public static ApartmentEntity ToEntity(this ApartmentInfo data) { if (data == null) { return(null); } return(new ApartmentEntity { ExternalId = data.ExternalId, Lat = data.Location.Lat, Lng = data.Location.Lng, Price = data.Price, Url = data.Url, ApartmentNumber = data.ApartmentNumber, Floor = data.Floor, FloorsCount = data.FloorsCount, RoomsCount = data.RoomsCount, Area = data.Area, Title = data.Title, Address = data.Address, PublishingDate = data.PublishingDateUtc, DisappearedDate = data.DisappearedDate, ImageUrlsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data.ImageUrls) }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates new instance of AddReservationReviewForm. /// </summary> /// <param name="person">Person's data to display.</param> /// <param name="apartment">Apartment data to display.</param> /// <param name="reservation">Reservation details to display.</param> public AddReservationReviewForm(PersonInfo person, ApartmentInfo apartment, ReservationInfo reservation) { InitializeComponent(); Person = person; Apartment = apartment; Reservation = reservation; InitializeLabelsText(); }
/// <summary> /// Saves apartments to DB from <see cref="SampleApartmentsRelativePath"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentLine">Current line being read.</param> private void GenerateApartment(string currentLine) { var segments = currentLine.Split(';'); if (segments.Length != 4) { throw new InvalidDataException(nameof(segments)); } var apartment = new ApartmentInfo(int.Parse(segments[0]), int.Parse(segments[1]), int.Parse(segments[2]), int.Parse(segments[3])); Apartments.Add(apartment); }
public static ApartmentDto ToDto(this ApartmentInfo apartment) { return(new ApartmentDto { ApartmentId = apartment.ApartmentId, Area = apartment.Area, BuildingId = apartment.BuildingId, Number = apartment.Number, OccupantCount = apartment.OwnerTenants .Where(c => c.To == null) .Sum(c => c.OccupantCount) }); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new instance of AddReservationRoomDetailsForm. /// </summary> /// <param name="person">Person's data to display.</param> /// <param name="apartment">Apartment data to display.</param> /// <param name="reservation">Reservation details to display.</param> public AddReservationRoomDetailsForm(PersonInfo person = null, ApartmentInfo apartment = null, ReservationInfo reservation = null) { InitializeComponent(); InitializeLabelsText(person, apartment, reservation); FromDateTimePicker_ValueChanged(null, null); UpdateNumberOfAvailableApartments(); proceedButton.Enabled = false; infoLabel.Text = string.Empty; }
private void SelectApartmentComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedApartment = Apartments.ElementAt(selectApartmentComboBox.SelectedIndex); roomNumberTextBox.Text = SelectedApartment.Number.ToString(); roomNumberTextBox.Enabled = true; priceTextBox.Text = SelectedApartment.Price.ToString(); priceTextBox.Enabled = true; capacityComboBox.SelectedIndex = SelectedApartment.Capacity - 1; capacityComboBox.Enabled = true; doubleBedsComboBox.SelectedIndex = SelectedApartment.DoubleBeds; doubleBedsComboBox.Enabled = true; }
public void Apartment_Map_To_ApartmentDto() { ApartmentInfo otdto = new ApartmentInfo { BuildingId = 1, Area = 29, ApartmentId = 4, Number = 34, }; var ow = otdto; bool check = true; if (otdto.Number == ow.Number && otdto.BuildingId == ow.BuildingId && otdto.ApartmentId == ow.ApartmentId && ow.Area == otdto.Area) { check = true; } Assert.IsTrue(check); }
public void Apartment_Map_To_Entry() { ApartmentDto otdto = new ApartmentDto { BuildingId = 1, Area = 29, ApartmentId = 4, Number = 34 }; ApartmentInfo ow = otdto.ToEntry(); bool check = false; if (otdto.Number == ow.Number && otdto.BuildingId == ow.BuildingId && otdto.ApartmentId == ow.ApartmentId && ow.Area == otdto.Area) { check = true; } Assert.IsTrue(check); }
private void AvailableApartmentsComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SelectedApartment = AvailableApartments.ElementAt(availableApartmentsComboBox.SelectedIndex); actualRoomNumberLabel.Text = SelectedApartment.Number.ToString(); proceedButton.Enabled = true; var reservation = new ReservationInfo() { From = fromDateTimePicker.Value, To = toDateTimePicker.Value, Person = Person, PersonId = Person.PersonId, Apartment = SelectedApartment, ApartmentId = SelectedApartment.ApartmentId }; Reservation = reservation; CheckApartmentAvailability(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the labels' text from supplied details. /// </summary> /// <param name="person">Person's data to display.</param> /// <param name="apartment">Apartment data to display.</param> /// <param name="reservation">Reservation details to display.</param> private void InitializeLabelsText(PersonInfo person, ApartmentInfo apartment, ReservationInfo reservation) { if (person != null) { Person = person; nameLabel.Text = person.FirstName + @" " + person.LastName; emailLabel.Text = person.Email; dateOfBirthLabel.Text = person.DateOfBirth.ToShortDateString(); } if (apartment != null) { minimalCapacityNumericUpDown.Value = apartment.Capacity; doubleBedsNumericUpDown.Value = apartment.DoubleBeds; } if (reservation != null) { fromDateTimePicker.Value = reservation.From; toDateTimePicker.Value = reservation.To; } }
protected void Update_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Page.IsValid) { ApartmentInfo obj = new ApartmentInfo(); //obj.Id = Id; //obj.Name = txtName.Text; //obj.Logo = txtLogo.Text; //obj.Ord = txtOrd.Text; //obj.Lang = Lang; if (Insert == true) { ApartmentService.ApartmentInfo_Insert(obj); } else { ApartmentService.ApartmentInfo_Update(obj); } BindGrid(); pnView.Visible = true; pnUpdate.Visible = false; Insert = false; } }
public static bool IsNewest(this ApartmentInfo info) => DateTime.UtcNow - info.CreatedAtUtc < NewestApartmentsTimeout;
private void SelectedApartmentComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { SelectedApartment = Apartments.ElementAt(selectedApartmentComboBox.SelectedIndex); deleteButton.Enabled = true; }
public ApartmentDataViewModel(ApartmentInfo apartment) { _apartment = apartment ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(apartment)); IsNewest = apartment.IsNewest(); ImageUrls = new ObservableCollection <string>(_apartment.ImageUrls); }
public static bool ApartmentInfo_Update(ApartmentInfo data) { return(db.ApartmentInfo_Update(data)); }
public static bool ApartmentInfo_Insert(ApartmentInfo data) { return(db.ApartmentInfo_Insert(data)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns all reservations for a specified apartment. /// </summary> /// <param name="apartment">Apartment the reservations of which to retrieve.</param> public static IEnumerable <ReservationInfo> GetAllReservationsForApartment(this ApartmentInfo apartment) { return(GuestBook.Context.Reservations.Where(reservation => reservation.ApartmentId == apartment.ApartmentId)); }
public static Task <Message> SendApartmentMessages(this ITelegramBotClient botClient, string chatId, ApartmentInfo apartment) { return(botClient.SendPhotoAsync( chatId: new ChatId(chatId), photo: apartment.ImageRef, caption: $"<b>Rua</b>: {apartment.Rua},\n" + $"<b>Bairro</b>: {apartment.Bairro}, {apartment.Cidade},\n" + $"<b>Área</b>: {apartment.Area}m²,\n" + $"<b>Aluguel</b>: R$ {apartment.Aluguel.ToString("F", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("pt-BR"))},\n" + $"<b>Valor Total</b>: R$ {apartment.Total.ToString("F", new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("pt-BR"))},\n" + $"<b>Link</b>: <a>{apartment.Href}</a>", parseMode: ParseMode.Html )); }
public static bool IsOld(this ApartmentInfo info) => DateTime.UtcNow - info.PublishingDateUtc > OldApartmentsTimeout;
/// <summary> /// Validates data from the input boxes. /// </summary> private void ValidateData() { var apartments = ApartmentProvider.GetAllApartments().ToList(); if (!int.TryParse(roomNumberTextBox.Text, out var roomNumber)) { MessageBox.Show(@"Please enter a valid room number"); return; } if (apartments.Any(apartment => apartment.Number.Equals(roomNumber))) { MessageBox.Show(@"An apartment with this number already exists. Please enter a different number."); return; } if (!int.TryParse(priceTextBox.Text, out var price)) { MessageBox.Show(@"Please enter a valid price"); return; } if (price <= 0) { MessageBox.Show(@"Please enter a correct price."); return; } if (capacityComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show(@"Please select capacity."); return; } if (doubleBedsComboBox.SelectedIndex < 0) { MessageBox.Show(@"Please select the number of double beds."); return; } if (int.Parse(doubleBedsComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString()) * 2 > int.Parse(capacityComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString())) { MessageBox.Show(@"The capacity is not enough to accommodate this number of double beds."); return; } var newApartment = new ApartmentInfo(int.Parse(roomNumberTextBox.Text), int.Parse(priceTextBox.Text), int.Parse(capacityComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString()), int.Parse(doubleBedsComboBox.SelectedItem.ToString())); ApartmentProvider.SetApartment(newApartment); MessageBox.Show(@"Apartment successfully created."); Close(); }
private void ApartmentsComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Apartment = Apartments[apartmentsComboBox.SelectedIndex]; CheckApartmentAvailability(); }
public static Task <Message> SendApartmentMessages(this ITelegramBotClient botClient, string chatId, ApartmentInfo apartment) { return(botClient.SendPhotoAsync( chatId: new ChatId(chatId), photo: apartment.ImageRef, caption: $"<b>Rua</b>: {apartment.Rua},\n" + $"<b>Bairro</b>: {apartment.Bairro},\n" + $"<b>Área</b>: {apartment.Area}m²,\n" + $"<b>Aluguel</b>: {apartment.Aluguel.Replace("Aluguel ", "")},\n" + $"<b>Valor Total</b>: {apartment.Total.Replace("Total ", "")},\n" + $"<b>Link</b>: <a>{apartment.Href}</a>", parseMode: ParseMode.Html )); }