Пример #1
 public DictionaryEntry(string dictionaryCode, string word, int entryIndex, IEnumerable <string> html)
     DictionaryCode = dictionaryCode;
     EntryIndex     = entryIndex;
     Word           = ArabicHelper.SubstituteAndOmit(word);
     Html           = html.ToList().AsReadOnly();
Пример #2
        public ActionResult Root(string root)
            root = ArabicHelper.LetterNamesToArabic(root);
            var model = new Analysis_Root(root);

Пример #3
        public ActionResult Root(string root)
             * root = ArabicHelper.LetterNamesToArabic(root);
             * var model = SharedData.Document.RootWordsDocument[root];
             * return View(model);
            root = ArabicHelper.LetterNamesToArabic(root);
            var model = new Analysis_Root(root);

Пример #4
        public void Migrate(string code)
            string jsonFilePath       = Path.Combine(Configuration.DictionariesDirectoryPath, $"{code}");
            var    jsonDictionary     = ReadJsonObject <JsonDictionary>(jsonFilePath + ".json");
            var    jsonDictionaryMeta = ReadJsonObject <DictionaryMeta>(jsonFilePath + "-meta.json");

            WriteDictionary(code, jsonDictionary.Name, jsonDictionaryMeta.Copyright);
            int index = 0;

            foreach (var entry in jsonDictionary.Entries)
                string root            = ArabicHelper.Substitute(entry.Name);
                string rootLetterNames = ArabicHelper.ArabicToLetterNames(root);
                string html            = entry.Text;
                html = HeaderRegex.Replace(entry.Text, "");
                html = EmptyElementRegex.Replace(html, m => m.Groups[1].Value + m.Groups[2].Value);
                html = html.Replace("\r\n", " ").Replace("\r", " ").Replace("\n", " ");
                if (jsonDictionaryMeta.RemoveNewLines)
                    html = NewLineRegex.Replace(html, " ");
                    html = NewLineRegex.Replace(html, "\r");
                //TODO: Not until we know we are not already inside a html element
                //html = ArabicRegex.Replace(html, m => $"<span class=\"arabic\">{m.Value}</span>");
                string[] htmlLines       = html.Split('\r');
                var      dictionaryEntry = new DictionaryEntry(
                    dictionaryCode: code,
                    word: root,
                    entryIndex: index,
                    html: htmlLines);

                if (index % 100 == 0)
                    Logger.Debug($"{code} {rootLetterNames}");
Пример #5
        static void SanitizeQueryString(ref string queryString)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString))
            queryString = ArabicHelper.Substitute(queryString);

            string[] specialCharacters = new string[]
                "&", "|", "!", "(", ")", "{", "}", "[", "]",
                "^", "\"", "~", "?", ":", "\\"
            foreach (string s in specialCharacters)
                queryString = queryString.Replace(s, @"\" + s);

            queryString = "+(" + queryString + ")";
Пример #6
        public ActionResult Index(string dictionaryCode, string word)
            Dictionary dictionary = DictionaryRepository.Get(dictionaryCode);

            if (dictionary == null)
            string indexValue = ArabicHelper.Substitute(word);
            IEnumerable <DictionaryEntry> entries = DictionaryEntryRepository.Get(
                dictionaryCode: dictionaryCode,
                word: indexValue);

            if (!entries.Any())

            var viewModel = new ViewModel(word, dictionary, entries);

            return(View("DictionaryEntry", viewModel));
Пример #7
        public async Task <ApiResponse <string> > ReindexVanDyke()
            var directoryName = @"..\App_Data\Bibles\VanDyke\";// @"C:\Suzette\TheArabicBible\The Arabic Bible\BibleCopies\VanDyke\";
            var books         = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(directoryName);

            foreach (var book in books)
                var bookText = string.Empty;
                using (var reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(book))
                    bookText = reader.ReadToEnd();
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bookText))
                    var bookId  = Convert.ToInt16(book.Replace(directoryName, "").Substring(0, 2));
                    var groupId = GetGroupId(bookId);

                    bookText = bookText.Replace("الأصحَاحُ", "@");
                    bookText = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(bookText, "[0-9]", "$"); //replace verse number/digit with $
                    bookText = bookText.Replace("$$$", "$").Replace("$$", "$");                      //if verse number has more than digit replace them all with one $

                    var chapters       = bookText.Split('@');
                    var chapterCounter = 0;
                    foreach (var chapter in chapters)
                        var verses       = chapter.Split('$');
                        var verseCounter = 0;
                        for (var i = 1; i < verses.Count(); i++)
                            var verse = verses[i];

                            var trimedVerse = verse.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\r", "").Trim();
                            var doc         = new BibleVerse()
                                BibleId = 1
                                TestmentId = (bookId <= 39 ? 1 : 2)
                                GroupId = groupId
                                BookId = bookId
                                ChapterId = chapterCounter
                                VerseNo = i
                                VerseText = trimedVerse
                                SearchText = ArabicHelper.MapArabicToEnglishLetters(trimedVerse)
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimedVerse))
                                chapterCounter = chapterCounter == 0 ? 1 : chapterCounter;
                                verseCounter   = verseCounter == 0 ? 1 : verseCounter;
                                // return new ApiResponse<string>() { Data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(doc) };
                                var response = await _bibleRepository.AddDocument(doc);
            return(new ApiResponse <string>());//todo set status to false
Пример #8
        public async Task <ApiResponse <List <BibleVerse> > > Query(int pageIndex, List <int> bibleIds, Bible bibleFilter, SearchCriteria searchCriteria)
            var response    = new ApiResponse <List <BibleVerse> >();
            var currentPage = pageIndex;
            var recPerPage  = 20;
            var startIndex  = recPerPage * (currentPage - 1);
            var searchTerm  = searchCriteria.SearchItems[0].SearchTerm;

            if (bibleFilter.Language.Equals("arabic", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                searchTerm = ArabicHelper.MapArabicToEnglishLetters(searchCriteria.SearchItems[0].SearchTerm);

            var filterItems = GetFilter(bibleIds, bibleFilter);

            var searchStart = $" ( ";

            var boolQueryStart  = $" 'query' : ( 'bool' : (";
            var queryMustClause = $"   'must'     : [ ('wildcard' : ('SearchText' :  '*{searchTerm}*' )) ]";       // must works like and
            var boolQueryEnd    = $" )) ";

            var boolFilterStart     = $" , 'filter'   : ( 'bool' : (";
            var filterShouldClause  = $"   'should'   : [] ";                      //should works like or
            var filterMustClause    = $" , 'must'     : [ {filterItems.Item1} ] "; //must works like and
            var filterMustNotClause = $" , 'must_not' : [ {filterItems.Item2} ]";  //must_not works like and not
            var boolFilterEnd       = $" )) ";

            var sort = $" , 'sort' : ['BookId' , 'ChapterId' , 'VerseNo' ]";
            var from = $" , 'from' : {startIndex} ";
            var size = $" , 'size' : {recPerPage} ";

            var searchEnd = $" ) ";

            var boolQuery  = $" {boolQueryStart}  {queryMustClause} {boolQueryEnd} ";
            var boolFilter = $" {boolFilterStart} {filterShouldClause} {filterMustClause} {filterMustNotClause} {boolFilterEnd} ";

            var query = $"{searchStart} {boolQuery} {boolFilter} {sort} {from} {size} {searchEnd} ";

            query = query.Replace("(", "{").Replace(")", "}").Replace("'", "\"");

            var endpoint = new EndPoint();

            endpoint.ApiMethod  = _readIndex + "_search";
            endpoint.HttpMethod = "POST";

            var esResponse = await _requestManager.ExecuteRequest <ElasticSearchResponse <ElasticSearchBibleDocument>, string>(endpoint, query);

            if (esResponse.Status.Ok)
                response.Pagination = new ApiPagination
                    RecPerPage     = recPerPage,
                    CurrentPage    = currentPage,
                    TotalRecCount  = esResponse.Data.hits.total,
                    TotalPageCount = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(Convert.ToDecimal(esResponse.Data.hits.total) / recPerPage))

                response.Data = new List <BibleVerse>();
                foreach (var hit in esResponse.Data.hits.hits)
                    var verse = new BibleVerse()
                        BibleId = Convert.ToInt16(hit._source.BibleId)
                        BookId = Convert.ToInt16(hit._source.BookId)
                        ChapterId = Convert.ToInt16(hit._source.ChapterId)
                        VerseNo = Convert.ToInt16(hit._source.VerseNo)
                        VerseText = hit._source.VerseText
                response.Status = esResponse.Status;
 public void SetUp()
     AH = new ArabicHelper();
Пример #10
 public static string GetIndexForArabic(string word)
 => ArabicHelper.ArabicToLetterNames(ArabicHelper.SubstituteAndOmit(word)).Replace('-', 'x');
Пример #11
        public ActionResult Index(string rootLetterNames)
            string root = ArabicHelper.LetterNamesToArabic(rootLetterNames);
            IEnumerable <VerseAnalysis> verses =
                .OrderBy(x => x.ChapterNumber)
                .ThenBy(x => x.VerseNumber);
            var extracts = new List <VerseViewModel>();

            foreach (VerseAnalysis verseAnalysis in verses)
                foreach (VerseAnalysisWord analysisWord in verseAnalysis.Words)
                    IEnumerable <VerseAnalysisWordPart> wordParts =
                        analysisWord.WordParts.Where(x => x.Root == root);
                    foreach (VerseAnalysisWordPart wordPart in wordParts)
                        VerseViewModel extract =
                            CreateVerseViewModel(verseAnalysis, analysisWord, wordPart);

            var romanNumerals = new List <string> {
                "I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX", "X"
            var wordFormsData = extracts
                                .GroupBy(x => new
                Type = x.SelectedWordPart.Description,
                                .OrderBy(x => romanNumerals.IndexOf(x.Key.Form));

            var wordTypesData = wordFormsData
                                .GroupBy(x => x.Key.Type)
                                .OrderBy(x => x.Key);

            var wordTypesViewModel = wordTypesData
                                     .Select(t =>
                                             new WordTypeViewModel(
                                                 type: t.Key,
                                                 wordForms: t.Select(f =>
                                                                     new WordFormViewModel(
                                                                         form: f.Key.Form,
                                                                         extracts: f

            IEnumerable <DictionaryEntry> dictionaryEntries =
            IEnumerable <Dictionary> dictionaries =
                .Select(x => x.DictionaryCode)
                .OrderBy(x => x.Name);

            var viewModel = new ViewModel(
                arabicRoot: root,
                rootLetterNames: rootLetterNames,
                dictionaries: dictionaries,
                types: wordTypesViewModel);

            return(View("RootAnalysis", viewModel));