// SAVE CHANGES BUTTON click event - Save changes made to currently selected customer
        private void btn_SaveChanges_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Verify that PERSONAL information was not left blank
            if ((this.tbx_FirstName.Text == "") || (this.tbx_LastName.Text == "") || (this.tbx_PhoneNumber.Text == "") || (this.tbx_EMail.Text == ""))
            {   // If any personal information was blank, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Please make sure that you have filled out all of the personal fields and try again.");

            // Verify that MAILING address information was not left blank
            if ((this.tbx_MailingStreetNumber.Text == "") || (this.tbx_MailingStreetName.Text == "") || (this.tbx_MailingCity.Text == "") ||
                (this.tbx_MailingState.Text == "") || (this.tbx_MailingZipCode.Text == ""))
            {   // If any mailing address information was blank, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Please make sure that you have filled out all of the mailing address fields and try again.");

            // Verify that BILLING address information was not left blank
            if ((this.tbx_BillingStreetNumber.Text == "") || (this.tbx_BillingStreetName.Text == "") || (this.tbx_BillingCity.Text == "") ||
                (this.tbx_BillingState.Text == "") || (this.tbx_BillingZipCode.Text == ""))
            {   // If any billing address information was blank, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Please make sure that you have filled out all of the billing address fields and try again.");

            // Validate numeric input for phone number
            if ((!long.TryParse((this.tbx_PhoneNumber.Text), out longValidation)) || (this.tbx_PhoneNumber.Text.Length != 10))
            {   // If phone number input was not numeric, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Invalid phone number entered.  Please enter 10 digits (no dashes) & try again.");

            // validate email address format
            if (!ApplicationObjects.EmailIsValid(this.tbx_EMail.Text))
            {   // If email address was not in specified format, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Invalid e-mail address entered.  Please try again.");

            // Validate numeric input for street numbers
            if ((!long.TryParse((this.tbx_MailingStreetNumber.Text), out longValidation)) || (!long.TryParse((this.tbx_BillingStreetNumber.Text), out longValidation)))
            {   // If street number input was not numeric, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Invalid street number entered.  Please enter only numeric values & try again.");

            // Verify that the state is only 2 characters
            if ((this.tbx_MailingState.Text.Length != 2) || (this.tbx_BillingState.Text.Length != 2))
            {   // If state input does not have only 2 characters, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Invalid state entered.  Please enter a 2-letter state abbreviation & try again.");

            // Validate numeric input for zip codes
            if ((!long.TryParse((this.tbx_MailingZipCode.Text), out longValidation)) || (!long.TryParse((this.tbx_BillingZipCode.Text), out longValidation)))
            {   // If zip code input was not numeric, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Invalid zip code entered.  Please enter only numeric values & try again.");

            // If zip is numeric, validate only 5 digits
            else if ((this.tbx_MailingZipCode.Text.Length != 5) || (this.tbx_BillingZipCode.Text.Length != 5))
            {   // If zip code does not have only 5 characters, display error and break code
                ApplicationObjects.DisplayInvalidInput("Invalid zip code entered.  Please enter only 5 digits & try again.");

            // Take the user input from the text boxes and update the currently selected...
            // ...customer's information within the customer object

            // Send update request to business layer
            int returnValue = ApplicationObjects.UpdateCustomer(customers[cbx_CustomerResultsList.SelectedIndex]);

            // Re-run search
            if (returnValue == 0)
            {   // If update successfull, re-run search based on the customerID of the customer that was just updated
                cbx_CustomerSearchType.SelectedIndex = 2;
                tbx_CustomerSearchInput.Text         = customers[cbx_CustomerResultsList.SelectedIndex].CustomerId.ToString();

            // Perform search button click to re-populate search results
            gbx_SearchCriteria.Visible     = true;
            btn_ViewOrders.Visible         = true;
            btn_CreateCustomer.Visible     = true;
            btn_CustomerSearch.Visible     = true;;
            btn_MainPage.Visible           = true;
            btn_EnableEditing.Visible      = true;
            btn_NewOrder.Visible           = true;
            btn_SaveChanges.Visible        = false;
            lbl_CustomerResultSort.Visible = false;
            cbx_SameAsMailing.Visible      = true;