string BuildWorkerWhere(string w) { if (w != null && _role == "Worker") { App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); App_Code.Base.UserInfo ui = db.GetUserInfo(Page.User.Identity.Name); PersonData awd = workerData.Find(delegate(PersonData wd) { return(wd.Title == ui.Family + " " + ui.IO); }); if (awd == null) { return(null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(w)) { w = "where "; } else { w += "and "; } w += "(z.Worker is null or z.Worker='" + awd.Id + "') "; } else if (w != null && (!IsAllSelected(Worker) || workerData.Count == 1)) { List <string> u = GetSelectedTitles(Worker); string tu = string.Empty; foreach (string i in u) { PersonData awd = workerData.Find(delegate(PersonData wd) { return(wd.Title == i); }); if (awd != null) { tu += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tu) ? "" : ",") + "'" + awd.Id + "'"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tu)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(w)) { w = "where "; } else { w += "and "; } w += "(z.Worker is null or z.Worker in (" + tu + ")) "; } else { return(null); } } return(w); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["day"])) { _date = DateTime.Now.Date; } else { _date = DateTime.Parse(HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Request["day"])); } DateTime d2 = _date.AddDays(1); _user = Page.User.Identity.Name; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["user"])) { _user = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(Request["user"]); } App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); _userInfo = db.GetUserInfo(_user); _data = db.GetPlan(_user, _date, d2); }
string BuildWhere() { string s = string.Empty; s = " where wz.[Date] between @start and @end"; if (_role == "Worker") { if (SelectDone.Checked && SelectNotDone.Checked) { lType.Text = "все"; } else if (SelectDone.Checked) { s += " and wz.[Done]=1"; lType.Text = "прорабу"; } else if (SelectNotDone.Checked) { s += " and wz.[Done]=0"; lType.Text = "механик"; } else { return(null); } } else { if (!IsAllSelected(Type)) { s += " and wz.[Done]="; List <string> sel = GetSelectedTitles(Type); if (sel.Count < 1) { return(null); } if (sel[0] == _type[0].Title) { s += "1"; } else { s += "0"; } lType.Text = sel[0]; } else { lType.Text = "все"; } } if (_role == "Worker") { App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); App_Code.Base.UserInfo ui = db.GetUserInfo(Page.User.Identity.Name); lFrom.Text = ui.Family + " " + ui.IO; Base.PersonData pd = workerData.Find(delegate(Base.PersonData p) { return(p.Title == lFrom.Text); }); if (pd == null) { return(null); } s += " and wz.UserId='" + pd.Id + "'"; } else if (!IsAllSelected(From)) { string from = string.Empty; List <string> sel = GetSelectedTitles(From); if (sel.Count < 1) { return(null); } foreach (string f in sel) { Base.PersonData pd = workerData.Find(delegate(Base.PersonData p) { return(p.Title == f); }); if (pd != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(from)) { from += ","; } from += pd.Id; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lFrom.Text)) { lFrom.Text += ", "; } lFrom.Text += f; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(from)) { s += " and wz.UserId in (" + from + ")"; } } else { lFrom.Text = "от всех"; } return(s); }
void FillLabels() { lPrinyalDate.Text = " с " + CalendarStart.SelectedDate.ToLongDateString() + " по " + CalendarStartEnd.SelectedDate.ToLongDateString(); if (HourStart.IsAllSelected()) { lPHours.Text = " все"; } else { List <int> sel = HourStart.GetSelectedTitles(); lPHours.Text = string.Empty; foreach (int i in sel) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lPHours.Text)) { lPHours.Text += i.ToString(); } else { lPHours.Text += ", " + i.ToString(); } } } if (MinuteStart.IsAllSelected()) { lPMinutes.Text = " все"; } else { List <int> sel = MinuteStart.GetSelectedTitles(); lPMinutes.Text = string.Empty; foreach (int i in sel) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lPMinutes.Text)) { lPMinutes.Text += i.ToString(); } else { lPMinutes.Text += ", " + i.ToString(); } } } if (_role != "Worker") { lVypolnilDate.Text = " с " + CalendarFinish.SelectedDate.ToLongDateString() + " по " + CalendarFinishEnd.SelectedDate.ToLongDateString(); } else { lVypolnilDate.Text = " в любое время"; } if (HourFinish.IsAllSelected()) { lVHours.Text = " все"; } else { List <int> sel = HourFinish.GetSelectedTitles(); lVHours.Text = string.Empty; foreach (int i in sel) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lVHours.Text)) { lVHours.Text += i.ToString(); } else { lVHours.Text += ", " + i.ToString(); } } } if (MinuteFinish.IsAllSelected()) { lVMinutes.Text = " все"; } else { List <int> sel = MinuteFinish.GetSelectedTitles(); lVMinutes.Text = string.Empty; foreach (int i in sel) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lVMinutes.Text)) { lVMinutes.Text += i.ToString(); } else { lVMinutes.Text += ", " + i.ToString(); } } } if (IsAllSelected(IdU)) { lU.Text = " любой"; } else { lU.Text = GetSelected(IdU); } if (IsAllSelected(IdM)) { lM.Text = " любой"; } else { lM.Text = GetSelected(IdM); } if (IsAllSelected(IdL)) { lL.Text = " любой"; } else { lL.Text = GetSelected(IdL); } if (IsAllSelected(Address)) { if (GetSelectedTitles(IdU).Count == 1 && GetSelectedTitles(IdM).Count == 1) { KOS.App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); List <string> ls = db.GetAddress(GetSelectedTitles(IdU)[0], GetSelectedTitles(IdM)[0]); lAddress.Text = string.Empty; foreach (string s in ls) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lAddress.Text)) { lAddress.Text += ", "; } lAddress.Text += s; } } else { lAddress.Text = " любой"; } } else { lAddress.Text = GetSelected(Address); } if (IsAllSelected(Category)) { lCategory.Text = " любая"; } else { lCategory.Text = GetSelected(Category); } if (IsAllSelected(From)) { lSource.Text = " любой"; } else { lSource.Text = GetSelected(From); } if (IsAllSelected(Prinyal)) { lPrinyal.Text = " любой"; } else { lPrinyal.Text = GetSelected(Prinyal); } if (_role == "Worker") { App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); App_Code.Base.UserInfo ui = db.GetUserInfo(Page.User.Identity.Name); lWorker.Text = ui.Family + " " + ui.IO; } else if (IsAllSelected(Worker)) { lWorker.Text = " любой"; } else { lWorker.Text = GetSelected(Worker); } }
void FillLabels() { lPrinyalDate.Text = " с " + Calendar.SelectedDate.ToLongDateString() + " по " + CalendarEnd.SelectedDate.ToLongDateString(); if (IsAllSelected(IdU)) { lU.Text = " любой"; } else { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(IdU); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { lU.Text = ls[i]; } else { lU.Text += ", " + ls[i]; } } } if (IsAllSelected(IdM)) { lM.Text = " любой"; } else { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(IdM); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { lM.Text = ls[i]; } else { lM.Text += ", " + ls[i]; } } } if (IsAllSelected(IdL)) { lL.Text = " любой"; } else { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(IdL); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { lL.Text = ls[i]; } else { lL.Text += ", " + ls[i]; } } } if (IsAllSelected(Address)) { if (GetSelectedTitles(IdU).Count == 1 && GetSelectedTitles(IdM).Count == 1) { KOS.App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); List <string> ls = db.GetAddress(GetSelectedTitles(IdU)[0], GetSelectedTitles(IdM)[0]); lAddress.Text = string.Empty; foreach (string s in ls) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lAddress.Text)) { lAddress.Text += ", "; } lAddress.Text += s; } } else { lAddress.Text = " любой"; } } else { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(Address); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { lAddress.Text = ls[i]; } else { lAddress.Text += ", " + ls[i]; } } } if (IsAllSelected(WorkType)) { lWorkType.Text = " любой"; } else { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(WorkType); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { lWorkType.Text = ls[i]; } else { lWorkType.Text += ", " + ls[i]; } } } if (_role == "Worker") { App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); App_Code.Base.UserInfo ui = db.GetUserInfo(Page.User.Identity.Name); lWorker.Text = ui.Family + " " + ui.IO; } else if (IsAllSelected(Worker)) { lWorker.Text = " любой"; } else { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(Worker); for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++) { if (i == 0) { lWorker.Text = ls[i]; } else { lWorker.Text += ", " + ls[i]; } } } if (IsAllSelected(Done)) { lDone.Text = " любое состояние"; } else { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(Done); if (ls.Count > 0) { lDone.Text = ls[0]; } } }
string BuildWhere() { string s = BuildWorkerWhere(); if (s == null) { return(s); } if (_role == "Worker") { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { s = "where "; } else { s += "and "; } App_Code.Base db = new App_Code.Base(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()); App_Code.Base.UserInfo ui = db.GetUserInfo(Page.User.Identity.Name); WorkerData awd = workerData.Find(delegate(WorkerData wd) { return(wd.Title == ui.Family + " " + ui.IO); }); if (awd != null) { s += "p.UserId='" + awd.Id + "' "; } else { return(null); } } else if (!IsAllSelected(Worker) || workerData.Count == 1) { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(Worker); string ss = string.Empty; foreach (string i in ls) { WorkerData awd = workerData.Find(delegate(WorkerData wd) { return(wd.Title == i); }); if (awd != null) { ss += (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ss) ? "" : ",") + "'" + awd.Id + "'"; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ss)) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { s = "where "; } else { s += "and "; } s += "p.UserId in (" + ss + ") "; } else { return(null); } } if (!IsAllSelected(Done)) { List <string> ls = GetSelectedTitles(Done); int done = 0; if (ls.Count > 0) { if (ls[0] == "выполнено") { done = 1; } } else { return(null); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { s = "where "; } else { s += "and "; } s += "p.[Done]=" + done.ToString() + " "; } if (s != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) { s = "where "; } else { s += "and "; } s += "p.[Date] between @DateStart and @DateEnd "; } return(s); }