Пример #1
        // Create a viewmodel from the WMI query results
        public AppRequestViewModel GetRequestData(ManagementObject m)
            // Initialize and populate the ViewModel with the easy fields
            AppRequestViewModel newRequest = new AppRequestViewModel
                Application    = m.GetPropertyValue("Application").ToString(),
                Comments       = m.GetPropertyValue("Comments").ToString(),
                LastModifiedBy = m.GetPropertyValue("LastModifiedBy").ToString(),
                RequestGuid    = m.GetPropertyValue("RequestGuid").ToString(),
                UserName       = m.GetPropertyValue("User").ToString(),
                //ModifyingUser = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()
                ModifyingUser = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name

            // Get the two that require some extra processing

             * We get CurrentState as an integer from the SCCM WMI
             * database, so we need to use the StateList enum to
             * convert that to a string that makes sense to the user
            StateList stateList = (StateList)Convert.ToInt16(m.GetPropertyValue("CurrentState"));

            newRequest.CurrentState = stateList.ToString();

             * Convert LastModifiedTime to a DateTime object using ParseExact,
             * then convert to user local time for times that make sense
            Char delim = '.';

            string[]    modTime               = m.GetPropertyValue("LastModifiedDate").ToString().Split(delim);
            CultureInfo provider              = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
            DateTime    iKnowThisIsUtc        = DateTime.ParseExact(modTime[0], "yyyyMMddHHmmss", provider);
            DateTime    runTimeKnowsThisIsUtc = DateTime.SpecifyKind(

            newRequest.LastModifiedTime = runTimeKnowsThisIsUtc.ToLocalTime();

        public ActionResult Deny(string requestGuid, string newComments, string modUser)
            // Create our WMI connector for this session
            WmiConnector wmiConnector = new WmiConnector();

            ManagementObjectCollection results = wmiConnector.PerformWmiQuery("SELECT * FROM SMS_UserApplicationRequest WHERE RequestGUID=\"" + requestGuid + "\"");

            if (results.Count.Equals(1))
                foreach (ManagementObject m in results)
                    // Set up our method parameters
                    ManagementBaseObject inParams = m.GetMethodParameters("Deny");
                    inParams["Comments"] = newComments;

                    // Approve the request
                    ManagementBaseObject approval = m.InvokeMethod("Deny", inParams, null);

                    AppRequestViewModel result = wmiConnector.GetRequestData(m);

                    // This doesn't currently appear to be functioning
                    if (approval.GetPropertyValue("StatusCode").ToString() == 0.ToString())
                        result.ActionResult = result.Application + " was successfully denied for user " + result.UserName + " at " + result.LastModifiedTime;
                        result.ActionResult = result.Application + " was not denied for user " + result.UserName + " at " + result.LastModifiedTime;
                    return(RedirectToAction("ViewRequest", "CmApp", result));

            // Just redirecting back to root if the query goes wonky
            // TODO: Add some error catching/handling