Пример #1
        public IHttpActionResult ChangeEditor(int applicationID, [FromBody] ApartmentApplicationViewModel applicationDetails)
            // Verify Input
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                string errors = "";
                foreach (ModelState modelstate in ModelState.Values)
                    foreach (ModelError error in modelstate.Errors)
                        errors += "|" + error.ErrorMessage + "|" + error.Exception;
                throw new BadInputException()
                          ExceptionMessage = errors
            //get token data from context, username is the username of current logged in person
            ClaimsPrincipal authenticatedUser = ActionContext.RequestContext.Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;
            string          username          = authenticatedUser.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "user_name").Value;

            string newEditorUsername = applicationDetails?.EditorProfile?.AD_Username ?? applicationDetails?.EditorUsername;

            bool result = _housingService.ChangeApplicationEditor(username, applicationID, newEditorUsername);

Пример #2
        public IHttpActionResult GetApartmentApplication(int applicationID)
            //get token data from context, username is the username of current logged in person
            ClaimsPrincipal authenticatedUser = ActionContext.RequestContext.Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;
            string          username          = authenticatedUser.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "user_name").Value;

            string userID = _accountService.GetAccountByUsername(username).GordonID;

            bool isAdmin = false;

                ADMIN adminModel = _administratorService.Get(userID);
                isAdmin = (adminModel != null);
                isAdmin = _housingService.CheckIfHousingAdmin(userID);

            ApartmentApplicationViewModel result = _housingService.GetApartmentApplication(applicationID, isAdmin);

            if (result != null)
Пример #3
        /// <returns>Array of ApartmentApplicationViewModel Objects</returns>
        public ApartmentApplicationViewModel[] GetAllApartmentApplication()
            IEnumerable <ApartmentAppIDViewModel> appIDsResult = null;

            appIDsResult = RawSqlQuery <ApartmentAppIDViewModel> .query("GET_AA_CURRENT_APP_IDS");

            if (appIDsResult == null || !appIDsResult.Any())
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException()
                          ExceptionMessage = "The application could not be found."

            List <ApartmentApplicationViewModel> applicationList = new List <ApartmentApplicationViewModel>();

            foreach (ApartmentAppIDViewModel appIDModel in appIDsResult)
                ApartmentApplicationViewModel apartmentApplicationModel = null;
                    apartmentApplicationModel = GetApartmentApplication(appIDModel.AprtAppID, true);
                    if (apartmentApplicationModel != null)
                    // Do nothing, simply skip this application
                    // TODO: condsider how to report this error for the case where the application exists but something went wrong getting the editor student info (See the GetApartmentApplication method for what I am referring to)
                    // We want to report the error, but not stop the entire process. It is better to have some or most applications rather than none of them

            ApartmentApplicationViewModel[] apartmentApplicationArray = null;
            if (applicationList.Any())
                apartmentApplicationArray = applicationList.ToArray();
Пример #4
        public IHttpActionResult EditApplication(int applicationID, [FromBody] ApartmentApplicationViewModel applicationDetails)
            // Verify Input
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                string errors = "";
                foreach (ModelState modelstate in ModelState.Values)
                    foreach (ModelError error in modelstate.Errors)
                        errors += "|" + error.ErrorMessage + "|" + error.Exception;
                throw new BadInputException()
                          ExceptionMessage = errors
            //get token data from context, username is the username of current logged in person
            ClaimsPrincipal authenticatedUser = ActionContext.RequestContext.Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;
            string          username          = authenticatedUser.Claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == "user_name").Value;

            string sessionID = Helpers.GetCurrentSession().SessionCode;

            string newEditorUsername = applicationDetails?.EditorProfile?.AD_Username ?? applicationDetails?.EditorUsername;

            ApartmentApplicantViewModel[] newApartmentApplicants = applicationDetails.Applicants;
            foreach (ApartmentApplicantViewModel applicant in newApartmentApplicants)
                if (applicant.Profile == null)
                    applicant.Profile = _profileService.GetStudentProfileByUsername(applicant.Username);

            ApartmentChoiceViewModel[] newApartmentChoices = applicationDetails.ApartmentChoices;

            int result = _housingService.EditApplication(username, sessionID, applicationID, newEditorUsername, newApartmentApplicants, newApartmentChoices);

            return(Created("Status of application saving: ", result));
Пример #5
        /// <param name="applicationID">application ID number of the apartment application</param>
        /// <param name="isAdmin">boolean indicating whether the current user is an admin, permits access to restricted information such as birth date</param>
        /// <returns>Object of type ApartmentApplicationViewModel</returns>
        public ApartmentApplicationViewModel GetApartmentApplication(int applicationID, bool isAdmin = false)
            SqlParameter appIDParam = new SqlParameter("@APPLICATION_ID", applicationID);

            IEnumerable <GET_AA_APPLICATIONS_BY_ID_Result> applicationResult = RawSqlQuery <GET_AA_APPLICATIONS_BY_ID_Result> .query("GET_AA_APPLICATIONS_BY_ID @APPLICATION_ID", appIDParam);

            if (applicationResult == null || !applicationResult.Any())
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException()
                          ExceptionMessage = "The application could not be found."
            else if (applicationResult.Count() > 1)
                // Somehow there was more than one application for this session code and applcation ID.... THis should not be possible
                // We will have to decide what is the best course of action in this case

            GET_AA_APPLICATIONS_BY_ID_Result applicationDBModel = applicationResult.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AprtAppID == applicationID);

            // Assign the values from the database to the custom view model for the frontend
            ApartmentApplicationViewModel apartmentApplicationModel = applicationDBModel; //implicit conversion

            if (apartmentApplicationModel.EditorProfile == null)
                throw new ResourceNotFoundException()
                          ExceptionMessage = "The student information about the editor of this application could not be found."

            // Get the applicants that match this application ID
            appIDParam = new SqlParameter("@APPLICATION_ID", applicationID);
            IEnumerable <GET_AA_APPLICANTS_BY_APPID_Result> applicantsResult = RawSqlQuery <GET_AA_APPLICANTS_BY_APPID_Result> .query("GET_AA_APPLICANTS_BY_APPID @APPLICATION_ID", appIDParam);

            if (applicantsResult != null && applicantsResult.Any())
                // Only attempt to parse the data if the collection of applicants is not empty
                // It is possible for a valid saved application to not contain any applicants yet, so we do not want to throw an error in the case where no applicants were found
                List <ApartmentApplicantViewModel> applicantsList = new List <ApartmentApplicantViewModel>();
                foreach (GET_AA_APPLICANTS_BY_APPID_Result applicantDBModel in applicantsResult)
                    ApartmentApplicantViewModel applicantModel = applicantDBModel; //implicit conversion

                    // If the student information is found, create a new ApplicationViewModel and fill in its properties
                    if (applicantModel.Profile != null && applicantDBModel.AprtAppID == applicationID)
                        if (isAdmin) // if the current user is a housing admin or super admin
                            // Only add the birthdate, probabtion, and points if the user is authorized to view that information
                            applicantModel.BirthDate = new UnitOfWork().AccountRepository.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AD_Username.ToLower() == applicantDBModel.Username.ToLower()).Birth_Date;

                            // The probation data is already in the database, we just need to write a stored procedure to get it
                            // applicantModel.Probation = ... // TBD

                            // Calculate application points
                            int points = 0;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(applicantModel.Class))
                                points += int.Parse(applicantModel.Class);

                            if (applicantModel.Age >= 23)
                                points += 1;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(applicantModel.OffCampusProgram))
                                points += 1;

                            if (applicantModel.Probation)
                                points -= 3;

                            applicantModel.Points = Math.Max(0, points);;  // Set the resulting points to zero if the sum gave a value less than zero

                        // Add this new ApplicantViewModel object to the list of applicants for this application

                if (applicantsList.Any())
                    // Add this list of applicants to the application model as an array
                    apartmentApplicationModel.Applicants = applicantsList.OrderBy(x => x.Username).ToArray();

            // Get the apartment choices that match this application ID
            appIDParam = new SqlParameter("@APPLICATION_ID", applicationID);
            IEnumerable <GET_AA_APARTMENT_CHOICES_BY_APP_ID_Result> apartmentChoicesResult = RawSqlQuery <GET_AA_APARTMENT_CHOICES_BY_APP_ID_Result> .query("GET_AA_APARTMENT_CHOICES_BY_APP_ID @APPLICATION_ID", appIDParam);

            if (apartmentChoicesResult != null && apartmentChoicesResult.Any())
                // Only attempt to parse the data if the collection of apartment choices is not empty
                // It is possible for a valid saved application to not contain any apartment choices yet, so we do not want to throw an error in the case where no apartment choices were found
                List <ApartmentChoiceViewModel> apartmentChoicesList = new List <ApartmentChoiceViewModel>();
                foreach (GET_AA_APARTMENT_CHOICES_BY_APP_ID_Result apartmentChoiceDBModel in apartmentChoicesResult)
                    ApartmentChoiceViewModel apartmentChoiceModel = apartmentChoiceDBModel; //implicit conversion

                    // Add this new ApartmentChoiceModel object to the list of apartment choices for this application

                if (apartmentChoicesList.Any())
                    // Sort the apartment choices by their ranking number and Add this list of apartment choices to the application model as an array
                    apartmentApplicationModel.ApartmentChoices = apartmentChoicesList.OrderBy(x => x.HallRank).ThenBy(x => x.HallName).ToArray();
