Пример #1
 static MatTests()
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryMat <Mat2, float> (2, 2));
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryMat <Mat3, float> (3, 3));
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryMat <Mat4, float> (4, 4));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random future DateTime by shifting the current UtcNow by a random number of days.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DateTime FutureDate()
            int maximum = (int)DateTime.MaxValue.Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow).TotalDays;
            int offset  = Arbitrary.Int32(0, maximum);

Пример #3
    public void Plist_Binary_TEST()
        Xorshift random = new Xorshift(Seed);

        // Trailer
        for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
            var trailer = new Plist.Trailer();
            trailer.ShortVersion      = (byte)(random.Generate() & 0xFF);
            trailer.OffsetIntSize     = (byte)(random.Generate() & 0xFF);
            trailer.ObjectRefSize     = (byte)(random.Generate() & 0xFF);
            trailer.NumObjects        = (ulong)random.Generate() | ((ulong)random.Generate() << 32);
            trailer.TopObject         = (ulong)random.Generate() | ((ulong)random.Generate() << 32);
            trailer.OffsetTableOffset = (ulong)random.Generate() | ((ulong)random.Generate() << 32);

            var ms = new MemoryStream();
            Plist.WriteTrailerBinary(ms, trailer);
            var read = Plist.ReadTrailerBinary(ms.ToArray());
            Assert.AreEqual(trailer.GetHashCode(), read.GetHashCode());
            Assert.AreEqual(trailer, read);

        for (int i = 0; i < 5000; ++i)
            object value1 = Arbitrary.Plist();
            var    data   = Plist.WriteObjectBinary(value1);
            object value2 = Plist.ReadObjectBinary(data);
            Assert.IsTrue(Plist.EqualObject(value1, value2, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-3), string.Format("serialize error [{0}]", i));
Пример #4
        private string GenerateString(int minimum, int maximum)
            int upperCaseA = 65;
            int upperCaseZ = 90;
            int lowerCaseA = 97;
            int lowerCaseZ = 122;
            int length     = Arbitrary.Int32(minimum, maximum);

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                int c;
                if (Arbitrary.Boolean())
                    c = Arbitrary.Int32(upperCaseA, upperCaseZ);
                    c = Arbitrary.Int32(lowerCaseA, lowerCaseZ);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random past (historical) DateTime by shifting the current UtcNow by a random number of days.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DateTime PastDate()
            int minimum = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(DateTime.MinValue).TotalDays * -1;
            int offset  = Arbitrary.Int32(minimum, 0);

Пример #6
        public void CheckNearestNeighbour <V, T> (Func <V, V, float> distance, string distDesc)
            where V : struct, IVec <V, float>
            var prop =
                from tree in Prop.ForAll(ArbitraryKdTree <V, T> ())
                from pos in Prop.ForAll(Arbitrary.Get <V> ())
                from num in Prop.ForAll(Gen.ChooseInt(1, 4))
                let nearest = tree.NearestNeighbours(pos, num, distance).AsPrintable()
                              let lastBest = nearest.None() ?
                                             float.PositiveInfinity :
                                             distance(nearest.Last().Key, pos)
                                             select new { tree, pos, num, nearest, lastBest };

            prop.Label("Not neighbours have longer distance: {0}, {1}", typeof(V).Name, distDesc)
            .Check(p => p.tree.Count == 0 || p.tree.All(pair =>
                                                        p.nearest.Contains(pair) || p.lastBest <= distance(pair.Key, p.pos)));
            prop.Label("Neighbours in right order: {0}, {1}", typeof(V).Name, distDesc)
            .Check(p => p.nearest.Zip(p.nearest.Skip(1),
                                      (p1, p2) => distance(p1.Key, p.pos) <= distance(p2.Key, p.pos))
//			prop.Label ("Visualize").Check (p =>
//			{
//				TestProgram.VConsole.ShowVisual (p.tree.ToVisual ());
//				return true;
//			});
Пример #7
        ## Implementing IArbitrary<T>
        ## We need an implementation of `IArbitrary<T>` interface for each type `T`
        ## we wish to use in our tests. This implementation generates random values
        ## of type `T`, and shrinks them when LinqCheck is looking  for a minimal
        ## failing test case.
        ## So, we need to define an implementation of `IArbitrary<Seq<T>>`. The
        ## simplest way to achieve that is to create an instance `Arbitrary<T>`
        ## class, which stores the generator and shrinker for type `T`. Let's
        ## define a method that creates this object.
        public static IArbitrary <Seq <T> > ArbitrarySeq <T> ()
             * First we need to define the generator for `Seq<T>` type. Generators
             * have the type `Gen<T>` where T is the type of data produced. They
             * are defined as Linq expressions where complex types are constructed
             * with built-in or user-defined combinators. In this case we can
             * utilize the combinator that creates an `Gen<IEnumerable<T>>` given
             * a generator of type `Gen<T>`.
             * We don't know yet what is the item type `T` which will be contained
             * in the sequence. Luckily we don't have to. We can assume that the
             * generator for `T` is already registered with LinqCheck, and get it
             * by calling `Arbitrary.Gen<T> ()`.
            return(new Arbitrary <Seq <T> > (
                       from e in Arbitrary.Gen <T> ().EnumerableOf()
                       select e.ToSeq(),

                        * We also need to provide a way to shrink the failed sequence
                        * to simpler versions. Again, we take advantage of the fact
                        * that `Seq<T>` implements `IEnumerable<T>`, so we can use
                        * the built-in combinator to do the shrinking. Lastly, we
                        * convert the shrinked IEnumerables back to Seqs.
                       seq =>
                       from e in seq.ShrinkEnumerable()
                       select e.ToSeq()
        public static Arbitrary <CborPropertyTestContext> PropertyTestInput()
            Arbitrary <NonEmptyArray <CborDocument> > documentArb = Arb.Default.NonEmptyArray <CborDocument>();
            Arbitrary <bool>          convertArb       = Arb.Default.Bool();
            Gen <CborConformanceMode> conformanceModes = Gen.Elements(

            Gen <CborPropertyTestContext> inputGen =
                from docs in documentArb.Generator
                from convert in convertArb.Generator
                from mode in conformanceModes
                select CborPropertyTestContextHelper.create(mode, convert, docs.Get);

            IEnumerable <CborPropertyTestContext> Shrinker(CborPropertyTestContext input)
                var nonEmptyArrayInput = NonEmptyArray <CborDocument> .NewNonEmptyArray(input.RootDocuments);

                foreach (NonEmptyArray <CborDocument> shrunkDoc in documentArb.Shrinker(nonEmptyArrayInput))
                    yield return(CborPropertyTestContextHelper.create(input.ConformanceMode, input.ConvertIndefiniteLengthItems, input.RootDocuments));

            return(Arb.From(inputGen, Shrinker));
Пример #9
    public void Plist_OSXCompatibilityTEST()
        var path = Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "tmp.plist");

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            object value1 = Arbitrary.Plist(3);

            var bytes = Plist.WriteObjectBinary(value1);
            File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);


            bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);

            var value2 = Plist.ReadObjectBinary(bytes);

            // because of xml serialization, lost milisecond acculacy...
            Assert.IsTrue(Plist.EqualObject(value1, value2, 1.0e-9, 1.5), string.Format("serialize error [{0}]", i));

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            object value1 = Arbitrary.Plist(3);

            var bytes = Plist.WriteObjectBinary(value1);
            File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);


            bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);

            var value2 = Plist.ReadObjectXML(bytes);

            // because of xml serialization, lost milisecond acculacy...
            Assert.IsTrue(Plist.EqualObject(value1, value2, 1.0e-9, 1.5), string.Format("serialize error [{0}]", i));

        for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
            object value1 = Arbitrary.Plist(3);

            var bytes = Plist.WriteObjectXML(value1);
            File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);


            bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(path);

            var value2 = Plist.ReadObjectBinary(bytes);

            // because of xml serialization, lost milisecond acculacy...
            Assert.IsTrue(Plist.EqualObject(value1, value2, 1.0e-9, 1.5), string.Format("serialize error [{0}]", i));
Пример #10
 static Schedule[] Noice() => Arbitrary.Schedules(
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a random past (historical) DateTime by shifting the current UtcNow by a random number of days.
        /// <para>The result will be greater than 1-Jan-1970.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DateTime PastDateWin32()
            DateTime min     = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1);
            int      minimum = (int)DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(min).TotalDays * -1;
            int      offset  = Arbitrary.Int32(minimum, 0);

Пример #12
        public static TestCase <Data.Schedule, S.PrincipalClaim, S.Appointment[]> GetSchedule(string s)
            switch (s)
            case "NotOnRecord":
                return(new TestCase <Data.Schedule, S.PrincipalClaim, S.Appointment[]>
                    Given = new Data.Schedule[0],
                    Arguments = new S.PrincipalClaim(
                    Expect = new S.Appointment[0]

            case "OnRecord":
                var claim = new S.PrincipalClaim(

                var seed = Arbitrary.Appointments(

                return(new TestCase <Data.Schedule, S.PrincipalClaim, S.Appointment[]>
                    Given = new[]
                        new Data.Schedule
                            PrincipalId = claim.Id,
                            Name = claim.Schedule,
                            Appointments = seed
                    Arguments = claim,
                    Expect = seed
                             .Select(x => new S.Appointment
                        Start = x.Start,
                        Participants = x.Participants
                                       .Select(p => new S.Participation
                            SubjectId = p.SubjectId,
                            Name = p.Name
                    }).OrderBy(x => x.Start).ToArray()

                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(s));
Пример #13
    void Start()
        var bytes_binary = Plist.WriteObjectBinary(Arbitrary.Plist());

        File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "arbitrary-binary.plist"), bytes_binary);
        var bytes_xml = Plist.WriteObjectXML(Arbitrary.Plist());

        File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Application.streamingAssetsPath, "arbitrary-xml.plist"), bytes_xml);
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a random distribution of `count` items for the given generator
 /// </summary>
 public static IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <T, Int32> > Distribution <T> (this Arbitrary <T> arb, Int32 size, Int32 count)
            .Sample(size, count)
            .AsEnumerable() // working in FSharpList<T> would be awkward... but possible
            .GroupBy(vsn => vsn)
            .OrderBy(group => group.Count())
            .Select(group => new KeyValuePair <T, Int32>(group.Key, group.Count())));
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a non-negative random value between 0 and the specified maximum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maximum">The inclusive upper bound of the random number to be generated, must be 256 or less.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int Tiny(int maximum)
            if (maximum > 256)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maximum), "The maximum value of Tiny is 255.");

            return((short)Arbitrary.Int32(0, maximum));
Пример #16
 private static Arbitrary <To> MapArb <To, From>(Arbitrary <From> arb, Func <From, To> func)
     where To : class =>
 Arb.Convert <From, To>(
     FsFunc.Create <From, To>(a => {
     var r = func(a);
     convertBackTable.GetValue(r, _ => a);
     FsFunc.Create <To, From>(b => convertBackTable.TryGetValue(b, out var result)
Пример #17
 static BoundingTreeTests()
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryAabb <Vec2> ());
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryAabb <Vec3> ());
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryAabb <Vec4> ());
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryKeyValuePair <Vec2, int> ());
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryKeyValuePair <Vec3, float> ());
     Arbitrary.Register(ArbitraryKeyValuePair <Vec4, double> ());
Пример #18
        public static Arbitrary <Q> ArbitraryQuat <Q, T> ()
            where Q : struct, IQuat <Q, T>
            where T : struct, IEquatable <T>
            var arb  = Arbitrary.Get <T> ();
            var quat = default(Q);

            return(new Arbitrary <Q> (
                       from a in arb.Generate.FixedArrayOf(4)
                       select quat.FromAxisAngle(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3])));
Пример #19
        public static Arbitrary <V> ArbitraryVec <V, T> (int size)
            where V : struct, IVec <V, T>
            where T : struct, IEquatable <T>
            var arb = Arbitrary.Get <T> ();

            return(new Arbitrary <V> (
                       from a in arb.Generate.FixedArrayOf(size)
                       select Vec.FromArray <V, T> (a),
                       v => from a in v.ToArray <V, T> ().Map(arb.Shrink).Combinations()
                       select Vec.FromArray <V, T> (a)));
Пример #20
    public void Plist_XML_TEST()
        Xorshift random = new Xorshift(Seed);

        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
            object value1 = Arbitrary.Plist();
            var    data   = Plist.WriteObjectXML(value1);
            object value2 = Plist.ReadObjectXML(data);
            Assert.IsTrue(Plist.EqualObject(value1, value2, 1.0e-9, 1.5), string.Format("serialize error [{0}]", i));
Пример #21
        public static Arbitrary <KdTree <V, T> > ArbitraryKdTree <V, T> ()
            where V : struct, IVec <V, float>
            var arb = Arbitrary.Get <KeyValuePair <V, T> > ();

            return(new Arbitrary <KdTree <V, T> > (
                       from pairs in arb.Generate.EnumerableOf()
                       select new KdTree <V, T> (pairs),
                       tree =>
                       from pairs in tree.ShrinkEnumerable()
                       select new KdTree <V, T> (pairs)));
Пример #22
        public static Arbitrary <M> ArbitraryMat <M, T> (int cols, int rows)
            where M : struct, IMat <M, T>
            where T : struct, IEquatable <T>
            var arb = Arbitrary.Get <T> ();

            return(new Arbitrary <M> (
                       from a in arb.Generate.FixedArrayOf(rows * cols)
                       select Mat.FromArray <M, T> (a),
                       m => from a in Mat.ToArray <M, T> (m).Map(arb.Shrink).Combinations()
                       select Mat.FromArray <M, T> (a)));
Пример #23
        public static Arbitrary <KeyValuePair <K, V> > ArbitraryKeyValuePair <K, V> ()
            var arbKey   = Arbitrary.Get <K> ();
            var arbValue = Arbitrary.Get <V> ();

            return(new Arbitrary <KeyValuePair <K, V> > (
                       from key in arbKey.Generate
                       from value in arbValue.Generate
                       select new KeyValuePair <K, V> (key, value),
                       pair =>
                       from key in arbKey.Shrink(pair.Key)
                       select new KeyValuePair <K, V> (key, pair.Value)));
 public Property Token_lexes()
     return(Prop.ForAll(Arbitrary.PsuedoToken(), token =>
         var result = Lex(token.Text);
         var outputAsPsuedoTokens = result.ToPsuedoTokens();
         var expectedPsuedoTokens = token.Yield().Append(PsuedoToken.EndOfFile()).ToList();
         return expectedPsuedoTokens.SequenceEqual(outputAsPsuedoTokens)
         .Label($"Actual:   {outputAsPsuedoTokens.DebugFormat()}")
         .Label($"Expected: {expectedPsuedoTokens.DebugFormat()}")
Пример #25
        protected TArg AsParam <TArg>(string label, Arbitrary <TArg> arb)
            if (!PropertyBasedTestContext.IsPreparation)

            if (!PropertyBasedTestContext.ParamDefinitions.ContainsKey(label))
                PropertyBasedTestContext.ParamDefinitions.Add(label, arb);
Пример #26
        public void CheckAdding <V, T> ()
            where V : struct, IVec <V, float>
            var prop =
                from tree in Prop.ForAll(ArbitraryKdTree <V, T> ())
                let cnt = tree.Count
                          from key in Prop.ForAll(Arbitrary.Get <V> ().Generate)
                          from val in Prop.ForAll(Arbitrary.Get <T> ().Generate)
                          let added = tree.TryAdd(key, val)
                                      select new { tree, cnt, key, val, added };

            prop.Label("Count is correct").Check(p => !p.added || p.cnt + 1 == p.tree.Count());
            prop.Label("New value added").Check(p => !p.added || p.tree[p.key].Equals(p.val));
Пример #27
        public static Arbitrary <Aabb <V> > ArbitraryAabb <V> ()
            where V : struct, IVec <V, float>
            var arb = Arbitrary.Get <V> ();

            return(new Arbitrary <Aabb <V> > (
                       from pos1 in arb.Generate
                       from pos2 in arb.Generate
                       select new Aabb <V> (pos1, pos2),
                       bbox =>
                       from min in arb.Shrink(bbox.Min)
                       from max in arb.Shrink(bbox.Max)
                       select new Aabb <V> (min, max)));
 public Property Valid_token_sequence_lexes_back_to_itself()
     return(Prop.ForAll(Arbitrary.PsuedoTokenList(), tokens =>
         var input = string.Concat(tokens.Select(t => t.Text));
         var result = Lex(input);
         var outputAsPsuedoTokens = result.ToPsuedoTokens();
         var expectedPsuedoTokens = tokens.Append(PsuedoToken.EndOfFile()).ToFixedList();
         return expectedPsuedoTokens.SequenceEqual(outputAsPsuedoTokens)
         .Label($"Text: „{input.Escape()}„")
         .Label($"Actual:   {outputAsPsuedoTokens.DebugFormat()}")
         .Label($"Expected: {expectedPsuedoTokens.DebugFormat()}");
Пример #29
        private string GetString(int minimum, int maximum, string contains)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(contains))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(contains), "The argument cannot be null.or empty.");

            int    length = contains.Length;
            string text   = GenerateString(minimum, maximum);

            // Determine the location to insert the 'contains' so the length on the result is not more than the maximum.
            int location = Arbitrary.Int32(0, text.Length - length);

            return(text.Insert(location, contains));
Пример #30
        public static TestCase <Data.Schedule, Guid, IEnumerable <S.PrincipalClaim> > ListSchedule(string s)
            switch (s)
            case "NotOnRecord":
                return(new TestCase <Data.Schedule, Guid, IEnumerable <S.PrincipalClaim> >
                    Given = new Data.Schedule[0],
                    Arguments = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Expect = new S.PrincipalClaim[0]

            case "OnRecord":
                var principal = Guid.NewGuid();
                var names     = new[]

                return(new TestCase <Data.Schedule, Guid, IEnumerable <S.PrincipalClaim> >
                    Given = names
                            .Select(x => new Data.Schedule
                        PrincipalId = principal,
                        Name = x,
                        Appointments = Arbitrary.Appointments(
                    Arguments = principal,
                    Expect = names
                             .Select(x => new S.PrincipalClaim(principal, x))

                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(s));