private void TriggerWarning(Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { if (this.Warning != null) { Warning(this, new ParseErrorEventArgs(e)); } }
private void TriggerMessage(Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { if (this.Message != null) { Message(this, new ParseErrorEventArgs(e)); } }
protected override void DebugRecognitionException(Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException ex) { Console.WriteLine("L:DebugRecognitionException"); Console.WriteLine(ex); base.DebugRecognitionException(ex); }
public override object Create(int tokenType, Antlr.Runtime.IToken fromToken, string text) { fromToken = CreateToken(fromToken); fromToken.Type = tokenType; fromToken.Text = text; return new LSLAst(fromToken); }
static bool AreProductionsSame(Grammar authority, Grammar copy) { Func <Grammar, Dictionary <string, Production> > ToDictionary; ToDictionary = g => { var d = new Dictionary <string, Production>(); foreach (var pp in g.Productions) { if (pp.ProductionName != null) { d[pp.ProductionName] = pp; } } return(d); }; var dauthority = ToDictionary(authority); var dcopy = ToDictionary(copy); var ok = true; foreach (var p in dauthority.Keys) { if (!dcopy.ContainsKey(p)) { continue; } string pauthority = Antlr.ToString(dauthority[p]), pcopy = Antlr.ToString(dcopy[p]); if (pauthority == pcopy) { continue; } ok = false; Console.WriteLine($"MISMATCH for '{p}'\r\nAUTHORITY:\r\n{pauthority}\r\nCOPY:\r\n{pcopy}\r\n"); } foreach (var p in dauthority.Keys) { if (p == "start") { continue; } if (!dcopy.ContainsKey(p)) { Console.WriteLine($"Copy doesn't contain '{p}'"); ok = false; } } foreach (var p in dcopy.Keys) { if (p == "start") { continue; } if (!dauthority.ContainsKey(p)) { Console.WriteLine($"Authority doesn't contain '{p}'"); ok = false; } } return(ok); }
protected override void DebugRecognitionException(Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException ex) { if (find.debug) Console.WriteLine(ex); base.DebugRecognitionException(ex); }
private void TriggerError(Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { if (this.Error != null) { Error(this, new ParseErrorEventArgs(e)); } }
protected override object RecoverFromMismatchedToken(Antlr.Runtime.IIntStream input, int ttype, Antlr.Runtime.BitSet follow) { if (find.debug) { Console.WriteLine("RecoverFromMismatchedToken"); } return base.RecoverFromMismatchedToken(input, ttype, follow); }
public override object RecoverFromMismatchedSet(Antlr.Runtime.IIntStream input, Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e, Antlr.Runtime.BitSet follow) { if (find.debug) { Console.WriteLine("RecoverFromMismatchedSet"); Console.WriteLine(e); } return base.RecoverFromMismatchedSet(input, e, follow); }
public override void ReportError(Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { if (find.debug) { Console.WriteLine("ReportError"); Console.WriteLine(e); } base.ReportError(e); }
public override void Recover(Antlr.Runtime.IIntStream input, Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException re) { if (find.debug) { Console.WriteLine("Recover"); Console.WriteLine(re); } base.Recover(input, re); }
public override void DisplayRecognitionError(string[] tokenNames, Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("There was a problem with the json input during syntactical analysis and it cannot be parsed. Here is some more info:"); sb.AppendLine("----"); sb.AppendLine(e.Message); sb.AppendLine("region: " + e.Input.ToString()); sb.AppendLine("line: " + e.Line); sb.AppendLine("col: " + e.CharPositionInLine); throw new JsonException(sb.ToString(), e); }
public ApplicationOAuthProvider(string publicClientId, Antlr.Runtime.Misc.Func<UserManager<IdentityUser>> userManagerFactory) { if (publicClientId == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("publicClientId"); } if (userManagerFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("userManagerFactory"); } _publicClientId = publicClientId; _userManagerFactory = userManagerFactory; }
public virtual void GrammarError(ErrorType etype, string fileName, Antlr.Runtime.IToken token, params object[] args) { ANTLRMessage msg = new GrammarSemanticsMessage(etype, fileName, token, args); Emit(etype, msg); }
public virtual void SyntaxError(ErrorType etype, string fileName, Antlr.Runtime.IToken token, Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException antlrException, params object[] args) { ANTLRMessage msg = new GrammarSyntaxMessage(etype, fileName, token, antlrException, args); Emit(etype, msg); }
public override object Create(Antlr.Runtime.IToken payload) { return new SQLTree(payload); }
public TokenStreamRewriteEngine( Antlr.Runtime.ITokenSource source ) { _source = source; }
public SaveStruct(Antlr.Runtime.ICharStream input) { this.input = input; this.marker = input.Mark(); }
IEnumerable <OpenXmlCompositeElement> Paragraph2Paragraphs(MarkdownParagraph md) { if (md.IsHeading) { var mdh = md as MarkdownParagraph.Heading; var level = mdh.Item1; var spans = mdh.Item2; var sr = sections[new SectionRef(mdh, filename).Url]; var props = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = $"Heading{level}" }); var p = new Paragraph { ParagraphProperties = props }; maxBookmarkId.Value += 1; p.AppendChild(new BookmarkStart { Name = sr.BookmarkName, Id = maxBookmarkId.Value.ToString() }); p.Append(Spans2Elements(spans)); p.AppendChild(new BookmarkEnd { Id = maxBookmarkId.Value.ToString() }); yield return(p); Console.WriteLine(new string(' ', level * 4 - 4) + sr.Number + " " + sr.Title); yield break; } else if (md.IsParagraph) { var mdp = md as MarkdownParagraph.Paragraph; var spans = mdp.Item; yield return(new Paragraph(Spans2Elements(spans))); yield break; } else if (md.IsListBlock) { var mdl = md as MarkdownParagraph.ListBlock; var flat = FlattenList(mdl); // Let's figure out what kind of list it is - ordered or unordered? nested? var format0 = new[] { "1", "1", "1", "1" }; foreach (var item in flat) { format0[item.Level] = (item.IsBulletOrdered ? "1" : "o"); } var format = string.Join("", format0); var numberingPart = wdoc.MainDocumentPart.NumberingDefinitionsPart ?? wdoc.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart <NumberingDefinitionsPart>("NumberingDefinitionsPart001"); if (numberingPart.Numbering == null) { numberingPart.Numbering = new Numbering(); } Func <int, bool, Level> createLevel; createLevel = (level, isOrdered) => { var numformat = NumberFormatValues.Bullet; var levelText = new[] { "·", "o", "·", "o" }[level]; if (isOrdered && level == 0) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.Decimal; levelText = "%1."; } if (isOrdered && level == 1) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.LowerLetter; levelText = "%2."; } if (isOrdered && level == 2) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.LowerRoman; levelText = "%3."; } if (isOrdered && level == 3) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.LowerRoman; levelText = "%4."; } var r = new Level { LevelIndex = level }; r.Append(new StartNumberingValue { Val = 1 }); r.Append(new NumberingFormat { Val = numformat }); r.Append(new LevelText { Val = levelText }); r.Append(new ParagraphProperties(new Indentation { Left = (540 + 360 * level).ToString(), Hanging = "360" })); if (levelText == "·") { r.Append(new NumberingSymbolRunProperties(new RunFonts { Hint = FontTypeHintValues.Default, Ascii = "Symbol", HighAnsi = "Symbol", EastAsia = "Times new Roman", ComplexScript = "Times new Roman" })); } if (levelText == "o") { r.Append(new NumberingSymbolRunProperties(new RunFonts { Hint = FontTypeHintValues.Default, Ascii = "Courier New", HighAnsi = "Courier New", ComplexScript = "Courier New" })); } return(r); }; var level0 = createLevel(0, format[0] == '1'); var level1 = createLevel(1, format[1] == '1'); var level2 = createLevel(2, format[2] == '1'); var level3 = createLevel(3, format[3] == '1'); var abstracts = numberingPart.Numbering.OfType <AbstractNum>().Select(an => an.AbstractNumberId.Value).ToList(); var aid = (abstracts.Count == 0 ? 1 : abstracts.Max() + 1); var aabstract = new AbstractNum(new MultiLevelType() { Val = MultiLevelValues.Multilevel }, level0, level1, level2, level3) { AbstractNumberId = aid }; numberingPart.Numbering.InsertAt(aabstract, 0); var instances = numberingPart.Numbering.OfType <NumberingInstance>().Select(ni => ni.NumberID.Value); var nid = (instances.Count() == 0 ? 1 : instances.Max() + 1); var numInstance = new NumberingInstance(new AbstractNumId { Val = aid }) { NumberID = nid }; numberingPart.Numbering.AppendChild(numInstance); // We'll also figure out the indentation(for the benefit of those paragraphs that should be // indendent with the list but aren't numbered). I'm not sure what the indent comes from. // in the docx, each AbstractNum that I created has an indent for each of its levels, // defaulted at 900, 1260, 1620, ... but I can't see where in the above code that's created? Func <int, string> calcIndent = level => (540 + level * 360).ToString(); foreach (var item in flat) { var content = item.Paragraph; if (content.IsParagraph || content.IsSpan) { var spans = (content.IsParagraph ? (content as MarkdownParagraph.Paragraph).Item : (content as MarkdownParagraph.Span).Item); if (item.HasBullet) { yield return new Paragraph(Spans2Elements(spans)) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new NumberingProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "ListParagraph" }, new NumberingLevelReference { Val = item.Level }, new NumberingId { Val = nid })) } } ; else { yield return new Paragraph(Spans2Elements(spans)) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new Indentation { Left = calcIndent(item.Level) }) } }; } else if (content.IsQuotedBlock || content.IsCodeBlock) { foreach (var p in Paragraph2Paragraphs(content)) { var props = p.GetFirstChild <ParagraphProperties>(); if (props == null) { props = new ParagraphProperties(); p.InsertAt(props, 0); } var indent = props?.GetFirstChild <Indentation>(); if (indent == null) { indent = new Indentation(); props.Append(indent); } indent.Left = calcIndent(item.Level); yield return(p); } } else if (content.IsTableBlock) { foreach (var p in Paragraph2Paragraphs(content)) { var table = p as Table; if (table == null) { yield return(p); continue; } var tprops = table.GetFirstChild <TableProperties>(); var tindent = tprops?.GetFirstChild <TableIndentation>(); if (tindent == null) { throw new Exception("Ooops! Table is missing indentation"); } tindent.Width = int.Parse(calcIndent(item.Level)); yield return(table); } } else { throw new Exception("Unexpected item in list"); } } } else if (md.IsCodeBlock) { var mdc = md as MarkdownParagraph.CodeBlock; var code = mdc.Item1; var lang = mdc.Item2; code = BugWorkaroundDecode(code); var runs = new List <Run>(); var onFirstLine = true; IEnumerable <ColorizedLine> lines; if (lang == "csharp" || lang == "c#" || lang == "cs") { lines = Colorize.CSharp(code); } else if (lang == "vb" || lang == "vbnet" || lang == "") { lines = Colorize.VB(code); } else if (lang == "" || lang == "xml") { lines = Colorize.PlainText(code); } else if (lang == "antlr") { lines = Antlr.ColorizeAntlr(code); } else { throw new NotSupportedException($"unrecognized language {lang}"); } foreach (var line in lines) { if (onFirstLine) { onFirstLine = false; } else { runs.Add(new Run(new Break())); } foreach (var word in line.Words) { var run = new Run(); var props = new RunProperties(); if (word.Red != 0 || word.Green != 0 || word.Blue != 0) { props.Append(new Color { Val = $"{word.Red:X2}{word.Green:X2}{word.Blue:X2}" }); } if (word.IsItalic) { props.Append(new Italic()); } if (props.HasChildren) { run.Append(props); } run.Append(new Text(word.Text) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }); runs.Add(run); } } var style = new ParagraphStyleId { Val = (lang == "antlr" ? "Grammar" : "Code") }; yield return(new Paragraph(runs) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(style) }); } else if (md.IsQuotedBlock) { var mdq = md as MarkdownParagraph.QuotedBlock; var quoteds = mdq.Item; var kind = ""; foreach (var quoted0 in quoteds) { var quoted = quoted0; if (quoted.IsParagraph) { var p = quoted as MarkdownParagraph.Paragraph; var spans = p.Item; if (spans.Any() && spans.First().IsStrong) { var strong = (spans.First() as MarkdownSpan.Strong).Item; if (strong.Any() && strong.First().IsLiteral) { var literal = mdunescape(strong.First() as MarkdownSpan.Literal); if (literal == "Note") { kind = "AlertText"; } else if (literal == "Annotation") { kind = "Annotation"; yield return(new Paragraph(Span2Elements(spans.Head)) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = kind }) }); if (spans.Tail.Any() && spans.Tail.First().IsLiteral) { quoted = MarkdownParagraph.NewParagraph(new Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList <MarkdownSpan>(MarkdownSpan.NewLiteral(mdunescape(spans.Tail.First() as MarkdownSpan.Literal).TrimStart()), spans.Tail.Tail)); } else { quoted = MarkdownParagraph.NewParagraph(spans.Tail); } } } } // foreach (var qp in Paragraph2Paragraphs(quoted)) { var qpp = qp as Paragraph; if (qpp != null) { var props = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = kind }); qpp.ParagraphProperties = props; } yield return(qp); } } else if (quoted.IsCodeBlock) { var mdc = quoted as MarkdownParagraph.CodeBlock; var code = mdc.Item1; var lang = mdc.Item2; var ignoredAfterLang = mdc.Item3; var lines = code.Split(new[] { "\r\n", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(lines.Last())) { lines.RemoveAt(lines.Count - 1); } var run = new Run() { RunProperties = new RunProperties(new RunStyle { Val = "CodeEmbedded" }) }; foreach (var line in lines) { if (run.ChildElements.Count() > 1) { run.Append(new Break()); } run.Append(new Text(" " + line) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }); } yield return(new Paragraph(run) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = kind }) }); } else if (quoted.IsListBlock) { if (!(quoted as MarkdownParagraph.ListBlock).Item1.IsOrdered) { throw new NotImplementedException("unordered list inside annotation"); } var count = 1; foreach (var qp in Paragraph2Paragraphs(quoted)) { var qpp = qp as Paragraph; if (qpp == null) { yield return(qp); continue; } qp.InsertAt(new Run(new Text($"{count}. ") { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }), 0); count += 1; var props = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId() { Val = kind }); qpp.ParagraphProperties = props; yield return(qp); } } } } else if (md.IsTableBlock) { var mdt = md as MarkdownParagraph.TableBlock; var header = mdt.Item1.Option(); var align = mdt.Item2; var rows = mdt.Item3; var table = new Table(); var tstyle = new TableStyle { Val = "TableGrid" }; var tindent = new TableIndentation { Width = 360, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; var tborders = new TableBorders(); tborders.TopBorder = new TopBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.BottomBorder = new BottomBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.LeftBorder = new LeftBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.RightBorder = new RightBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.InsideHorizontalBorder = new InsideHorizontalBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.InsideVerticalBorder = new InsideVerticalBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; var tcellmar = new TableCellMarginDefault(); tcellmar.Append(); table.Append(new TableProperties(tstyle, tindent, tborders)); var ncols = align.Length; for (int irow = -1; irow < rows.Length; irow++) { if (irow == -1 && header == null) { continue; } var mdrow = (irow == -1 ? header : rows[irow]); var row = new TableRow(); for (int icol = 0; icol < Math.Min(ncols, mdrow.Length); icol++) { var mdcell = mdrow[icol]; var cell = new TableCell(); var pars = Paragraphs2Paragraphs(mdcell).ToList(); for (int ip = 0; ip < pars.Count; ip++) { var p = pars[ip] as Paragraph; if (p == null) { cell.Append(pars[ip]); continue; } var props = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "TableCellNormal" }); if (align[icol].IsAlignCenter) { props.Append(new Justification { Val = JustificationValues.Center }); } if (align[icol].IsAlignRight) { props.Append(new Justification { Val = JustificationValues.Right }); } p.InsertAt(props, 0); cell.Append(pars[ip]); } if (pars.Count == 0) { cell.Append(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new SpacingBetweenLines { After = "0" }), new Run(new Text("")))); } row.Append(cell); } table.Append(row); } yield return(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(""))) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "TableLineBefore" }) }); yield return(table); yield return(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(""))) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "TableLineAfter" }) }); } else { yield return(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text($"[{md.GetType().Name}]")))); } }
protected virtual void CheckForInvalidArguments( string[] args, Antlr.Runtime.BitSet cmdLineArgValid ) { // check for invalid command line args for ( int a = 0; a < args.Length; a++ ) { if ( !cmdLineArgValid.Member( a ) ) { Console.Error.WriteLine( "invalid command-line argument: " + args[a] + "; ignored" ); } } }
public override SetOfValue CreateSetOfValue(SetOfValue o, Antlr.Runtime.Tree.ITree antlr) { return new SCCSetOfValue(o, antlr); }
static int Main(string[] args) { var ifn = (args.Length >= 2 ? args[1] : ""); if (!File.Exists(ifn) || !File.Exists("template.docx") || Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.g4").Length > 1) { Console.Error.WriteLine("md2docx <filename>.md -- converts it to '<filename>.docx', based on 'template.docx'"); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine("If no file is specified:"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" it looks for instead"); Console.Error.WriteLine("If input file has a list with links of the form `* [Link](`:"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" it converts the listed subfiles instead of <filename>.md"); Console.Error.WriteLine("If the current directory contains one <grammar>.g4 file:"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" it verifies all ```antlr blocks correspond, and also generates <grammar>.html"); Console.Error.WriteLine("If 'template.docx' contains a Table of Contents:"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" it replaces it with one based on the markdown (but page numbers aren't supported)"); return(1); } // Read input file. If it contains a load of linked filenames, then read them instead. var readme = FSharp.Markdown.Markdown.Parse(File.ReadAllText(ifn)); var files = (from list in readme.Paragraphs.OfType <FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownParagraph.ListBlock>() let items = list.Item2 from par in items from spanpar in par.OfType <FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownParagraph.Span>() let spans = spanpar.Item from link in spans.OfType <FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownSpan.DirectLink>() let url = link.Item2.Item1 where url.EndsWith(".md", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) select url).ToList().Distinct(); if (files.Count() == 0) { files = new[] { ifn } } ; var md = MarkdownSpec.ReadFiles(files); // Now md.Gramar contains the grammar as extracted out of the *.md files, and moreover has // correct references to within the spec. We'll check that it has the same productions as // in the corresponding ANTLR file var antlrfn = Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.g4").FirstOrDefault(); if (antlrfn != null) { var htmlfn = Path.ChangeExtension(antlrfn, ".html"); var grammar = Antlr.ReadFile(antlrfn); if (!AreProductionsSame(grammar, md.Grammar)) { throw new Exception("Grammar mismatch"); } foreach (var p in grammar.Productions) { p.Link = md.Grammar.Productions.FirstOrDefault(mdp => mdp?.ProductionName == p.ProductionName)?.Link; p.LinkName = md.Grammar.Productions.FirstOrDefault(mdp => mdp?.ProductionName == p.ProductionName)?.LinkName; } File.WriteAllText(htmlfn, grammar.ToHtml(), Encoding.UTF8); Process.Start(htmlfn); } // Generate the Specification.docx file var fn = PickUniqueFilename(Path.ChangeExtension(ifn, ".docx")); md.WriteFile("template.docx", fn); Process.Start(fn); return(0); }
static int Main(string[] args) { // mdspec2docx *.md csharp.g4 template.docx -o spec.docx var ifiles = new List <string>(); var ofiles = new List <string>(); string argserror = ""; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { var arg = args[i]; if (arg.StartsWith("-")) { if (arg == "-o" && i < args.Length - 1) { i++; ofiles.Add(args[i]); } else { argserror += $"Unrecognized '{arg}'\n"; } } else if (!arg.Contains("*") && !arg.Contains("?")) { if (!File.Exists(arg)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Not found - {arg}"); return(1); } ifiles.Add(arg); } else { // Windows command-shell doesn't do globbing, so we have to do it ourselves string dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(arg), filename = Path.GetFileName(arg); if (dir.Contains("*") || dir.Contains("?")) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Can't match wildcard directory names"); return(1); } if (dir == "") { dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); } if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Not found - \"{dir}\""); return(1); } var fns2 = Directory.GetFiles(dir, filename); if (fns2.Length == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine($"Not found - \"{arg}\""); return(1); } ifiles.AddRange(fns2); } } var imdfiles = new List <string>(); string ireadmefile = null, iantlrfile = null, idocxfile = null, odocfile = null; foreach (var ifile in ifiles) { var name = Path.GetFileName(ifile); var ext = Path.GetExtension(ifile).ToLower(); if (ext == ".g4") { if (iantlrfile != null) { argserror += "Multiple input .g4 files\n"; } iantlrfile = ifile; } else if (ext == ".docx") { if (idocxfile != null) { argserror += "Multiple input .docx files\n"; } idocxfile = ifile; } else if (ext != ".md") { argserror += $"Not .g4 or .docx or .md '{ifile}'\n"; continue; } else if (String.Equals(name, "", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { if (ireadmefile != null) { argserror += "Multiple files\n"; } ireadmefile = ifile; } else { imdfiles.Add(ifile); } } foreach (var ofile in ofiles) { var ext = Path.GetExtension(ofile).ToLower(); if (ext == ".docx") { if (odocfile != null) { argserror += "Multiple output docx files\n"; } odocfile = ofile; } else { argserror += $"Unknown output file extension: {ext}\n"; } } if (odocfile == null) { argserror += "No output .docx file specified\n"; } if (ireadmefile == null && ifiles.Count == 0) { argserror += "No .md files supplied\n"; } if (idocxfile == null) { argserror += "No template.docx supplied\n"; } if (argserror != "") { Console.Error.WriteLine(argserror); Console.Error.WriteLine("mdspec2docx *.md grammar.g4 template.docx -o spec.docx"); Console.Error.WriteLine(); Console.Error.WriteLine("Turns the markdown files into a word document based on the template."); Console.Error.WriteLine("If and other files are given, then readme is used solely to"); Console.Error.WriteLine(" sort the docx based on its list of `* [Link](`."); Console.Error.WriteLine("If a .g4 is given, it verifies 1:1 correspondence with ```antlr blocks."); Console.Error.WriteLine("The -td temp directory will enable incremental (faster) runs in future."); return(1); } Console.WriteLine("mdspec2docx"); Console.WriteLine("Reading markdown files"); // Read input file. If it contains a load of linked filenames, then read them instead. List <string> ifiles_in_order = new List <string>(); List <Tuple <int, string, string, SourceLocation> > urls = null; if (ireadmefile == null) { ifiles_in_order.AddRange(ifiles); } else if (ireadmefile != null && ifiles.Count == 0) { ifiles_in_order.Add(ireadmefile); } else { var readme = FSharp.Markdown.Markdown.Parse(File.ReadAllText(ireadmefile)); urls = new List <Tuple <int, string, string, SourceLocation> >(); // is there a nicer way to get the URLs of all depth-1 and depth-2 URLs in this list? ... foreach (var list in readme.Paragraphs.OfType <FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownParagraph.ListBlock>()) { var pp = new List <Tuple <int, FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownParagraph> >(); foreach (var pars in list.items) { foreach (var par in pars) { pp.Add(Tuple.Create(1, par)); var sublist = par as FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownParagraph.ListBlock; if (sublist != null) { pp.AddRange(from subpars in sublist.items from subpar in subpars select Tuple.Create(2, subpar)); } } } foreach (var tpp in pp) { var level = tpp.Item1; var spanpar = tpp.Item2 as FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownParagraph.Span; if (spanpar == null) { continue; } var links = spanpar.body.OfType <FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownSpan.DirectLink>(); urls.AddRange(from link in links let title = string.Join("", link.body.OfType <FSharp.Markdown.MarkdownSpan.Literal>().Select(l => l.text)) let url = where url.ToLower().EndsWith(".md") || url.ToLower().Contains(".md#") let loc = new SourceLocation(ireadmefile, null, list, link) select Tuple.Create(level, title, url, loc)); } } var filelinks = (from turl in urls let url = turl.Item3 let i = url.IndexOf('#') let url2 = (i == -1 ? url : url.Substring(0, i)) select url2).ToList().Distinct(); foreach (var link in filelinks) { var ifile = ifiles.FirstOrDefault(f => Path.GetFileName(f) == link); if (ifile == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine($" link '{link}' wasn't one of the files passed on the command line"); return(1); } ifiles_in_order.Add(ifile); } } var md = MarkdownSpec.ReadFiles(ifiles_in_order, urls); // Now md.Gramar contains the grammar as extracted out of the *.md files, and moreover has // correct references to within the spec. We'll check that it has the same productions as // in the corresponding ANTLR file if (iantlrfile != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Reading {Path.GetFileName(iantlrfile)}"); var grammar = Antlr.ReadFile(iantlrfile); foreach (var diff in CompareGrammars(grammar, md.Grammar)) { if (diff.authority == null) { Report("MD21", "error", $"markdown has superfluous production '{diff.productionName}'", "mdspec2docx"); } else if (diff.copy == null) { Report("MD22", "error", $"markdown lacks production '{diff.productionName}'", "mdspec2docx"); } else { Report("MD23", "error", $"production '{diff.productionName}' differs between markdown and antlr.g4", "mdspec2docx"); Report("MD23b", "error", "antlr.g4 says " + diff.authority.Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\n", "\\n"), "mdspec2docx"); Report("MD23c", "error", "markdown says " + diff.copy.Replace("\r", "\\r").Replace("\n", "\\n"), "mdspec2docx"); } } foreach (var p in grammar.Productions) { p.Link = md.Grammar.Productions.FirstOrDefault(mdp => mdp?.Name == p.Name)?.Link; p.LinkName = md.Grammar.Productions.FirstOrDefault(mdp => mdp?.Name == p.Name)?.LinkName; } } // Generate the Specification.docx file if (odocfile != null) { var odocfile2 = odocfile; if (odocfile2 != odocfile) { Report("MD26", "error", $"File '{odocfile}' was in use", "mdspec2docx"); } Console.WriteLine($"Writing '{Path.GetFileName(odocfile2)}'"); try { MarkdownSpecConverter.ConvertToWord(md, idocxfile, odocfile2); } catch (Exception ex) { Report("MD27", "error", ex.Message, "mdspec2docx"); return(1); } if (odocfile2 != odocfile) { return(1); } } return(0); }
public override void ReportError(Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { throw new ParserException(e.Message, e); }
private static string ToOriginalString(Antlr.Runtime.CommonTokenStream tokenStream, int start, int end) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = start; i >= 0 && i <= end && i < tokenStream.Count; i++) { string s = tokenStream.Get(i).Text; if (tokenStream.Get(i).Type == ANTLRParser.BLOCK) s = "("; buf.Append(s); } return buf.ToString(); }
IEnumerable <OpenXmlCompositeElement> Paragraph2Paragraphs(MarkdownParagraph md) { reporter.CurrentParagraph = md; if (md.IsHeading) { var mdh = md as MarkdownParagraph.Heading; var level = mdh.size; var spans = mdh.body; var sr = sections[new SectionRef(mdh, filename).Url]; reporter.CurrentSection = sr; var properties = new List <OpenXmlElement> { new ParagraphStyleId { Val = $"Heading{level}" } }; if (sr.Number is null) { properties.Add(new NumberingProperties(new NumberingLevelReference { Val = 0 }, new NumberingId { Val = 0 })); } var props = new ParagraphProperties(properties); var p = new Paragraph { ParagraphProperties = props }; context.MaxBookmarkId.Value += 1; p.AppendChild(new BookmarkStart { Name = sr.BookmarkName, Id = context.MaxBookmarkId.Value.ToString() }); p.Append(Span2Elements(MarkdownSpan.NewLiteral(sr.TitleWithoutNumber, FSharpOption <MarkdownRange> .None))); p.AppendChild(new BookmarkEnd { Id = context.MaxBookmarkId.Value.ToString() }); yield return(p); var i = sr.Url.IndexOf("#"); string currentSection = $"{sr.Url.Substring(0, i)} {new string('#', level)} {sr.Title} [{sr.Number}]"; reporter.Log(currentSection); yield break; } else if (md.IsParagraph) { var mdp = md as MarkdownParagraph.Paragraph; var spans = mdp.body; yield return(new Paragraph(Spans2Elements(spans))); yield break; } else if (md.IsQuotedBlock) { var mdq = md as MarkdownParagraph.QuotedBlock; // TODO: Actually make this a block quote. // See foreach (var paragraph in mdq.paragraphs.SelectMany(Paragraph2Paragraphs)) { yield return(paragraph); } yield break; } else if (md.IsListBlock) { var mdl = md as MarkdownParagraph.ListBlock; var flat = FlattenList(mdl); // Let's figure out what kind of list it is - ordered or unordered? nested? var format0 = new[] { "1", "1", "1", "1" }; foreach (var item in flat) { format0[item.Level] = (item.IsBulletOrdered ? "1" : "o"); } var format = string.Join("", format0); var numberingPart = wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.NumberingDefinitionsPart ?? wordDocument.MainDocumentPart.AddNewPart <NumberingDefinitionsPart>("NumberingDefinitionsPart001"); if (numberingPart.Numbering == null) { numberingPart.Numbering = new Numbering(); } Func <int, bool, Level> createLevel; createLevel = (level, isOrdered) => { var numformat = NumberFormatValues.Bullet; var levelText = new[] { "·", "o", "·", "o" }[level]; if (isOrdered && level == 0) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.Decimal; levelText = "%1."; } if (isOrdered && level == 1) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.LowerLetter; levelText = "%2."; } if (isOrdered && level == 2) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.LowerRoman; levelText = "%3."; } if (isOrdered && level == 3) { numformat = NumberFormatValues.LowerRoman; levelText = "%4."; } var r = new Level { LevelIndex = level }; r.Append(new StartNumberingValue { Val = 1 }); r.Append(new NumberingFormat { Val = numformat }); r.Append(new LevelText { Val = levelText }); r.Append(new ParagraphProperties(new Indentation { Left = (540 + 360 * level).ToString(), Hanging = "360" })); if (levelText == "·") { r.Append(new NumberingSymbolRunProperties(new RunFonts { Hint = FontTypeHintValues.Default, Ascii = "Symbol", HighAnsi = "Symbol", EastAsia = "Times new Roman", ComplexScript = "Times new Roman" })); } if (levelText == "o") { r.Append(new NumberingSymbolRunProperties(new RunFonts { Hint = FontTypeHintValues.Default, Ascii = "Courier New", HighAnsi = "Courier New", ComplexScript = "Courier New" })); } return(r); }; var level0 = createLevel(0, format[0] == '1'); var level1 = createLevel(1, format[1] == '1'); var level2 = createLevel(2, format[2] == '1'); var level3 = createLevel(3, format[3] == '1'); var abstracts = numberingPart.Numbering.OfType <AbstractNum>().Select(an => an.AbstractNumberId.Value).ToList(); var aid = (abstracts.Count == 0 ? 1 : abstracts.Max() + 1); var aabstract = new AbstractNum(new MultiLevelType() { Val = MultiLevelValues.Multilevel }, level0, level1, level2, level3) { AbstractNumberId = aid }; numberingPart.Numbering.InsertAt(aabstract, 0); var instances = numberingPart.Numbering.OfType <NumberingInstance>().Select(ni => ni.NumberID.Value); var nid = (instances.Count() == 0 ? 1 : instances.Max() + 1); var numInstance = new NumberingInstance(new AbstractNumId { Val = aid }) { NumberID = nid }; numberingPart.Numbering.AppendChild(numInstance); // We'll also figure out the indentation(for the benefit of those paragraphs that should be // indendent with the list but aren't numbered). I'm not sure what the indent comes from. // in the docx, each AbstractNum that I created has an indent for each of its levels, // defaulted at 900, 1260, 1620, ... but I can't see where in the above code that's created? Func <int, string> calcIndent = level => (540 + level * 360).ToString(); foreach (var item in flat) { var content = item.Paragraph; if (content.IsParagraph || content.IsSpan) { var spans = (content.IsParagraph ? (content as MarkdownParagraph.Paragraph).body : (content as MarkdownParagraph.Span).body); if (item.HasBullet) { yield return(new Paragraph(Spans2Elements(spans)) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new NumberingProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "ListParagraph" }, new NumberingLevelReference { Val = item.Level }, new NumberingId { Val = nid })) }); } else { yield return(new Paragraph(Spans2Elements(spans)) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new Indentation { Left = calcIndent(item.Level) }) }); } } else if (content.IsQuotedBlock || content.IsCodeBlock) { foreach (var p in Paragraph2Paragraphs(content)) { var props = p.GetFirstChild <ParagraphProperties>(); if (props == null) { props = new ParagraphProperties(); p.InsertAt(props, 0); } var indent = props?.GetFirstChild <Indentation>(); if (indent == null) { indent = new Indentation(); props.Append(indent); } indent.Left = calcIndent(item.Level); yield return(p); } } else if (content.IsTableBlock) { foreach (var p in Paragraph2Paragraphs(content)) { var table = p as Table; if (table == null) { yield return(p); continue; } var tprops = table.GetFirstChild <TableProperties>(); var tindent = tprops?.GetFirstChild <TableIndentation>(); if (tindent == null) { throw new Exception("Ooops! Table is missing indentation"); } tindent.Width = int.Parse(calcIndent(item.Level)); yield return(table); } } else { reporter.Error("MD08", $"Unexpected item in list '{content.GetType().Name}'"); } } } else if (md.IsCodeBlock) { var mdc = md as MarkdownParagraph.CodeBlock; var code = mdc.code; var lang = mdc.language; code = BugWorkaroundDecode(code); var runs = new List <Run>(); var onFirstLine = true; IEnumerable <ColorizedLine> lines; switch (lang) { case "csharp": case "c#": case "cs": lines = Colorize.CSharp(code); break; case "vb": case "vbnet": case "": lines = Colorize.VB(code); break; case "": case "console": case "xml": lines = Colorize.PlainText(code); break; case "ANTLR": case "antlr": lines = Antlr.ColorizeAntlr(code); break; default: reporter.Error("MD09", $"unrecognized language {lang}"); lines = Colorize.PlainText(code); break; } foreach (var line in lines) { if (onFirstLine) { onFirstLine = false; } else { runs.Add(new Run(new Break())); } foreach (var word in line.Words) { var run = new Run(); var props = new RunProperties(); if (word.Red != 0 || word.Green != 0 || word.Blue != 0) { props.Append(new Color { Val = $"{word.Red:X2}{word.Green:X2}{word.Blue:X2}" }); } if (word.IsItalic) { props.Append(new Italic()); } if (props.HasChildren) { run.Append(props); } run.Append(new Text(word.Text) { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }); runs.Add(run); } } if (lang == "antlr") { var p = new Paragraph() { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "Grammar" }) }; var prodref = productions.Single(prod => prod.Code == code); context.MaxBookmarkId.Value += 1; p.AppendChild(new BookmarkStart { Name = prodref.BookmarkName, Id = context.MaxBookmarkId.Value.ToString() }); p.Append(runs); p.AppendChild(new BookmarkEnd { Id = context.MaxBookmarkId.Value.ToString() }); yield return(p); } else { var p = new Paragraph() { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "Code" }) }; p.Append(runs); yield return(p); } } else if (md.IsTableBlock) { var mdt = md as MarkdownParagraph.TableBlock; var header = mdt.headers.Option(); var align = mdt.alignments; var rows = mdt.rows; var table = new Table(); if (header == null) { reporter.Error("MD10", "Github requires all tables to have header rows"); } if (!header.Any(cell => cell.Length > 0)) { header = null; // even if Github requires an empty header, we can at least cull it from Docx } var tstyle = new TableStyle { Val = "TableGrid" }; var tindent = new TableIndentation { Width = 360, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; var tborders = new TableBorders(); tborders.TopBorder = new TopBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.BottomBorder = new BottomBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.LeftBorder = new LeftBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.RightBorder = new RightBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.InsideHorizontalBorder = new InsideHorizontalBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; tborders.InsideVerticalBorder = new InsideVerticalBorder { Val = BorderValues.Single }; var tcellmar = new TableCellMarginDefault(); tcellmar.Append(); table.Append(new TableProperties(tstyle, tindent, tborders)); var ncols = align.Length; for (int irow = -1; irow < rows.Length; irow++) { if (irow == -1 && header == null) { continue; } var mdrow = (irow == -1 ? header : rows[irow]); var row = new TableRow(); for (int icol = 0; icol < Math.Min(ncols, mdrow.Length); icol++) { var mdcell = mdrow[icol]; var cell = new TableCell(); var pars = Paragraphs2Paragraphs(mdcell).ToList(); for (int ip = 0; ip < pars.Count; ip++) { var p = pars[ip] as Paragraph; if (p == null) { cell.Append(pars[ip]); continue; } var props = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "TableCellNormal" }); if (align[icol].IsAlignCenter) { props.Append(new Justification { Val = JustificationValues.Center }); } if (align[icol].IsAlignRight) { props.Append(new Justification { Val = JustificationValues.Right }); } p.InsertAt(props, 0); cell.Append(pars[ip]); } if (pars.Count == 0) { cell.Append(new Paragraph(new ParagraphProperties(new SpacingBetweenLines { After = "0" }), new Run(new Text("")))); } row.Append(cell); } table.Append(row); } yield return(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(""))) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "TableLineBefore" }) }); yield return(table); yield return(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text(""))) { ParagraphProperties = new ParagraphProperties(new ParagraphStyleId { Val = "TableLineAfter" }) }); } else { reporter.Error("MD11", $"Unrecognized markdown element {md.GetType().Name}"); yield return(new Paragraph(new Run(new Text($"[{md.GetType().Name}]")))); } }
public GrammarASTAdaptor(Antlr.Runtime.ICharStream input) { this.input = input; }
public override UTCTimeValue CreateUTCTimeValueValue(Antlr.Runtime.Tree.ITree antlrNode, Module module, Asn1Type type) { return new SCCUTCTimeValue(antlrNode, module, type); }
public override object ErrorNode(Antlr.Runtime.ITokenStream input, IToken start, IToken stop, Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e) { return new GrammarASTErrorNode(input, start, stop, e); }
public override UTCTimeValue CreateUTCTimeValueValue(UTCTimeValue o, Antlr.Runtime.Tree.ITree antlr) { return new SCCUTCTimeValue(o, antlr); }
public override object Create(Antlr.Runtime.IToken token) { if (token == null) { return new CommonTree(); } switch (token.Type) { case LinqToQuerystringLexer.TOP: return new TopNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.SKIP: return new SkipNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.ORDERBY: return new OrderByNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.FILTER: return new FilterNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.SELECT: return new SelectNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.INLINECOUNT: return new InlineCountNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.EXPAND: return new ExpandNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.NOT: return new NotNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.AND: return new AndNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.OR: return new OrNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.EQUALS: return new EqualsNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.NOTEQUALS: return new NotEqualsNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.GREATERTHAN: return new GreaterThanNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.GREATERTHANOREQUAL: return new GreaterThanOrEqualNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.LESSTHAN: return new LessThanNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.LESSTHANOREQUAL: return new LessThanOrEqualNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.STARTSWITH: return new StartsWithNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.ENDSWITH: return new EndsWithNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.SUBSTRINGOF: return new SubstringOfNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.TOLOWER: return new ToLowerNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.TOUPPER: return new ToUpperNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.YEAR: return new YearNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.YEARS: return new YearsNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.MONTH: return new MonthNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.DAY: return new DayNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.DAYS: return new DaysNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.HOUR: return new HourNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.HOURS: return new HoursNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.MINUTE: return new MinuteNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.MINUTES: return new MinutesNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.SECOND: return new SecondNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.SECONDS: return new SecondsNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.ANY: return new AnyNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.ALL: return new AllNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.COUNT: return new CountNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.AVERAGE: return new AverageNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.MAX: return new MaxNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.MIN: return new MinNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.SUM: return new SumNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.ALIAS: return new AliasNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.DYNAMICIDENTIFIER: return new DynamicIdentifierNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.IDENTIFIER: if (forceDynamicProperties) { return new DynamicIdentifierNode(inputType, token, this); } return new IdentifierNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.STRING: return new StringNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.BOOL: return new BoolNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.INT: return new IntNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.DATETIME: return new DateTimeNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.DOUBLE: return new DoubleNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.SINGLE: return new SingleNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.DECIMAL: return new DecimalNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.LONG: return new LongNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.BYTE: return new ByteNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.GUID: return new GuidNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.DESC: return new DescNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.ASC: return new AscNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.NULL: return new NullNode(inputType, token, this); case LinqToQuerystringLexer.IGNORED: return new IgnoredNode(inputType, token, this); } return null; }
private void Init() { // (1) Add sections into the dictionary int h1 = 0, h2 = 0, h3 = 0, h4 = 0; string url = "", title = ""; // (2) Turn all the antlr code blocks into a grammar var sbantlr = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var src in Sources()) { var filename = Path.GetFileName(src.Item1); var md = Markdown.Parse(src.Item2); foreach (var mdp in md.Paragraphs) { if (mdp.IsHeading) { var sr = new SectionRef(mdp as MarkdownParagraph.Heading, filename); if (sr.Level == 1) { h1 += 1; h2 = 0; h3 = 0; h4 = 0; sr.Number = $"{h1}"; } if (sr.Level == 2) { h2 += 1; h3 = 0; h4 = 0; sr.Number = $"{h1}.{h2}"; } if (sr.Level == 3) { h3 += 1; h4 = 0; sr.Number = $"{h1}.{h2}.{h3}"; } if (sr.Level == 4) { h4 += 1; sr.Number = $"{h1}.{h2}.{h3}.{h4}"; } if (sr.Level > 4) { throw new NotSupportedException("Only support heading depths up to ####"); } if (Sections.Any(s => s.Url == sr.Url)) { throw new Exception($"Duplicate section title {sr.Url}"); } Sections.Add(sr); url = sr.Url; title = sr.Title; } else if (mdp.IsCodeBlock) { var mdc = mdp as MarkdownParagraph.CodeBlock; string code = mdc.Item1, lang = mdc.Item2; if (lang != "antlr") { continue; } var g = Antlr.ReadString(code, ""); foreach (var p in g.Productions) { p.Link = url; p.LinkName = title; if (p.ProductionName != null && Grammar.Productions.Any(dupe => dupe.ProductionName == p.ProductionName)) { Console.WriteLine($"Duplicate grammar for {p.ProductionName}"); } Grammar.Productions.Add(p); } } } } }
private MarkdownSpec(IEnumerable <Tuple <string, MarkdownDocument> > sources) { Sources = sources; // (1) Add sections into the dictionary string url = "", title = ""; // (2) Turn all the antlr code blocks into a grammar var sbantlr = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var src in sources) { var reporter = new Reporter(src.Item1); var filename = Path.GetFileName(src.Item1); var md = src.Item2; foreach (var mdp in md.Paragraphs) { reporter.CurrentParagraph = mdp; reporter.CurrentSection = null; if (mdp.IsHeading) { try { var sr = new SectionRef(mdp as MarkdownParagraph.Heading, filename); if (Sections.Any(s => s.Url == sr.Url)) { reporter.Error("MD02", $"Duplicate section title {sr.Url}"); } else { Sections.Add(sr); url = sr.Url; title = sr.Title; reporter.CurrentSection = sr; } } catch (Exception ex) { reporter.Error("MD03", ex.Message); // constructor of SectionRef might throw } } else if (mdp.IsCodeBlock) { var mdc = mdp as MarkdownParagraph.CodeBlock; string code = mdc.code, lang = mdc.language; if (lang != "antlr") { continue; } var g = Antlr.ReadString(code, ""); Productions.Add(new ProductionRef(code, g.Productions)); foreach (var p in g.Productions) { p.Link = url; p.LinkName = title; if (p.Name != null && Grammar.Productions.Any(dupe => dupe.Name == p.Name)) { reporter.Warning("MD04", $"Duplicate grammar for {p.Name}"); } Grammar.Productions.Add(p); } } } } }
public override OctetStringValue CreateOctetStringValue(OctetStringValue o, Antlr.Runtime.Tree.ITree antlr) { return new SCCOctetStringValue(o, antlr); }
partial void CreateTreeAdaptor(ref Antlr.Runtime.Tree.ITreeAdaptor adaptor) { adaptor = new StringTreeAdaptor(); }
public override RealValue CreateRealValue(RealValue o, Antlr.Runtime.Tree.ITree antlr) { return new SCCRealValue(o, antlr); }
static IEnumerable <ProductionDifference> CompareGrammars(EbnfGrammar authority, EbnfGrammar copy) { Func <EbnfGrammar, Dictionary <string, Production> > ToDictionary; ToDictionary = g => { var d = new Dictionary <string, Production>(); foreach (var pp in g.Productions) { if (pp.Name != null) { d[pp.Name] = pp; } } return(d); }; var dauthority = ToDictionary(authority); var dcopy = ToDictionary(copy); foreach (var p in dauthority.Keys) { if (!dcopy.ContainsKey(p)) { continue; } Production pauthority0 = dauthority[p], pcopy0 = dcopy[p]; string pauthority = Antlr.ToString(pauthority0), pcopy = Antlr.ToString(pcopy0); if (pauthority == pcopy) { continue; } yield return(new ProductionDifference { productionName = p, authority = pauthority, copy = pcopy }); } foreach (var p in dauthority.Keys) { if (p == "start") { continue; } if (!dcopy.ContainsKey(p)) { yield return(new ProductionDifference { productionName = p, authority = "<defined>", copy = null }); } } foreach (var p in dcopy.Keys) { if (p == "start") { continue; } if (!dauthority.ContainsKey(p)) { yield return(new ProductionDifference { productionName = p, authority = null, copy = "<defined>" }); } } }
public override SequenceOrSetValue CreateSequenceOrSetValue(Antlr.Runtime.Tree.ITree antlrNode, Module module, Asn1Type type) { return new SCCSequenceOrSetValue(antlrNode, module, type); }