public static Weather[] Get() { using (var client = new ApiCaller()) { var result = AsyncHelper.RunSync(() => client.GetAsync <Weather[]>("WeatherForecast", "")); return(result); } }
private async void GetForecastAsync() { var url = $"{Latitude}&lon={Longitude}&appid=2e75fcb3797a6df9ab16cccad6294431&units=metric"; var result = await ApiCaller.GetAsync(url); if (result.Successful) { try { var forecastInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ForecastInfo>(result.Response); var allList = new List <List>(); foreach (var list in forecastInfo.list) { //var date = DateTime.ParseExact(list.dt_txt, "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var date = DateTime.Parse(list.dt_txt); if (date > DateTime.Now && date.Hour == 0 && date.Minute == 0 && date.Second == 0) { allList.Add(list); } } dayOneTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[0].dt_txt).ToString("dddd"); dateOneTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[0].dt_txt).ToString("dd MMM"); iconOneImg.Source = $"w{allList[0].weather[0].icon}"; tempOneTxt.Text = allList[0].main.temp.ToString("0"); dayTwoTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[1].dt_txt).ToString("dddd"); dateTwoTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[1].dt_txt).ToString("dd MMM"); iconTwoImg.Source = $"w{allList[1].weather[0].icon}"; tempTwoTxt.Text = allList[1].main.temp.ToString("0"); dayThreeTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[2].dt_txt).ToString("dddd"); dateThreeTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[2].dt_txt).ToString("dd MMM"); iconThreeImg.Source = $"w{allList[2].weather[0].icon}"; tempThreeTxt.Text = allList[2].main.temp.ToString("0"); dayFourTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[3].dt_txt).ToString("dddd"); dateFourTxt.Text = DateTime.Parse(allList[3].dt_txt).ToString("dd MMM"); iconFourImg.Source = $"w{allList[3].weather[0].icon}"; tempFourTxt.Text = allList[3].main.temp.ToString("0"); } catch (Exception ex) { await DisplayAlert("Weather Info", ex.Message, "OK"); } } else { await DisplayAlert("Weather Info", "No forecast information found", "OK"); } }
public static async Task <Root> TestGetMethod() { var requestModel = GetRequestModel(); requestModel.RequestObject = new UserListRequestModel() { Page = 2 }; var response = await ApiCaller <Root> .GetAsync(requestModel); return(response.Body); }
private async void GetBackgroundAsync() { var url = "{Location}&per_page=15&page=1"; var result = await ApiCaller.GetAsync(url, "563492ad6f917000010000011612d7af1e8a49b2be3ca0918be12dfc"); if (result.Successful) { var bgInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BackgroundInfo>(result.Response); if (bgInfo != null && > 0) { bgImg.Source = ImageSource.FromUri(new Uri([new Random().Next(0, - 1)].src.medium)); } } }
private async void GetWeatherInfoAsync() { var url = $"{Latitude}&lon={Longitude}&appid=2e75fcb3797a6df9ab16cccad6294431&units=metric"; var result = await ApiCaller.GetAsync(url); if (result.Successful) { try { var weatherInfo = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <WeatherInfo>(result.Response); descriptionTxt.Text =[0].description.ToUpper(); iconImg.Source = $"w{[0].icon}"; cityTxt.Text =; temperatureTxt.Text = weatherInfo.main.temp.ToString("0"); humidityTxt.Text = $"{weatherInfo.main.humidity}%"; pressureTxt.Text = $"{weatherInfo.main.pressure} hpa"; windTxt.Text = $"{weatherInfo.wind.speed} m/s"; cloudinessTxt.Text = $"{weatherInfo.clouds.all}%"; // weather.dt is an int of seconds - the code below converts to a real date/time that we can use. var dt = DateTime.Now; dateTxt.Text = dt.ToString("dddd, MMM dd").ToUpper(); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); throw; } } else { await DisplayAlert("Weather Info", "No weather information found", "OK"); } }