public List <ApplicantJobs> getJobsApplied() { List <ApplicantJobs> pocos = new List <ApplicantJobs>(); using (SqlConnection _connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["dbconnection"].ConnectionString)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand { Connection = _connection, CommandText = @"select cd.Company_Name, aja.Application_Date, cjd.Job_Name, cjd.Job_Descriptions from Applicant_Job_Applications aja join Company_Jobs_Descriptions cjd on aja.Job = cjd.Job join Company_Jobs cj on cjd.Job = cj.Id join Company_Descriptions cd on cj.Company = cd.Company where aja.Applicant = '" + System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["ApplicantProfileId"].ToString() + "';" }; _connection.Open(); SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { ApplicantJobs poco = new ApplicantJobs { CompanyName = reader.GetString(0), ApplicationDate = reader.GetDateTime(1), JobName = reader.GetString(2), JobDescription = reader.GetString(3) }; pocos.Add(poco); } _connection.Close(); } return(pocos); }
public ActionResult ApplyForJob(int?id) { ApplicationUser user = GetUser(); if (user == null) { TempData["CurrentUrl"] = Request.Url.ToString(); Session["url"] = TempData["CurrentUrl"].ToString(); return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account")); } Guid userId = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); var applicant = jobService.GetApplicant(userId); if (applicant == null) { TempData["CurrentUrl"] = Request.Url.ToString(); Session["url"] = TempData["CurrentUrl"].ToString(); return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Applicant", new { returnUrl = Request.Url.ToString() })); } else { if (id == null) { return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest)); } Job job = jobService.GetById((int)id); if (job == null) { return(HttpNotFound()); } if (job.Active == false) { return(RedirectToAction("JobNoLongerActive")); } if (job.ClosedDate < DateTime.Now) { return(RedirectToAction("JobClosed")); } if (job.Active && job.ClosedDate > DateTime.Now) { List <ApplicantJobs> jobs = jobService.GetApplicantJobs(applicant.Id).ToList(); foreach (var item in jobs) { if (item.JobId == id) { return(RedirectToAction("JobAlreadyAppliedTo")); } } ApplicantJobs appJob = new ApplicantJobs(); appJob.ApplicantId = applicant.Id; appJob.JobId = (int)id; Session["url"] = null; return(RedirectToAction("Apply", "Jobs", job)); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public ActionResult SubmitJobApplication(Job job) { Guid userId = new Guid(User.Identity.GetUserId()); //Checking to see if the user is already in the database //Applicant applicant = db.Applicants.Where(a => a.RegisterId == userId).FirstOrDefault(); Applicant applicant = jobService.GetApplicant(userId); ApplicantJobs appJob = jobService.SubmitJobApplication(job, applicant); jobService.SendConfirmationEmail(userId, applicant, appJob); Session["url"] = null; // send them to a confirmation page then redirect them to the index page return(View("JobAppliedToConfirmation", job)); }