static void Main(string[] args) { LoggerFactory factory = new LoggerFactory(); AppLogger logger = factory.GetLogger(1); logger.Log("Message To File"); logger = factory.GetLogger(3); logger.Log("Console Message"); Console.ReadKey(); }
public void SetCanvas(PictureBoxObj pb) { lock (_canvasSync) { if (pb == null || pb.Image == null) { return; } Width = pb.Width; Height = pb.Height; _backPicture = pb; this.Controls.Add(_backPicture); _backPicture.SendToBack(); _backPicture.Invalidate(); _frontPicture = new PictureBoxObj(_backPicture.ClientID, _backPicture.UniqueID, PictureBoxStatus.Canvas); this.Controls.Add(_frontPicture); _frontPicture.Width = pb.Width; _frontPicture.Height = pb.Width; _frontPicture.Image = new Bitmap(Width, Height); _frontPicture.BringToFront(); _editPBDrawObjects[0] = new DrawObjectList(0); } _isCleared = false; _needUpdateFrontPicture = true; AppLogger.Log("Picture loaded: width " + Width + ", height " + Height); }
public static List <string> GetStringArrayValue(string text, string ArgName, List <string> DefaultValue = null) { string StringValue = GetStringValue(text, ArgName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(StringValue)) { return(DefaultValue); } string[] Values = null; try { // Remove quotes char[] charsToTrim = { '\"' }; StringValue = StringValue.Trim(charsToTrim); // Split value parameters Values = StringValue.Split(','); } catch (Exception e) { AppLogger.Log(string.Format("An error occurred while parsing {0} to array:\n{1}", ArgName, e.Message)); return(DefaultValue); } return(Values.ToList()); }
private void ProcessCommandSendClusterEvent(Configuration Config, List <ClusterEvent> Events) { if (!File.Exists(SelectedConfig)) { AppLogger.Log("No config file found: " + SelectedConfig); return; } EntityClusterNode MasterNode = Config.GetMasterNode(); if (MasterNode == null) { AppLogger.Log("Master node not found"); return; } if (Events == null || Events.Count == 0) { AppLogger.Log("Nothing to send"); return; } foreach (ClusterEvent Event in Events) { SendClusterCommand(MasterNode.Addr, MasterNode.PortCE, Event.JsonData); } }
private void ProcessCommandStartApp(Configuration Config) { if (!File.Exists(SelectedConfig)) { AppLogger.Log("No config file found: " + SelectedConfig); return; } if (!File.Exists(SelectedApplication)) { AppLogger.Log("No application found: " + SelectedApplication); return; } // Update config files before application start HashSet <string> NodesSent = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (EntityClusterNode Node in Config.ClusterNodes.Values) { if (!NodesSent.Contains(Node.Addr)) { NodesSent.Add(Node.Addr); } } // Send start command to the listeners foreach (EntityClusterNode Node in Config.ClusterNodes.Values) { string cmd = GenerateStartCommand(Node, Config); SendDaemonCommand(Node.Addr, DefaultListenerPort, cmd); } }
public bool Save() { string ip = _TCPListenAddress.Address.ToString(); string port = _TCPListenAddress.Port.ToString(); string updatePI_s = _pictureUpdateInterval.ToString(); string maxCl_s = _maxClients.ToString(); string ping_s = _pingInterval.ToString(); try { IniFile ini = new IniFile(_iniName); ini.DefaultSection = _configSection; ini.Write(_ipIni, ip); ini.Write(_portIni, port); ini.Write(_updIntervalIni, updatePI_s); ini.Write(_maxClientIni, maxCl_s); ini.Write(_clPingIni, ping_s); ini.Save(Environment.CurrentDirectory); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); return(false); } }
public static bool BulkInsert <T>(List <T> data, Dictionary <string, ColumnType> ColMap) { try { string DestTable = ((TableNameAttribute)typeof(T).GetCustomAttributes(true)[0]).TableName; using (_Connection = GetSQLConnection()) { if (_Connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { _Connection.Open(); } SqlBulkCopy copy = new SqlBulkCopy(_Connection); copy.DestinationTableName = DestTable; copy.BulkCopyTimeout = 0; DataTable dt = data.ConvertToDatatable <T>(ColMap); copy.MapColumns(ColMap); copy.WriteToServer(dt); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); return(false); } return(true); }
public static List <MetaValidation> LoadMetaDaata() { List <MetaValidation> mtadata = new List <MetaValidation>(); try { using (_Connection = GetSQLConnection()) { if (_Connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Closed) { _Connection.Open(); } SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); cmd.Connection = _Connection; cmd.CommandText = "USP_LoadMetadata"; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { MetaValidation valid = new MetaValidation(); valid.DataSetName = Convert.ToString(reader["DataSetName"]); valid.Message = Convert.ToString(reader["Message"]); valid.ValidationType = Convert.ToString(reader["ValidationType"]); valid.TypeName = Convert.ToString(reader["TypeName"]); valid.FieldOrder = Convert.ToInt32(reader["FieldOrder"]); mtadata.Add(valid); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); } return(mtadata); }
private void SendClusterCommand(string nodeAddress, int port, string cmd, bool bQuiet = false) { TcpClient nodeClient = new TcpClient(); if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Log(string.Format("Sending command {0} to {1}...", cmd, nodeAddress)); } try { // Connect to the listener nodeClient.Connect(nodeAddress, port); NetworkStream networkStream = nodeClient.GetStream(); byte[] OutData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd); byte[] OutSize = BitConverter.GetBytes((Int32)OutData.Length); networkStream.Write(OutSize, 0, OutSize.Length); networkStream.Write(OutData, 0, OutData.Length); AppLogger.Log("Event sent"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Log("An error occurred while sending a command to " + nodeAddress + ". EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message); } } finally { nodeClient.Close(); } }
private void InitializeOptions() { InitializeTabLaunch(); InitializeTabLog(); AppLogger.Log("User setttings have been loaded successfulyy"); }
private bool TickCreateNewCanvas() { if (_incomingCanvas != null) { ArgNewPictureBox arg = _incomingCanvas; _incomingCanvas = null; _canvas.Clear(); lock (_npbSync){ _newPB.Clear(); _clientServerPictureBoxID.Clear(); } lock (_astSync){ _argsSendToAllClients.Clear(); _argsSendToAllClients = null; } PictureBoxObj pb = new PictureBoxObj(arg.ClientID, 0, PictureBoxStatus.Canvas); pb.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle; pb.Width = arg.PBImage.Width; pb.Height = arg.PBImage.Height; pb.Image = arg.PBImage; _canvas.SetCanvas(pb); AppLogger.Log("New canvas created by " + arg.ClientID); lock (_astSync) { _argsSendToAllClients = new List <ICommandArg>(); } return(true); } return(false); }
public void DeleteConfig() { Configs.Remove(SelectedConfig); RegistrySaver.RemoveRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegCategoryConfigList, SelectedConfig); AppLogger.Log("Configuration file [" + SelectedConfig + "] deleted"); SelectedConfig = Configs.FirstOrDefault(); }
public override List <FileDiagnostics> ValidateData() { List <FileDiagnostics> diags = new List <FileDiagnostics>(); try { var result = ReadData(); DataValidator <FileModel> dataValidator = new DataValidator <FileModel>(); diags = dataValidator.ValidateData(result); int RowNumber = 0; foreach (FileModel t in result) { RowNumber++; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(t.Status) && t.Status.ToString().ToLower() != Constants.APPROVED && t.Status.ToString().ToLower() != Constants.REJECTED && t.Status.ToString().ToLower() != Constants.DONE) { diags.Add(new FileDiagnostics() { Message = "The property '" + nameof(t.Status) + "' is invalid(Should be Approved/Rejected/Done). Element.No: " + RowNumber, FieldName = nameof(t.Status), RowNo = RowNumber, severity = Severity.Error }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); throw ex; } return(diags); }
public List <FileModel> ReadData() { List <FileModel> lstModel = new List <FileModel>(); try { Stream st = _Stream; string Tdata = new StreamReader(st).ReadToEnd(); XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Transactions)); Transactions result = null; using (TextReader reader = new StringReader(Tdata)) { result = (Transactions)serializer.Deserialize(reader); } foreach (Transaction t in result.Transaction) { FileModel model = new FileModel() { TransactionId = t.Id.Replace("\"", "").TrimEnd().TrimStart(), TransactionDate = t.TransactionDate.Replace("\"", "").TrimEnd().TrimStart(), Amount = t.PaymentDetails.Amount.Replace("\"", "").TrimEnd().TrimStart(), CurrencyCode = t.PaymentDetails.CurrencyCode.Replace("\"", "").TrimEnd().TrimStart(), Status = t.Status.Replace("\"", "").TrimEnd().TrimStart() }; lstModel.Add(model); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); } return(lstModel); }
public bool Save() { string ip = _remoteEndPoint.Address.ToString(); string port = _remoteEndPoint.Port.ToString(); string updatePI_s = _pictureUpdateInterval.ToString(); string packSize_s = _sendPacketSize.ToString(); string packInterval_s = _sendPacketInterval.ToString(); try { IniFile ini = new IniFile(_iniName); ini.DefaultSection = _configSection; ini.Write(_ipIni, ip); ini.Write(_portIni, port); ini.Write(_updIntervalIni, updatePI_s); ini.Write(_mspIntervalIni, packInterval_s); ini.Write(_mspSizeIni, packSize_s); ini.Save(Environment.CurrentDirectory); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); return(false); } }
public static void Log(string element, string message) { string log = AppLogger.Log(AppManager.CurrentScreen, element, message); Text logText = Instantiate(Instance.LogText, Instance.LogList, false); logText.text = log; }
public void DeleteApplication() { Applications.Remove(SelectedApplication); RegistrySaver.RemoveRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegCategoryAppList, SelectedApplication); AppLogger.Log("Application [" + SelectedApplication + "] removed from the list"); SelectedApplication = null; }
protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Exception ex = Server.GetLastError(); AppLogger.Log("Application_Error: " + ex.ToString()); var httpContext = ((MvcApplication)sender).Context; var currentController = " "; var currentAction = " "; var currentRouteData = RouteTable.Routes.GetRouteData(new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext)); if (currentRouteData != null) { if (currentRouteData.Values["controller"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRouteData.Values["controller"].ToString())) { currentController = currentRouteData.Values["controller"].ToString(); } if (currentRouteData.Values["action"] != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(currentRouteData.Values["action"].ToString())) { currentAction = currentRouteData.Values["action"].ToString(); } } var controller = new ErrorController(); var routeData = new RouteData(); var action = "DetailedError"; //if (ex is HttpException) //{ // var httpEx = ex as HttpException; // switch (httpEx.GetHttpCode()) // { // case 404: // action = "HttpError"; // not found // break; // case 401: // action = "HttpError"; // "AccessDenied"; // break; // } //} httpContext.ClearError(); httpContext.Response.Clear(); httpContext.Response.StatusCode = ex is HttpException ? ((HttpException)ex).GetHttpCode() : 500; httpContext.Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; routeData.Values["controller"] = "Error"; routeData.Values["action"] = action; controller.ViewData.Model = new HandleErrorInfo(ex, currentController, currentAction); ((IController)controller).Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext), routeData)); } catch { } }
private void btnOptions_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SettingsForm options = new SettingsForm(_config); options.ShowDialog(); if (options.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { AppLogger.Log("Apply team painter settings"); } }
public EntityViewport(string text) { try { InitializeFromText(text); } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex.Message); } }
private void LoadMetaData() { try { _validation = DBAccess.LoadMetaDaata(); } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); } }
public Tuple <bool, List <FileDiagnostics> > ProcessFile(Stream File, string FileName) { Tuple <bool, List <FileDiagnostics> > tpl = null; try { string FType = Path.GetExtension(FileName); if (FType == Constants.CSV) { BaseFile baseFile = new CSVFile(); baseFile._Stream = File; List <FileDiagnostics> ValidationMessage = baseFile.ValidateData(); if (ValidationMessage != null && ValidationMessage.Count > 0) { tpl = Tuple.Create(false, ValidationMessage); } else { tpl = Tuple.Create(baseFile.SaveData(), ValidationMessage); } } else if (FType == Constants.XML) { BaseFile baseFile = new XMLFile(); baseFile._Stream = File; List <FileDiagnostics> ValidationMessage = baseFile.ValidateData(); if (ValidationMessage != null && ValidationMessage.Count > 0) { tpl = Tuple.Create(false, ValidationMessage); } else { tpl = Tuple.Create(baseFile.SaveData(), ValidationMessage); } } else { return(Tuple.Create(false, new List <FileDiagnostics>() { new FileDiagnostics() { FieldName = "File", Message = "Unknown file format" } })); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); } return(tpl); }
public void AddApplication(string appPath) { if (!Applications.Contains(appPath)) { Applications.Add(appPath); RegistrySaver.AddRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegCategoryAppList, appPath); AppLogger.Log("Application [" + appPath + "] added to list"); } else { AppLogger.Log("WARNING! Application [" + appPath + "] is already in the list"); } }
private void InitServer() { try { DBClientBase db = new DBClientBase(); var user = db.GetAllList <BsHospital>(); AppLogger.Log("首次请求完成:" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public IActionResult DataView() { DataViewModel model = new DataViewModel(); try { model = DBAccess.GetData(null); } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); } return(View(model)); }
public override bool SaveData() { try { var dataList = ReadData(out string Message); var Map = Helper.GetPropColMapping <FileModel>(); DBAccess.BulkInsert <FileModel>(dataList, Map); } catch (Exception ex) { AppLogger.Log(ex); } return(true); }
private int SendClusterCommand(string nodeAddress, int port, string cmd, bool bQuiet = false) { int ResponseCode = 1; TcpClient nodeClient = new TcpClient(); if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Log(string.Format("Sending command {0} to {1}...", cmd, nodeAddress)); } try { // Connect to the listener nodeClient.Connect(nodeAddress, port); NetworkStream networkStream = nodeClient.GetStream(); byte[] OutData = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd); byte[] OutSize = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)OutData.Length); networkStream.Write(OutSize, 0, OutSize.Length); networkStream.Write(OutData, 0, OutData.Length); AppLogger.Log("Event sent"); byte[] InLength = new byte[2]; int InBytesCount = networkStream.Read(InLength, 0, 2); AppLogger.Log("Received " + InBytesCount + " bytes"); int MessageSize = InLength[0] + ((UInt16)InLength[1] << 8); byte[] InData = new byte[MessageSize]; InBytesCount = networkStream.Read(InData, 0, MessageSize); AppLogger.Log("Received " + InBytesCount + " bytes"); string Response = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(InData, 0, InBytesCount); AppLogger.Log("Response " + Response); } catch (Exception ex) { if (!bQuiet) { AppLogger.Log("An error occurred while sending a command to " + nodeAddress + ". EXCEPTION: " + ex.Message); } } finally { nodeClient.Close(); } return ResponseCode; }
public void AddConfig(string configPath) { try { Configs.Add(configPath); SelectedConfig = Configs.Find(x => x == configPath); RegistrySaver.AddRegistryValue(RegistrySaver.RegCategoryConfigList, configPath); ChangeConfigSelection(configPath); AppLogger.Log("Configuration file [" + configPath + "] added to list"); } catch (Exception) { AppLogger.Log("ERROR! Can not add configuration file [" + configPath + "] to list"); } }
private void ProcessCommandStartApp(Configuration Config) { if (!File.Exists(SelectedConfig)) { AppLogger.Log("No config file found: " + SelectedConfig); return; } // Send start command to the listeners foreach (EntityClusterNode Node in Config.ClusterNodes.Values) { string cmd = GenerateStartCommand(Node, Config); SendDaemonCommand(Node.Addr, DefaultListenerPort, cmd); } }
public static void Initialize() { var Logger = new AppLogger(); I18N.Current .SetNotFoundSymbol("!!") // Optional: when a key is not found, it will appear as $key$ (defaults to "$") .SetFallbackLocale("de") // Optional but recommended: locale to load in case the system locale is not supported .SetThrowWhenKeyNotFound(true) // Optional: Throw an exception when keys are not found (recommended only for debugging) .SetLogger(text => Logger.Log(text.Substring(7), typeof(I18N).Name)) // action to output traces .SetResourcesFolder("Locales") // Optional: The directory containing the resource files (defaults to "Locales") .Init(typeof(App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly); // assembl Container = new StandardKernel(); Container.Bind <ILogger>().To <AppLogger>(); Container.Bind <MainViewModel>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <AppSettingsViewModel>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <MediDetailViewModel>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <NewMediViewModel>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <DependencyViewModel>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <DailyViewModel>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <StartViewModel>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <Medi>().ToSelf().InSingletonScope(); // Temp Medi Container.Bind <ISomeLogic>().To <SomeLogic>(); if (UseMockDataStore) { Container.Bind <IDataStore <Medi> >().To <MediDataMock>().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <IDataStore <Weekdays> >().To <WeekdaysDataMock>().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <IDataStore <AppSettings> >().To <AppSettingsDataMock>().InSingletonScope(); Container.Bind <IDataStore <DailyAppointment> >().To <DailyAppointmentDataMock>().InSingletonScope(); } else { Container.Bind <IDataStore <Medi> >().To <MediDataStore>().WithConstructorArgument("backendUrl", App.URL); Container.Bind <IDataStore <Weekdays> >().To <WeekdaysDataStore>().WithConstructorArgument("backendUrl", App.URL); Container.Bind <IDataStore <AppSettings> >().To <AppSettingsDataStore>().WithConstructorArgument("backendUrl", App.URL); Container.Bind <IDataStore <DailyAppointment> >().To <DailyAppointmentDataStore>().WithConstructorArgument("backendUrl", App.URL); } //AppStore.Instance.User = new MediUser //{ // Id = MediDataMock.USER_ID, // Created = DateTimeOffset.Now, // Medis = new List<Medi>() //}; Task.Run(() => FetchDataByUser()); }