public void Parse_ContainsActionForOtherPlayers_DoesNotAddAnyActionToPlayerActions()
            var action = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.B, 1.0);

            string streetHistory = OneBetOrCallActionFor("OtherPlayer", action);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

            Assert.That(_parser.PlayerActions.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));
        public void Parse_PlayerDidNotShowAndCollected_AddsWinningActionAsLastToPlayerActions()
            const double ratio         = 1.0;
            var          winningAction = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.W, ratio);

            string streetHistory = DidNotShowAndCollectedFor(PlayerName, ratio);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Parse_PlayerHasOneActionWithoutRatio_AddsActionWithoutRatioToPlayerActions(
            [Values(ActionTypes.F, ActionTypes.X)] ActionTypes actionType)
            var aquiredPokerAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, 0);

            string streetHistory = OneNonRatioActionFor(PlayerName, aquiredPokerAction);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Parse_PlayerUncalledBetActionAndAllinBetAction_AddsAllinActionAsLastToPlayerActions()
            const double ratio       = 1.0;
            var          allinAction = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.A, ratio);

            string streetHistory = UncalledBetActionFor(PlayerName, ratio) + " \n" +
                                   AllinBetActionFor(PlayerName, ratio);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Parse_PlayerAllinActionAndWinningAction_AddsWinningActionAsLastToPlayerActions()
            const double ratio         = 1.0;
            var          winningAction = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.W, ratio);

            string streetHistory = AllinBetActionFor(PlayerName, ratio) + " \n" +
                                   ShowedAndWonFor(PlayerName, ratio);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Parse_PlayerHasOneBetOrCallAction_AddsActionWithRatioToPlayerActions(
            [Values(ActionTypes.B, ActionTypes.C)] ActionTypes actionType)
            const double someRatio          = 1.0;
            var          aquiredPokerAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, someRatio);

            string streetHistory = OneBetOrCallActionFor(PlayerName, aquiredPokerAction);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Parse_TwoActions_AddsSecondActionAsLastToPlayerActions()
            var action1 = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.B, 1.0);
            var action2 = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.R, 2.0);

            string streetHistory = OneBetOrCallActionFor(PlayerName, action1) + " \n" +
                                   OneRaiseActionFor(PlayerName, action2);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Parse_PlayerHasOnePostingAction_AddsActionWithRatioToPlayerActions(
            [Values(PostingTypes.Ante, PostingTypes.BigBlind, PostingTypes.SmallBlind)] PostingTypes postingType)
            const double      someRatio  = 1.0;
            const ActionTypes actionType = ActionTypes.P;
            var aquiredPokerAction       = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, someRatio);

            string streetHistory = PostingActionFor(PlayerName, postingType, someRatio);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Parse_PlayerSomeActionAndUncalledBetAction_AddsUncalledBetActionAsLastToPlayerActions()
            const double ratio             = 1.0;
            var          someAction        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.B, 1.0);
            var          uncalledBetAction = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.U, ratio);

            string streetHistory = OneBetOrCallActionFor(PlayerName, someAction) + " \n" +
                                   UncalledBetActionFor(PlayerName, ratio);

            _parser.Parse(streetHistory, PlayerName);

        public void Convert_InValidActionType_ThrowsArgumentException(
            [Values(ActionTypes.E, ActionTypes.N, ActionTypes.P, ActionTypes.U)] ActionTypes actionType)
            double somePot = 3.0;
            double someToCall = 1.5;
            const double someTotalPot = 4.0;
            const double someRatio = 1.0;
            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, someRatio);

            TestDelegate invokeConvert =
                () => _converter.Convert(aquiredAction, ref somePot, ref someToCall, someTotalPot);

        public void Convert_FoldCheckAllinWin_DoesntChangePot(
            [Values(ActionTypes.F, ActionTypes.X, ActionTypes.A, ActionTypes.W)] ActionTypes actionType)
            const double originalValue = 3.0;
            double pot = originalValue;

            double someToCall = 1.0;
            const double someTotalPot = 4.0;
            const double someRatio = 1.5;
            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, someRatio);

            _converter.Convert(aquiredAction, ref pot, ref someToCall, someTotalPot);

            Assert.That(pot, Is.EqualTo(originalValue));
        public void Convert_Bet_SetsToCallToRatio()
            const ActionTypes actionType = ActionTypes.B;
            double toCall = 0;
            const double ratio = 1.0;
            const double expectedToCall = ratio;

            double somePot = 3.0;
            const double someTotalPot = 4.0;
            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, ratio);

            _converter.Convert(aquiredAction, ref somePot, ref toCall, someTotalPot);

            Assert.That(toCall, Is.EqualTo(expectedToCall));
        public void Convert_RaiseToCallIsGreaterThanRatio_DoesntChangeToCall()
            const ActionTypes actionType = ActionTypes.R;
            const double originalValue = 2.0;
            double toCall = originalValue;
            const double ratio = 1.0;

            double somePot = 3.0;
            const double someTotalPot = 4.0;
            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, ratio);

            _converter.Convert(aquiredAction, ref somePot, ref toCall, someTotalPot);

            Assert.That(toCall, Is.EqualTo(originalValue));
        public void Convert_ValidActionType_ReturnsConvertedActionWithSameActionType(
            [Values(ActionTypes.A, ActionTypes.B, ActionTypes.C, ActionTypes.F,
            ActionTypes.R, ActionTypes.W, ActionTypes.X)] ActionTypes actionType)
            double somePot = 3.0;
            double someToCall = 1.5;
            const double someTotalPot = 4.0;
            const double someRatio = 1.0;
            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, someRatio);
            ActionTypes expectedActionType = actionType;

            IConvertedPokerAction convertedAction = _converter.Convert(
                aquiredAction, ref somePot, ref someToCall, someTotalPot);

            Assert.That(convertedAction.What, Is.EqualTo(expectedActionType));
        public void Convert_CallBetRaise_AddsRatioToPot(
            [Values(ActionTypes.C, ActionTypes.B, ActionTypes.R)] ActionTypes actionType)
            double pot = 2.0;
            const double ratio = 1.0;
            double expectedPot = pot + ratio;

            double someToCall = 3.0;
            const double someTotalPot = 4.0;

            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, ratio);

            _converter.Convert(aquiredAction, ref pot, ref someToCall, someTotalPot);

            Assert.That(pot, Is.EqualTo(expectedPot));
        public void Convert_Win_SetsConvertedRatioToAquiredRatioDividedByTotalPot()
            const ActionTypes actionType = ActionTypes.W;
            const double aquiredRatio = 2.0;
            const double totalPot = 4.0;
            const double expectedRatio = aquiredRatio / totalPot;

            double somePot = 1.0;
            double someToCall = 1.5;

            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, aquiredRatio);

            IConvertedPokerAction convertedAction = _converter.Convert(
                aquiredAction, ref somePot, ref someToCall, totalPot);

            Assert.That(convertedAction.Ratio, Is.EqualTo(expectedRatio));
        public void Convert_CallBet_SetsConvertedRatioToAquiredRatioDividedByPot(
            [Values(ActionTypes.C, ActionTypes.B)] ActionTypes actionType)
            const double aquiredRatio = 1.0;
            const double origPot = 2.0;
            const double expectedRatio = aquiredRatio / origPot;

            double pot = origPot;
            double someToCall = 0;
            const double someTotalPot = 3.0;

            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, aquiredRatio);

            var convertedAction = _converter.Convert(aquiredAction, ref pot, ref someToCall, someTotalPot);

            Assert.That(convertedAction.Ratio, Is.EqualTo(expectedRatio));
        public void Convert_FoldCheckAllin_SetsConvertedRatioToAquiredRatio(
            [Values(ActionTypes.F, ActionTypes.X, ActionTypes.A)] ActionTypes actionType)
            // For these actions the ratio is irelevant, but still should not be changed
            const double aquiredRatio = 1.0;

            double somePot = 0;
            double someToCall = 1.2;
            const double someTotalPot = 2.0;

            var aquiredAction = new AquiredPokerAction(actionType, aquiredRatio);

            var convertedAction = _converter.Convert(
                aquiredAction, ref somePot, ref someToCall, someTotalPot);

            Assert.That(convertedAction.Ratio, Is.EqualTo(aquiredRatio));
Пример #19
        RelativeRatioResult ConvertPreflopHeadsUpHand()

            const double smallBlind         = 1.0;
            const double bigBlind           = 2.0;
            const double pot                = smallBlind + bigBlind;
            const double toCall             = bigBlind;
            const int    totalPlayers       = 2;
            const int    smallBlindPosition = 0;
            const int    bigBlindPosition   = 1;

            var          action1        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.C, smallBlind);
            const double relativeRatio1 = smallBlind / pot;
            const double pot1           = pot + smallBlind;

            var          action2        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.R, toCall * 2);
            const double relativeRatio2 = 2;
            const double pot2           = pot1 + (toCall * 2);

            var          action3        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.R, toCall * 2 * 3);
            const double relativeRatio3 = 3;
            const double pot3           = pot2 + (toCall * 2 * 3);

            var          action4        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.C, toCall * 2 * 3);
            const double relativeRatio4 = (toCall * 2 * 3) / pot3;

            IAquiredPokerPlayer player1 = new AquiredPokerPlayer(
                _stub.Some <long>(), smallBlindPosition, _stub.Out <string>(For.HoleCards))
                new AquiredPokerRound()

            player1.Name     = "player1";
            player1.Position = smallBlindPosition;

            IAquiredPokerPlayer player2 = new AquiredPokerPlayer(
                _stub.Some <long>(), bigBlindPosition, _stub.Out <string>(For.HoleCards))
                new AquiredPokerRound()

            player2.Name     = "player2";
            player2.Position = bigBlindPosition;

            IAquiredPokerHand aquiredHand =
                new AquiredPokerHand(
                    _stub.Valid(For.Site, "site"),
                    _stub.Out <ulong>(For.GameId),
                    _stub.Out <DateTime>(For.TimeStamp),

            IConvertedPokerHand convertedHand =
                new ConvertedPokerHand(aquiredHand)
                .AddPlayersFrom(aquiredHand, pot, _convertedPlayerMake);

            .InitializeWith(aquiredHand, convertedHand, pot, toCall)

            var player1FirstRound = convertedHand[smallBlindPosition][Streets.PreFlop];
            var player2FirstRound = convertedHand[bigBlindPosition][Streets.PreFlop];

            return(new RelativeRatioResult(convertedHand, player1FirstRound, player2FirstRound, relativeRatio1, relativeRatio2, relativeRatio3, relativeRatio4));
Пример #20
        RelativeRatioResult ConvertPreflopThreePlayersHand()

            const double smallBlind = 1.0;
            const double bigBlind   = 2.0;
            const double pot        = smallBlind + bigBlind;

            const int totalPlayers       = 3;
            const int smallBlindPosition = 0;
            const int bigBlindPosition   = 1;
            const int buttonPosition     = 2;

            var          action1        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.B, bigBlind);
            const double relativeRatio1 = bigBlind / pot;
            const double pot1           = pot + bigBlind;

            var          action2        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.C, bigBlind);
            const double relativeRatio2 = bigBlind / pot1;
            const double pot2           = pot1 + bigBlind;

            var          action3        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.R, bigBlind * 3);
            const double relativeRatio3 = 3;
            const double pot3           = pot2 + (bigBlind * 3);

            var          action4        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.R, bigBlind * 3 * 2);
            const double relativeRatio4 = 2;
            const double pot4           = pot3 + (bigBlind * 3 * 2);

            var          action5        = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.C, bigBlind * 3 * 2);
            const double relativeRatio5 = (bigBlind * 2 * 3) / pot4;

            var action6 = new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.F, 1.0);

            // Small Blind
            IAquiredPokerPlayer player1 = new AquiredPokerPlayer(
                _stub.Some <long>(), smallBlindPosition, _stub.Out <string>(For.HoleCards))

                                          // Preflop
                new AquiredPokerRound()
                .Add(new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.C, 0.5)))

                                          // Flop
                new AquiredPokerRound()

            player1.Name     = "player1";
            player1.Position = smallBlindPosition;

            // Big Blind
            IAquiredPokerPlayer player2 = new AquiredPokerPlayer(
                _stub.Some <long>(), bigBlindPosition, _stub.Out <string>(For.HoleCards))

                                          // Preflop
                new AquiredPokerRound()
                .Add(new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.X, 1.0)))

                                          // Flop
                new AquiredPokerRound()

            player2.Name     = "player2";
            player2.Position = bigBlindPosition;

            // Button
            IAquiredPokerPlayer player3 = new AquiredPokerPlayer(
                _stub.Some <long>(), buttonPosition, _stub.Out <string>(For.HoleCards))

                                          // Preflop
                new AquiredPokerRound()
                .Add(new AquiredPokerAction(ActionTypes.C, 1.0)))

                                          // Flop
                new AquiredPokerRound()

            player3.Name     = "player3";
            player3.Position = buttonPosition;

            IAquiredPokerHand aquiredHand =
                new AquiredPokerHand(
                    _stub.Valid(For.Site, "site"),
                    _stub.Out <ulong>(For.GameId),
                    _stub.Out <DateTime>(For.TimeStamp),

            IConvertedPokerHand convertedHand =
                new ConvertedPokerHand(aquiredHand)
                .AddPlayersFrom(aquiredHand, pot, _convertedPlayerMake);

            .InitializeWith(aquiredHand, convertedHand, pot, bigBlind)

            // Reset Values
            _converter.PotProp    = pot;
            _converter.ToCallProp = bigBlind;


            IConvertedPokerRound player1FlopRound = convertedHand[smallBlindPosition][Streets.Flop];
            IConvertedPokerRound player2FlopRound = convertedHand[bigBlindPosition][Streets.Flop];
            IConvertedPokerRound player3FlopRound = convertedHand[buttonPosition][Streets.Flop];

            return(new RelativeRatioResult(