opacity = 0.5;
Пример #18
        private async void QuerySublayers_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // If the population value entered is not numeric, warn the user and exit.
            double populationNumber = 0.0;

            if (!double.TryParse(PopulationTextBox.Text.Trim(), out populationNumber))
                MessageBox.Show("The population value must be numeric.", "Query error");

            // Get the USA map image layer (the first and only operational layer in the map).
            ArcGISMapImageLayer usaMapImageLayer = (ArcGISMapImageLayer)MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

                // Use a utility method on the map image layer to load all the sublayers and tables.
                await usaMapImageLayer.LoadTablesAndLayersAsync();

                // Get the sublayers of interest (skip 'Highways' since it doesn't have the POP2000 field).
                ArcGISMapImageSublayer citiesSublayer   = (ArcGISMapImageSublayer)usaMapImageLayer.Sublayers[0];
                ArcGISMapImageSublayer statesSublayer   = (ArcGISMapImageSublayer)usaMapImageLayer.Sublayers[2];
                ArcGISMapImageSublayer countiesSublayer = (ArcGISMapImageSublayer)usaMapImageLayer.Sublayers[3];

                // Get the service feature table for each of the sublayers.
                ServiceFeatureTable citiesTable   = citiesSublayer.Table;
                ServiceFeatureTable statesTable   = statesSublayer.Table;
                ServiceFeatureTable countiesTable = countiesSublayer.Table;

                // Create the query parameters that will find features in the current extent with a population greater than the value entered.
                QueryParameters populationQuery = new QueryParameters
                    WhereClause = "POP2000 > " + PopulationTextBox.Text,
                    Geometry    = MyMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry).TargetGeometry

                // Query each of the sublayers with the query parameters.
                FeatureQueryResult citiesQueryResult = await citiesTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(populationQuery);

                FeatureQueryResult statesQueryResult = await statesTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(populationQuery);

                FeatureQueryResult countiesQueryResult = await countiesTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(populationQuery);

                // Display the selected cities in the graphics overlay.
                SimpleMarkerSymbol citySymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Red, 16);
                foreach (Feature city in citiesQueryResult)
                    Graphic cityGraphic = new Graphic(city.Geometry, citySymbol);


                // Display the selected counties in the graphics overlay.
                SimpleLineSymbol countyLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, Color.Cyan, 2);
                SimpleFillSymbol countySymbol     = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.DiagonalCross, Color.Cyan, countyLineSymbol);
                foreach (Feature county in countiesQueryResult)
                    Graphic countyGraphic = new Graphic(county.Geometry, countySymbol);


                // Display the selected states in the graphics overlay.
                SimpleLineSymbol stateLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Color.DarkCyan, 6);
                SimpleFillSymbol stateSymbol     = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Null, Color.Cyan, stateLineSymbol);
                foreach (Feature state in statesQueryResult)
                    Graphic stateGraphic = new Graphic(state.Geometry, stateSymbol);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error");
Пример #19
        }   // end MainWindow

        /// <summary>
        /// Open WMS service and store the list of imagery
        /// preserving hierarchy, if any
        /// Source: Runtime wms Service catalog
        /// MOD - pass in serviceurl
        /// </summary>
        private async void InitializeWMSLayer_VM()
            // Initialize the display with a basemap
            // Reset Map projection if applicable
            Map myMap = new Map(SpatialReference.Create(4326));

            baseImageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(

            // Add baseImageLayer to the Map

            // Assign the map to the MapView
            BasemapView.Map = myMap;

            // Create the WMS Service Load data from the URI
            // Create WMS Service service with default uri
            serviceURI = new Uri(wmsUriStartup.capableUri);
            serviceWMS = new WmsService(serviceURI);

            // If service can load, initialize the app
                // Load the WMS Service.
                await serviceWMS.LoadAsync();

                // Get the service info (metadata) from the service.
                WmsServiceInfo info = serviceWMS.ServiceInfo;

                // Process info to get information for all the layers
                // for the given serviceUri
                // LayerInfos gets a list of sublayers for a given layer
                IList <LayerInfoVM> temp = new List <LayerInfoVM>();
                foreach (WmsLayerInfo layerInfo in info.LayerInfos)
                    LayerInfoVM.BuildLayerInfoList(new LayerInfoVM(layerInfo, null, false), _layerInfoOC);

                // NASA GIBS Specific
                #region NASA
                string epsg = wmsUriStartup.EPSG.Substring(0, 4) + ":"
                              + wmsUriStartup.EPSG.Substring(4, 4);
                ProductLabel.Content = "NASA GIBS for EODIS: "
                                       + wmsUriStartup.latency.ToUpper() + " - "
                                       + epsg.ToUpper();
                Sort_NASA_GIBS(_layerInfoOC, out temp);

                foreach (LayerInfoVM layerInfo in temp)
                #endregion NASA

                // Update the map display based on the viewModel.

                // Update Product List
                //ProductTreeView.ItemsSource = _layerInfoOC;
                ProductList.ItemsSource = _layerInfoOC;
            }   // end try
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "WMS SERVER LOAD ERROR");
        }   // end InitializeWMSLayer_VM
Пример #20
        public void AddLayerFromUrl(string layerUrl)
            ArcGISMapImageLayer layer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(layerUrl));

Пример #21
        public async void InitScene(string json, SceneView sceneView)
                JsonReader jreader = new JsonTextReader(new System.IO.StringReader(json));
                JObject    jo      = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
                // ¼ÓÔØoperationalLayers ͼ²ã
                if (jo["operationalLayers"].Count() > 0)
                    int LayerCount = 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < jo["operationalLayers"].Count(); j++, LayerCount++)
                        string operational_title     = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["title"].ToString();
                        string operational_layerType = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layerType"].ToString();
                        if (operational_layerType.Equals("GroupLayer"))
                            if (jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"] != null && jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"].Count() > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"].Count(); i++)
                                    string           GrouplLayers_title = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"][i]["title"].ToString();
                                    string           GrouplLayers_url   = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"][i]["url"].ToString();
                                    ArcGISSceneLayer Scenelayer         = new ArcGISSceneLayer(new Uri(GrouplLayers_url));
                                    string           Content            = $"ͼ²ã{LayerCount} £º {GrouplLayers_title}";
                                    layers.Add(new ItemLayer(Content));
                                    //Label lab = new Label { Content = $"ͼ²ã{LayerCount} £º {GrouplLayers_title}" };
                            string           operational_url = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["url"].ToString();
                            ArcGISSceneLayer Scenelayer      = new ArcGISSceneLayer(new Uri(operational_url));
                            string Content = $"ͼ²ã{LayerCount} £º {operational_title}";
                            layers.Add(new ItemLayer(Content));
                            //Label lab = new Label { Content = $"ͼ²ã{LayerCount} £º {operational_title}" };
                    if (layers.Count > 0)
                        Context          context = this.BaseContext;
                        ListLayerAdapter adapter = new ListLayerAdapter(layers, context);
                        listLayer.Adapter = adapter;
                if (jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"] != null && jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"].Count() > 0)
                    // ¼ÓÔص×ͼ baseMap
                    string baseMapLayers_layerType = jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"][0]["layerType"].ToString();
                    if (baseMapLayers_layerType.Equals("ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer"))
                        string baseMapLayers_url    = jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"][0]["url"].ToString();
                        ArcGISMapImageLayer basemap = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(baseMapLayers_url));
                        Basemap             map     = new Basemap(basemap);
                        sceneView.Scene.Basemap = map;
                // ¼ÓÔØ¸ß³Ì elevationLayers
                if (jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"] != null && jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"].Count() > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"].Count(); j++)
                        string elevationLayer_url       = jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"][j]["url"].ToString();
                        string elevationLayer_layerType = jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"][j]["layerType"].ToString();
                        var    elevationSource          = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(new System.Uri(elevationLayer_url));
                // ¼ÓÔØÊéÇ© slides
                if (jo["presentation"]["slides"] != null && jo["presentation"]["slides"].Count() >= 0)
                    int bookMarkCount = 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < jo["presentation"]["slides"].Count(); j++, bookMarkCount++)
                        string sttt    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]);
                        string bkname  = jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["title"]["text"].ToString();
                        string bkimage = jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["thumbnail"]["url"].ToString();

                        double targetGeometry_x = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["targetGeometry"] ["x"];
                        double targetGeometry_y = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["targetGeometry"] ["y"];
                        double targetGeometry_z = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["targetGeometry"] ["z"];

                        double slidesx        = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["x"];
                        double slidesy        = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["y"];
                        double slidesz        = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["z"];
                        double slides_heading = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["heading"];
                        double slides_tilt    = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["tilt"];
                        int    SRID           = (int)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["spatialReference"]["latestWkid"];

                        MapPoint cmpt   = new MapPoint(slidesx, slidesy, slidesz, SpatialReference.Create(SRID));
                        Camera   camera = new Camera(cmpt, slides_heading, slides_tilt, 0);
                        MapPoint mp     = new MapPoint(targetGeometry_x, targetGeometry_y, targetGeometry_z, SpatialReference.Create(SRID));

                        Viewpoint vp = new Viewpoint(mp, camera);
                        Bookmark  bk = new Bookmark(bkname, vp);
                        ItemBookMark itembk = new ItemBookMark(bkname, bkimage, bk);
                    if (bks.Count > 0)
                        Context         context = this.BaseContext;
                        ListBookAdapter adapter = new ListBookAdapter(bks, context);
                        listBookMark.Adapter = adapter;

                double   initCamera_x       = (double)jo["initialState"]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["x"];
                double   initCamera_y       = (double)jo["initialState"]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["y"];
                double   initCamera_z       = (double)jo["initialState"]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["z"];
                double   initCamera_heading = (double)jo["initialState"]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["heading"];
                double   initCamera_tilt    = (double)jo["initialState"]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["tilt"];
                int      initSRID           = (int)jo["initialState"]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["spatialReference"]["latestWkid"];
                MapPoint initcmpt           = new MapPoint(initCamera_x, initCamera_y, initCamera_z, SpatialReference.Create(initSRID));
                Camera   initCamera         = new Camera(initcmpt, initCamera_heading, initCamera_tilt, 0);
                await _sceneLeftView.SetViewpointCameraAsync(initCamera, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            catch (Exception ex)
Пример #22
        // When a comment is clicked, get the related feature (service request) and select it on the map.
        private async void CommentsListBox_ItemClick(object sender, AdapterView.ItemClickEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // Get the clicked record (ArcGISFeature) using the list position. If one is not found, return.
            ArcGISFeature selectedComment = _commentFeatures[e.Position] as ArcGISFeature;

            if (selectedComment == null)

            // Get the map image layer that contains the service request sublayer and the service request comments table.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = _myMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0] as ArcGISMapImageLayer;

            // Get the (non-spatial) table that contains the service request comments.
            ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

            // Get the relationship that defines related service request features to features in the comments table (this is the first and only relationship).
            RelationshipInfo commentsRelationshipInfo = commentsTable.LayerInfo.RelationshipInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create query parameters to get the related service request for features in the comments table.
            RelatedQueryParameters relatedQueryParams = new RelatedQueryParameters(commentsRelationshipInfo)
                ReturnGeometry = true

            // Query the comments table to get the related service request feature for the selected comment.
            IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedRequestsResult = await commentsTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(selectedComment, relatedQueryParams);

            // Get the first result.
            RelatedFeatureQueryResult result = relatedRequestsResult.FirstOrDefault();

            // Get the first feature from the result. If it's null, warn the user and return.
            ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = result.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;

            if (serviceRequestFeature == null)
                // Report to the user that a related feature was not found, then return.
                AlertDialog.Builder alertBuilder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
                AlertDialog         alert        = alertBuilder.Create();
                alert.SetMessage("Related feature not found.");


            // Load the related service request feature (so its geometry is available).
            await serviceRequestFeature.LoadAsync();

            // Get the service request geometry (point).
            MapPoint serviceRequestPoint = serviceRequestFeature.Geometry as MapPoint;

            // Create a cyan marker symbol to display the related feature.
            Symbol selectedRequestSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, System.Drawing.Color.Cyan, 14);

            // Create a graphic using the service request point and marker symbol.
            Graphic requestGraphic = new Graphic(serviceRequestPoint, selectedRequestSymbol);

            // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay and zoom the map view to its extent.
            await _myMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(serviceRequestPoint, 150000);
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create a new Map with a vector streets basemap.
            Map myMap = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreetsVector());

            // Create the URI to the Service Requests map service.
            Uri serviceRequestUri = new Uri("");

            // Create a new ArcGISMapImageLayer that uses the service URI.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(serviceRequestUri);

                // Load all sublayers and tables contained by the map image layer.
                await serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.LoadTablesAndLayersAsync();

                // Set the initial map extent to the extent of all service request features.
                Envelope requestsExtent = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.FullExtent;
                myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(requestsExtent);

                // Add the layer to the map.

                // Get the service request comments table from the map image layer.
                ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

                // Create query parameters to get all non-null service request comment records (features) from the table.
                QueryParameters queryToGetNonNullComments = new QueryParameters
                    WhereClause = "requestid <> '' AND comments <> ''"

                // Query the comments table to get the non-null records.
                FeatureQueryResult commentQueryResult = await commentsTable.QueryFeaturesAsync(queryToGetNonNullComments, QueryFeatureFields.LoadAll);

                // Show the records from the service request comments table in the UITableView control.
                foreach (ArcGISFeature commentFeature in commentQueryResult)

                // Create the table view source that uses the list of features.
                _commentsTableSource = new ServiceRequestCommentsTableSource(_serviceRequestComments);

                // Assign the table view source to the table view control.
                _tableView.Source = _commentsTableSource;

                // Subscribe to event.
                _commentsTableSource.ServiceRequestCommentSelected += CommentsTableSource_ServiceRequestCommentSelected;

                // Create a graphics overlay to show selected features and add it to the map view.
                _selectedFeaturesOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();

                // Assign the map to the MapView.
                _myMapView.Map = myMap;

                // Reload the table view data to refresh the display.
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
Пример #24
        private async void Initialize()
            // Create new Map
            Map myMap = new Map();

            //########### TILED LAYER

            // Create uri to the tiled service
            var tiledLayerUri = new Uri(

            // Create new tiled layer from the url
            ArcGISTiledLayer tiledLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(tiledLayerUri);

            // Add created layer to the basemaps collection


            //########### DINAMYC LAYER

            // Create uri to the map image layer
            var serviceUri = new Uri(

            // Create new image layer from the url
            ArcGISMapImageLayer imageLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(serviceUri)
                Name = "World Cities Population"

            // Add created layer to the basemaps collection


            //########### FEATURE LAYER

            // Create feature table using a url
            _featureTable = new ServiceFeatureTable(new Uri(_statesUrl));

            // Create feature layer using this feature table
            _featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(_featureTable);

            // Set the Opacity of the Feature Layer
            _featureLayer.Opacity = 0.6;

            // Create a new renderer for the States Feature Layer
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(
                SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Black, 1);
            SimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(
                SimpleFillSymbolStyle.Solid, Colors.Yellow, lineSymbol);

            // Set States feature layer renderer
            _featureLayer.Renderer = new SimpleRenderer(fillSymbol);

            // Add feature layer to the map


            // Assign the map to the MapView
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Wait that the image layer is loaded and sublayer information is fetched
            await imageLayer.LoadAsync();

            // Assign sublayers to the listview
            sublayerListView.ItemsSource = imageLayer.Sublayers;
        private void Initialize()
            // Create a spatial reference that's suitable for creating planar buffers in north central Texas (State Plane).
            SpatialReference statePlaneNorthCentralTexas = new SpatialReference(32038);

            // Define a polygon that represents the valid area of use for the spatial reference.
            // This information is available at
            List <MapPoint> spatialReferenceExtentCoords = new List <MapPoint>
                new MapPoint(-103.070, 31.720, SpatialReferences.Wgs84),
                new MapPoint(-103.070, 34.580, SpatialReferences.Wgs84),
                new MapPoint(-94.000, 34.580, SpatialReferences.Wgs84),
                new MapPoint(-94.00, 31.720, SpatialReferences.Wgs84)

            _spatialReferenceArea = new Polygon(spatialReferenceExtentCoords);
            _spatialReferenceArea = (Polygon)GeometryEngine.Project(_spatialReferenceArea, statePlaneNorthCentralTexas);

            // Create a map that uses the North Central Texas state plane spatial reference.
            Map bufferMap = new Map(statePlaneNorthCentralTexas);

            // Add some base layers (counties, cities, and highways).
            Uri usaLayerSource           = new Uri("");
            ArcGISMapImageLayer usaLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(usaLayerSource);


            // Use a new EnvelopeBuilder to expand the spatial reference extent 120%.
            EnvelopeBuilder envBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(_spatialReferenceArea.Extent);


            // Set the map's initial extent to the expanded envelope.
            Envelope startingEnvelope = envBuilder.ToGeometry();

            bufferMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(startingEnvelope);

            // Assign the map to the MapView.
            MyMapView.Map = bufferMap;

            // Create a graphics overlay to show the buffer polygon graphics.
            GraphicsOverlay bufferGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                // Give the overlay an ID so it can be found later.
                Id = "buffers"

            // Create a graphic to show the spatial reference's valid extent (envelope) with a dashed red line.
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, Color.Red, 5);
            Graphic          spatialReferenceExtentGraphic = new Graphic(_spatialReferenceArea, lineSymbol);

            // Add the graphic to a new overlay.
            GraphicsOverlay spatialReferenceGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();


            // Add the graphics overlays to the MapView.

            // Wire up the MapView's GeoViewTapped event handler.
            MyMapView.GeoViewTapped += MyMapView_GeoViewTapped;
        private void Initialize()
            // Define a challenge handler method for the AuthenticationManager 
            // (this method handles getting credentials when a secured resource is encountered)
            AuthenticationManager.Current.ChallengeHandler = new ChallengeHandler(CreateCredentialAsync);

            // Create the public layer and provide a name
            var publicLayer = new ArcGISTiledLayer(new Uri(PublicMapServiceUrl));
            publicLayer.Name = PublicLayerName;

            // Create the secured layer and provide a name
            var tokenSecuredLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(SecureMapServiceUrl));
            tokenSecuredLayer.Name = SecureLayerName;

            // Track the load status of each layer with a LoadStatusChangedEvent handler
            publicLayer.LoadStatusChanged += LayerLoadStatusChanged;
            tokenSecuredLayer.LoadStatusChanged += LayerLoadStatusChanged;

            // Create a new map and add the layers
            var myMap = new Map();

            // Add the map to the map view
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;
        // Handle a new selected comment record in the table view.
        private async void CommentsListBox_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
            // Clear selected features from the graphics overlay.

            // Get the selected comment feature. If there is no selection, return.
            ArcGISFeature selectedComment = e.AddedItems[0] as ArcGISFeature;

            if (selectedComment == null)

            // Get the map image layer that contains the service request sublayer and the service request comments table.
            ArcGISMapImageLayer serviceRequestsMapImageLayer = (ArcGISMapImageLayer)MyMapView.Map.OperationalLayers[0];

            // Get the (non-spatial) table that contains the service request comments.
            ServiceFeatureTable commentsTable = serviceRequestsMapImageLayer.Tables[0];

            // Get the relationship that defines related service request features for features in the comments table (this is the first and only relationship).
            RelationshipInfo commentsRelationshipInfo = commentsTable.LayerInfo.RelationshipInfos.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create query parameters to get the related service request for features in the comments table.
            RelatedQueryParameters relatedQueryParams = new RelatedQueryParameters(commentsRelationshipInfo)
                ReturnGeometry = true

                // Query the comments table to get the related service request feature for the selected comment.
                IReadOnlyList <RelatedFeatureQueryResult> relatedRequestsResult = await commentsTable.QueryRelatedFeaturesAsync(selectedComment, relatedQueryParams);

                // Get the first result.
                RelatedFeatureQueryResult result = relatedRequestsResult.FirstOrDefault();

                // Get the first feature from the result. If it's null, warn the user and return.
                ArcGISFeature serviceRequestFeature = result.FirstOrDefault() as ArcGISFeature;
                if (serviceRequestFeature == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Related feature not found.", "No Feature");

                // Load the related service request feature (so its geometry is available).
                await serviceRequestFeature.LoadAsync();

                // Get the service request geometry (point).
                MapPoint serviceRequestPoint = serviceRequestFeature.Geometry as MapPoint;

                // Create a cyan marker symbol to display the related feature.
                Symbol selectedRequestSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbolStyle.Circle, Color.Cyan, 14);

                // Create a graphic using the service request point and marker symbol.
                Graphic requestGraphic = new Graphic(serviceRequestPoint, selectedRequestSymbol);

                // Add the graphic to the graphics overlay and zoom the map view to its extent.
                await MyMapView.SetViewpointCenterAsync(serviceRequestPoint, 150000);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error");
Пример #28
        public async void InitScene(string json, SceneView sceneView)
                JsonReader jreader = new JsonTextReader(new System.IO.StringReader(json));
                JObject    jo      = (JObject)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
                // 加载operationalLayers 图层
                if (jo["operationalLayers"].Count() > 0)
                    int LayerCount = 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < jo["operationalLayers"].Count(); j++, LayerCount++)
                        string operational_title     = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["title"].ToString();
                        string operational_layerType = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layerType"].ToString();
                        if (operational_layerType.Equals("GroupLayer"))
                            if (jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"] != null && jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"].Count() > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"].Count(); i++)
                                    string           GrouplLayers_title = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"][i]["title"].ToString();
                                    string           GrouplLayers_url   = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["layers"][i]["url"].ToString();
                                    ArcGISSceneLayer Scenelayer         = new ArcGISSceneLayer(new Uri(GrouplLayers_url));
                                    //Label lab = new Label { Content = $"图层{LayerCount} : {GrouplLayers_title}" };
                            string           operational_url = jo["operationalLayers"][j]["url"].ToString();
                            ArcGISSceneLayer Scenelayer      = new ArcGISSceneLayer(new Uri(operational_url));
                            //Label lab = new Label { Content = $"图层{LayerCount} : {operational_title}" };
                if (jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"] != null && jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"].Count() > 0)
                    // 加载底图 baseMap
                    string baseMapLayers_layerType = jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"][0]["layerType"].ToString();
                    if (baseMapLayers_layerType.Equals("ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer"))
                        string baseMapLayers_url    = jo["baseMap"]["baseMapLayers"][0]["url"].ToString();
                        ArcGISMapImageLayer basemap = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(new Uri(baseMapLayers_url));
                        Basemap             map     = new Basemap(basemap);
                        sceneView.Scene.Basemap = map;
                // 加载高程 elevationLayers
                if (jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"] != null && jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"].Count() > 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"].Count(); j++)
                        string elevationLayer_url       = jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"][j]["url"].ToString();
                        string elevationLayer_layerType = jo["baseMap"]["elevationLayers"][j]["layerType"].ToString();
                        var    elevationSource          = new ArcGISTiledElevationSource(new System.Uri(elevationLayer_url));
                // 加载书签 slides
                if (jo["presentation"]["slides"] != null && jo["presentation"]["slides"].Count() >= 0)
                    int bookMarkCount = 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < jo["presentation"]["slides"].Count(); j++, bookMarkCount++)
                        string    sttt    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]);
                        string    bkname  = jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["title"]["text"].ToString();
                        string    bkimage = jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["thumbnail"]["url"].ToString();
                        Viewpoint vp      = Viewpoint.FromJson(sttt);
                        Bookmark  bk      = new Bookmark(bkname, vp);

                        //  Camera ca = new Camera();
                        //  Label lab = new Label { Content = $"书签{bookMarkCount} : {bkname}" };
                        //lab.Tag = vp;
                        //lab.MouseDown += Lab_MouseDown;

                        //  this.listbookMark.Items.Add(lab);
                        //double slidesx = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["x"];
                        //double slidesy = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["y"];
                        //double slidesz = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["position"]["z"];
                        //double slides_heading = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["heading"];
                        //double slides_tilt = (double)jo["presentation"]["slides"][j]["viewpoint"]["camera"]["tilt"];

                string    initialState     = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jo["initialState"]["viewpoint"]);
                Viewpoint initialViewpoint = Viewpoint.FromJson(initialState);
                await sceneView.SetViewpointAsync(initialViewpoint, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
            { }