Пример #1
        //We're not realistically going to fully convert everything, but we can get vertex data and bones if nothing else
        //Returns an aqp ready for the ConvertToNGSPSO2Mesh method
        public static AquaObject ReadAXS(string filePath, out AquaNode aqn)
            AquaObject aqp = new NGSAquaObject();

            aqn = new AquaNode();

            using (Stream stream = (Stream) new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
                using (var streamReader = new BufferedStreamReader(stream, 8192))
                    long                            last__oaPos      = 0;
                    eertStruct                      eertNodes        = null;
                    ipnbStruct                      tempLpnbList     = null;
                    List <ffubStruct>               ffubList         = new List <ffubStruct>();
                    List <XgmiStruct>               xgmiList         = new List <XgmiStruct>();
                    List <string>                   texNames         = new List <string>();
                    List <MeshDefinitions>          meshDefList      = new List <MeshDefinitions>();
                    List <stamData>                 stamList         = new List <stamData>();
                    Dictionary <string, rddaStruct> rddaList         = new Dictionary <string, rddaStruct>();
                    Dictionary <string, rddaStruct> imgRddaList      = new Dictionary <string, rddaStruct>();
                    Dictionary <string, rddaStruct> vertRddaList     = new Dictionary <string, rddaStruct>();
                    Dictionary <string, rddaStruct> faceRddaList     = new Dictionary <string, rddaStruct>();
                    Dictionary <string, int>        xgmiIdByCombined = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    Dictionary <string, int>        xgmiIdByUnique   = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                    ffubStruct                      imgFfub          = new ffubStruct();
                    ffubStruct                      vertFfub         = new ffubStruct();
                    ffubStruct                      faceFfub         = new ffubStruct();

                    var fType = streamReader.Read <int>();

                    var fsaLen = streamReader.Read <int>();
                    streamReader.Seek(0x8, SeekOrigin.Current);
                    //Go to Vert definition, node, material, and misc data
                    while (streamReader.Position() < fsaLen)
                        var tag  = streamReader.Peek <int>();
                        var test = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(BitConverter.GetBytes(tag));
                        switch (tag)
                        case __oa:
                            last__oaPos = streamReader.Position();
                            streamReader.Seek(0xD0, SeekOrigin.Current);

                        case FIA:
                            streamReader.Seek(0x10, SeekOrigin.Current);

                        case __lm:
                            var stam = streamReader.ReadLM();
                            if (stam != null && stam.Count > 0)
                                stamList = stam;

                        case __bm:
                            streamReader.ReadBM(meshDefList, tempLpnbList, stamList, last__oaPos);

                        case lpnb:
                            tempLpnbList = streamReader.ReadIpnb();

                        case eert:
                            eertNodes = streamReader.ReadEert();

                        //case ssem:
                        //  streamReader.SkipBasicAXSStruct(); //Maybe use for material data later. Remember to store ordered id for _bm mesh entries for this
                        // break;
                        case Xgmi:
                            var xgmiData = streamReader.ReadXgmi();
                            if (!xgmiIdByCombined.ContainsKey(xgmiData.stamCombinedId))
                                xgmiIdByCombined.Add(xgmiData.stamCombinedId, xgmiList.Count);
                            xgmiIdByUnique.Add(xgmiData.stamUniqueId, xgmiList.Count);


                    //Assemble aqn from eert
                    if (eertNodes != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < eertNodes.boneCount; i++)
                            var       rttaNode = eertNodes.rttaList[i];
                            Matrix4x4 mat      = Matrix4x4.Identity;

                            mat *= Matrix4x4.CreateScale(rttaNode.scale);

                            var rotation = Matrix4x4.CreateFromQuaternion(rttaNode.quatRot);

                            mat *= rotation;

                            mat *= Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(rttaNode.pos);

                            var parentId = rttaNode.parentNodeId;

                            //If there's a parent, multiply by it
                            if (i != 0)
                                if (rttaNode.parentNodeId == -1)
                                    parentId = 0;
                                var pn           = aqn.nodeList[parentId];
                                var parentInvTfm = new Matrix4x4(pn.m1.X, pn.m1.Y, pn.m1.Z, pn.m1.W,
                                                                 pn.m2.X, pn.m2.Y, pn.m2.Z, pn.m2.W,
                                                                 pn.m3.X, pn.m3.Y, pn.m3.Z, pn.m3.W,
                                                                 pn.m4.X, pn.m4.Y, pn.m4.Z, pn.m4.W);
                                Matrix4x4.Invert(parentInvTfm, out var invParentInvTfm);
                                mat = mat * invParentInvTfm;
                                parentId = -1;
                            rttaNode.nodeMatrix = mat;

                            //Create AQN node
                            NODE aqNode = new NODE();
                            aqNode.animatedFlag = 1;
                            aqNode.parentId     = parentId;
                            aqNode.unkNode      = -1;
                            aqNode.pos          = rttaNode.pos;
                            aqNode.eulRot       = QuaternionToEuler(rttaNode.quatRot);

                            if (Math.Abs(aqNode.eulRot.Y) > 120)
                                aqNode.scale = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1);
                                aqNode.scale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
                            Matrix4x4.Invert(mat, out var invMat);
                            aqNode.m1       = new Vector4(invMat.M11, invMat.M12, invMat.M13, invMat.M14);
                            aqNode.m2       = new Vector4(invMat.M21, invMat.M22, invMat.M23, invMat.M24);
                            aqNode.m3       = new Vector4(invMat.M31, invMat.M32, invMat.M33, invMat.M34);
                            aqNode.m4       = new Vector4(invMat.M41, invMat.M42, invMat.M43, invMat.M44);
                            aqNode.boneName = rttaNode.nodeName;
                            Debug.WriteLine($"{i} " + aqNode.boneName.GetString());

                    //Go to mesh buffers
                    streamReader.Seek(fsaLen, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    if (streamReader.Position() >= stream.Length)

                    var fType2 = streamReader.Read <int>();
                    //Read mesh data
                    if (fType2 != FMA)
                        Debug.WriteLine("Unexpected struct in location of FMA!");
                    streamReader.Seek(0xC, SeekOrigin.Current);

                    //Skip daeh
                    int meshSettingLen = streamReader.ReadDAEH();

                    //Read ffub and rdda
                    //Count mesh count here for now and store starts and ends of data
                    long meshSettingStart = streamReader.Position();
                    while (streamReader.Position() < meshSettingStart + meshSettingLen)
                        streamReader.ReadFFUBorRDDA(ffubList, rddaList, imgRddaList, vertRddaList, faceRddaList, ref imgFfub, ref vertFfub, ref faceFfub);

                    int meshCount = meshDefList.Count;

                    //Read image data
                    var ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
                    for (int i = 0; i < xgmiList.Count; i++)
                        var xgmiData      = xgmiList[i];
                        var imgBufferInfo = imgRddaList[$"{xgmiData.md5_1.ToString("X")}{xgmiData.md5_2.ToString("X")}"];
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Image set {i}: " + imgBufferInfo.md5_1.ToString("X") + " " + imgBufferInfo.dataStartOffset.ToString("X") + " " + imgBufferInfo.toTagStruct.ToString("X") + " " + (meshSettingStart + imgFfub.dataStartOffset + imgBufferInfo.dataStartOffset).ToString("X"));

                        var position     = meshSettingStart + imgFfub.dataStartOffset + imgBufferInfo.dataStartOffset;
                        var buffer       = streamReader.ReadBytes(position, imgBufferInfo.dataSize);
                        var outImagePath = filePath.Replace(ext, $"_tex_{i}" + ".dds");
                            string name = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                            Debug.WriteLine($"{name}_xgmi_{ i}");
                            var image = AIFMethods.GetImage(xgmiData, buffer);
                            File.WriteAllBytes(filePath.Replace(ext, $"_tex_{i}" + ".dds"), image);
                        catch (Exception exc)
                            string name = Path.GetFileName(filePath);
                            Debug.WriteLine($"Extract tex {i} failed.");
                            File.WriteAllBytes($"C:\\{name}_xgmiHeader_{i}.bin", xgmiData.GetBytes());
                            File.WriteAllBytes($"C:\\{name}_xgmiBuffer_{i}.bin", buffer);
                        buffer = null;

                    //Read model data - Since ffubs are initialized, they default to 0.
                    int vertFfubPadding = imgFfub.structSize;
                    int faceFfubPadding = imgFfub.structSize + vertFfub.structSize;

                    for (int i = 0; i < meshCount; i++)
                        var mesh       = meshDefList[i];
                        var nodeMatrix = Matrix4x4.Identity;
                        for (int bn = 0; bn < eertNodes.boneCount; bn++)
                            var node = eertNodes.rttaList[bn];
                            if (node.meshNodePtr == mesh.oaPos)
                                nodeMatrix = node.nodeMatrix;
                        var vertBufferInfo = vertRddaList[$"{mesh.salvStr.md5_1.ToString("X")}{mesh.salvStr.md5_2.ToString("X")}"];
                        var faceBufferInfo = faceRddaList[$"{mesh.lxdiStr.md5_1.ToString("X")}{mesh.lxdiStr.md5_2.ToString("X")}"];
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Vert set {i}: " + vertBufferInfo.md5_1.ToString("X") + " " + vertBufferInfo.dataStartOffset.ToString("X") + " " + vertBufferInfo.toTagStruct.ToString("X") + " " + (meshSettingStart + vertFfubPadding + vertFfub.dataStartOffset + vertBufferInfo.dataStartOffset).ToString("X"));
                        Debug.WriteLine($"Face set {i}: " + faceBufferInfo.md5_1.ToString("X") + " " + faceBufferInfo.dataStartOffset.ToString("X") + " " + faceBufferInfo.toTagStruct.ToString("X") + " " + (meshSettingStart + faceFfubPadding + faceFfub.dataStartOffset + faceBufferInfo.dataStartOffset).ToString("X"));

                        //Vert data
                        var             vertCount = vertBufferInfo.dataSize / mesh.salvStr.vertLen;
                        AquaObject.VTXL vtxl      = new AquaObject.VTXL();

                        streamReader.Seek((meshSettingStart + vertFfubPadding + vertFfub.dataStartOffset + vertBufferInfo.dataStartOffset), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        AquaObjectMethods.ReadVTXL(streamReader, mesh.vtxe, vtxl, vertCount, mesh.vtxe.vertDataTypes.Count);

                        //Fix vert transforms
                        for (int p = 0; p < vtxl.vertPositions.Count; p++)
                            vtxl.vertPositions[p] = Vector3.Transform(vtxl.vertPositions[p], nodeMatrix);
                            if (vtxl.vertNormals.Count > 0)
                                vtxl.vertNormals[p] = Vector3.TransformNormal(vtxl.vertNormals[p], nodeMatrix);

                        //Handle bone indices
                        if (mesh.ipnbStr != null && mesh.ipnbStr.shortList.Count > 0)
                            vtxl.bonePalette = (mesh.ipnbStr.shortList.ConvertAll(delegate(short num) {

                            //Convert the indices based on the global bone list as pso2 will expect
                            for (int bn = 0; bn < vtxl.bonePalette.Count; bn++)
                                vtxl.bonePalette[bn] = (ushort)mesh.lpnbStr.shortList[vtxl.bonePalette[bn]];


                        //Face data
                        AquaObject.GenericTriangles genMesh = new AquaObject.GenericTriangles();

                        int        faceIndexCount = faceBufferInfo.dataSize / 2;
                        List <int> faceList       = new List <int>();

                        streamReader.Seek((meshSettingStart + faceFfubPadding + faceFfub.dataStartOffset + faceBufferInfo.dataStartOffset), SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        int maxStep = streamReader.Read <ushort>();
                        for (int fId = 0; fId < faceIndexCount - 1; fId++)
                            faceList.Add(streamReader.Read <ushort>());

                        //Convert the data to something usable with this algorithm and then destripify it.
                        List <ushort> triList = unpackInds(inverseWatermarkTransform(faceList, maxStep)).ConvertAll(delegate(int num) {
                        var tempFaceData = new AquaObject.stripData()
                            triStrips = triList, format0xC33 = true, triIdCount = triList.Count
                        genMesh.triList = tempFaceData.GetTriangles();

                        genMesh.vertCount = vertCount;
                        genMesh.matIdList = new List <int>(new int[genMesh.triList.Count]);
                        for (int j = 0; j < genMesh.matIdList.Count; j++)
                            genMesh.matIdList[j] = aqp.tempMats.Count;

                        var mat = new AquaObject.GenericMaterial();
                        mat.texNames = GetTexNames(mesh, xgmiIdByCombined, xgmiIdByUnique, texNames);

        //Takes in bytes of a *n.rel file from PSO
        //To convert to PSO2's units, we set the scale to 1/10th scale
        public PSONRelConvert(byte[] file, string fileName = null, float scale = 0.1f, string outFolder = null)
            fileSize  = file.Length;
            rootScale = scale;
            List <dSection> dSections = new List <dSection>();

            streamReader = new BufferedStreamReader(new MemoryStream(file), 8192);

            //Get header offset
            streamReader.Seek(file.Length - 0x10, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //Check Endianness. No offset should ever come close to half of the int max value.
            be = streamReader.PeekBigEndianPrimitiveUInt32() < streamReader.Peek <uint>();
            if (be)
                MessageBox.Show("Sorry, Gamecube n.rel files are not supported at this time.");
            uint tableOfs = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);

            //Read header
            streamReader.Seek(tableOfs, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var header = ReadRelHeader(streamReader, be);

            //Read draw Sections
            streamReader.Seek(header.drawOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            for (int i = 0; i < header.drawCount; i++)
                dSection section = new dSection();
                section.id  = streamReader.ReadBE <int>(be);
                section.pos = streamReader.ReadBEV3(be);
                var rotX = streamReader.ReadBE <int>(be);
                var rotY = streamReader.ReadBE <int>(be);
                var rotZ = streamReader.ReadBE <int>(be);
                section.rot            = new Vector3((float)(rotX * BAMSvalue), (float)(rotY * BAMSvalue), (float)(rotZ * BAMSvalue));
                section.radius         = streamReader.ReadBE <float>(be);
                section.staticOffset   = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);
                section.animatedOffset = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);
                section.staticCount    = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);
                section.animatedCount  = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);
                section.end            = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);


            //Get texture names
            streamReader.Seek(header.nameInfoOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var nameOffset = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);
            var nameCount  = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);

            streamReader.Seek(nameOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            List <uint> nameOffsets = new List <uint>();

            for (int i = 0; i < nameCount; i++)
                nameOffsets.Add(streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be));
                var unk0 = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);
                var unk1 = streamReader.ReadBE <uint>(be);

                if (unk0 != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i} unk0 == {unk0}");
                if (unk1 != 0)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Iteration {i} unk1 == {unk1}");
            foreach (uint offset in nameOffsets)
                streamReader.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //If there's an .xvm, dump that too with texture names from the .rel
            if (fileName != null)
                //Naming patterns for *n.rel files are *_12n.rel for example or *n.rel  vs *.xvm. We can determine which we have, edit, and proceed
                var    basename = fileName.Substring(0, fileName.Length - 5);
                string xvmName  = null;

                if (basename.ElementAt(basename.Length - 3) == '_')
                    xvmName = basename.Substring(0, basename.Length - 3) + ".xvm";
                    xvmName = basename + ".xvm";

                ExtractXVM(xvmName, texNames, outFolder);

            //Create root AQN node
            NODE aqNode = new NODE();

            aqNode.animatedFlag = 1;
            aqNode.parentId     = -1;
            aqNode.unkNode      = -1;
            aqNode.pos          = new Vector3();
            aqNode.eulRot       = new Vector3();
            aqNode.scale        = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
            aqNode.m1           = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0);
            aqNode.m2           = new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0);
            aqNode.m3           = new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0);
            aqNode.m4           = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);

            //Loop through nodes and parse geometry
            for (int i = 0; i < dSections.Count; i++)
                var matrix = Matrix4x4.Identity;

                matrix *= Matrix4x4.CreateScale(1, 1, 1);

                var rotation = Matrix4x4.CreateRotationX(dSections[i].rot.X) *
                               Matrix4x4.CreateRotationY(dSections[i].rot.Y) *

                matrix *= rotation;

                matrix *= Matrix4x4.CreateTranslation(dSections[i].pos * rootScale);

                //Read static meshes
                List <staticMeshOffset> staticMeshOffsets = new List <staticMeshOffset>();
                streamReader.Seek(dSections[i].staticOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (int st = 0; st < dSections[i].staticCount; st++)
                    staticMeshOffsets.Add(ReadStaticMeshOffset(streamReader, be));
                for (int ofs = 0; ofs < staticMeshOffsets.Count; ofs++)
                    streamReader.Seek(staticMeshOffsets[ofs].offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    readNode(matrix, 0);

                //Read animated meshes
                List <animMeshOffset> animatedMeshOffsets = new List <animMeshOffset>();
                streamReader.Seek(dSections[i].animatedOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (int st = 0; st < dSections[i].animatedCount; st++)
                    animatedMeshOffsets.Add(ReadAnimMeshOffset(streamReader, be));
                for (int ofs = 0; ofs < animatedMeshOffsets.Count; ofs++)
                    streamReader.Seek(animatedMeshOffsets[ofs].offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    readNode(matrix, 0);

            //Set material names
            for (int i = 0; i < aqObj.tempMats.Count; i++)
                aqObj.tempMats[i].matName = $"PSOMat {i}";
Пример #3
        public static void ExportObj(string fileName, AquaObject aqo)
            //We have to split these if this is an NGS model because obj only supports one material per mesh
            if (aqo.objc.type >= 0xC32)
            //Running this this way ensures we have normals to grab.
            AquaObjectMethods.ComputeTangentSpace(aqo, false, false);

            //Ensure there's UV data, even if it's not actually used.
            for (int i = 0; i < aqo.vtxlList.Count; i++)
                if (aqo.vtxlList[i].uv1List == null || aqo.vtxlList[i].uv1List.Count == 0)
                    aqo.vtxlList[i].uv1List = new List <Vector2>(new Vector2[aqo.vtxlList[i].vertPositions.Count]);

            var mtlfile = Path.ChangeExtension(fileName, ".mtl");
            var mtls    = ExportMtl(mtlfile, aqo);

            mtlfile = Path.GetFileName(mtlfile);

            using (var w = new StreamWriter(fileName, false, Encoding.UTF8))
                w.WriteLine("# {0}", Path.GetFileName(fileName));
                w.WriteLine("mtllib {0}", Path.GetFileName(mtlfile));

                StringBuilder pos   = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder nrm   = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder tex   = new StringBuilder();
                StringBuilder faces = new StringBuilder();

                var offpos = 1;
                for (int mshId = 0; mshId < aqo.meshList.Count; mshId++)
                    var mesh = aqo.meshList[mshId];
                    foreach (var i in aqo.vtxlList[mesh.vsetIndex].vertPositions)
                        pos.AppendLine(String.Format("v  {0:F8} {1:F8} {2:F8}", i.X * 100, -i.Z * 100, i.Y * 100));

                    foreach (var i in aqo.vtxlList[mesh.vsetIndex].vertNormals)
                        nrm.AppendLine(String.Format("vn  {0:F8} {1:F8} {2:F8}", i.X, -i.Z, i.Y));

                    foreach (var i in aqo.vtxlList[mesh.vsetIndex].uv1List)
                        tex.AppendLine(String.Format("vt  {0:F8} {1:F8} {2:F8}", i.X, -i.Y, 0));

                    var meshName = string.Format("mesh_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}", mesh.mateIndex, mesh.rendIndex, mesh.shadIndex, mesh.tsetIndex);
                    faces.AppendLine(String.Format("o {0}", meshName));
                    faces.AppendLine(String.Format("g {0}", meshName));
                    faces.AppendLine(String.Format("usemtl {0}", mtls[mshId]));
                    faces.AppendLine(String.Format("s {0}", 0));

                    //Write faces
                    var tris = aqo.strips[mesh.psetIndex].GetTriangles();
                    foreach (var tri in tris)
                        faces.AppendLine(String.Format("f {0}/{2}/{1} {3}/{5}/{4} {6}/{8}/{7}",
                                                       tri.X + offpos, tri.X + offpos, tri.X + offpos,
                                                       tri.Y + offpos, tri.Y + offpos, tri.Y + offpos,
                                                       tri.Z + offpos, tri.Z + offpos, tri.Z + offpos));

                    offpos += aqo.vtxlList[mesh.vsetIndex].vertPositions.Count;



Пример #4
        //Import obj data, gather and reconstruct weighting data, reconstruct model with new geometry data, delete LOD models loaded
        public static AquaObject ImportObj(string fileName, AquaObject aqo)
            bool            doBitangent = false;
            List <SkinData> skinData    = new List <SkinData>();


            //Add a local version of the global bonepalette. We're reworking things so we need to do this.
            for (int i = 0; i < aqo.vtxlList.Count; i++)
                aqo.vtxlList[i].bonePalette = new List <ushort>();
                for (int b = 0; b < aqo.bonePalette.Count; b++)

            //Assign skin data for comparison later and make it relativitize it to the GlobalBonePalette
            if (aqo.vtxlList[0].vertWeights.Count > 0)
                foreach (var vtxl in aqo.vtxlList)
                    for (int i = 0; i < vtxl.vertPositions.Count; i++)
                        SkinData skin = new SkinData();
                        skin.pos = vtxl.vertPositions[i];
                        List <byte> indices = new List <byte>(new byte[4]);
                        for (int id = 0; id < 4; id++)
                            var temp = (byte)aqo.bonePalette.IndexOf(vtxl.bonePalette[vtxl.vertWeightIndices[i][id]]);
                            if (indices.Contains(temp)) //Repeats should only occur for index 0
                                temp = 0;
                            indices[id] = temp;
                        skin.indices = indices.ToArray();
                        skin.weights = AquaObject.VTXL.SumWeightsTo1(vtxl.vertWeights[i]);

            if (aqo.vtxlList[0].vertBinormalList.Count > 0)
                doBitangent = true;

            //House cleaning since we can't really redo these this way
            aqo.objc.pset2Count = 0;
            aqo.objc.mesh2Count = 0;

            var obj         = ObjFile.FromFile(fileName);
            var subMeshes   = obj.Meshes.SelectMany(i => i.SubMeshes).ToArray();
            var oldMESHList = aqo.meshList;

            aqo.meshList = new List <AquaObject.MESH>();
            int        totalStripsShorts = 0;
            int        totalVerts        = 0;
            int        boneLimit;
            AquaObject tempModel;

            if (aqo.objc.type >= 0xC32)
                tempModel = new NGSAquaObject();
                boneLimit = 255;
                tempModel = new ClassicAquaObject();
                boneLimit = 16;

            //Assemble face and vertex data. Vert data is stored with faces so that it can be split as needed for proper UV mapping etc.
            foreach (var mesh in subMeshes)
                var tempMesh = new AquaObject.GenericTriangles();
                tempMesh.name        = mesh.Name;
                tempMesh.bonePalette = aqo.bonePalette;
                List <int>            vertIds     = new List <int>();
                Dictionary <int, int> vertIdRemap = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                int greatestId = 0;

                for (int f = 0; f < mesh.PositionFaces.Count; ++f)
                    var pf = mesh.PositionFaces[f];
                    var nf = mesh.NormalFaces[f];
                    var tf = mesh.TexCoordFaces[f];

                    tempMesh.triList.Add(new Vector3(pf.A, pf.B, pf.C)); //faces are 1 based
                    if (!vertIds.Contains(pf.A))
                        greatestId = pf.A > greatestId ? pf.A : greatestId;
                    if (!vertIds.Contains(pf.B))
                        greatestId = pf.B > greatestId ? pf.B : greatestId;
                    if (!vertIds.Contains(pf.C))
                        greatestId = pf.C > greatestId ? pf.C : greatestId;

                    var vtxl = new AquaObject.VTXL();
                    vtxl.rawVertId = new List <int>()
                        pf.A, pf.B, pf.C
                    vtxl.rawFaceId = new List <int>()
                        f, f, f

                    //Undo scaling and rotate to Y up
                    vtxl.vertPositions = new List <Vector3>()
                        new Vector3(obj.Positions[pf.A].X / 100, obj.Positions[pf.A].Z / 100, -obj.Positions[pf.A].Y / 100),
                        new Vector3(obj.Positions[pf.B].X / 100, obj.Positions[pf.B].Z / 100, -obj.Positions[pf.B].Y / 100),
                        new Vector3(obj.Positions[pf.C].X / 100, obj.Positions[pf.C].Z / 100, -obj.Positions[pf.C].Y / 100)
                    vtxl.vertNormals = new List <Vector3>()
                        new Vector3(obj.Normals[nf.A].X, obj.Normals[nf.A].Z, -obj.Normals[nf.A].Y),
                        new Vector3(obj.Normals[nf.B].X, obj.Normals[nf.B].Z, -obj.Normals[nf.B].Y),
                        new Vector3(obj.Normals[nf.C].X, obj.Normals[nf.C].Z, -obj.Normals[nf.C].Y)

                    vtxl.uv1List = new List <Vector2>()
                        new Vector2(obj.TexCoords[tf.A].X, -obj.TexCoords[tf.A].Y), new Vector2(obj.TexCoords[tf.B].X, -obj.TexCoords[tf.B].Y),
                        new Vector2(obj.TexCoords[tf.C].X, -obj.TexCoords[tf.C].Y),

                    if (aqo.vtxlList[0].vertWeights.Count > 0)
                        //Autoskin magic - Essentially, iterate through and get weight values from the closest match to the original
                        for (int vt = 0; vt < vtxl.vertPositions.Count; vt++)
                            var maxDistance = float.MaxValue;
                            vtxl.vertWeights.Add(new Vector4());

                            SkinData tempWeight = new SkinData();
                            //Go through each original vertex and compare distances. Adjust references if it's closer
                            foreach (var skin in skinData)
                                var distance = (vtxl.vertPositions[vt] - skin.pos).LengthSquared(); //Not a full true distance, just to be quicker

                                if (distance < maxDistance)
                                    maxDistance = distance;
                                    tempWeight  = skin;
                                    if (distance == 0)
                            vtxl.vertWeights[vt]       = tempWeight.weights;
                            vtxl.vertWeightIndices[vt] = tempWeight.indices;

                            if (aqo.vtxlList[0].vertWeightsNGS.Count > 0)
                                ushort[] shortWeights = new ushort[] { (ushort)(tempWeight.weights.X * ushort.MaxValue), (ushort)(tempWeight.weights.Y * ushort.MaxValue),
                                                                       (ushort)(tempWeight.weights.Z * ushort.MaxValue), (ushort)(tempWeight.weights.W * ushort.MaxValue), };

                //Set up remapp ids
                for (int i = 0; i < vertIds.Count; i++)
                    var id = vertIds[i];
                    vertIdRemap.Add(id, i);

                //Remap Ids to verts
                for (int f = 0; f < tempMesh.faceVerts.Count; f++)
                    for (int v = 0; v < tempMesh.faceVerts[f].rawVertId.Count; v++)
                        tempMesh.faceVerts[f].rawVertId[v] = vertIdRemap[tempMesh.faceVerts[f].rawVertId[v]];

                //Remap Ids to face ids
                for (int f = 0; f < tempMesh.triList.Count; f++)
                    var tri = tempMesh.triList[f];
                    if (vertIdRemap.ContainsKey((int)tri.X))
                        tri.X = vertIdRemap[(int)tri.X];
                    if (vertIdRemap.ContainsKey((int)tri.Y))
                        tri.Y = vertIdRemap[(int)tri.Y];
                    if (vertIdRemap.ContainsKey((int)tri.Z))
                        tri.Z = vertIdRemap[(int)tri.Z];

                    tempMesh.triList[f] = tri;

                tempMesh.vertCount = vertIds.Count;
                totalVerts        += vertIds.Count;

            if (aqo.objc.type < 0xC32)
                AquaObjectMethods.BatchSplitByBoneCount(aqo, tempModel, boneLimit);
                aqo.tempTris = tempModel.tempTris;
                aqo.vtxlList = tempModel.vtxlList;
                tempModel    = null;


            //AquaObjectMethods.CalcUNRMs(aqo, aqo.applyNormalAveraging, aqo.objc.unrmOffset != 0);

            //Set up PSETs and strips, and other per mesh data
            for (int i = 0; i < aqo.tempTris.Count; i++)
                AquaObject.stripData strips;
                if (aqo.objc.type >= 0xC32)
                    strips             = new AquaObject.stripData();
                    strips.format0xC33 = true;
                    strips.triStrips   = new List <ushort>(aqo.tempTris[i].toUshortArray());
                    strips.triIdCount  = strips.triStrips.Count;
                    strips = new AquaObject.stripData(aqo.tempTris[i].toUshortArray());

                var pset = new AquaObject.PSET();
                pset.faceGroupCount = 0x1;
                pset.psetFaceCount  = strips.triIdCount;
                if (aqo.objc.type >= 0xC32)
                    pset.tag             = 0x1000;
                    pset.stripStartCount = totalStripsShorts;
                    pset.tag = 0x2100;
                totalStripsShorts += strips.triIdCount; //Update this *after* setting the strip start count so that we don't direct to bad data.

                Match m;
                int   idx_MATE = 0;
                int   idx_REND = 0;
                int   idx_SHAD = 0;
                int   idx_TSET = 0;
                if (null == aqo.tempTris[i].name)
                    m = null;
                    m = RE_ObjName.Match(aqo.tempTris[i].name);
                    if (!m.Success)
                        m = null;
                        idx_MATE = int.Parse(m.Groups[1].Value);
                        idx_REND = int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value);
                        idx_SHAD = int.Parse(m.Groups[3].Value);
                        idx_TSET = int.Parse(m.Groups[4].Value);
                if (m == null)
                    idx_MATE = oldMESHList[0].mateIndex;
                    idx_REND = oldMESHList[0].rendIndex;
                    idx_SHAD = oldMESHList[0].shadIndex;
                    idx_TSET = oldMESHList[0].tsetIndex;

                var             mesh         = new AquaObject.MESH();
                AquaObject.MESH oldMesh      = new AquaObject.MESH();
                bool            oldMeshFound = false;

                for (int msh = 0; msh < oldMESHList.Count; msh++)
                    var tempMesh = oldMESHList[msh];
                    if (tempMesh.mateIndex == idx_MATE && tempMesh.rendIndex == idx_REND && tempMesh.shadIndex == idx_SHAD && tempMesh.tsetIndex == idx_TSET)
                        oldMesh      = tempMesh;
                        oldMeshFound = true;

                if (oldMeshFound == false)
                    mesh.flags           = 0x17; //No idea what this really does. Seems to vary a lot, but also not matter a lot.
                    mesh.unkShort0       = 0x0;
                    mesh.unkByte0        = 0x80;
                    mesh.unkByte1        = 0x64;
                    mesh.unkShort1       = 0;
                    mesh.mateIndex       = idx_MATE;
                    mesh.rendIndex       = idx_REND;
                    mesh.shadIndex       = idx_SHAD;
                    mesh.tsetIndex       = idx_TSET;
                    mesh.baseMeshNodeId  = 0;
                    mesh.baseMeshDummyId = 0;
                    mesh.unkInt0         = 0;
                    mesh.flags           = oldMesh.flags;
                    mesh.unkShort0       = oldMesh.unkShort0;
                    mesh.unkByte0        = oldMesh.unkByte0;
                    mesh.unkByte1        = oldMesh.unkByte1;
                    mesh.unkShort1       = oldMesh.unkShort1;
                    mesh.mateIndex       = idx_MATE;
                    mesh.rendIndex       = idx_REND;
                    mesh.shadIndex       = idx_SHAD;
                    mesh.tsetIndex       = idx_TSET;
                    mesh.baseMeshNodeId  = oldMesh.baseMeshNodeId;
                    mesh.baseMeshDummyId = oldMesh.baseMeshDummyId;
                    mesh.unkInt0         = oldMesh.unkInt0;
                mesh.vsetIndex = i;
                mesh.psetIndex = i;
                mesh.reserve0  = 0;

            //Generate VTXEs and VSETs
            int largestVertSize = 0;
            int vertCounter     = 0;

            totalVerts = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < aqo.vtxlList.Count; i++)
                totalVerts += aqo.vtxlList[i].vertPositions.Count;
                AquaObject.VTXE vtxe = AquaObjectMethods.ConstructClassicVTXE(aqo.vtxlList[i], out int size);

                //Track this for objc
                if (size > largestVertSize)
                    largestVertSize = size;

                AquaObject.VSET vset = new AquaObject.VSET();
                vset.vertDataSize   = size;
                vset.vtxlCount      = aqo.vtxlList[i].vertPositions.Count;
                vset.edgeVertsCount = aqo.vtxlList[i].edgeVerts.Count;

                if (aqo.objc.type >= 0xC32)
                    vset.vtxeCount     = aqo.vtxeList.Count - 1;
                    vset.vtxlStartVert = vertCounter;
                    vertCounter       += vset.vtxlCount;

                    vset.bonePaletteCount = -1;
                    vset.vtxeCount        = vtxe.vertDataTypes.Count;
                    vset.bonePaletteCount = aqo.vtxlList[i].bonePalette.Count;


            //Update OBJC
            aqo.objc.largetsVtxl             = largestVertSize;
            aqo.objc.totalStripFaces         = totalStripsShorts;
            aqo.objc.totalVTXLCount          = totalVerts;
            aqo.objc.unkStructCount          = aqo.vtxlList.Count;
            aqo.objc.vsetCount               = aqo.vsetList.Count;
            aqo.objc.psetCount               = aqo.psetList.Count;
            aqo.objc.meshCount               = aqo.meshList.Count;
            aqo.objc.mateCount               = aqo.mateList.Count;
            aqo.objc.rendCount               = aqo.rendList.Count;
            aqo.objc.shadCount               = aqo.shadList.Count;
            aqo.objc.tstaCount               = aqo.tstaList.Count;
            aqo.objc.tsetCount               = aqo.tsetList.Count;
            aqo.objc.texfCount               = aqo.texfList.Count;
            aqo.objc.vtxeCount               = aqo.vtxeList.Count;
            aqo.objc.fBlock0                 = -1;
            aqo.objc.fBlock1                 = -1;
            aqo.objc.fBlock2                 = -1;
            aqo.objc.fBlock3                 = -1;
            aqo.objc.globalStrip3LengthCount = 1;
            aqo.objc.unkCount3               = 1;
            aqo.objc.bounds = AquaObjectMethods.GenerateBounding(aqo.vtxlList);
            if (doBitangent)
                AquaObjectMethods.ComputeTangentSpace(aqo, false, true);

        public static Assimp.Scene AssimpExport(string filePath, AquaObject aqp, AquaNode aqn)
            if (aqp is NGSAquaObject)
                //NGS aqps will give lots of isolated vertices if we don't handle them
                //Since we're not actually altering the data so much as rearranging references, we can just do this
                aqp = aqp.Clone();
            Assimp.Scene aiScene = new Assimp.Scene();

            //Create an array to hold references to these since Assimp lacks a way to grab these by order or id
            //We don't need the nodo count in this since they can't be parents
            Assimp.Node[] boneArray = new Assimp.Node[aqn.nodeList.Count];

            //Set up root node
            var root       = aqn.nodeList[0];
            var aiRootNode = new Assimp.Node("RootNode", null);

            aiRootNode.Transform = Assimp.Matrix4x4.Identity;

            aiScene.RootNode = aiRootNode;

            //Assign bones
            for (int i = 0; i < aqn.nodeList.Count; i++)
                var         bn = aqn.nodeList[i];
                Assimp.Node parentNode;
                var         parentTfm = Matrix4x4.Identity;
                if (bn.parentId == -1)
                    parentNode = aiRootNode;
                    parentNode = boneArray[bn.parentId];
                    var pn = aqn.nodeList[bn.parentId];
                    parentTfm = new Matrix4x4(pn.m1.X, pn.m1.Y, pn.m1.Z, pn.m1.W,
                                              pn.m2.X, pn.m2.Y, pn.m2.Z, pn.m2.W,
                                              pn.m3.X, pn.m3.Y, pn.m3.Z, pn.m3.W,
                                              pn.m4.X * 100, pn.m4.Y * 100, pn.m4.Z * 100, pn.m4.W);
                var aiNode = new Assimp.Node($"({i})" + bn.boneName.GetString(), parentNode);

                //Use inverse bind matrix as base
                var bnMat = new Matrix4x4(bn.m1.X, bn.m1.Y, bn.m1.Z, bn.m1.W,
                                          bn.m2.X, bn.m2.Y, bn.m2.Z, bn.m2.W,
                                          bn.m3.X, bn.m3.Y, bn.m3.Z, bn.m3.W,
                                          bn.m4.X * 100, bn.m4.Y * 100, bn.m4.Z * 100, bn.m4.W);
                Matrix4x4.Invert(bnMat, out bnMat);

                //Get local transform
                aiNode.Transform = GetAssimpMat4(bnMat * parentTfm);

                boneArray[i] = aiNode;

            foreach (AquaNode.NODO bn in aqn.nodoList)
                var parentNodo = boneArray[bn.parentId];
                var aiNode     = new Assimp.Node(bn.boneName.GetString(), parentNodo);

                //NODOs are a bit more primitive. We need to generate the matrix for these ones.
                var matrix   = Assimp.Matrix4x4.Identity;
                var rotation = Assimp.Matrix4x4.FromRotationX(bn.eulRot.X) *
                               Assimp.Matrix4x4.FromRotationY(bn.eulRot.Y) *

                matrix          *= rotation;
                matrix          *= Assimp.Matrix4x4.FromTranslation(new Assimp.Vector3D(bn.pos.X * 100, bn.pos.Y * 100, bn.pos.Z * 100));
                aiNode.Transform = matrix;


            //Assign meshes and materials
            foreach (AquaObject.MESH msh in aqp.meshList)
                var vtxl = aqp.vtxlList[msh.vsetIndex];

                var  aiMeshName       = string.Format("mesh[{4}]_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}_mesh", msh.mateIndex, msh.rendIndex, msh.shadIndex, msh.tsetIndex, aiScene.Meshes.Count);
                bool hasVertexWeights = aqp.vtxlList[msh.vsetIndex].vertWeightIndices.Count > 0;

                var aiMesh = new Assimp.Mesh(aiMeshName, Assimp.PrimitiveType.Triangle);

                //Vertex face data - PSO2 Actually doesn't do this, it just has per vertex data so we can just map a vertice's data to each face using it
                //It may actually be possible to add this to the previous loop, but my reference didn't so I'm doing it in a separate loop for safety
                //Reference: https://github.com/TGEnigma/Amicitia/blob/master/Source/AmicitiaLibrary/Graphics/RenderWare/RWClumpNode.cs
                //UVs will have dummied data to ensure that if the game arbitrarily writes them, they will still be exported back in the same order
                for (int vertId = 0; vertId < vtxl.vertPositions.Count; vertId++)
                    if (vtxl.vertPositions.Count > 0)
                        var pos = vtxl.vertPositions[vertId] * 100;
                        aiMesh.Vertices.Add(new Assimp.Vector3D(pos.X, pos.Y, pos.Z));

                    if (vtxl.vertNormals.Count > 0)
                        var nrm = vtxl.vertNormals[vertId];
                        aiMesh.Normals.Add(new Assimp.Vector3D(nrm.X, nrm.Y, nrm.Z));

                    if (vtxl.vertColors.Count > 0)
                        //Vert colors are bgra
                        var rawClr = vtxl.vertColors[vertId];
                        var clr    = new Assimp.Color4D(clrToFloat(rawClr[2]), clrToFloat(rawClr[1]), clrToFloat(rawClr[0]), clrToFloat(rawClr[3]));

                    if (vtxl.vertColor2s.Count > 0)
                        //Vert colors are bgra
                        var rawClr = vtxl.vertColor2s[vertId];
                        var clr    = new Assimp.Color4D(clrToFloat(rawClr[2]), clrToFloat(rawClr[1]), clrToFloat(rawClr[0]), clrToFloat(rawClr[3]));

                    if (vtxl.uv1List.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.uv1List[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(textureCoordinate.X, textureCoordinate.Y, 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                    if (vtxl.uv2List.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.uv2List[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(textureCoordinate.X, textureCoordinate.Y, 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                    if (vtxl.uv3List.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.uv3List[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(textureCoordinate.X, textureCoordinate.Y, 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                    if (vtxl.uv4List.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.uv4List[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(textureCoordinate.X, textureCoordinate.Y, 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                    if (vtxl.vert0x22.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.vert0x22[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[0]), uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[1]), 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                    if (vtxl.vert0x23.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.vert0x23[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[0]), uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[1]), 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                    if (vtxl.vert0x24.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.vert0x24[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[0]), uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[1]), 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                    if (vtxl.vert0x25.Count > 0)
                        var textureCoordinate   = vtxl.vert0x25[vertId];
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[0]), uvShortToFloat(textureCoordinate[1]), 0f);
                        var aiTextureCoordinate = new Assimp.Vector3D(0, 0, 0f);

                //Assimp Bones - Assimp likes to store vertex weights in bones and bones references in meshes
                if (hasVertexWeights)
                    //Get bone palette
                    List <uint> bonePalette;
                    if (aqp.objc.bonePaletteOffset > 0)
                        bonePalette = aqp.bonePalette;
                        bonePalette = new List <uint>();
                        for (int bn = 0; bn < vtxl.bonePalette.Count; bn++)
                    var aiBoneMap = new Dictionary <int, Assimp.Bone>();

                    //Iterate through vertices
                    for (int vertId = 0; vertId < vtxl.vertWeightIndices.Count; vertId++)
                        var boneIndices = vtxl.vertWeightIndices[vertId];
                        var boneWeights = Vector4ToFloatArray(vtxl.vertWeights[vertId]);

                        //Iterate through weights
                        for (int wt = 0; wt < 4; wt++)
                            var boneIndex  = boneIndices[wt];
                            var boneWeight = boneWeights[wt];

                            if (boneWeight == 0.0f)

                            if (!aiBoneMap.Keys.Contains(boneIndex))
                                var aiBone  = new Assimp.Bone();
                                var aqnBone = boneArray[bonePalette[boneIndex]];
                                var rawBone = aqn.nodeList[(int)bonePalette[boneIndex]];

                                aiBone.Name = $"({bonePalette[boneIndex]})" + rawBone.boneName.GetString();
                                aiBone.VertexWeights.Add(new Assimp.VertexWeight(vertId, boneWeight));

                                var invTransform = new Assimp.Matrix4x4(rawBone.m1.X, rawBone.m2.X, rawBone.m3.X, rawBone.m4.X,
                                                                        rawBone.m1.Y, rawBone.m2.Y, rawBone.m3.Y, rawBone.m4.Y,
                                                                        rawBone.m1.Z, rawBone.m2.Z, rawBone.m3.Z, rawBone.m4.Z,
                                                                        rawBone.m1.W, rawBone.m2.W, rawBone.m3.W, rawBone.m4.W);

                                aiBone.OffsetMatrix = invTransform;

                                aiBoneMap[boneIndex] = aiBone;

                            if (!aiBoneMap[boneIndex].VertexWeights.Any(x => x.VertexID == vertId))
                                aiBoneMap[boneIndex].VertexWeights.Add(new Assimp.VertexWeight(vertId, boneWeight));

                    //Add the bones to the mesh
                else   //Handle rigid meshes
                    var aiBone  = new Assimp.Bone();
                    var aqnBone = boneArray[msh.baseMeshNodeId];

                    // Name
                    aiBone.Name = aqnBone.Name;

                    // VertexWeights
                    for (int i = 0; i < aiMesh.Vertices.Count; i++)
                        var aiVertexWeight = new Assimp.VertexWeight(i, 1f);

                    aiBone.OffsetMatrix = Assimp.Matrix4x4.Identity;


                foreach (var face in aqp.strips[msh.vsetIndex].GetTriangles(true))
                    aiMesh.Faces.Add(new Assimp.Face(new int[] { (int)face.X, (int)face.Y, (int)face.Z }));

                var             mat        = aqp.mateList[msh.mateIndex];
                var             shaderSet  = AquaObjectMethods.GetShaderNames(aqp, msh.shadIndex);
                var             textureSet = AquaObjectMethods.GetTexListNames(aqp, msh.tsetIndex);
                Assimp.Material mate       = new Assimp.Material();

                mate.ColorDiffuse = new Assimp.Color4D(mat.diffuseRGBA.X, mat.diffuseRGBA.Y, mat.diffuseRGBA.Z, mat.diffuseRGBA.W);
                if (mat.alphaType.GetString().Equals("add"))
                    mate.BlendMode = Assimp.BlendMode.Additive;
                mate.Name = "|[]{}~`!@#$%^&*;:'\"?><,./(" + shaderSet[0] + "," + shaderSet[1] + ")" + "{" + mat.alphaType.GetString() + "}" + mat.matName.GetString();

                //Set textures - PSO2 Texture slots are NOT consistent and depend entirely on the selected shader. As such, slots will be somewhat arbitrary after albedo/diffuse
                for (int i = 0; i < textureSet.Count; i++)
                    switch (i)
                    case 0:
                        mate.TextureDiffuse = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Diffuse, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 1:
                        mate.TextureSpecular = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Specular, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 2:
                        mate.TextureNormal = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Normals, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 3:
                        mate.TextureLightMap = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Lightmap, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 4:
                        mate.TextureDisplacement = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Displacement, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 5:
                        mate.TextureOpacity = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Opacity, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 6:
                        mate.TextureHeight = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Height, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 7:
                        mate.TextureEmissive = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Emissive, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 8:
                        mate.TextureAmbient = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Ambient, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);

                    case 9:
                        mate.TextureReflection = new Assimp.TextureSlot(
                            textureSet[i], Assimp.TextureType.Reflection, i, Assimp.TextureMapping.FromUV, aqp.tstaList[aqp.tsetList[msh.tsetIndex].tstaTexIDs[i]].modelUVSet, 0,
                            Assimp.TextureOperation.Add, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, Assimp.TextureWrapMode.Wrap, 0);


                mate.ShadingMode = Assimp.ShadingMode.Phong;

                var meshNodeName = string.Format("mesh[{4}]_{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}#{4}#{5}", msh.mateIndex, msh.rendIndex, msh.shadIndex, msh.tsetIndex, aiScene.Meshes.Count, msh.baseMeshNodeId, msh.baseMeshDummyId);

                // Add mesh to meshes

                // Add material to materials

                // MaterialIndex
                aiMesh.MaterialIndex = aiScene.Materials.Count - 1;

                // Set up mesh node and add this mesh's index to it (This tells assimp to export it as a mesh for various formats)
                var meshNode = new Assimp.Node(meshNodeName, aiScene.RootNode);
                meshNode.Transform = Assimp.Matrix4x4.Identity;


                meshNode.MeshIndices.Add(aiScene.Meshes.Count - 1);

        //Takes in an Assimp model and generates a full PSO2 model and skeleton from it.
        public static AquaObject AssimpAquaConvertFull(string initialFilePath, float scaleFactor, bool preAssignNodeIds, bool isNGS)
            AquaUtil aquaUtil  = new AquaUtil();
            float    baseScale = 1f / 100f * scaleFactor; //We assume that this will be 100x the true scale because 1 unit to 1 meter isn't the norm

            Assimp.AssimpContext context = new Assimp.AssimpContext();
            context.SetConfig(new Assimp.Configs.FBXPreservePivotsConfig(false));
            Assimp.Scene aiScene = context.ImportFile(initialFilePath, Assimp.PostProcessSteps.Triangulate | Assimp.PostProcessSteps.JoinIdenticalVertices | Assimp.PostProcessSteps.FlipUVs);

            AquaObject aqp;
            AquaNode   aqn = new AquaNode();

            if (isNGS)
                aqp = new NGSAquaObject();
                aqp = new ClassicAquaObject();

            //Construct Materials
            Dictionary <string, int> matNameTracker = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            foreach (var aiMat in aiScene.Materials)
                string name;
                if (matNameTracker.ContainsKey(aiMat.Name))
                    name = $"{aiMat.Name} ({matNameTracker[aiMat.Name]})";
                    matNameTracker[aiMat.Name] += 1;
                    name = aiMat.Name;
                    matNameTracker.Add(aiMat.Name, 1);

                AquaObject.GenericMaterial genMat = new AquaObject.GenericMaterial();
                List <string> shaderList          = new List <string>();
                AquaObjectMethods.GetMaterialNameData(ref name, shaderList, out string alphaType, out string playerFlag);
                genMat.matName     = name;
                genMat.shaderNames = shaderList;
                genMat.blendType   = alphaType;
                genMat.specialType = playerFlag;
                genMat.texNames    = new List <string>();
                genMat.texUVSets   = new List <int>();

                //Texture assignments. Since we can't rely on these to export properly, we dummy them or just put diffuse if a playerFlag isn't defined.
                //We'll have the user set these later if needed.
                if (genMat.specialType != null)
                else if (aiMat.TextureDiffuse.FilePath != null)

                AquaObjectMethods.GenerateMaterial(aqp, genMat, true);

            //Default to this so ids can be assigned by order if needed
            Dictionary <string, int> boneDict = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            if (aiScene.RootNode.Name == null || !aiScene.RootNode.Name.Contains("(") || preAssignNodeIds == true)
                int nodeCounter = 0;
                BuildAiNodeDictionary(aiScene.RootNode, ref nodeCounter, boneDict);

            IterateAiNodesAQP(aqp, aqn, aiScene, aiScene.RootNode, Matrix4x4.Transpose(GetMat4FromAssimpMat4(aiScene.RootNode.Transform)), baseScale);

            //Assimp data is gathered, proceed to processing model data for PSO2
            AquaUtil.ModelSet set = new AquaUtil.ModelSet();
            aquaUtil.ConvertToNGSPSO2Mesh(false, false, false, true, false, false, true);

            //AQPs created this way will require more processing to finish.
            //-Texture lists in particular, MUST be generated as what exists is not valid without serious errors