Пример #1
        private ApplicationIdentityUser CreateUser(string userName, string password)
            var user = UserManager.FindByNameAsync(userName).Result;

            var identityResult = new IdentityResult();

            if (user == null)
                user = new ApplicationIdentityUser {
                    UserName = userName, Email = userName
                identityResult = UserManager.CreateAsync(user, password).Result;

                if (identityResult.Succeeded)
                    identityResult = UserManager.SetLockoutEnabledAsync(user.Id, false).Result;

Пример #2
        public IdentityResult Register(RegisterViewModel user, bool isHost, bool isAdmin)
            ApplicationIdentityUser identityUser =
                Mapper.Map <RegisterViewModel, ApplicationIdentityUser>(user);

            IdentityResult identityResult = TheUnitOfWork.Account.Register(identityUser);

            if (!isAdmin)
                if (isHost)
                    var host = Mapper.Map <ApplicationIdentityUser, HostUser>(identityUser);
                    var client = Mapper.Map <ApplicationIdentityUser, ClientUser>(identityUser);
        public void InitializeIdentityForEf(ApplicationDbContext db)
            // This is only for testing purpose
            const string name     = "*****@*****.**";
            const string password = "******";
            const string roleName = "Admin";
            var          applicationRoleManager = IdentityFactory.CreateRoleManager(db);
            var          applicationUserManager = IdentityFactory.CreateUserManager(db);
            //Create Role Admin if it does not exist
            var role = applicationRoleManager.FindByName(roleName);

            if (role == null)
                role = new ApplicationIdentityRole {
                    Name = roleName

            var user = applicationUserManager.FindByName(name);

            if (user == null)
                user = new ApplicationIdentityUser {
                    UserName = name, Email = name
                applicationUserManager.Create(user, password);
                applicationUserManager.SetLockoutEnabled(user.Id, false);

            // Add user admin to Role Admin if not already added
            var rolesForUser = applicationUserManager.GetRoles(user.Id);

            if (!rolesForUser.Contains(role.Name))
                applicationUserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, role.Name);
Пример #4
        protected void InitRoleAndUser(ApplicationDbContext context)
            var password = "******";

            var userManager = new ApplicationUserManager(new ApplicationUserStore(context));
            var roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(new ApplicationRoleStore(context));

            roleManager.Create(new ApplicationIdentityRole
                Name           = SystemRole.SuperUser.ToString(),
                Description    = SystemRole.SuperUser.GetDescription(),
                IsSystemConfig = true,
                InsertedOnUtc  = DateTime.UtcNow

            var superuser = new ApplicationIdentityUser()
                Email          = _SuperUserEmail,
                EmailConfirmed = true,
                UserName       = _SuperUserEmail,
                FirstName      = "Super",
                MiddleName     = "",
                LastName       = "User",
                InsertedOnUtc  = DateTime.UtcNow,

            var result = userManager.Create(superuser, password);

            if (result.Succeeded)
                superuser.LastModifiedUserId = superuser.Id;
                result = userManager.Update(superuser);
                if (result.Succeeded)
                    userManager.AddToRole(superuser.Id, SystemRole.SuperUser.ToString());
Пример #5
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(string returnUrl = null)
            returnUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Content("~/");
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new ApplicationIdentityUser {
                    UserName = Input.Email, Email = Input.Email
                var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, Input.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    _logger.LogInformation("User created a new account with password.");

                    var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                    var callbackUrl = Url.Page(
                        pageHandler: null,
                        values: new { userId = user.Id, code = code },
                        protocol: Request.Scheme);

                    await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(Input.Email, "Confirm your email",
                                                      $"Please confirm your account by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>.");

                    await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false);

                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description);

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
        public async Task <ActionResult> ExternalLoginConfirmation(ExternalLoginConfirmationViewModel model, string returnUrl)
            if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
                return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Manage"));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // Get the information about the user from the external login provider
                var info = await AuthenticationManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();

                if (info == null)
                var user = new ApplicationIdentityUser {
                    UserName = model.Email, Email = model.Email
                var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(user);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    result = await UserManager.AddLoginAsync(user.Id, info.Login);

                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false);


            ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
Пример #7
        public async Task <ActionResult <LoginResponse> > Login([FromBody] LoginRequest loginModel)
            _logger.LogInformation("User with email {Email} attempting to login", loginModel.Email);

            // Check whether the user who wants to log in exists
            ApplicationIdentityUser identityUser = await _userManager

            if (identityUser != null) // if exists
                // validate password
                bool correctPassword = await _userManager
                                       .CheckPasswordAsync(identityUser, loginModel.Password)

                if (correctPassword)
                    User user = (await _userRepository
                                 .GetAllByAsync(u => u.IdentityId.Equals(identityUser.Id, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))

                    // Create access token for successfully validated user
                    AccessToken accessToken = await GenerateAccessToken(user);

                    return(Ok(new LoginResponse(accessToken)));

                LogInformation("User with email {Email} attempted to login with the wrong credentials",

            _logger.LogInformation("Login failed for user with email {0} ", loginModel.Email);

            // The user does not exist in our system so the request is unauthorized
        public static Claim[] GetUserClaims(ApplicationIdentityUser user, List <string> roles = null)
            var claims = new List <Claim>
                new Claim("user_id", user.Id ?? ""),
                new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.UserName)) ? (user.FirstName + " " + user.LastName) : ""),
                new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.GivenName, user.FirstName ?? ""),
                new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName, user.LastName ?? ""),
                new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, user.Email ?? ""),

            if (roles != null && roles.Count > 0)
                foreach (var role in roles)
                    claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimsIdentity.DefaultRoleClaimType, role));
                    claims.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Role, role));
                    claims.Add(new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, role));

Пример #9
        public string GenerateJwtToken(string email, ApplicationIdentityUser user)
            var claims = new List <Claim>
                new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Sub, email),
                new Claim(JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Jti, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()),
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, user.Id.ToString())

            var key     = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_appSettings["JwtKey"]));
            var creds   = new SigningCredentials(key, SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256);
            var expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(Convert.ToDouble(_appSettings["JwtExpireDays"]));

            var token = new JwtSecurityToken(
                expires: expires,
                signingCredentials: creds

            return(new JwtSecurityTokenHandler().WriteToken(token));
Пример #10
        public async Task <ActionResult> ForgotPassword(ForgotPasswordViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(model.Email);

                if (user == null || !(await _userManager.IsEmailConfirmedAsync(user.Id)))
                    // Don't reveal that the user does not exist or is not confirmed

                // For more information on how to enable account confirmation and password reset please visit https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=320771
                // Send an email with this link
                // string code = await _userManager.GeneratePasswordResetTokenAsync(user.Id);
                // var callbackUrl = Url.Action("ResetPassword", "Account", new { userId = user.Id, code = code }, protocol: Request.Url.Scheme);
                // await _userManager.SendEmailAsync(user.Id, "Reset Password", "Please reset your password by clicking <a href=\"" + callbackUrl + "\">here</a>");
                // return RedirectToAction("ForgotPasswordConfirmation", "Account");

            // If we got this far, something failed, redisplay form
Пример #11
        public async Task <IActionResult> DownloadFileStream(Models.FileModel fileModel)
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fileModel.Path))
                FileStream              sourceStream            = new FileStream(fileModel.Path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, System.IO.FileShare.Read, BufferSize, FileOptions.Asynchronous | FileOptions.SequentialScan);
                ThrottledStream         destinationStreamStream = null;
                ApplicationIdentityUser user = null;
                if (HttpContext.User != null)
                    user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);

                    if (user != null)
                        destinationStreamStream = new ThrottledStream(sourceStream, kbpsLogged);

                if (destinationStreamStream == null)
                    destinationStreamStream = new ThrottledStream(sourceStream, kbps);

                await LoggerDownload(user, fileModel);

                FileStreamResult fileStreamResult = new FileStreamResult(destinationStreamStream, FindMimeHelpers.GetMimeFromFile(fileModel.Path));
                fileStreamResult.FileDownloadName = fileModel.TrustedName;
                fileStreamResult.LastModified     = fileModel.UploadDT;

                ModelState.AddModelError("Error", $"The request couldn't be processed (Error 0).");
Пример #12
        public ActionResult Register(RegisterViewModel newUser, bool isHost = false)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
            IdentityResult result = accountAppService.Register(newUser, isHost, User.IsInRole("Admin"));

            if (result.Succeeded)
                ApplicationIdentityUser registeredUser = accountAppService.Find(newUser.UserName, newUser.PasswordHash);

                if (User.IsInRole("Admin"))
                    accountAppService.AssignToRole(registeredUser.Id, "Admin");
                    if (isHost)
                        accountAppService.AssignToRole(registeredUser.Id, "Host");
                        accountAppService.AssignToRole(registeredUser.Id, "User");
                ModelState.AddModelError("", result.Errors.FirstOrDefault());
Пример #13
        public async Task <Int32> InitPlayerAsync(ApplicationIdentityUser user)
            int AspNetUserId = user.Id;

            SqlParameter[] @params =
                new SqlParameter("@returnVal",    SqlDbType.Int)
                    Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
                new SqlParameter("@AspNetUserId", SqlDbType.Int)
                    Direction = ParameterDirection.Input,Value         = AspNetUserId

            await context.Database.ExecuteSqlRawAsync("EXEC @returnVal=[dbo].[InitializeNewRegistrationPlayer] @AspNetUserId", @params);

            int result = Convert.ToInt32(@params[0].Value);

            await Task.FromResult(result);

Пример #14
        public ApplicationIdentityUser Find(string username, string password)
            ApplicationIdentityUser result = manager.Find(username, password);

Пример #15
        public async Task <ActionResult <ResultData> > AddUser([FromBody] UserAddDto userDto)
            if (userDto.UserName == null || userDto.Password == null)
                var user = await _userManager.FindByNameAsync(userDto.UserName);

                if (user != null)
                    return(new ResultData(ReturnCode.Error, -1, "用户已存在", null));
                string today       = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                var    lastTeacher = _teacherRepository
                                     .LoadEntities(o => o.TeacherId.ToString().StartsWith(today))
                int teacherId;

                if (lastTeacher == null)
                    teacherId = Convert.ToInt32(today + "00");
                    string lastTwoChar = lastTeacher.TeacherId.ToString().Substring(lastTeacher.TeacherId.ToString().Length - 2, 2);
                    int    index       = Convert.ToInt32(lastTwoChar.StartsWith("0") ? lastTwoChar.Substring(1, 1) : lastTwoChar);
                    if (index < 99)
                        if (index.ToString().Length == 1)
                            teacherId = Convert.ToInt32(today + "0" + index.ToString());
                            teacherId = Convert.ToInt32(today + index.ToString());
                        return(new ResultData(ReturnCode.Error, -1, "每天只能添加100个用户", null));
                user = new ApplicationIdentityUser
                    UserName = userDto.UserName,
                    Teacher  = new Teacher
                        TeacherId = teacherId,
                var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user, userDto.Password);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    return(new ResultData(ReturnCode.Succeed, -1, "添加成功", teacherId));
                return(new ResultData(ReturnCode.Error, -1, "添加失败", null));
Пример #16
 public void ShoppingCartSetup()
     accountAppService      = new AccountAppService();
     shoppingCartAppService = new ShoppingCartAppService();
     user = accountAppService.Find("TestUser", "TestUser");
 public static AppUser CopyApplicationIdentityUserProperties(this AppUser appUser, ApplicationIdentityUser applicationIdentityUser)
     if (appUser == null)
     if (applicationIdentityUser == null)
     appUser.UserName             = applicationIdentityUser.UserName;
     appUser.Id                   = applicationIdentityUser.Id;
     appUser.AccessFailedCount    = applicationIdentityUser.AccessFailedCount;
     appUser.Email                = applicationIdentityUser.Email;
     appUser.EmailConfirmed       = applicationIdentityUser.EmailConfirmed;
     appUser.LockoutEnabled       = applicationIdentityUser.LockoutEnabled;
     appUser.LockoutEndDateUtc    = applicationIdentityUser.LockoutEndDateUtc;
     appUser.PasswordHash         = applicationIdentityUser.PasswordHash;
     appUser.PhoneNumber          = applicationIdentityUser.PhoneNumber;
     appUser.PhoneNumberConfirmed = applicationIdentityUser.PhoneNumberConfirmed;
     appUser.SecurityStamp        = applicationIdentityUser.SecurityStamp;
     appUser.TwoFactorEnabled     = applicationIdentityUser.TwoFactorEnabled;
     foreach (var claim in applicationIdentityUser.Claims)
         appUser.Claims.Add(new ApplicationUserClaim
             ClaimType  = claim.ClaimType,
             ClaimValue = claim.ClaimValue,
             Id         = claim.Id,
             UserId     = claim.UserId
     foreach (var role in applicationIdentityUser.Roles)
     foreach (var login in applicationIdentityUser.Logins)
         appUser.Logins.Add(new ApplicationUserLogin
             LoginProvider = login.LoginProvider,
             ProviderKey   = login.ProviderKey,
             UserId        = login.UserId
        //Create [email protected] with password=Admin@123456 in the Admin role
        public void InitializeIdentityForEF(AspnetIdentityWithOnionContext db)
            // This is only for testing purpose
            const string name     = "*****@*****.**";
            const string password = "******";

            string[] roleName = new string[] { "Admin", "Anonim", "Manager", "User" };
            var      applicationRoleManager = IdentityFactory.CreateRoleManager(db);
            var      applicationUserManager = IdentityFactory.CreateUserManager(db);
            //Create Role Admin if it does not exist

            ApplicationIdentityRole role;

            foreach (var item in roleName)
                role = new ApplicationIdentityRole {
                    Name = item
                role = null;
            //var role = applicationRoleManager.FindByName(roleName);
            //if (role == null)
            //    role = new ApplicationIdentityRole { Name = roleName };
            //    applicationRoleManager.Create(role);

            var user = applicationUserManager.FindByName(name);

            if (user == null)
                user = new ApplicationIdentityUser {
                    UserName = name, Email = name
                applicationUserManager.Create(user, password);
                applicationUserManager.SetLockoutEnabled(user.Id, false);

            // Add user admin to Role Admin if not already added
            var rolesForUser = applicationUserManager.GetRoles(user.Id);

            foreach (var item in roleName)
                if (!rolesForUser.Contains(item))
                    applicationUserManager.AddToRole(user.Id, item);

            var context = new AspnetIdentityWithOnionContext("name=AppContext", new DebugLogger());
            //var image = new Image { Path = "http://lorempixel.com/400/200/" };

            //context.Set<Category>().Add(new Category { Name = "Cameras", IsActive = true, Path = "6a81942d-d825-4c18-97ca-4a5a906c68ad.jpg" });
            //context.Set<Category>().Add(new Category { Name = "BagsCase", IsActive = true, Path = "49307dd0-7ada-4e12-b1e9-e5040269288f.jpg" });
            //context.Set<Category>().Add(new Category { Name = "Accessuare", IsActive = true, Path = "1c68860a-3b9a-4278-90ce-0b0237ec4898.jpg" });

            //context.Set<SubCategory>().Add(new SubCategory { Name = "SLR Cameras", })
            //for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            //    context.Set<Product>().Add(new Product { Name = "My Product", Price = 35});

            //context.Set<Category>().Add(new Category { Name = "ForExample", IsActive = true });
Пример #19
 private IList <Claim> SetClaims(ApplicationIdentityUser user, TokenType tokenType)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #20
        public async Task <ActionResult> Users_Create([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, ApplicationIdentityUser user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user_created = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user);

                if (user_created.Succeeded)
                    return(Json(new[] { user }.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState)));
Пример #21
        private async Task <Models.FileModel> SaveInDb(string remoteIpAddress, string fileNameFinaliy, string fileNameForDisplay, string fileNameForFileStorage, long contentType, string mimeType)
            var ipInfo = await new IpDataServlet(remoteIpAddress).GetIpInfo();

            var fileUploaded = new FileModel
                CreationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow,
                Id          = Guid.NewGuid(),
                Size        = contentType,
                Name        = fileNameForDisplay,
                StorageName = fileNameForFileStorage,
                Type        = mimeType,
                Hash        = CreateHashFile(fileNameForDisplay, fileNameForFileStorage, remoteIpAddress, contentType),

                Asn           = ipInfo.Asn,
                AsnDomain     = ipInfo.AsnDomain,
                AsnName       = ipInfo.AsnName,
                AsnRoute      = ipInfo.AsnRoute,
                AsnType       = ipInfo.AsnType,
                CallingCode   = ipInfo.CallingCode,
                City          = ipInfo.City,
                ContinentCode = ipInfo.ContinentCode,
                ContinentName = ipInfo.ContinentName,
                CountryCode   = ipInfo.CountryCode,
                CountryName   = ipInfo.CountryName,
                Ip            = ipInfo.Ip,
                Latitude      = ipInfo.Latitude,
                Longitude     = ipInfo.Longitude,
                Organisation  = ipInfo.Organisation,
                Postal        = ipInfo.Postal,
                Region        = ipInfo.Region,
                RegionCode    = ipInfo.RegionCode,
                TimeZone      = ipInfo.TimeZone,
                Languages     = ipInfo.Languages

                if (mimeType == "application/octet-stream" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(mimeType))
                    mimeType = FindMimeHelpers.GetMimeFromFile(fileNameFinaliy);

                if (mimeType == "application/octet-stream" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(mimeType))
                    if (FindMimeHelpers.ListOfMimeType == null || FindMimeHelpers.ListOfMimeType.Count <= 0)
                        FindMimeHelpers.ListOfMimeType = _context.PermittedExtension
                                                         .Select(x => new { x.Extension, x.Description })
                                                         .ToDictionary(x => x.Extension, x => x.Description);

                    fileUploaded.Type = FindMimeHelpers.GetMimeFromExtensions(Path.GetExtension(fileNameForDisplay).ToLowerInvariant());
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError("Erro para recuperar o MineType : " + ex.Message);

                if (FindMimeHelpers.ListOfMimeType == null || FindMimeHelpers.ListOfMimeType.Count <= 0)
                    FindMimeHelpers.ListOfMimeType = _context.PermittedExtension
                                                     .Select(x => new { x.Extension, x.Description })
                                                     .ToDictionary(x => x.Extension, x => x.Description);

                fileUploaded.Type = FindMimeHelpers.GetMimeFromExtensions(Path.GetExtension(fileNameForDisplay).ToLowerInvariant());

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileUploaded.Type))
                fileUploaded.Type = "application/octet-stream";

            //Salvar no Banco de Dados
            await _context.Files.AddAsync(fileUploaded);

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

            ApplicationIdentityUser user = null;

                if (HttpContext.User != null)
                    user = await _userManager.GetUserAsync(HttpContext.User);

                    if (user != null)
                        await _context.FilesUsers.AddAsync(new FileUserModel
                            Id               = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            FileId           = fileUploaded.Id,
                            UserId           = user.Id,
                            CreationDateTime = DateTime.Now

                        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                _logger.LogError($"Erro para associar o arquivo {fileUploaded.Id} ao usuário {user?.Id} - {ex}");

            return(new Models.FileModel
                Hash = fileUploaded.Hash,
                Id = fileUploaded.Id,
                Size = fileUploaded.Size,
                UntrustedName = fileUploaded.Name,
                UploadDT = fileUploaded.CreationDateTime
Пример #22
        public static void Initialise(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            using (IServiceScope scope = serviceProvider.CreateScope())
                ApplicationIdentityDbContext applicationIdentityDbContext =
                    scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationIdentityDbContext>();
                ApplicationDbContext applicationDbContext =
                    scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>();


                UserManager <ApplicationIdentityUser> userManager =
                    .GetRequiredService <UserManager <ApplicationIdentityUser> >();

                ApplicationIdentityUser identityUser = userManager

                if (identityUser == null)
                    identityUser = new ApplicationIdentityUser
                        Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                        UserName  = "******",
                        FirstName = "Jane",
                        LastName  = "Doe"

                    IdentityResult result = userManager
                                            .CreateAsync(identityUser, "P@ssw0rd")

                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        IMapper mapper = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IMapper>();
                        User    user   = mapper.Map <User>(identityUser);
                        user.Id         = new Guid("25320c5e-f58a-4b1f-b63a-8ee07a840bdf");
                        user.PhoneBooks = new List <PhoneBook>
                            new PhoneBook
                                Id               = new Guid("c7ba6add-09c4-45f8-8dd0-eaca221e5d93"),
                                Title            = "The Family",
                                Description      = "This phone book contains the contact details for my family",
                                PhoneBookEntries = new List <PhoneBookEntry>
                                    new PhoneBookEntry
                                        Id           = new Guid("a3749477-f823-4124-aa4a-fc9ad5e79cd6"),
                                        FirstName    = "Jack",
                                        LastName     = "Tenrec",
                                        PhoneNumber  = "+27219038278",
                                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                                        Address      = "8 Zebra Close, Kuils River"
                                    new PhoneBookEntry
                                        Id           = new Guid("70a1f9b9-0a37-4c1a-99b1-c7709fc64167"),
                                        FirstName    = "Hannah",
                                        LastName     = "Dundee",
                                        PhoneNumber  = "+27219038279",
                                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                                        Address      = "13 Skyvue Drive, Kuils River"
                                    new PhoneBookEntry
                                        Id           = new Guid("60188a2b-2784-4fc4-8df8-8919ff838b0b"),
                                        FirstName    = "Mess",
                                        LastName     = "O",
                                        PhoneNumber  = "+27219038280",
                                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                                        Address      = "221 Main Road, West Bank"
                                    new PhoneBookEntry
                                        Id           = new Guid("76053df4-6687-4353-8937-b45556748abe"),
                                        FirstName    = "Mustapha",
                                        LastName     = "P",
                                        PhoneNumber  = "+27219038281",
                                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                                        Address      = "54 Robert Street, Blackheath"
                                    new PhoneBookEntry
                                        Id           = new Guid("447eb762-95e9-4c31-95e1-b20053fbe215"),
                                        FirstName    = "Ginzo",
                                        LastName     = "Ninja",
                                        PhoneNumber  = "+27219038282",
                                        EmailAddress = "*****@*****.**",
                                        Address      = "19 Fernkloof Crescent, West Bank"
Пример #23
        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostConfirmationAsync(string returnUrl = null)
            returnUrl = returnUrl ?? Url.Content("~/");
            // Get the information about the user from the external login provider
            var info = await _signInManager.GetExternalLoginInfoAsync();

            if (info == null)
                ErrorMessage = "Error loading external login information during confirmation.";
                return(RedirectToPage("./Login", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl }));

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var user = new ApplicationIdentityUser {
                    UserName = Input.Email, Email = Input.Email

                if (info.Principal.HasClaim(c => c.Type == ClaimTypes.Name))
                    user.ContactName = info.Principal.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.Name);

                var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user);

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    result = await _userManager.AddLoginAsync(user, info);

                    if (result.Succeeded)
                        _logger.LogInformation("User created an account using {Name} provider.", info.LoginProvider);

                        var userId = await _userManager.GetUserIdAsync(user);

                        var code = await _userManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(user);

                        code = WebEncoders.Base64UrlEncode(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(code));
                        var callbackUrl = Url.Page(
                            pageHandler: null,
                            values: new { area = "Identity", userId = userId, code = code },
                            protocol: Request.Scheme);

                        await _emailSender.SendEmailAsync(Input.Email, "Confirm your email",
                                                          $"Please confirm your account by <a href='{HtmlEncoder.Default.Encode(callbackUrl)}'>clicking here</a>.");

                        // If account confirmation is required, we need to show the link if we don't have a real email sender
                        if (_userManager.Options.SignIn.RequireConfirmedAccount)
                            return(RedirectToPage("./RegisterConfirmation", new { Email = Input.Email }));

                        await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, info.LoginProvider);

                foreach (var error in result.Errors)
                    ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, error.Description);

            LoginProvider = info.LoginProvider;
            ReturnUrl     = returnUrl;
Пример #24
        public void SeedAdmin(UserManager <ApplicationIdentityUser> userManager)
            // ADD SUPERUSER
            if (userManager.FindByEmailAsync(SuperAdminUserName).Result == null)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user = new ApplicationIdentityUser();
                user.UserName       = SuperAdminUserName;
                user.Email          = SuperAdminUserName;
                user.ContactName    = "Super Admin User";
                user.EmailConfirmed = true;

                IdentityResult result = userManager.CreateAsync(user, SuperAdminPassword).Result;

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, RoleType.SuperAdmin.ToString()).Wait();

            // ADD ADMINUSER
            if (userManager.FindByEmailAsync(AdminUserName).Result == null)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user = new ApplicationIdentityUser();
                user.UserName       = AdminUserName;
                user.Email          = AdminUserName;
                user.ContactName    = "Admin User";
                user.EmailConfirmed = true;

                IdentityResult result = userManager.CreateAsync(user, AdminPassword).Result;

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, RoleType.Admin.ToString()).Wait();

            // ADD RESTIDENT
            if (userManager.FindByEmailAsync(ResidentUserName).Result == null)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user = new ApplicationIdentityUser();
                user.UserName       = ResidentUserName;
                user.Email          = ResidentUserName;
                user.ContactName    = "Resident User";
                user.EmailConfirmed = true;

                IdentityResult result = userManager.CreateAsync(user, ResidentPassword).Result;

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, RoleType.Resident.ToString()).Wait();

            // ADD READONLYUSER (has access to all non personal info but can't edit anything)
            if (userManager.FindByEmailAsync(ReadOnlyUserName).Result == null)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user = new ApplicationIdentityUser();
                user.UserName       = ReadOnlyUserName;
                user.Email          = ReadOnlyUserName;
                user.ContactName    = "Read Only User";
                user.EmailConfirmed = true;

                IdentityResult result = userManager.CreateAsync(user, ReadOnlyPassword).Result;

                if (result.Succeeded)
                    userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, RoleType.ReadOnlyUser.ToString()).Wait();
Пример #25
        protected override void Seed(DAL.ApplicationDBContext context)
            //  This method will be called after migrating to the latest version.

            //  You can use the DbSet<T>.AddOrUpdate() helper extension method
            //  to avoid creating duplicate seed data. E.g.
            //    context.People.AddOrUpdate(
            //      p => p.FullName,
            //      new Person { FullName = "Andrew Peters" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Brice Lambson" },
            //      new Person { FullName = "Rowan Miller" }
            //    );

            ApplicationRoleManager roleManager = new ApplicationRoleManager(context);

            roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("Admin"));
            roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("User"));
            roleManager.Create(new IdentityRole("Host"));

            ApplicationUserManager manager = new ApplicationUserManager(context);

            var admin = manager.Find("admin", "admin");

            if (admin == null)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user =
                    new ApplicationIdentityUser()
                    UserName     = "******",
                    PasswordHash = "admin",

                user.PasswordHash = manager.PasswordHasher.HashPassword(user.PasswordHash);
                manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Admin");

            //User For Unit Testing
            var testUser = manager.Find("TestUser", "TestUser");

            if (testUser == null)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user =
                    new ApplicationIdentityUser()
                    UserName     = "******",
                    PasswordHash = "TestUser",

                user.PasswordHash = manager.PasswordHasher.HashPassword(user.PasswordHash);
                manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "User");

                ApplicationIdentityUser registeredUser = manager.Find("TestUser", "TestUser");
                context.ClientUsers.Add(new User.ClientUser {
                    Id = registeredUser.Id
                context.ShoppingCarts.Add(new ShoppingCart {
                    ClientId = registeredUser.Id

            //Host For Unit Testing
            var testHost = manager.Find("TestHost", "TestHost");

            if (testHost == null)
                ApplicationIdentityUser user =
                    new ApplicationIdentityUser()
                    UserName     = "******",
                    PasswordHash = "TestHost",

                user.PasswordHash = manager.PasswordHasher.HashPassword(user.PasswordHash);
                manager.AddToRole(user.Id, "Host");
                ApplicationIdentityUser registeredUser = manager.Find("TestHost", "TestHost");

                context.HostUsers.Add(new User.HostUser {
                    Id = registeredUser.Id

            //AccountAppService accountAppService = new AccountAppService();
            //shoppingCartAppService = new ShoppingCartAppService();

            //RegisterViewModel newUser = new RegisterViewModel
            //    UserName = "******",
            //    Email = "*****@*****.**",
            //    PasswordHash = "123456",
            //    ConfirmPassword = "******",
            //    age = Enum_Age.Under16,
            //    SSN = "123456789"

            //IdentityResult result = accountAppService.Register(newUser, false, false);
            //ApplicationIdentityUser registeredUser = accountAppService.Find(newUser.UserName, newUser.PasswordHash);
            //accountAppService.AssignToRole(registeredUser.Id, "User");
Пример #26
 public ArticleViewModel()
     Author = new ApplicationIdentityUser();
Пример #27
        public IdentityResult Register(ApplicationIdentityUser user)
            IdentityResult result = manager.Create(user, user.PasswordHash);

Пример #28
 public AddArticleViewModel()
     Author        = new ApplicationIdentityUser();
     CategoryViews = new List <CategoryViewModel>();
Пример #29
        private async Task <ApplicationIdentityUser> AutoProvisionUserAsync(string provider, string providerUserId, IEnumerable <Claim> claims)
            // create a list of claims that we want to transfer into our store
            var filtered = new List <Claim>();

            // user's display name
            var name = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == JwtClaimTypes.Name)?.Value ??
                       claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.Name)?.Value;

            if (name != null)
                filtered.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, name));
                var first = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == JwtClaimTypes.GivenName)?.Value ??
                            claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.GivenName)?.Value;
                var last = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == JwtClaimTypes.FamilyName)?.Value ??
                           claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.Surname)?.Value;
                if (first != null && last != null)
                    filtered.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, first + " " + last));
                else if (first != null)
                    filtered.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, first));
                else if (last != null)
                    filtered.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Name, last));

            // email
            var email = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == JwtClaimTypes.Email)?.Value ??
                        claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == ClaimTypes.Email)?.Value;

            if (email != null)
                filtered.Add(new Claim(JwtClaimTypes.Email, email));

            var user = new ApplicationIdentityUser
                UserName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
            var identityResult = await _userManager.CreateAsync(user);

            if (!identityResult.Succeeded)
                throw new Exception(identityResult.Errors.First().Description);

            if (filtered.Any())
                identityResult = await _userManager.AddClaimsAsync(user, filtered);

                if (!identityResult.Succeeded)
                    throw new Exception(identityResult.Errors.First().Description);

            identityResult = await _userManager.AddLoginAsync(user, new UserLoginInfo(provider, providerUserId, provider));

            if (!identityResult.Succeeded)
                throw new Exception(identityResult.Errors.First().Description);

Пример #30
        public async Task <ActionResult> Users_Update([DataSourceRequest] DataSourceRequest request, ApplicationIdentityUser user)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var finduser = await _userManager.FindByIdAsync(user.Id.ToString());

                finduser.FirstName            = user.FirstName;
                finduser.LastName             = user.LastName;
                finduser.Address              = user.Address;
                finduser.Email                = user.Email;
                finduser.AccessFailedCount    = finduser.AccessFailedCount;
                finduser.ConcurrencyStamp     = finduser.ConcurrencyStamp;
                finduser.EmailConfirmed       = finduser.EmailConfirmed;
                finduser.LockoutEnabled       = finduser.LockoutEnabled;
                finduser.LockoutEnd           = finduser.LockoutEnd;
                finduser.NormalizedEmail      = finduser.NormalizedEmail;
                finduser.NormalizedUserName   = finduser.NormalizedUserName;
                finduser.PasswordHash         = finduser.PasswordHash;
                finduser.PhoneNumber          = finduser.PasswordHash;
                finduser.PhoneNumberConfirmed = finduser.PhoneNumberConfirmed;
                finduser.SecurityStamp        = finduser.SecurityStamp;
                finduser.TwoFactorEnabled     = finduser.TwoFactorEnabled;
                finduser.UserName             = user.UserName;

                var user_created = await _userManager.UpdateAsync(finduser);

                return(Json(new[] { finduser }.ToDataSourceResult(request, ModelState)));