public void Trim() { using (session.BeginTransaction()) { AnotherEntity ae1 = new AnotherEntity { Input = " hi " }; AnotherEntity ae2 = new AnotherEntity { Input = "hi" }; AnotherEntity ae3 = new AnotherEntity { Input = "heh" }; session.Save(ae1); session.Save(ae2); session.Save(ae3); session.Flush(); Assert.AreEqual(2, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.Trim() == "hi").Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.TrimEnd() == " hi").Count()); // Emulated trim does not support multiple trim characters, but for many databases it should work fine anyways. Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.Trim('h') == "e").Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.TrimStart('h') == "eh").Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.TrimEnd('h') == "he").Count()); // Let it rollback to get rid of temporary changes. } }
public void Trim() { using (session.BeginTransaction()) { AnotherEntity ae1 = new AnotherEntity { Input = " hi " }; AnotherEntity ae2 = new AnotherEntity { Input = "hi" }; AnotherEntity ae3 = new AnotherEntity { Input = "heh" }; session.Save(ae1); session.Save(ae2); session.Save(ae3); session.Flush(); Assert.AreEqual(2, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.Trim() == "hi")); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.TrimEnd() == " hi")); // Emulated trim does not support multiple trim characters, but for many databases it should work fine anyways. Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.Trim('h') == "e")); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.TrimStart('h') == "eh")); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.TrimEnd('h') == "he")); // Check when passed as array // (the single character parameter is a new overload in .netcoreapp2.0, but not net461 or .netstandard2.0). Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.Trim(new [] { 'h' }) == "e")); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.TrimStart(new[] { 'h' }) == "eh")); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Count(e => e.Input.TrimEnd(new[] { 'h' }) == "he")); // Let it rollback to get rid of temporary changes. } }
public JsonConverterTests() { _converter = new JilJsonConverter(); _id = Guid.NewGuid(); _description = "xxx"; _entityToSerialize = new AnotherEntity {Id = _id,Description = _description}; }
public JsonConverterTests() { _converter = new JilJsonConverter(); _id = DateTime.Now.Ticks; _description = "xxx"; _entityToSerialize = new AnotherEntity {Id = _id,Description = _description}; }
public void SomeOperation(AnotherEntityId id) { AnotherEntity entity = _anotherEntityRepository.GetById(id); entity.SomeLogic(); _anotherEntityRepository.Update(entity); }
public void SetUp() { _simpleEntity = new SimpleEntity(); _anotherEntity = new AnotherEntity(); _compoundEntity = new CompoundEntity(); }
public JsonConverterTests() { _converter = new JilJsonConverter(); _id = Guid.NewGuid(); _description = "xxx"; _entityToSerialize = new AnotherEntity { Id = _id, Description = _description }; }
protected override void Seed(ThingieContext context) { var entity1 = new AThingAsEntity("This is MY thing", 42, "That is the meaning of life"); var entity2 = new AnotherEntity { Id = 41 }; entity1.Relationship = entity2; context.Things.Add(entity1); context.Another.Add(entity2); base.Seed(context); }
public CompoundEntity Create(DateTime date, SimpleEntity simpleEntity, AnotherEntity anotherEntity, decimal a, decimal b) { var compoundEntity = new CompoundEntity(); compoundEntity.Date = date; compoundEntity.SimpleEntity = simpleEntity; compoundEntity.AnotherEntity = anotherEntity; compoundEntity.B = b; compoundEntity.A = a; return(compoundEntity); }
public void an_exception_is_thrown_if_id_null() { var metadataFactory = new AttributeMetadataFactory(new NullLogger()); var queryExecutorFactory = new Mock <IQueryExecutorFactory>(); var repositoryFactory = new Mock <IRepositoryFactory>(); var stateTracker = new EntityStateCache(); var proxyFactory = new DynamicProxyFactory(metadataFactory, new NullLogger()); using (var session = new GraphSession(new UnitOfWork(stateTracker), new List <IListener>(), queryExecutorFactory.Object, repositoryFactory.Object, stateTracker, proxyFactory)) { Assert.Throws <PropertyNotSetException>(() => { var factory = new DynamicProxyFactory(metadataFactory, new NullLogger()); var notSet = new AnotherEntity(); factory.Create(notSet, session); }); } }
public void CompositeProperty() { AnotherEntity e1 = new AnotherEntity() { Name = "2", Entity = new AnEntity() { Name = "Test1" } }; AnotherEntity e2 = new AnotherEntity() { Name = "2", Entity = new AnEntity() { Name = "Test2" } }; ObjectComparer comparer = new ObjectComparer(); var res = comparer.FindDifferencies(e1, e2); Assert.That(res[0], Text.Contains("Entity.Name")); }
public void Trim() { List <int> idsToDelete = new List <int>(); try { AnotherEntity ae1 = new AnotherEntity { Input = " hi " }; AnotherEntity ae2 = new AnotherEntity { Input = "hi" }; AnotherEntity ae3 = new AnotherEntity { Input = "heh" }; session.Save(ae1); idsToDelete.Add(ae1.Id); session.Save(ae2); idsToDelete.Add(ae2.Id); session.Save(ae3); idsToDelete.Add(ae3.Id); session.Flush(); Assert.AreEqual(2, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.Trim() == "hi").Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.TrimEnd() == " hi").Count()); // Emulated trim does not support multiple trim characters, but for many databases it should work fine anyways. Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.Trim('h') == "e").Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.TrimStart('h') == "eh").Count()); Assert.AreEqual(1, session.Query <AnotherEntity>().Where(e => e.Input.TrimEnd('h') == "he").Count()); } finally { foreach (int idToDelete in idsToDelete) { session.Delete(session.Get <AnotherEntity>(idToDelete)); } session.Flush(); } }
private string Key(AnotherEntity e) { return("Input=" + (e.Input ?? "NULL") + ", Output=" + (e.Output ?? "NULL")); }
public void Test_Ef_Inheritance() { var guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var evs = new List <EntityFrameworkEvent>(); Audit.Core.Configuration.Setup().UseDynamicProvider(x => x.OnInsertAndReplace(ev => { evs.Add(ev.GetEntityFrameworkEvent()); })); using (DataBaseContext dbContext = new DataBaseContext()) { dbContext.Database.Initialize(false); } int id; using (DataBaseContext context = new DataBaseContext()) { var another = new AnotherEntity(); another.AnotherColumn = guid; context.AnotherEntities.Add(another); context.SaveChanges(); DBEntity ent = new DBEntity(); ent.Name = "Base"; ent.Name2 = "Inherited"; ent.Ticks = 123; ent.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5); context.Entities.Add(ent); context.SaveChanges(); id = ent.ID; } using (DataBaseContext context = new DataBaseContext()) { DBEntityBase bse = context.Entities.First(x => x.ID == id); if (!(bse is DBEntity)) { throw new Exception("1"); } DBEntity ent = (DBEntity)bse; ent.Name = "Base 2"; ent.Name2 = "Inherited 2"; ent.Ticks = 456; ent.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10); context.SaveChanges(); } using (DataBaseContext context = new DataBaseContext()) { DBEntityBase bse = context.Entities.First(x => x.ID == id); context.Entities.Remove(bse); context.SaveChanges(); } // add another, add, update, delete Assert.AreEqual(4, evs.Count); Assert.AreEqual("Insert", evs[0].Entries[0].Action); Assert.AreEqual("Another", evs[0].Entries[0].Table); Assert.AreEqual(guid, (evs[0].Entries[0].Entity as dynamic).AnotherColumn); Assert.AreEqual("Insert", evs[1].Entries[0].Action); Assert.AreEqual("Entities", evs[1].Entries[0].Table); Assert.AreEqual("Inherited", (evs[1].Entries[0].Entity as dynamic).Name2); Assert.AreEqual("Update", evs[2].Entries[0].Action); Assert.AreEqual("Entities", evs[2].Entries[0].Table); Assert.AreEqual(4, evs[2].Entries[0].Changes.Count); Assert.IsTrue(evs[2].Entries[0].Changes.Any(ch => ch.ColumnName == "Timeout" && ((TimeSpan)ch.OriginalValue) == TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5) && ((TimeSpan)ch.NewValue) == TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10))); Assert.IsFalse(evs[2].Entries[0].Changes.Any(ch => ch.ColumnName == null)); Assert.AreEqual("Inherited 2", (evs[2].Entries[0].Entity as dynamic).Name2); Assert.AreEqual("Delete", evs[3].Entries[0].Action); }
public void Update(AnotherEntity entity) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }