public DummyDbContext() { TaxRate = new AppVariable("TaxRate", "20"); AppVariable dummyVariable = new AppVariable("Dummy", "variable"); AppVariables = new[] { TaxRate, dummyVariable }; }
private void getStudent(long BaseId) { try { var query = GetAllStudentsAsync(BaseId); query.Wait(); List <DataClass.DataTransferObjects.StudentsScoresDto> data = query.Result; if (data.Any()) { var res = data.GroupBy(x => new { x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, Name = x.FirstOrDefault().Name, LName = x.FirstOrDefault().LName, FName = x.FirstOrDefault().FName, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Sum).ToArray(); dataGrid.ItemsSource = res.ToList(); } else { dataGrid.ItemsSource = null; MainWindow.main.showGrowlNotification(NotificationKEY: AppVariable.No_Data_KEY, param: "TopStudent"); } } catch (Exception) { } }
public MaterialCircular(string Row, string Title, string Category, string Type, string SubType, string Date, string Link) { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; Dlink = Link; BorderColor = AppVariable.GetBrush(FindElement.Settings.SkinCode ?? AppVariable.DEFAULT_BORDER_BRUSH); txtCategory.Text = Category; txtDate.Text = Date; txtSubType.Text = SubType; txtTitle.Text = Title; txtType.Text = Type; txtRow.Text = Row; if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(AppVariable.fileNameBakhsh + txtRow.Text + txtTitle.Text)) { txtDown.Text = "دانلود"; } else { txtDown.Text = "مطالعه"; Style style = this.FindResource("WorkButton") as Style; btnSave.Style = style; imgDown.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri("pack://application:,,,/MoalemYar;component/Resources/pdf.png", UriKind.Absolute)); } }
public AddStudentView() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; main = this; BorderColor = AppVariable.GetBrush(MainWindow.main.BorderBrush.ToString()); }
public AddSchoolView() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; main = this; BorderColor = AppVariable.GetBrush(MainWindow.main.BorderBrush.ToString()); GenerateEducateYear(); }
public AddQuestionsView() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; main = this; BorderColor = AppVariable.GetBrush(MainWindow.main.BorderBrush.ToString()); strDate = pc.GetYear(DateTime.Now).ToString("0000") + "/" + pc.GetMonth(DateTime.Now).ToString("00") + "/" + pc.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now).ToString("00"); }
public About() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; History = Properties.Resources.History; AppName = AppVariable.getAppTitle; AppVersion = AppVariable.getAppVersion; TimeColor = AppVariable.GetBrush(MainWindow.main.BorderBrush.ToString()); }
public AddUser() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; main = this; var color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(AppVariable.ReadSetting(AppVariable.SkinCode)); var brush = new SolidColorBrush(color); BorderColor = brush; }
public AttendancelistView() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; main = this; strDate = pc.GetYear(DateTime.Now).ToString("0000") + "/" + pc.GetMonth(DateTime.Now).ToString("00") + "/" + pc.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now).ToString("00"); txtDate.Text = string.Format("تاریخ امروز : {0} ", strDate); BorderColor = AppVariable.GetBrush(MainWindow.main.BorderBrush.ToString()); }
public void resetConfig() { string folder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) + @"\MoalemYar\config.json"; if (System.IO.File.Exists(folder)) { File.Delete(folder); AppVariable.InitializeSettings(); MainWindow.main.DataResetDeletedNotification("تنظیمات برنامه"); } }
public void getTopStudent(long BaseId) { using (var db = new DataClass.myDbContext()) { var query = db.Scores.Join( db.Students, c => c.StudentId, v => v.Id, (c, v) => new DataClass.DataTransferObjects.StudentsScoresDto { Id = c.Id, BaseId = v.BaseId, StudentId = v.Id, Name = v.Name, LName = v.LName, FName = v.FName, Scores = c.Scores } ).OrderBy(x => x.Scores).Where(x => x.BaseId == BaseId).ToList(); var res = query.GroupBy(x => new { x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, Name = x.FirstOrDefault().Name, LName = x.FirstOrDefault().LName, FName = x.FirstOrDefault().FName, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).OrderByDescending(x => x.Sum).Take(6).ToArray(); foreach (var item in res) { Arthas.Controls.Metro.MetroProgressBar metroProgressBar; TextBlock textBlock; Control _currentUser; metroProgressBar = new Arthas.Controls.Metro.MetroProgressBar() { FlowDirection = FlowDirection.LeftToRight, Background = AppVariable.GetBrush("#15a4fa"), CornerRadius = new CornerRadius(0), Value = item.Sum }; textBlock = new TextBlock() { Opacity = .4, Margin = new Thickness(0, 5, 0, 0), FontSize = 15, Text = item.Name + " " + item.LName }; _currentUser = metroProgressBar; stkDash.Children.Add(textBlock); stkDash.Children.Add(_currentUser); } } }
//get Scores to double[] private double[] getScoreArray(string Book) { var score = _initialCollection.GroupBy(x => new { x.Book, x.Date, x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, x.Key.Book, x.Key.Date, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).Where(x => x.Book == Book).ToArray(); return(score.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x.Sum)).ToArray()); }
public About() { InitializeComponent(); DataContext = this; History = Properties.Resources.History; AppName = AppVariable.getAppTitle; AppVersion = AppVariable.getAppVersion; var color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(AppVariable.ReadSetting(AppVariable.SkinCode)); var brush = new SolidColorBrush(color); TimeColor = brush; }
public async Task InitializeData() { _dbContext.Database.EnsureDeleted(); if (_dbContext.Database.EnsureCreated()) { // Seed database AppVariable taxRate = new AppVariable("TaxRate", "20"); _dbContext.AppVariables.Add(taxRate); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); // Seed users await InitializeUsers(); } }
public IActionResult Index() { AppVariable taxRate = _appVariableRepository.GetBy("TaxRate"); try { ViewBag.CurrentTaxRate = Convert.ToDouble(taxRate.Value); } catch (Exception e) { // do something } return(View()); }
private List <DataClass.DataTransferObjects.myChartTemplate> getDataList(string Book) { var score = _initialCollection.GroupBy(x => new { x.Book, x.Date, x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, x.Key.Book, x.Key.Date, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).Where(x => x.Book == Book).ToArray(); return(score.Select(x => new DataClass.DataTransferObjects.myChartTemplate { Book = x.Book, Caption = x.Date, Scores = x.Sum, StudentId = x.StudentId }).ToList()); }
//get Score Average to string private string getAverage(string Book) { var score = _initialCollection.GroupBy(x => new { x.Book, x.Date, x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, x.Key.Book, x.Key.Date, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).Where(x => x.Book == Book).ToArray(); var dCount = score.Select(x => x.Date).Count(); var sum = score.Sum(x => x.Sum); return(decimal.Divide(sum, dCount).ToString("0.00")); }
public IActionResult Result(double amount, string eventType) { try { AppVariable taxRateVariable = _appVariableRepository.GetBy("TaxRate"); double taxRate = Convert.ToDouble(taxRateVariable.Value); var result = CalculateDeductableAmount(taxRate, amount, eventType); ViewData["amount"] = result; } catch (Exception e) { // do something? } return(View()); }
public void IndexPost_ValidForm_SavesChanges() { // mock usermanager? _appVariableRepository.Setup(m => m.GetBy("TaxRate")).Returns(_dummyContext.TaxRate); // not needed (taxrate not shown) var taxrateViewModel = new TaxRateViewModel() { TaxRate = 25 }; _controller.Index(taxrateViewModel); AppVariable taxRate = _dummyContext.TaxRate; Assert.Equal("25", taxRate.Value); _appVariableRepository.Verify(m => m.SaveChanges(), Times.Once()); }
public IActionResult Index(TaxRateViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { AppVariable taxRate = _appVariableRepository.GetBy("TaxRate"); MapTaxRateViewModelToAppVariable(model, taxRate); _appVariableRepository.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.CurrentTaxRate = model.TaxRate; } catch (Exception e) { // do something? } } return(View(model)); }
private string getAverageStatus(string Book) { var score = _initialCollection.GroupBy(x => new { x.Book, x.Date, x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, x.Key.Book, x.Key.Date, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).Where(x => x.Book == Book).ToArray(); var sum = score.Sum(x => x.Sum); var dCount = score.Select(x => x.Date).Count(); var Avg = decimal.Divide(sum, dCount).ToString("0.00"); var one = decimal.Divide(dCount * 4, 1).ToString("0.00"); var sec = decimal.Divide(dCount * 4, 2).ToString("0.00"); var thi = decimal.Divide(dCount * 4, 3).ToString("0.00"); var forth = decimal.Divide(dCount * 4, 4).ToString("0.00"); string status = string.Empty; if (Convert.ToDecimal(Avg) >= Convert.ToDecimal(sec)) { status = "خیلی خوب"; } else if (Convert.ToDecimal(Avg) < Convert.ToDecimal(one) && Convert.ToDecimal(Avg) >= Convert.ToDecimal(thi)) { status = "خوب"; } else if (Convert.ToDecimal(Avg) < Convert.ToDecimal(sec) && Convert.ToDecimal(Avg) >= Convert.ToDecimal(forth)) { status = "قابل قبول"; } else if (Convert.ToDecimal(Avg) < Convert.ToDecimal(forth)) { status = "نیاز به تلاش بیشتر"; } return(status); }
private string getAverageStatus(string Book) { var score = _initialCollection.GroupBy(x => new { x.Book, x.Date, x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, x.Key.Book, x.Key.Date, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).Where(x => x.Book == Book).ToArray(); var sum = score.Sum(x => x.Sum); var dCount = score.Select(x => x.Date).Count(); var TotalScore = Convert.ToDecimal(dCount * 4); var HalfScore = Convert.ToDecimal(decimal.Divide(dCount * 4, 2).ToString("0.00")); var ThirdScore = Convert.ToDecimal(decimal.Divide(dCount * 4, 3).ToString("0.00")); var ForthScore = Convert.ToDecimal(decimal.Divide(dCount * 4, 4).ToString("0.00")); string status = string.Empty; if (sum == TotalScore || (TotalScore - sum) <= 1) { status = "خیلی خوب"; } else if (sum >= HalfScore && sum < TotalScore) { status = "خوب"; } else if (sum >= ThirdScore && sum < HalfScore) { status = "قابل قبول"; } else if (sum >= ForthScore && sum < ThirdScore || sum <= ForthScore) { status = "نیاز به تلاش بیشتر"; } return(status); }
private void LoadSettings() { if (AppVariable.ReadBoolSetting(AppVariable.CredentialLogin)) { swLogin.IsChecked = true; } else { swLogin.IsChecked = false; } if (AppVariable.ReadBoolSetting(AppVariable.Autorun)) { swAutoStart.IsChecked = true; } else { swAutoStart.IsChecked = false; } if (AppVariable.ReadBoolSetting(AppVariable.AutoSendReport)) { swAutoReport.IsChecked = true; } else { swAutoReport.IsChecked = false; } var hb_Menu = AppVariable.ReadBoolSetting(AppVariable.HamburgerMenu); Hamborger_Menu.IsChecked = hb_Menu; var color = (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(AppVariable.ReadSetting(AppVariable.SkinCode)); var brush = new SolidColorBrush(color); color1.Background = brush; }
private void swLogin_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AppVariable.AddUpdateAppSettings(AppVariable.CredentialLogin, false); }
private void swAutoReport_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AppVariable.AddUpdateAppSettings(AppVariable.AutoSendReport, false); MainWindow.main.LogifyCrashReport(); }
private void MapTaxRateViewModelToAppVariable(TaxRateViewModel taxRateViewModel, AppVariable appVariable) { appVariable.Value = taxRateViewModel.TaxRate.ToString(); }
private void color1_close() { AppVariable.AddUpdateAppSettings(AppVariable.SkinCode, color1.CurrentColor.OpaqueSolidColorBrush.ToString()); MainWindow.main.RestartNotification(); }
public Attendancelist() { InitializeComponent(); this.DataContext = this; main = this; strDate = pc.GetYear(DateTime.Now).ToString("0000") + "/" + pc.GetMonth(DateTime.Now).ToString("00") + "/" + pc.GetDayOfMonth(DateTime.Now).ToString("00"); txtDate.Text = string.Format("تاریخ امروز : {0} ", strDate); var color = (System.Windows.Media.Color)System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(AppVariable.ReadSetting(AppVariable.SkinCode)); var brush = new SolidColorBrush(color); BorderColor = brush; }
private void swAutoStart_Unchecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AppVariable.AddUpdateAppSettings(AppVariable.Autorun, false); AppVariable.RegisterInStartup(false); }
private void dataGrid_SelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { try { dynamic selectedItem = dataGrid.SelectedItems[0]; waterfallFlow.Children.Clear(); getStudentScore(selectedItem.Id); // get Student scores //get scores merge duplicates and replace string to int var score = _initialCollection.GroupBy(x => new { x.Book, x.Date, x.StudentId }) .Select(x => new { x.Key.StudentId, x.Key.Book, x.Key.Date, Sum = x.Sum(y => AppVariable.EnumToNumber(y.Scores)) }).ToArray(); //get Book Count for generate chart var bookCount = score.GroupBy(x => new { x.Book }) .Select(g => new { g.Key.Book }).ToList(); //generate chart based on count of books foreach (var item in bookCount) { Mapper = Mappers.Xy <DataClass.DataTransferObjects.myChartTemplate>() .X((myData, index) => index) .Y(myData => myData.Scores); var records = getDataList(item.Book).OrderByDescending(x => x.Caption).ToArray(); Results = records.AsChartValues(); Labels = new ObservableCollection <string>(records.Select(x => x.Caption)); var chart = new CartesianChart(); var series = new SeriesCollection { new ColumnSeries { Title = item.Book + Environment.NewLine + getAverageStatus(item.Book) + Environment.NewLine + "میانگین: " + getAverage(item.Book), Configuration = Mapper, Values = Results, DataLabels = true, FontFamily = TryFindResource("TeacherYar.Fonts.IRANSans") as FontFamily, Fill = TryFindResource("PrimaryBrush") as Brush } }; chart.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(5); chart.Series = series; chart.LegendLocation = LegendLocation.Top; chart.AxisX.Add(new Axis { FontFamily = TryFindResource("TeacherYar.Fonts.IRANSans") as FontFamily, Labels = Labels, LabelsRotation = -20, Separator = new LiveCharts.Wpf.Separator { Step = 1 } }); chart.AxisY.Add(new Axis { FontFamily = TryFindResource("TeacherYar.Fonts.IRANSans") as FontFamily }); chart.DataTooltip.Background = TryFindResource("SecondaryRegionBrush") as Brush; var mainBorder = new Border(); mainBorder.Width = 300; mainBorder.Height = 320; mainBorder.Effect = TryFindResource("EffectShadow3") as Effect; mainBorder.CornerRadius = new System.Windows.CornerRadius(5); mainBorder.Margin = new System.Windows.Thickness(10); mainBorder.Background = TryFindResource("RegionBrush") as Brush; mainBorder.Child = chart; waterfallFlow.Children.Add(mainBorder); } } catch (ArgumentNullException) { } catch (NullReferenceException) { } }