//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public <E extends Exception> void writeTo(org.neo4j.values.AnyValueWriter<E> writer) throws E
        public override void WriteTo <E>(AnyValueWriter <E> writer) where E : Exception
            if (_relationship is RelationshipProxy)
                RelationshipProxy proxy = ( RelationshipProxy )_relationship;
                if (!proxy.InitializeData())
                    // If the relationship has been deleted since it was found by the query, then we'll have to tell the client that their transaction conflicted,
                    // and that they need to retry it.
                    throw new ReadAndDeleteTransactionConflictException(RelationshipProxy.isDeletedInCurrentTransaction(_relationship));

            MapValue p;

                p = Properties();
            catch (NotFoundException)
                p = VirtualValues.EMPTY_MAP;
            catch (System.InvalidOperationException e)
                throw new ReadAndDeleteTransactionConflictException(RelationshipProxy.isDeletedInCurrentTransaction(_relationship), e);

            if (Id() < 0)

            writer.WriteRelationship(Id(), StartNode().id(), EndNode().id(), Type(), p);
Пример #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in C#:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public <E extends Exception> void writeTo(org.neo4j.values.AnyValueWriter<E> writer) throws E
		 public override void WriteTo<E>( AnyValueWriter<E> writer ) where E : Exception
			  writer.WriteRelationship( _id, StartNode().id(), EndNode().id(), Type(), Properties() );