Пример #1
        public virtual void ParseAndRewrite()
            ICharStream input = null;

            if (filename != null)
                input = new ANTLRStringStream(File.ReadAllText(filename), filename);
                input = new ANTLRReaderStream(Console.In, ANTLRReaderStream.InitialBufferSize, ANTLRReaderStream.ReadBufferSize);
            // BUILD AST
            ANTLRLexer lex = new ANTLRLexer(input);

            tokens = new TokenRewriteStream(lex);
            ANTLRParser g       = new ANTLRParser(tokens);
            Grammar     grammar = new Grammar();
            var         r       = g.grammar_(grammar);
            CommonTree  t       = (CommonTree)r.Tree;

            if (tree_option)
            Rewrite(g.TreeAdaptor, t, g.TokenNames);
Пример #2
        public void TestReplaceRangeThenInsertAtRightEdge() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcccba");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(2, 4, "x");
            tokens.InsertBefore(4, "y");   // no effect; within range of a replace
            Exception exc = null;

            catch (ArgumentException iae)
                exc = iae;
            string expecting = "insert op <InsertBeforeOp@[@4,4:4='c',<6>,1:4]:\"y\"> within boundaries of previous <ReplaceOp@[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]..[@4,4:4='c',<6>,1:4]:\"x\">";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, exc.Message);
Пример #3
        public void TestInsertInPriorReplace() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(0, 2, "x");
            tokens.InsertBefore(1, "0");
            Exception exc = null;

            catch (ArgumentException iae)
                exc = iae;
            string expecting = "insert op <InsertBeforeOp@[@1,1:1='b',<5>,1:1]:\"0\"> within boundaries of previous <ReplaceOp@[@0,0:0='a',<4>,1:0]..[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]:\"x\">";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, exc.Message);
Пример #4
        public static IList <ActionChunk> TranslateActionChunk(OutputModelFactory factory,
                                                               RuleFunction rf,
                                                               string action,
                                                               ActionAST node)
            IToken           tokenWithinAction = node.Token;
            ActionTranslator translator        = new ActionTranslator(factory, node);

            translator.rf = rf;
            factory.GetGrammar().tool.Log("action-translator", "translate " + action);
            string altLabel = node.GetAltLabel();

            if (rf != null)
                translator.nodeContext = rf.ruleCtx;
                if (altLabel != null)
                    AltLabelStructDecl decl;
                    rf.altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altLabel, out decl);
                    translator.nodeContext = decl;
            ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(action);

            @in.Line = tokenWithinAction.Line;
            @in.CharPositionInLine = tokenWithinAction.CharPositionInLine;
            ActionSplitter trigger = new ActionSplitter(@in, translator);

            // forces eval, triggers listener methods
Пример #5
        public void TestReplaceThenReplaceLowerIndexedSuperset() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcccba");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(2, 4, "xyz");
            tokens.Replace(1, 3, "foo");   // overlap, error
            Exception exc = null;

            catch (ArgumentException iae)
                exc = iae;
            string expecting = "replace op boundaries of <ReplaceOp@[@1,1:1='b',<5>,1:1]..[@3,3:3='c',<6>,1:3]:\"foo\"> overlap with previous <ReplaceOp@[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]..[@4,4:4='c',<6>,1:4]:\"xyz\">";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, exc.Message);
Пример #6
        public void TestOverlappingReplace2() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(0, 3, "bar");
            tokens.Replace(1, 2, "foo");   // cannot split earlier replace
            Exception exc = null;

            catch (ArgumentException iae)
                exc = iae;
            string expecting = "replace op boundaries of <ReplaceOp@[@1,1:1='b',<5>,1:1]..[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]:\"foo\"> overlap with previous <ReplaceOp@[@0,0:0='a',<4>,1:0]..[@3,3:3='c',<6>,1:3]:\"bar\">";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, exc.Message);
Пример #7
        protected void checkPrediction(DFA dfa, string input, int expected)
        //throws Exception
            ANTLRStringStream stream = new ANTLRStringStream(input);

            assertEquals(dfa.Predict(stream), expected);
Пример #8
 public virtual void ProcessNested(IToken actionToken)
     ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(actionToken.Text);
     @in.Line = actionToken.Line;
     @in.CharPositionInLine = actionToken.CharPositionInLine;
     ActionSplitter splitter = new ActionSplitter(@in, this);
     // forces eval, triggers listener methods
Пример #9
        public static List <BekProgram> DefsFromString(string programs)
            var res = new List <BekProgram>();

                var input  = new Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream(programs);
                var lexer  = new bekLexer(input);
                var tokens = new Antlr.Runtime.CommonTokenStream(lexer);
                var parser = new bekParser(tokens);

                var resp = parser.BekPgms();
                foreach (BekPgm cur in resp)
                    var stab = new Symtab(cur);
                    //TypeChecker.TypeCheck(cur, stab);
                    var p = new BekProgram(cur, stab);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.MismatchedTokenException e)
                string tok = (e.Token != null ? "'" + e.Token.Text + "'" : (e.Character >= 0 ? Microsoft.Automata.StringUtility.Escape((char)e.Character) : ""));
                string msg = "unexpected token " + tok;
                if (tok != "" && 0 <= e.Expecting && e.Expecting < ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames.Length)
                    msg += string.Format(" expecting {0}", ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames[e.Expecting]);
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.FailedPredicateException e)
                string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' failed {1}", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()), e.PredicateText);
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.NoViableAltException e)
                string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' no alternatives", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e)
                string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}'", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (BekParseException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new BekParseException(1, 1, e.Message);
Пример #10
 public virtual void ExamineAction()
     //System.out.println("examine "+actionToken);
     ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(actionToken.Text);
     @in.Line = actionToken.Line;
     @in.CharPositionInLine = actionToken.CharPositionInLine;
     ActionSplitter splitter = new ActionSplitter(@in, this);
     // forces eval, triggers listener methods
     node.chunks = splitter.GetActionTokens();
Пример #11
 public static bool ActionIsContextDependent(ActionAST actionAST)
     ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(actionAST.Token.Text);
     @in.Line = actionAST.Token.Line;
     @in.CharPositionInLine = actionAST.Token.CharPositionInLine;
     var listener = new ContextDependentListener();
     ActionSplitter splitter = new ActionSplitter(@in, listener);
     // forces eval, triggers listener methods
     return listener.dependent;
Пример #12
        public virtual void ProcessNested(IToken actionToken)
            ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(actionToken.Text);

            @in.Line = actionToken.Line;
            @in.CharPositionInLine = actionToken.CharPositionInLine;
            ActionSplitter splitter = new ActionSplitter(@in, this);

            // forces eval, triggers listener methods
Пример #13
        public void TestToStringStartStop2() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "ID : 'a'..'z'+;\n" +
                "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
                "SEMI : ';';\n" +
                "ASSIGN : '=';\n" +
                "PLUS : '+';\n" +
                "MULT : '*';\n" +
                "WS : ' '+;\n");
            // Tokens: 012345678901234567
            // Input:  x = 3 * 0 + 2 * 0;
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("x = 3 * 0 + 2 * 0;");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);


            string result    = tokens.ToOriginalString();
            string expecting = "x = 3 * 0 + 2 * 0;";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            tokens.Replace(4, 8, "0");   // replace 3 * 0 with 0
            result    = tokens.ToString();
            expecting = "x = 0 + 2 * 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            result    = tokens.ToString(0, 17);
            expecting = "x = 0 + 2 * 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            result    = tokens.ToString(4, 8);
            expecting = "0";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            result    = tokens.ToString(0, 8);
            expecting = "x = 0";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            result    = tokens.ToString(12, 16);
            expecting = "2 * 0";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            tokens.InsertAfter(17, "// comment");
            result    = tokens.ToString(12, 18);
            expecting = "2 * 0;// comment";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);

            result    = tokens.ToString(0, 8); // try again after insert at end
            expecting = "x = 0";
            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #14
        public static List<BekProgram> DefsFromString(string programs)
            var res = new List<BekProgram>();
                var input = new Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream(programs);
                var lexer = new bekLexer(input);
                var tokens = new Antlr.Runtime.CommonTokenStream(lexer);
                var parser = new bekParser(tokens);

                var resp = parser.BekPgms();
                foreach (BekPgm cur in resp)
                    var stab = new Symtab(cur);
                    //TypeChecker.TypeCheck(cur, stab);
                    var p = new BekProgram(cur, stab);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.MismatchedTokenException e)
                string tok = (e.Token != null ? "'" + e.Token.Text + "'" : (e.Character >= 0 ? Microsoft.Automata.StringUtility.Escape((char)e.Character) : ""));
                string msg = "unexpected token " + tok;
                if (tok != "" && 0 <= e.Expecting && e.Expecting < ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames.Length)
                    msg += string.Format(" expecting {0}", ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames[e.Expecting]);
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.FailedPredicateException e)
                string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' failed {1}", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()), e.PredicateText);
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.NoViableAltException e)
                string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' no alternatives", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e)
                string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}'", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
                throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
            catch (BekParseException e)
                throw e;
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new BekParseException(1, 1, e.Message);
            return res;
Пример #15
        public virtual void ExamineAction()
            //System.out.println("examine "+actionToken);
            ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(actionToken.Text);

            @in.Line = actionToken.Line;
            @in.CharPositionInLine = actionToken.CharPositionInLine;
            ActionSplitter splitter = new ActionSplitter(@in, this);

            // forces eval, triggers listener methods
            node.chunks = splitter.GetActionTokens();
Пример #16
        public static bool ActionIsContextDependent(ActionAST actionAST)
            ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(actionAST.Token.Text);

            @in.Line = actionAST.Token.Line;
            @in.CharPositionInLine = actionAST.Token.CharPositionInLine;
            var            listener = new ContextDependentListener();
            ActionSplitter splitter = new ActionSplitter(@in, listener);

            // forces eval, triggers listener methods
Пример #17
        public void TestInsertBeforeIndex0() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.InsertBefore(0, "0");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "0abc";

            assertEquals(expecting, result);
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse a sequence of queries.
 /// Eeach query in the sequence must end with a ';'.
 /// Output also the individual query strings.
 /// </summary>
 public static List <Expression> ParseQueries(string query_sequence, out List <string> query_strings)
         var input  = new Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream(query_sequence);
         var lexer  = new queryLexer(input);
         var tokens = new Antlr.Runtime.CommonTokenStream(lexer);
         var parser = new queryParser(tokens);
         var res    = parser.Queries();
         query_strings = res.Item2;
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.MismatchedTokenException e)
         string tok = (e.Token != null ? "'" + e.Token.Text + "'" : (e.Character >= 0 ? StringUtility.Escape((char)e.Character) : ""));
         string msg = "unexpected token " + tok;
         if (tok != "" && 0 <= e.Expecting && e.Expecting < queryParser.tokenNames.Length)
             msg += string.Format(" expecting {0}", queryParser.tokenNames[e.Expecting]);
         throw new QueryParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine + 1, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.FailedPredicateException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' failed {1}", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()), e.PredicateText);
         throw new QueryParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine + 1, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.NoViableAltException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' no alternatives", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
         throw new QueryParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine + 1, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}'", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
         throw new QueryParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine + 1, msg);
     catch (QueryParseException e)
         throw e;
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new QueryParseException(1, 1, e.Message);
Пример #19
        public void TestInsertAfterLastIndex() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.InsertAfter(2, "x");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "abcx";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #20
 public void Test2InsertMiddleIndex()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 1, "x" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 1, "y" );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "ayxbc";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #21
        public void TestReplaceSubsetThenFetch() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcccba");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(2, 4, "xyz");
            string result    = tokens.ToString(0, 6);
            string expecting = "abxyzba";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #22
        public void TestReplaceAll() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcccba");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(0, 6, "x");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "x";

            assertEquals(expecting, result);
Пример #23
 internal static expr ParseExprFromString(string str)
         var input  = new Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream(str);
         var lexer  = new bekLexer(input);
         var tokens = new Antlr.Runtime.CommonTokenStream(lexer);
         var parser = new bekParser(tokens);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.MismatchedTokenException e)
         string tok = (e.Token != null ? "'" + e.Token.Text + "'" : (e.Character >= 0 ? Microsoft.Automata.StringUtility.Escape((char)e.Character) : ""));
         string msg = "unexpected token " + tok;
         if (tok != "" && 0 <= e.Expecting && e.Expecting < ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames.Length)
             msg += string.Format(" expecting {0}", ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames[e.Expecting]);
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.FailedPredicateException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' failed {1}", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()), e.PredicateText);
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.NoViableAltException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' no alternatives", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}'", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (BekParseException e)
         throw e;
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new BekParseException(1, 1, e.Message);
Пример #24
        public void TestInsertBeforeTokenThenDeleteThatToken()
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.InsertBefore(2, "y");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "aby";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #25
        public void TestInsertThenReplaceSameIndex() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.InsertBefore(0, "0");
            tokens.Replace(0, "x");   // supercedes insert at 0
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "0xbc";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #26
        public void TestReplaceThenDeleteMiddleIndex() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(1, "x");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "ac";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #27
        public void TestOverlappingReplace4() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(1, 2, "foo");
            tokens.Replace(1, 3, "bar");   // wipes prior nested replace
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "abar";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #28
        public void TestLeaveAloneDisjointInsert2() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(2, 3, "foo");
            tokens.InsertBefore(1, "x");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "axbfoo";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #29
        public void TestDropPrevCoveredInsert() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.InsertBefore(1, "foo");
            tokens.Replace(1, 2, "foo");   // kill prev insert
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "afoofoo";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #30
        public void TestDropIdenticalReplace() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(1, 2, "foo");
            tokens.Replace(1, 2, "foo");   // drop previous, identical
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "afooc";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #31
        public void TestCombineInsertOnLeftWithDelete() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Delete(0, 2);
            tokens.InsertBefore(0, "z"); // combine with left edge of rewrite
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "z";      // make sure combo is not znull

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #32
        public void TestReplaceSingleMiddleThenOverlappingSuperset() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcba");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(2, 2, "xyz");
            tokens.Replace(0, 3, "foo");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "fooa";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #33
        public void TestReplaceRangeThenInsertAtLeftEdge() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abcccba");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(2, 4, "x");
            tokens.InsertBefore(2, "y");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "abyxba";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #34
        public void TestCombineInsertOnLeftWithReplace() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.Replace(0, 2, "foo");
            tokens.InsertBefore(0, "z");   // combine with left edge of rewrite
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "zfoo";

            assertEquals(expecting, result);
Пример #35
        public void TestCombine3Inserts() /*throws Exception*/
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "A : 'a';\n" +
                "B : 'b';\n" +
                "C : 'c';\n");
            ICharStream        input     = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
            Interpreter        lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
            TokenRewriteStream tokens    = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);

            tokens.InsertBefore(1, "x");
            tokens.InsertBefore(0, "y");
            tokens.InsertBefore(1, "z");
            string result    = tokens.ToString();
            string expecting = "yazxbc";

            Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #36
 public void TestInsertInPriorReplace()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 0, 2, "x" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 1, "0" );
     Exception exc = null;
     catch ( ArgumentException iae )
         exc = iae;
     string expecting = "insert op <InsertBeforeOp@[@1,1:1='b',<5>,1:1]:\"0\"> within boundaries of previous <ReplaceOp@[@0,0:0='a',<4>,1:0]..[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]:\"x\">";
     Assert.IsNotNull( exc );
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, exc.Message );
Пример #37
 public void TestInsertThenReplaceSameIndex()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 0, "0" );
     tokens.Replace( 0, "x" ); // supercedes insert at 0
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "0xbc";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #38
 public void TestReplaceRangeThenInsertAtLeftEdge()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcccba" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, 4, "x" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 2, "y" );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "abyxba";
     assertEquals( expecting, result );
Пример #39
 public void TestReplaceRangeThenInsertAtRightEdge()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcccba" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, 4, "x" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 4, "y" ); // no effect; within range of a replace
     Exception exc = null;
     catch ( ArgumentException iae )
         exc = iae;
     string expecting = "insert op <InsertBeforeOp@[@4,4:4='c',<6>,1:4]:\"y\"> within boundaries of previous <ReplaceOp@[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]..[@4,4:4='c',<6>,1:4]:\"x\">";
     Assert.IsNotNull( exc );
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, exc.Message );
Пример #40
 public void TestInsertBeforeTokenThenDeleteThatToken()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n");
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream("abc");
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter(g, input);
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream(lexEngine);
     tokens.InsertBefore(2, "y");
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "aby";
     Assert.AreEqual(expecting, result);
Пример #41
 public void TestLeaveAloneDisjointInsert2()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, 3, "foo" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 1, "x" );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "axbfoo";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #42
 public void TestDropIdenticalReplace()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 1, 2, "foo" );
     tokens.Replace( 1, 2, "foo" ); // drop previous, identical
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "afooc";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #43
 public void TestOverlappingReplace2()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 0, 3, "bar" );
     tokens.Replace( 1, 2, "foo" ); // cannot split earlier replace
     Exception exc = null;
     catch ( ArgumentException iae )
         exc = iae;
     string expecting = "replace op boundaries of <ReplaceOp@[@1,1:1='b',<5>,1:1]..[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]:\"foo\"> overlap with previous <ReplaceOp@[@0,0:0='a',<4>,1:0]..[@3,3:3='c',<6>,1:3]:\"bar\">";
     Assert.IsNotNull( exc );
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, exc.Message );
Пример #44
 public void TestOverlappingReplace4()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 1, 2, "foo" );
     tokens.Replace( 1, 3, "bar" ); // wipes prior nested replace
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "abar";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #45
 public static IList<ActionChunk> TranslateActionChunk(OutputModelFactory factory,
                                                      RuleFunction rf,
                                                      string action,
                                                      ActionAST node)
     IToken tokenWithinAction = node.Token;
     ActionTranslator translator = new ActionTranslator(factory, node);
     translator.rf = rf;
     factory.GetGrammar().tool.Log("action-translator", "translate " + action);
     string altLabel = node.GetAltLabel();
     if (rf != null)
         translator.nodeContext = rf.ruleCtx;
         if (altLabel != null)
             AltLabelStructDecl decl;
             rf.altLabelCtxs.TryGetValue(altLabel, out decl);
             translator.nodeContext = decl;
     ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(action);
     @in.Line = tokenWithinAction.Line;
     @in.CharPositionInLine = tokenWithinAction.CharPositionInLine;
     ActionSplitter trigger = new ActionSplitter(@in, translator);
     // forces eval, triggers listener methods
     return translator.chunks;
Пример #46
        /** For testing; builds trees, does sem anal */
        public Grammar(string fileName, string grammarText, Grammar tokenVocabSource, [Nullable] ANTLRToolListener listener)
            this.text = grammarText;
            this.fileName = fileName;
            this.tool = new AntlrTool();
            Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream @in = new Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream(grammarText);
            @in.name = fileName;

            this.ast = tool.Parse(fileName, @in);
            if (ast == null)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (ast.tokenStream == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("expected ast to have a token stream");

            this.tokenStream = ast.tokenStream;
            this.originalTokenStream = this.tokenStream;

            // ensure each node has pointer to surrounding grammar
            Antlr.Runtime.Tree.TreeVisitor v = new Antlr.Runtime.Tree.TreeVisitor(new GrammarASTAdaptor());
            v.Visit(ast, new SetPointersAction(this));

            if (tokenVocabSource != null)

            tool.Process(this, false);
Пример #47
 public void TestReplaceSingleMiddleThenOverlappingSuperset()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcba" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, 2, "xyz" );
     tokens.Replace( 0, 3, "foo" );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "fooa";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #48
        public void TestToStringStartStop()
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "ID : 'a'..'z'+;\n" +
                "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
                "SEMI : ';';\n" +
                "MUL : '*';\n" +
                "ASSIGN : '=';\n" +
                "WS : ' '+;\n" );
            // Tokens: 0123456789
            // Input:  x = 3 * 0;
            ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "x = 3 * 0;" );
            Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
            TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
            tokens.Replace( 4, 8, "0" ); // replace 3 * 0 with 0

            string result = tokens.ToOriginalString();
            string expecting = "x = 3 * 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString();
            expecting = "x = 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString( 0, 9 );
            expecting = "x = 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString( 4, 8 );
            expecting = "0";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #49
        public void TestToStringStartStop2()
            Grammar g = new Grammar(
                "lexer grammar t;\n" +
                "ID : 'a'..'z'+;\n" +
                "INT : '0'..'9'+;\n" +
                "SEMI : ';';\n" +
                "ASSIGN : '=';\n" +
                "PLUS : '+';\n" +
                "MULT : '*';\n" +
                "WS : ' '+;\n" );
            // Tokens: 012345678901234567
            // Input:  x = 3 * 0 + 2 * 0;
            ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "x = 3 * 0 + 2 * 0;" );
            Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
            TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );

            string result = tokens.ToOriginalString();
            string expecting = "x = 3 * 0 + 2 * 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            tokens.Replace( 4, 8, "0" ); // replace 3 * 0 with 0
            result = tokens.ToString();
            expecting = "x = 0 + 2 * 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString( 0, 17 );
            expecting = "x = 0 + 2 * 0;";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString( 4, 8 );
            expecting = "0";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString( 0, 8 );
            expecting = "x = 0";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString( 12, 16 );
            expecting = "2 * 0";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            tokens.InsertAfter( 17, "// comment" );
            result = tokens.ToString( 12, 18 );
            expecting = "2 * 0;// comment";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );

            result = tokens.ToString( 0, 8 ); // try again after insert at end
            expecting = "x = 0";
            Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #50
        public virtual GrammarRootAST ParseGrammar(string fileName)
                string file = fileName;
                if (!Path.IsPathRooted(file))
                    file = Path.Combine(inputDirectory, fileName);

                string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(file, Encoding.GetEncoding(grammarEncoding));
                char[] fileChars = fileContent.ToCharArray();
                ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(fileChars, fileChars.Length, fileName);
                GrammarRootAST t = Parse(fileName, @in);
                return t;
            catch (IOException ioe)
                errMgr.ToolError(ErrorType.CANNOT_OPEN_FILE, ioe, fileName);
            return null;
Пример #51
 public void TestDropPrevCoveredInsert()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 1, "foo" );
     tokens.Replace( 1, 2, "foo" ); // kill prev insert
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "afoofoo";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #52
 public void TestReplaceSubsetThenFetch()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcccba" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, 4, "xyz" );
     string result = tokens.ToString( 0, 6 );
     string expecting = "abxyzba";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #53
 public void TestReplaceThenDeleteMiddleIndex()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 1, "x" );
     tokens.Delete( 1 );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "ac";
     assertEquals( expecting, result );
Пример #54
 public void TestReplaceThenReplaceSuperset()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcccba" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, 4, "xyz" );
     tokens.Replace( 3, 5, "foo" ); // overlaps, error
     Exception exc = null;
     catch ( ArgumentException iae )
         exc = iae;
     string expecting = "replace op boundaries of <ReplaceOp@[@3,3:3='c',<6>,1:3]..[@5,5:5='b',<5>,1:5]:\"foo\"> overlap with previous <ReplaceOp@[@2,2:2='c',<6>,1:2]..[@4,4:4='c',<6>,1:4]:\"xyz\">";
     Assert.IsNotNull( exc );
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, exc.Message );
Пример #55
 public void Test2InsertThenReplaceIndex0()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 0, "x" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 0, "y" );
     tokens.Replace( 0, "z" );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "zbc";
     assertEquals( expecting, result );
Пример #56
 public void TestReplaceThenInsertAfterLastIndex()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, "x" );
     tokens.InsertAfter( 2, "y" );
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "abxy";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );
Пример #57
 internal static expr ParseExprFromString(string str)
         var input = new Antlr.Runtime.ANTLRStringStream(str);
         var lexer = new bekLexer(input);
         var tokens = new Antlr.Runtime.CommonTokenStream(lexer);
         var parser = new bekParser(tokens);
         return parser.Comp_expr();
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.MismatchedTokenException e)
         string tok = (e.Token != null ? "'" + e.Token.Text + "'" : (e.Character >= 0 ? Microsoft.Automata.StringUtility.Escape((char)e.Character) : ""));
         string msg = "unexpected token " + tok;
         if (tok != "" && 0 <= e.Expecting && e.Expecting < ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames.Length)
             msg += string.Format(" expecting {0}", ParserImpl.bekParser.tokenNames[e.Expecting]);
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.FailedPredicateException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' failed {1}", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()), e.PredicateText);
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.NoViableAltException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}' no alternatives", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (Antlr.Runtime.RecognitionException e)
         string msg = string.Format("unexpected '{0}'", (e.Token != null ? e.Token.Text : ((char)e.Character).ToString()));
         throw new BekParseException(e.Line, e.CharPositionInLine, msg);
     catch (BekParseException e)
         throw e;
     catch (Exception e)
         throw new BekParseException(1, 1, e.Message);
Пример #58
 public void TestReplaceThenReplaceSuperset()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abcccba" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 2, 4, "xyz" );
     tokens.Replace( 3, 5, "foo" ); // overlaps, error
     Exception exc = null;
     catch ( ArgumentException iae )
         exc = iae;
     string expecting = "replace op boundaries of <[email protected]:\"foo\"> overlap with previous <[email protected]:\"xyz\">";
     assertNotNull( exc );
     assertEquals( expecting, exc.Message );
Пример #59
         * Try current dir then dir of g then lib dir
         * @param g
         * @param nameNode The node associated with the imported grammar name.
        public virtual Grammar LoadImportedGrammar(Grammar g, GrammarAST nameNode)
            string name = nameNode.Text;
            Grammar imported;
            if (!importedGrammars.TryGetValue(name, out imported) || imported == null)
                g.tool.Log("grammar", "load " + name + " from " + g.fileName);
                string importedFile = null;
                foreach (string extension in ALL_GRAMMAR_EXTENSIONS)
                    importedFile = GetImportedGrammarFile(g, name + extension);
                    if (importedFile != null)

                if (importedFile == null)
                    errMgr.GrammarError(ErrorType.CANNOT_FIND_IMPORTED_GRAMMAR, g.fileName, nameNode.Token, name);
                    return null;

                string absolutePath = Path.GetFullPath(importedFile);
                string fileContent = File.ReadAllText(absolutePath, Encoding.GetEncoding(grammarEncoding));
                char[] fileChars = fileContent.ToCharArray();
                ANTLRStringStream @in = new ANTLRStringStream(fileChars, fileChars.Length, importedFile);
                GrammarRootAST root = Parse(g.fileName, @in);
                if (root == null)
                    return null;

                imported = CreateGrammar(root);
                imported.fileName = absolutePath;
                importedGrammars[root.GetGrammarName()] = imported;

            return imported;
Пример #60
 public void TestCombineInsertOnLeftWithReplace()
     Grammar g = new Grammar(
         "lexer grammar t;\n" +
         "A : 'a';\n" +
         "B : 'b';\n" +
         "C : 'c';\n" );
     ICharStream input = new ANTLRStringStream( "abc" );
     Interpreter lexEngine = new Interpreter( g, input );
     TokenRewriteStream tokens = new TokenRewriteStream( lexEngine );
     tokens.Replace( 0, 2, "foo" );
     tokens.InsertBefore( 0, "z" ); // combine with left edge of rewrite
     string result = tokens.ToString();
     string expecting = "zfoo";
     Assert.AreEqual( expecting, result );